Round 1 Bonuses - Edited - High School Quizbowl Packet Archive

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UMR Fall Tournament – December 1, 2007
Round One - Bonuses
1. Tracy is an avid collector of Yu-Gi-Oh game cards and presently has 43 of the 160 in the latest
expansion. Answer the following FTPE.
A. If Tracy is guaranteed to get between 2 and 5 new cards in every pack of 10 that he buys what
is the minimum number of packs he will have to buy.
A. 24
B. Tracy actually had to buy a total of 39 packs. How many new cards did Tracy receive on
average from each pack?
B. 3
C. How many duplicate cards did Tracy receive in his 39 packs?
C. 273
2. Answer the following about the life and times of William the Conqueror for ten points each.
A. William's victory over the Anglo-Saxon forces was cemented at this battle that took place on
October 14, 1066.
A. Battle of Hastings
B. This last Anglo-Saxon King of England was killed at the Battle of Hastings.
B. Harold II of England or Harold Godwinson
C. Among William's accomplishments as king is this book, the record of the survey of England
that he ordered.
C. Domesday Book or Book of Winchester
3. He “should have been a pair of ragged claws/Scuttling across the floors of silent seas.” For ten
points each:
A. Name this character who muses, “In the room the women come and go/Talking of
Michelangelo” in his “love song.”
A. J. Alfred Prufrock
B. This author of “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” also informed us that the world ends
“not with a bang but a whimper” in his “The Hollow Men.”
B. Thomas Stearns Eliot
C. Perhaps Eliot’s best known poem is this one which begins “April is the cruelest month” and
has five sections with titles such as “The Burial of the Dead,” “A Game of Chess,” and “What
the Thunder Said.”
C. “The Waste Land”
4. Answer the following about the 2007 hurricane season FTPE.
A. This hurricane became the first to make landfall as a Category 5 in 15 years when it struck the
Yucatan Peninsula in August.
A. Hurricane Dean
B. Less than a month later, this second Category 5 struck Nicaragua and Honduras.
B. Hurricane Felix
C. This hurricane was the first to strike the United States since Wilma in 2005 when it struck
southeast Texas. Its rapid intensification was the fastest on record.
C. Hurricane Humberto
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5. Answer these questions about the nervous system FTPE.
A. The squid was chosen to observe this part of the nerve cell, mostly because it has some that
are over 1mm long. These projections carry impulses away from a neuron.
A. Axon
B. Axons are coated in this electrically insulating phospholipids layer
B. Myelin sheath
C. Each nerve cell has one axon, but many of these that are used to receive signals
C. Dendrite
6. Given characters from an American novel, name the novel for ten points each. If you need the
novel’s author, you will receive five points.
A. (10) Mrs. Grose, Miss Jessel, Flora and Miles
(5) Henry James
A. The Turn of the Screw
B. (10) Clarisse McClellan, Guy Montag
(5) Ray Bradbury
B. Fahrenheit 451
C. (10) Dean Moriarty, Sal Paradise
(5) Jack Kerouac
C. On the Road
7. FTPE, name the body of water the following US cities are located on or near.
A. Seattle, Washington can be found on this sound.
A. Puget Sound
B. This is the largest river flowing through Albuquerque, New Mexico
B. Rio Grande
C. Idaho Falls, Idaho lies on this river.
C. Snake River
8. 5 points for one, 10 for two, 20 for three, or 30 for all four, given a mythological entity,
identify the culture in whose mythology the entity can be found.
A. Cerberus
A. Greek Mythology
B. Tiamat
B. Babylonian Mythology
C. Odin
C. Norse Mythology
D. Rhiannon
D. Welsh Mythology
9. FTPE, name the strongest type of bond in the following compounds.
A. Aluminum iodide
A. Ionic Bonding
B. Phosphate
B. Covalent Bonding
C. Hydrofluoric Acid
C. Hydrogen Bonding
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10. The British began their attack under cover of darkness and heavy fog but didn’t have
equipment to cross a canal or scale earthworks, leaving them easy targets as the fog lifted. FTPE,
answer the following.
A. This was the primary offensive attack of what final battle of the War of 1812?
A. Battle of New Orleans
B. This future president led American troops at the Battle of New Orleans
B. Andrew Jackson
C. This British general was killed in the battle.
C. Edward Pakenham
11. Identify these American playwrights for ten points each.
A. Fences and The Piano Lesson are two of the ten plays in this American playwright’s
Pittsburgh Cycle, each of which are set in a different decade in the 20th century.
