Web-Based Training Standards

Division of Judicial Education
Office of State Courts Administrator
Version 2 (June 26, 2007)
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Table of Content
Introduction ............................................................................................................ 3
1.1. What is WBT? .................................................................................................................................... 3
Roles and Responsibilities ........................................................................................................... 3
Development Process ............................................................................................ 5
2.1. Analysis.............................................................................................................................................. 7
Project Timeline (Appendix C-1) ......................................................................................... 7
Content Analysis (Appendix C-2) ........................................................................................ 7
Overall Course Goals .................................................................................................................. 7
Learner Profile ............................................................................................................................. 7
Pre-requisite Courses .................................................................................................................. 7
Content Outline ............................................................................................................................ 7
Learning Objectives & Resources ............................................................................................... 7
Evaluation: ET Review/SME Validation .............................................................................. 8
2.2. Design (Content Development) ......................................................................................................... 8
Content Development (Appendix C-3) ................................................................................ 8
Evaluation: SME Review/Course Content .......................................................................... 8
Instructional Design (Appendix C-4) ................................................................................... 8
Storyboard (Appendix C-5) ................................................................................................. 9
Evaluation: SME Review/Storyboard .................................................................................. 9
2.3. Development (Course Development) ................................................................................................ 9
Evaluation: SME Review/Weekly Status Report (Appendix C-6) .................................... 10
Evaluation: Functional / Quality Review ........................................................................... 10
2.4. Implementation (Pilot-Testing) ......................................................................................................... 10
2.5. Evaluation ........................................................................................................................................ 10
2.6. Final Course Activities ..................................................................................................................... 10
III. Course Structure .................................................................................................. 11
3.1. Course Main Structure ..................................................................................................................... 11
3.2. Course Content ................................................................................................................................ 11
JIS Procedure ................................................................................................................... 11
Summary ........................................................................................................................... 11
3.3. Check Your Knowledge (Pre-Test) .................................................................................................. 12
3.4. Check Your Learning (Post-Test) .................................................................................................... 12
Learner Mastery Level ...................................................................................................... 12
Feedback .......................................................................................................................... 13
3.5. Glossary ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Appendix A – Instructional Writing Styles ................................................................ 15
Appendix B – Design Specifications ......................................................................... 17
Appendix C - Templates ............................................................................................. 20
C-1. Project Timeline .............................................................................................................................. 20
C-2. Content Analysis ............................................................................................................................. 21
C-3. Content Development ..................................................................................................................... 22
C-4. Instructional Design ........................................................................................................................ 23
C-5. Storyboard....................................................................................................................................... 24
C-6. Project Weekly Status Report ......................................................................................................... 25
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1.1. What is WBT?
Web-based Training (WBT) is a form of computer-based training delivered over a public or private
network and accessed via the World Wide Web (WWW). Judicial Education’s WBT courses are delivered
through Judicial Education Web Learning System (JEWELS). JEWELS is accessed through the Missouri
Courts Website (http://www.courts.mo.gov), currently under Services – Judicial Education – JEWELS.
WBTs are designed around learning objectives or expected outcomes and content is presented in a
structure that allows self-directed, self-paced instruction for any topic. Media elements used are text,
graphics, audio, video or other animations. A course assessment is essential to measure learner
performance and course effectiveness.
WBT standards are necessary to ensure the consistency of training delivered to court staff and to
maintain the product integrity of courses delivered on JEWELS. WBT development requires significant
resources and Judicial Education strives to deliver effective training using sound instructional methods.
The underlying purpose of any Judicial Education WBT or e-learning project is to:
 Increase the quality, consistency, and availability of training
 Maximize content sharing and reuse
 Reduce classroom time by providing alternative training and prerequisite materials
 Increase training effectiveness through best practices or standards
Roles and Responsibilities
The following are roles and responsibilities of project collaborators and Judicial Education development
team during the process:
Court Services / OSCA Internal Clients
Project Sponsor
 Identify training need for OSCA or the
 Provide strategic direction for outcome of
the course/training
 Assign Subject Matter Experts (SME)
 Oversee SME activities with
development team
 Approve or delegate approval of course
objectives and the course
Judicial Education
Judicial Ed Division Director
 Judicial Ed Director can also act as a project
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Project Manager
 Responsible for the overall quality of the project
and overall management of Judicial Ed team
members – Education Technology Coordinator
 Develop project timelines and distribute project
 Analyze learning outcome goals and training
 Plan and manage resources for the project
 Coordinate all phases of development
 Lead communication and project liaison
 Guide the review and approval process
 Develop formative and course evaluation
 Conduct or direct final course implementation
Court Services / OSCA Internal Clients
Project Coordinator
 Manage and coordinate SME activities
with development team
 Communicate with Development
Coordinator for day-to-day activities
Judicial Education
Development Coordinator
 Responsible to project manager for day-to-day
production activities – Judicial Ed Team Lead
 Track development time
 Conduct or direct functional testing – including
LMS functional testing
 Track review comments and revision
 Provide review feedback and revision status to
project manager, SMEs, and development team
 Draft progress and status reports
Subject Matter Expert (SME)
 Contribute to learner profile and course
 Contribute and validate core course
 Identify source materials and other
content references
 Review storyboard and draft course for
Content Developer
 Review content analysis
 Develop course outline
 Document course content for SME review
 Create and revise script for storyboard
Instructional Designer
 Structure and organize course content
 Design instructional strategies including
interactive exercises and activities
 Create assessment / evaluation questions
 Finalize storyboard content delivery
 Supervise pilot testing and review
Course Developer: Graphic Designer
 Responsible for course design development,
including layouts, images, backgrounds, etc.
