Antelope Family Dentistry Vimal Dulabh, D.D.S., Inc. PATIENT INFORMATION Date:_____________ Home Phone:____________________ Cell:____________________ Work:_________________ X__________ Name:_________________________________________________ ______________________ __ SSN:_______________________________ Address:______________________________________________ ST:___________ ZIP:________________ Last Name Street Sex M F First Name MI Apt # Age:______ Birthdate:________________ Employer:_____________________________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION City:___________________ _ Drivers Lic:____________________ Single Married Divorced Separated Widowed Address:______________________________________________________ Name_____________________________ Phone #____________________________ Whom may we thank for referring you to our office? _______________________________________________________ E-Mail Address:__________________________________ ___________________________________________________ PRIMARY INSURANCE Person Responsible For Account: *Primary Insured / Or Responsible Party if NO Insurance* Patient Guardian Spouse Name: ____________________________________________________ Last Name First Name MI Father Mother Relationship to Patient: Self Spouse Child Other Address (If different from patient’s)_________________________________________________ Phone #____________________________ City _______________________________________________________ ST __________________ Zip________________________________ Insured SSN:__________________________ Work #:____________________________ Date of Birth:_____________________________ Insured Employer:_________________________________ Address:_________________________ City, St. Zip____________________ Insurance Company:_______________________ City, St. Zip____________________ Address:________________________ Insurance Phone #:________________________________ Group #_______________________________ ADDITIONAL INSURANCE *Is patient covered by additional insurance?* Name: ____________________________________________________ Last Name First Name MI Relationship to Patient: Self Spouse Child Other Address (If different from patient’s)_________________________________________________ Phone #____________________________ City _______________________________________________________ ST __________________ Zip________________________________ Insured SSN:__________________________ Work #:____________________________ Date of Birth:_____________________________ Insured Employer:_________________________________ Address:_________________________ City, St. Zip____________________ Insurance Company:_______________________ City, St. Zip____________________ Address:________________________ Insurance Phone #:________________________________ Group #_______________________________ DENTAL HISTORY Reason for Today’s Visit: _______________________________________ Date of last dental care: _________________________________ Former Dentist:_______________________________________________ Phone #:_____________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Check if you have had problems with any of the following: Bad Breath Loose Teeth or broken fillings Food collection between teeth Grinding Teeth Clicking or popping jaw Sores or growths in your mouth How often do you floss?_________________________________________ Sensitivity to hot Sensitivity to cold Sensitivity to sweets Bleeding gums Periodontal treatment Sensitivity to pressure How often do you brush?_______________________________ MEDICAL HISTORY Although dental personnel primarily treat the area in and around your mouth, your mouth is a part of your entire body. Health problems that you may have, or medication you may be taking, could have an important interrelationship with the dentistry you will receive. Thank you for answering the following questions. Physician’s Name:___________________________________________ Date of last visit?:________________________________________ Are you under physician’s care now? YES NO N/A__________________________________________ Have you ever been hospitalized or had a major operation? YES NO N/A__________________________________________ Have you ever had a serious head or neck injury? YES NO N/A__________________________________________ Are you taking any medications, pills, or drugs? YES NO N/A__________________________________________ Do you take, or have you taken, Phen-Fen or Redux? YES NO N/A__________________________________________ Are you on a special diet? YES NO N/A__________________________________________ Do you use tobacco? YES NO Do you use controlled substances? WOMEN: Are you Pregnant/Trying to get pregnant? Nursing? YES NO Taking Birth Control? ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO ANY OF THE FOLLOWING? Aspirin Penicillin Codeine Acrylic Metal Latex Local Anesthetics Other_____________________ DO YOU HAVE, OR HAVE YOU HAD, ANY OF THE FOLLOWING? AIDS/HIV Positive Alzheimer’s Disease Anaphylaxis Anemia Angina Arthritis/Gout Artificial Heart Valve** Artificial Joint** Asthma Blood Disease Blood Transfusion Breathing Problem Bruise Easily Cancer Chemotherapy Chest Pains Cold Sores/Fever Blisters Congenital Heart Disorder Convulsions Cortisone Medicine Diabetes Drug Addiction Easily Winded Emphysema Epilepsy or Seizures Excessive Bleeding Excessive Thirst Fainting Spells/Dizziness Frequent Cough Frequent Diarrhea Have you ever had any serious illness not listed above? Frequent Headaches Genital Herpes Glaucoma Hay Fever Heart Attack/Failure Heart Murmur** Heart Pace Maker** Heart Trouble/Disease Hemophilia Hepatitis A Hepatitis B or C Herpes High Blood Pressure Hives or Rash Hypoglycemia YES NO Irregular Heartbeat Kidney Problems Leukemia Liver Disease Low Blood Pressure Lung Disease Mitral Valve Prolapse** Pain in Jaw Joints Parathyroid Disease Psychiatric Care Radiation Treatments Recent Weight Loss Renal Dialysis Rheumatic Fever** Rheumatism Scarlet Fever Shingles Sickle Cell Disease Sinus Trouble Spina Bifida Stomach/Intestinal Disease Stroke Swelling of Limbs Thyroid Disease Tonsillitis Tuberculosis Tumors or Growths Ulcers Venereal Disease Yellow Jaundice N/A __________________________________________ COMMENTS:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AUTHORIZATION I certify that I, and/or my dependent(s), have insurance coverage with ______________________________________ and assign directly to Name of Insurance Company(ies) Vimal Dulabh, D.D.S., Inc., all insurance benefits, if any, otherwise payable to me for services rendered. I understand that I am financially responsible for all charges whether or not paid by insurance. I authorize the use of my signature on all insurance submissions. The above-named dentist may use my health care information and may disclose such information to the above-named Insurance Company(ies) and their agents for the purpose of obtaining payment for services and determining insurance benefits or the benefits payable for related services. This consent will end when my current treatment plan is completed or one year from the date signed below. _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Please print name of Patient, Parent, Guardian or Personal Representative ____________________________________________ Relationship to Patient Signature of Patient, Parent, Guardian or Personal Representative Date PAYMENT IS DUE IN FULL AT TIME OF TREATMENT UNLESS PRIOR ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN APPROVED.