A. August Wilson
B. He wrote Lost in Yonkers and Biloxi Blues after creating Felix Ungar and Oscar Madison in
The Odd Couple.
B. (Marvin) Neil Simon
C. This American’s first play was The Zoo Story but is better known today for Who’s Afraid of
Virginia Woolf?
C. Edward Franklin Albee III
12. They are composed of long molecular chain with repeating structural units. For 15 points
each, answer the following.
A. Plastics, DNA, and proteins are common examples of this substance first studied by Henri
A. Polymer
B. This point on the temperature scale is not defined for polymers as they will decompose before
reaching such high temperatures.
B. Boiling point
13. Identify the following concerning Major League Baseball home run records for ten points
A. In 2001, Barry Bonds hit this many home runs, breaking Mark McGwire's record of 70.
A. 73
B. Bonds his his 756th career home run in 2007, breaking this man's record.
B. Henry (Hank) Aaron
C. Another 2007 feat was this man's hitting his 500th career home run. He became the fastest
player to ever reach the 500 home run plateau.
C. Alex Rodriguez (grudgingly accept A-Rod)
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14. FTPE, name these battles from the Pacific Theatre of Would War II.
A. This June 1942 battle saw the devastation of 200 Japanese Pilots and most of the Navy.
A. Battle of Midway
B. This August 1942 battle was used to set up an American base in the Solomon Islands.
B. Battle of Guadalcanal
C. This battle in early 1945 lasted over three months and was the largest amphibious assault in
the Asian part of Would War II.
C. Battle of Okinawa
15. If you have a line and a point, then there exists one, and only one, line that goes through that
point that will never cross the line. FTPE, answer the following.
A. What name is given to this statement?
A. Parallel Line Postulate (accept clear-knowledge equivalents, also accept
Euclid's 5th Postulate, but don't mention that yet)
B. Who proposed the parallel line postulate?
B. Euclid
C. Euclid main body of work appeared in these 13 books around 300 B.C.
C. Elements
16. The two countries in this conflict both wanted to claim Manchuria and Korea. FTPE:
A. Name this 1904-1905 war.
A. Russo-Japanese War
B. This treaty ended the Russo-Japanese War.
B. Treaty of Portsmouth
C. This President won a Nobel Peace Prize for helping to negotiate the end of the war.
C. Theodore Roosevelt (prompt on Roosevelt)
17. Identify the following painters from a description of their works for ten points each.
A. Set during 1759's Battle of Quebec, a crowd of people including a lone Native American look
on during the title action in this man's The Death of General Wolfe.
A. Benjamin West
B. Not to be confused with a triptych by Bosch, a dog looks on as men ford a stream with a
wagon in this man's The Hay-Wain.
B. John Constable
C. This man's other works include Mr and Mrs Andrews, but is best known for a portrait of a
man thought to be Jonathan Buttall in the titular color, The Blue Boy.
C. Thomas Gainsborough
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18. When you can’t come up with an idea for a new show what do you do? Just remake an old
one with new people. Answer the following about remade 70’s sci-fi shows.
A. This BBC production seen on the Sci-Fi channel and some PBS stations is about the exploits
of the title character traveling through time in his Tardis.
A. Dr. Who
B. Another Sci-Fi channel show this one features evil robots that can look like humans, the
Cylons, bent on killing all mankind.
B. Battlestar Galactica
C. It’s not just cable, NBC has remade this show as well about Jaime Sommers, saved from death
by experimental medical implants that make her surprisingly strong.
C. Bionic Woman
19. Weird animals, FTPE.
A. This is the order that contains egg-laying mammals such as the platypus and echidna.
A. Monotreme or Monotremata
B. The diet of these marsupials consists almost entirely of eucalyptus leaves.
B. Koala
C. Living deep enough that no light can reach it, this creature uses bioluminescence to attract its
C. Anglerfish
20. Identify these titular Charles Dickens characters for ten points each.
A. This orphan famously asks for another portion of gruel and later meets the Artful Dodger on
his way to London.
A. Oliver Twist
B. His stepfather Mr. Murdstone sends him to work in a factory, and he is hated by clerk Uriah
B. David Copperfield
C. His Uncle Ralph dislikes this ideal title character, who temporarily tutors at Wackford
Squeers’ boarding school.
C. Nicholas Nickelby
21. Given the title of a work, state whether it is a ballet, concerto, opera, sonata, or symphony,
A. F10P—Beethoven’s Schicksal or “Fate”
B. F5P—Vivaldi’s La stravaganza.
C. F15P—Petrushka