 Design graphical presentation of course content
 Develop storyboard
 Design, develop, and incorporate interactive
activities for the most effective delivery
Course Developer: Programmer
 Responsible for overall development of course
based on the approved course design
 Responsible for programming of course
 Design, develop, and incorporate interactive
activities for the most effective delivery
Course Developer: Functional Tester
 Responsible for functional testing at each stage
of development
 Responsible for LMS integration
Course Developer: Others
 Copy Editor
 Audio/video Producer
 Narrator
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Development Process
Development process of a WBT course follows a systematic process which consists of analysis, design,
development, implementation, and evaluation.
Analysis: Define the needs and constraints of the course
Design: Specify learning content & activities
Development: Begin production, conduct quality & SME review, and revise
Implementation: Test the course for use by the desired audience
Evaluation: Evaluation occurs throughout the course development
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Kick-off Meeting
Project Timeline
(Appendix C-1)
1 wk
Content Analysis
 Goals of the course
 Learner Profile
 Prerequisite Courses
 Content Outline
 Learning Objectives
(Appendix C-2)
ET Review / SME Validation
Content Development
(Appendix C-3)
1 – 2 wks
Instructional Design
(Appendix C-4)
1 wk
(Appendix C-5)
2 wks
 Course Interface
 Collecting Graphic
 Developing images
1 – 2 wks
SME Review
Course Development
3 – 7 wks
SME Weekly Review (Appendix C-6)
Functional / Quality Review
1 – 2 wks
1 wk
SME Review
Graphic Design
1 – 2 wks
1 wk
1 wk
Pilot Testing
1 wk
SME Review
Final Course
1 wk
Total: 16 - 20 wks
Development time is estimated during the Analysis Phase and is based on a number of variables including; the size and
complexity of the project, staff expertise, time on task, and other environmental factors.
Some of the development phases should occur concurrently. - Refer to Appendix C-1, Project Timeline
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2.1. Analysis
The following are completed and determined during the Analysis phase:
2.1.1. Project Timeline (Appendix C-1)
The overall timeline is determined, including concurrent activities and person in charge of each stage
Content Analysis (Appendix C-2)
The content analysis is drafted by the Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).
a. Overall Course Goals
To set the general direction and need for the course in analyzing the training need, SMEs should
review the job responsibilities of the intended audience, prior training or knowledge, and identify any
new concepts or terminology that will be introduced to learners.
b. Learner Profile
Significant characteristics of the target audience and their learning environment are determined at this
stage. These characteristics may include but are not limited to:
Prior knowledge or experience with the proposed training material
Job responsibilities
Reading and education level
Computer and Web skills
Learning environment and supervisor support
c. Pre-requisite Courses
It is important to determine any pre-requisite courses at this stage to access prior knowledge and
ensure the course being designed will augment the overall training curriculum for the learner.
d. Content Outline
The course outline includes a list of course content or topics to be included in the course to achieve
the overall goals.
e. Learning Objectives & Resources
Learning objectives are detailed statements of what the learners will be able to achieve or
demonstrate as a result of completing a course. Thus, objectives are statements of learner behavior.
They describe the result of the learning process rather than what or how the learner will be taught.
Given a uniform citation, learners will be able to initiate a citation using CVAQMVI with over 75%
Given a uniform citation, learners will be able to identify required information for CVAQMVI from a
uniform citation.
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2.1.3. Evaluation: ET Review / SME Validation
ET reviews and sends it to SMEs to validate the content analysis prior to the design stage of the project.
