ANDERSON PUBLIC SCHOOL - Anderson School District Five

School District Number Five
Anderson, South Carolina
Graduation Coach
Master’s degree in education (certification in school
counseling preferred) from an accredited college university
and at least five years’ experience working in secondary
Successful experience working with at-risk students
Demonstrated working knowledge of appropriate strategies
for reducing behaviors that place students at risk of not
graduating from high school
Demonstrated ability to communicate (oral and written)
effectively with youth and adults
Demonstrated ability to analyze, develop, implement, and
track intervention plans and strategies
Experience with implementing intervention programs for
at-risk students
Demonstrated leadership ability
Participates in on-going professional development
REPORTS TO: High School Principal
JOB GOAL: Under the direction of the principal, the Graduation Coach will lead
Smaller Learning Communities (Legacy) intervention programs geared at helping all
students to complete high school and succeed in postsecondary education. This position
will be critical for reducing dropout rates; ensuring parent involvement in Individual
Graduation Plan development; reducing the achievement gaps for low-income and
minority students; and increasing students’ access to and enrollment in college
preparatory courses (such as AP and dual enrollment).
1. Analyzes data for individual students and student subgroups (state and national
standardized tests, retention and attendance records, parent and teacher conferences,
behavior issues, and credits earned) to determine students at risk for dropout
2. Collaborates with high school guidance staff to provide assistance to all students on
graduation and high school completion requirements
3. Develops and implements interventions (credit recovery, supplemental instruction,
tutoring, AVID, and LEGACY Bridge summer program) to increase the likelihood that atrisk students will graduate and succeed in postsecondary education
4. Collaborates with guidance staff to track students on Academic Assistance Plans and
ensure that all students “catch up” in reading, mathematics, and science by the end of 10th
5. Collaborates with high school guidance staff and feeder middle school(s) to develop
strategies to identify potential dropouts and to target middle school students at risk for
dropping out
6. Works with students to develop individual graduation and achievement plans to best
meet academic and postsecondary goals
7. Develops a “Graduation Team” for students identified at greatest risk of not graduating
that includes at least one administrator, two teachers, a counselor, and a school social
worker or representative from a local support or mentoring agency
8. Connects individual students and their parents with programs to help them learn how
to prepare for and attain postsecondary education goals, including AP preparation
9. Tracks the progress of students as they progress toward graduation
10. Identifies and links at-risk students and parents with area social agencies to ensure
students stay on track to graduate high school
11. Conducts an ongoing analysis of data regarding program effectiveness to include a
review of the interventions used for each at-risk student and the success rates for each
intervention and the numbers and percentages of at-risk students who met part or all of
their goals in their Student Assistance Plan
12. Performs other duties as assigned to support school-wide high school redesign
Teacher Salary Schedule as established by the Board
Performance of this job will be evaluated annually by the building