suffolk board of womens` basketball officials

October 25, 2008 - Saxton Middle High School * Test Meeting
Call to Order - President Guise
Pledge of Allegiance - President Guise
Moment of Reflection – for Jack Sexton and our hero's who are DEFENDING
OUR FREEDOM around the world
Secretary's Report - as printed supplied by Sec.-Treas. – Jeff Fried
Treasurer's Report - as printed supplied by Sec.-Treas. Fried
Don Webster, Assistant Director, Section XI
Any correspondence can be sent to
Old Business:
- Website
A. Rule Books still available for $10.
From the Floor
New Business:
A. Use the NEW web site –
B. Next Meeting 1/12/11 at Sagamore MS, for all members and candidates.
Modified rules and interpretations.
C. Dues are due on or before March 1, 2011 ,$100 for next year, as per our bylaws. If they are received after that the payment is $150. April 1, requires a
letter sent to Jim Guise and the board will discuss a re-instatement after
further appropriate action. The new candidate’s dues on or before April 30.
D. Test NOT in on time, October 24 or failure - NO SCHEDULES
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E. Suffolk 100 – is the weekend of November 6 & 7, at Suffolk Community
College. Everyone must attend once every 3 yrs or it goes to ethics. See Ed
Lee, he is compiling the list of those who haven’t attended Don’t wait to the
last minute or making him chase you or even worse, be sent to ethics for not
fulfilling the by-laws. If you are going to work contact Ed Lee
F. 3 PERSON MECHANICS – All JV member and above must attend the 3
person mechanics session, tonight and next year, plus do 3 non paid
scrimmage for 2 years for NYS certification If you wish to get certifies you
get 3 person at your scrimmage or it doesn’t count. That is YOUR
G. Please contact Jeff Fried, if there are any changes in your personal
information. Especially after the season starts. Please do this by E mail only.
H. Scrimmage schedule will be posted as soon as the Coaches’ Association sends
it to us. Please take some of this scrimmage to get ready for the season. are at
front entrance to the meeting. Remember do not take any non paid scrimmage,
except from us or it an Ethics Violation.
I. When you get your schedule and you think that something is wrong, contact
Jim Guise right away, with all the facts that you have. If the problem involves
you not having enough games, keep Jim informed as the season progresses. If
you wait until the end of the season there is very little he can do at that point.
J. From the Floor
How to handle bad behavior by parents or fans
Section XI
A. Turn backs on Weekends or when office is closed, Call Ed
Cinelli, Don Webster or Jim Guise in that order. The numbers
will be listed on the website . Make sure you leave a message
B. Availabilities - Those who do not turned them in – NO
SCHEDULES We still have a few. They are working on
the schedules this week. . Keep in touch with Beth,
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C. Ejection's or "T" on Coach - Write a preliminary report to Don Webster at Follow up with a phone call the next morning.
“Ejection” for anyone, call Don first, then Jim Guise
“T” on coach, call Don, then me
“T” on a player, call Jim Guise
D. Facilities call Jim Guise - IMPORTANT for CONTRACT
E. The new contract is on the Section XI web site -
F. Get schedule back to Section XI, right away; don’t make them contact Jim
Guise because you might find your schedule gone. Also, please make sure
they got it back, by following it up with a phone call Fees this year are:
Varsity - $115 JV - $96 JH - $78.50 (5 PERIODS - $94.20)
G. Executive Board meeting to follow
H. From the Floor
Make up Interpretation following immediately, right here
see Jim after the meeting:
3 and 2 person mechanics ~ Chuck thanks Kerri and Bob, College Officials