2.2. Design (Content Development)
The Design phase creates the "blueprints" for the instructional experiences. During this phase, the
following questions are addressed:
What content will be included
How the content will be presented
2.2.1. Content Development (Appendix C-3)
The content development document describes what content will be included in the course. The purpose
of this document is to provide the content in a clear, concise format or process steps so the SMEs can
validate the accuracy and completeness of the content.
Content Development Tool: Word file –Content (Appendix C-3)
2.2.2. Evaluation: SME Review - Course Content
SMEs review and validate the accuracy and completeness of the course content. It is important to ensure
the content is as complete as possible at this stage because it will define the scope of the project.
Content added after this review will impact the development timeline.
2.2.3. Instructional Design (Appendix C-4)
During the instructional design phase the course objectives, course outline, and content documents are
reviewed and the following questions are addressed:
How the learning materials will be structured
What instructional strategies will be used
How learning will be assessed
a. How will the learning materials be presented? - Is content structured in a way to help learners
assimilate new information and concepts?
In order to maximize the effectiveness of the course the course content will be organized and
structured into a framework of lessons which best facilitate learning. The course structure should
ensure learners know at all times what they are trying to learn, what is expected of them in order to
achieve that learning, and when they have reached that goal. Learning objectives and the content are
sequenced according to the learner’s needs so that the instruction begins with developing knowledge
and then progresses to applying that knowledge after it has been understood.
A logical course structure might be:
Proceeding from what learners know to what they do not know
The logical or historical development of a subject
Proceeding from concrete experiences to abstract reasoning
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b. What instructional strategies will be used?
Based on the learning objectives the instructional strategies are determined at this stage.
Instructional strategies, such as tutorials, lecture, drill and practice, demonstration and situations,
topical reviews, etc. provide an approach to organizing and presenting information.
c. How will learning be assessed?
Learning assessments measure the competence or capability of learners in order to determine
whether or not they have met the course objectives. Based on the learning objectives, assessment
strategies are decided at this stage and will be used to measure learning outcomes and the
effectiveness of the course. These strategies may include, text entry, multiple choice, drag & drop,
hotspot (click on), true/false, yes/no questions as well as practical simulations of process.
2.2.4. Storyboard (Appendix C-5)
A visualized storyboard provides the overall look of the course, including the graphical presentation of the
course content. The storyboard is developed by the instructional designer, the copywriter, and the
graphic designer and will serve as the prototype of the course.
The storyboard should provide a combination of text and graphics or graphic descriptions that convey all
the necessary information about the delivery of course content. Storyboards describe in detail all images,
animations, movie segments, sound, text and navigational paths. The more complete, detailed, and
accurate they are, the fewer the assumptions, questions, delays, confusion, and errors that occur later,
during the development phase.
Storyboard Tool: PowerPoint file with Text, Resources & Developer’s Note (Appendix C-5)
2.2.5. Evaluation: SME Review - Storyboard
SMEs review and validate the storyboard prior to the development stage of the project. It is important to
note that this review finalizes the course design and the content should be complete.
2.3. Development (Course Development)
Development is the production phase of the course. In addition to the team members involved in the
design phase; course production includes all of the course developers; graphic designer, audio/video,
narrator, copy editor, programmer, quality reviewer, etc.
Designers and developers work to incorporate the visual design of the instructional materials to best
support and facilitate learning and determine appropriate interactions which engage learners and
encourage additional learning.
The following processes are included in the Development phase:
Develop a preliminary course
Conduct quality / functional review
Share weekly updates / changes between SMEs and developers
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2.3.1. Evaluation: SME Review/Weekly Status Report (Appendix C-6)
Communication is an important part of the evaluation/review process. Team members, particularly crossdivisional teams, should remain in contact with each other throughout development in order to quickly
resolve issues. Team meetings and informal communication such as phone calls, e-mail, instant
messaging are effective ways for developers to communicate, but a more formal collaboration is
necessary with SMEs and the project sponsor.
Throughout the development phase a weekly status and issue log will be posted and will be accessible to
all team members. As a section or component of the WBT is complete it will be posted and a
communication sent to SMEs so they can review that progress and make comments. Status reports and
course components for review will be posted on Fridays and SMEs will have one week to review and
respond to the issue documented in the status report.
2.3.2. Evaluation: Functional / Quality Review
Functional and quality reviews are conducted to ensure the functionality and quality of the course. The
quality review team usually consistent of the development coordinator, a functional tester, and copyeditor.
2.4. Implementation (Pilot-Testing)
During the Implementation phase, the course is tested for use by a sample group of users representing
the target audience for the course. Pilot-testing ensures that the course components will function as
designed for the intended learners.
