Novemeber 14, 2011 - California State University, Long Beach

GEGC Agenda – November 14, 2011
California State University, Long Beach
General Education Governing Committee
November 14, 2011
2:00 – 4:00 p.m. -- Academic Senate Conference Room, AS-112
Please notify a member of the GEGC Executive Committee ( or if you are unable to attend.
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes: October 24, 2011 GEGC Minutes
IV. Announcements
 Thank you to Connie Ireland for taking GEGC Minutes on October 24.
 Need a Secretary for the November 14 meeting, any volunteers?
 Reminder: Most GEGC business is conducted electronically via BeachBoard. Please
bring your laptops or print material for meetings.
V. New Business
1. Proposed amendment to PS 00-08, Section 8, Capstone courses.
a. Posted on BeachBoard
VI. Unfinished Business
1. Time Certain: 2:15pm / GEOG 375 Sacred Geographies (3)
 Tabled October 24, 2011.
 New course to General Education.
 Request for Social and Behavioral Sciences (D.2).
 Request for Self-Integration (E).
 See GEGC 10/24/2011 Minutes for discussion.
2. Time Certain: 2:30pm / AIS 485 American Indians and the Law (3)
 Tabled October 24, 2011.
 New course to General Education.
 Request for Capstone – Advanced Skills.
 Request for Human Diversity.
 See GEGC 10/24/2011 Minutes for discussion.
VII. Course Review
1. DESN 110 Foundation Design History (3)
 Posted on BeachBoard / GE Course Proposals for AY 2011-12
 New Course to General Education
GEGC Agenda – November 14, 2011
Request for the Arts (C.1.)
2. HEBW 101A Modern Hebrew
 Posted on BeachBoard / GE Course Proposals for AY 2011-12
 New to General Education
 Request for Humanities (C.2.c)
3. HEBW 101B Modern Hebrew (3)
 Posted on BeachBoard / GE Course Proposals for AY 2011-12
 New to General Education
 Request for Humanities (C.2.c)
4. CE 406 Project Cost-Benefits Analysis (3)
 Posted on BeachBoard / GE Course Proposals AY 2011-12
 Reviewed Spring 2011 by GEGC, Referred back to the Dept for revision.
 New to General Education
 Request for Social and Behavioral Sciences (D.2)
5. Human Diversity CCC Transfer Equivalency
a. Citrus Community College – SOC 118 Minorities in America (3)
 Posted on BeachBoard / HD Transfer Courses
 Consideration for Human Diversity CCC transfer equivalency @ CSULB.
b. Coastline Community College – HIST 155 The American West (3)
 Posted on BeachBoard / HD Transfer Courses
 Consideration for Human Diversity CCC transfer equivalency @ CSULB.
c. To be Reviewed on 11/28/2011 for CCC HD Transfer
Cypress College – Ethnic Studies 100C American Ethnic Studies (3)
 Posted on BeachBoard / HD Transfer Courses
 Consideration for Human Diversity CCC transfer equivalency @ CSULB.
East Los Angeles College – SOC 11 Race and Ethnic Relations (3)
 Posted on BeachBoard / HD Transfer Courses
 Consideration for Human Diversity CCC transfer equivalency @ CSULB.
El Camino College Compton Center – Ethnic Studies 1 Introduction to Ethnic
Studies (3)
 Posted on BeachBoard / HD Transfer Courses
 Consideration for Human Diversity CCC transfer equivalency @ CSULB.
Los Angeles Harbor College – English 219 Literature of American Ethnic
Groups (3)
GEGC Agenda – November 14, 2011
Posted on BeachBoard / HD Transfer Courses
Consideration for Human Diversity CCC transfer equivalency @ CSULB.
Long Beach City College – MUSIC 35 Music of Multicultural America (3)
 Posted on BeachBoard / HD Transfer Courses
 Consideration for Human Diversity CCC transfer equivalency @ CSULB.
Orange Coast College – Ethnic Studies A100 Contemporary Ethnic America (3)
 Posted on BeachBoard / HD Transfer Courses
 Consideration for Human Diversity CCC transfer equivalency @ CSULB.
Orange Coast College – Ethnic Studies A150 Ethnic Groups of the U.S., Their
Histories (3)
 Posted on BeachBoard / HD Transfer Courses
 Consideration for Human Diversity CCC transfer equivalency @ CSULB.
Orange Coast College – Ethnic Studies A190 The Ethnic Family (3)
 Posted on BeachBoard / HD Transfer Courses
 Consideration for Human Diversity CCC transfer equivalency @ CSULB.
Riverside Community College – MUSIC 89 Music of Multicultural America (3)
 Posted on BeachBoard / HD Transfer Courses
 Consideration for Human Diversity CCC transfer equivalency @ CSULB.
VIII. GEGC Question and Answer
IX. Adjournment
X. Future Agenda / Discussion Items
Course Reviews
Department Course Profiles
Department GE Assessment Model
PS 08-00 / Human Diversity Definition
Curriculum Handbook
Hybrid Courses