Fairfax County Determining Multifamily Residential Development Parking Demand and Trip Generation in Urbanizing Suburban Activity Centers; Lets Not Overpark Provide a brief project description (1-3 sentences): As the line between urban and suburban areas of Fairfax County have blurred, it has become increasingly difficult to plan necessary parking supplies, and to understand the number of trips generated, for and by multi-family residential developments in our urbanizing suburban activity centers. This study would analyze parking demand and trip generation at 10 multi-family developments around Fairfax County, broken down into the following three categories: 1-Sites located within 1/4 mile of Metrorail, 2-Sites located within 1/4 mile of 2 or more bus transit routes, and 3-Sites located within 1/4 mile of 1 or no bus transit routes. The results of this analysis will help Fairfax County update the zoning ordinance with regards to parking requirements for multi-family residential developments, likely reducing the construction of unnecessary parking, as well as better understand the number of trips generated by these developments to better mitigate their impacts. Describe the final product that will result from this project (1-2 sentences): The final product that will result from this project will be a technical report, summarizing the findings of the study, along with recommendations to adjust parking requirements and anticipated trip generation rates for multi-family residential developments in Fairfax County. Explain what linkages the project creates between agencies or jurisdictions (1-2 sentences): Internal to Fairfax County, a reduction in parking ratios and a better understand of trip generation creates a linkage between agencies involved in the development and enforcement of parking supplies and projects to mitigate traffic impacts, namely the Fairfax County Department of Transportation, the Fairfax County Department of Planning and Zoning and the Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services among others. The difficulty in determining an appropriate parking supply, and to understand trip generation, for and by multifamily residential developments in urbanizing suburban activity centers is a problem that’s experienced in comparably urbanizing suburban communities in the DC Metro region, namely Montgomery County and Prince George’s County in Maryland. It is anticipated that this project will create similar internal linkages within these jurisdictions as well. Explain how the project will yield clearly defined implementation and funding priorities or next steps (1-2 sentences): The project will provide recommendations to adjust parking requirements for multi-family residential developments in Fairfax County that can directly be used as a basis to update the Fairfax County Zoning Ordinance with regards to parking requirements. The project will also produce trip generation rates that are specific to multi-family residential developments in Fairfax County. Once the study is complete, the next step would be to present the Final Report to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors so that its results can be immediately utilized to determine necessary mitigation to address trips generated by proposed developments and redevelopments of properties anticipated to contain multi-family residential uses. Project Not Located in/near Activity Center/Metro Station. Jurisdiction-wide project Project does not involve any of the 25 stations in the TCSP “Improving Pedestrian/Bicycle Access as Select Rail Stations” study. Explain what lessons-learned or models the project will provide for the region (1-3 sentences): As previously stated, Montgomery County and Prince George’s Counties, in Maryland, face these same challenges, with projects like the Pike & Rose development in Rockville, the Crown Development in Gaithersburg, or the Riverdale Park Station development in Riverdale. The Final Report created through this study can be utilized by these adjacent jurisdictions to adjust their own parking requirements and trip generation assumptions for comparably located multi-family residential developments, reducing the unnecessary construction of parking and roadways on a regional level. Explain how the project will support the future enhancement of the local transportation and land-use context. (1-3 sentences): The anticipated recommendation of this study, for a reduction in parking requirements for multifamily residential development, is likely to have a positive impact on the cost to construct multifamily residential developments in Fairfax County, further encouraging this land use type. Multifamily housing is a compact development pattern that limits environmental impacts, strengthens the desirability and demand for alternative modes of transportation and more efficiently utilizes transportation infrastructure than other types of residential development patterns. Further, the results of the study are also anticipated to show that multi-family residential developments in Fairfax County produce fewer trips than standard ITE trip generation rates might suggest, which will reduce the over engineering and construction of unnecessary transportation improvements and allow a more efficient use of existing infrastructure.