SMEs identify a potential test group of reviewers based on the learner profile for the course. Judicial
Education will conduct the pilot-testing and recommended changes from the pilot-testing will be presented
to SMEs.
2.5. Evaluation
The Evaluation occurs throughout the course development.
ET review / SME validation for Course Goals, Learner Profile, Pre-requisite Courses Content
Outline, Learning Objectives & Resources
SME review and approval for Content Development
SME review for Storyboard
Functional / Quality review in the development process
SME review for Preliminary Course (weekly)
Pilot Testing
SME review for Final Version
Project Sponsor & SME approval for Final Version
2.6. Final Course Activities
The final course activities are performed once the sponsor validates or approves the course.
WBT published on JEWELS
Course announcement sent to learners
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Course Structure
3.1. Course Main Structure
The basic structure of a Web-Based Training course will include an introduction to the course (“Getting
Started”), lessons, course assessments, and resources that include course tips, glossary, and learning
A pre-test (“Check Your Knowledge”) will allow learners to measure their entry knowledge on the subject.
No score will be given at the end of the pre-assessment. It is a tool that gives the user clues about the
course content and piques their interest and involvement. The pre-test is not required for completing the
course, but a comparison score is provided at the end of post-test (“Check Your Learning”).
Main Menu Page – SAMPLE
3.2. Course Content
Course content is organized into lessons that include topical sections. A topic section may include
interactive topical review questions to emphasize key learning objectives.
3.2.1. JIS Procedure
A procedure using a new JIS form is introduced using a DEMO with audio followed by a hands-on
exercise to reinforce the learning.
3.2.2. Summary
Review activities will be included depending on the complexity of the lesson.
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A summary of each lesson will restate the key learning points.
Summary Page – SAMPLE
3.3. Check Your Knowledge (Pre-Test)
The pre-test includes randomized questions from the post-test (“Check Your Learning”). The learner is
given only one try with no correct or wrong answer feedback during the pre-test.
The pre-test is not required to complete the course. If the learner completes the pre-test, the comparison
scores will be presented at the end of post-test (“Check Your Learning”).
3.4. Check Your Learning (Post-Test)
Post-test questions are developed based on the learning objectives of the course.
The post-test is active when all lessons have been completed. The learner is given only one try for each
question. They will receive correct answer and incorrect answer feedback which reinforces the learning
objective to be mastered.
3.4.1. Learner Mastery Level
The recommended level of mastery for a course is a score of 75% on the post-test.
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Pass on the Post-Test - SAMPLE
Fail on the Post-Test - SAMPLE
3.4.2. Feedback
Feedback is given for both correct answer and incorrect answers. Feedback indicates whether the
learner answered the question correctly or incorrectly and states what the correct action was or should
have been.
Correct. Clicking on the Exit icon exits the form and returns you to the previous form.
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Incorrect. The correct answer is A because in order to exit the form and return to the previous form
you should, Click the Exit icon on the toolbar.
Feedback on Check Your Learning - SAMPLE
3.5. Glossary
New terms are introduced in the glossary. The Glossary link under Resources on the Menu contains a
scrollable list of the glossary terms. Within the course, glossary terms are identified by an orange
hyperlink. Clicking the hyperlink opens a pop-up box that contains the term and definition.
Glossary Hyperlink – SAMPLE
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Appendix A – Instructional Writing Styles
This appendix covers some of the important aspects of writing instruction – how to present certain types
of content and how to structure content so it can be easily understood. It also contains guidelines for
technical writing to ensure consistency among WBT courses.
1. Content: the 3 C’s
Clear Writing: The purpose and meaning of the content is obvious without re-reading or guesswork on
the part of the learner. The wording is straightforward and technical terms are defined. A glossary is
provided if there are several technical or unfamiliar words.
Concise Writing: Sentence structure and paragraphs are short and come right to the point. Use
common, easy-to-read words. Avoid wordiness, complex or ambiguous sentences, and pointless
Writing for Comprehension: Content should be organized into chunks of information which are then
sequenced in the right order or into levels of information starting with a high-level overview and then
moving to a deeper level of understanding on the topic. The technical format used to present the content
should be appropriate for the complexity of the information and aid the learners’ understanding of the
content. This includes process steps, descriptions, examples, comparisons, etc. The content must be
accurate and the writing free from errors in grammar and spelling.
2. Writing Style
Learner Profile and Situation: Write to the knowledge level of the learner and their familiarity with the
topic. Respect the situation under which they will be performing the described task. If they are a nontechnical user the writing style should be more informal and focus on what is critical to them rather than a
technical explanation.
One Learner vs. Group: Use singular nouns, pronouns, and verbs to direct your writing to an individual
learner rather than a group. Referring to the learner as “you” makes procedural information more
conversational and is an appropriate narration style. It also avoids confusion about whether a requirement
applies to the learner or another group of users. However, it is best to avoid showing procession of
processes or equipment such as “your computer” or “your Monthly Reports.”
Active vs. Passive: Writing in active voice emphasizes who is responsible for an action, while using
passive voice places the emphasis on the object of that action.
John plays the guitar.
The guitar is played by John.
Use active voice often to create concise, straightforward phrases that users can easily comprehend.
While passive voice is not the clearest construction in all cases, it should be used when the emphasis
falls on the action.
The prosecuting attorney charges John with two counts of disturbing the peace.
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In this statement, the emphasis is on the act (John is being charged) rather than on the actor (the
prosecuting attorney). To emphasize the act, use passive voice and, in this case, remove the actor to
further clarify the statement.
John is charged by the prosecuting attorney with two counts of disturbing the peace.
Present Tense: Writing in the present tense places the emphasis on the action taking place and focuses
the learning on the important information Avoid past particles that end with ”ed” and verb tense which will
remove an active focus.
3. Element Specifications
Form Name
Use the exact name of the form or field as shown on the JIS form, with the
exception of the word “Custom”. Custom is excluded in the form description.
Example: The Case Initiation Maintenance (CMAINIT) form. Click on the Detail
Code LOV button.
Form Fields
Always use the exact name for a field as shown on the form, for example, Pty
instead of Party or Detail Code instead of DETC code.
Case Descriptions
Remove special formatting (bold and/or italics) from Case Descriptions. Make
them UPPER CASE since that is the standard in JIS.
Use Case ID not case ID.
Navigation Pane
Always use Navigation Pane not Nav Pane.
Data Entry
Always follow the JIS data entry standards when showing the data on a JIS
form, for example, UPPERCASE letters, No punctuation, 12-DEC-2006.
Use one sentence per step as a rule. For example, when providing commands
in an exercise, use the following:
Type 03CV781278 in the Case ID field. Click the Next Block icon.
The first time an acronym is used it is identified with the name followed by the
acronym or abbreviation. For example, Office of State Courts Administrator
(OSCA). Acronyms and abbreviations should be included in the course
Use must to convey requirement. If the action is required avoid the use of may
or should. May is used for permission statements, and should conveys
preference. Use may not to convey prohibition.
Use click when directing the learner to click using the mouse.
Use press when directing the learner to press any key on the keyboard.
Use bulleted lists to list multiple items rather than one sentence with commas.
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Appendix B – Design Specifications
A master course file is set up as a template for developers use (N/CaseMan/Edtech/WEB/Template) and
contains the following frames and links:
Welcome page
Intro page
Main Menu
Pre-assessment Test (Check Your Knowledge)
Course Objectives
Topic 1, 2, 3 …..
Navigation Tips
Learning Guide
Check Your Learning
The master course template is a basic development structure for topics. This includes an intro frame,
body frame and summary frame. These frames include the necessary programming for bookmarking,
bullseye on menu and checkmark on menu as well as navigation icons. There is also a library that
contains frequently used graphics that have the same x/y location.
NOTE: The pictorial graphics are individualized for each course (a picture gallery available at
N/CaseMan/EdTech/Graphics or within each course file during development.) JIS frame shots are not stored in the
gallery but are taken during course development to ensure that the most current JIS form is being displayed in the
1. Interface Specifications
Interface Elements - EXAMPLE
Title bar
Body Text area
Sidebar Area
Page Number
button area
Reference Number
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The table below identifies the characteristics of the graphical elements of the interface. The table also
contains recommendations and best practices for interface elements.
Graphic specifications and specific examples of interface item are included in the appendix.
Interface Item
Title Bar
The title bar contains the course title and topic tile. The title bar is displayed as:
Course Title - Topic Title
Body Text
The body text area depends on the amount of the content and the graphic image to
be used. However, the limit for text is
With JIS form: No more than 50 words per frame
Without JIS form: No more than 100 words per frame
Important areas in JIS form on the screen are highlighted with an red arrow and a
blue box.
Prompt Text
Prompt text is instructional text informing learners of how to proceed.
Prompt text displays right above the navigation buttons.
Prompt text displays on the topic Summary page, Check Your Knowledge,
Check Your Learning (Click Next to continue), etc.
The page indicator is included in each topic at the bottom left of the page. It is
displayed as: X (current page) of Y (total page)
Glossary in
the course
Glossary terminology is indicated as underlined bold orange glossary term.
 One click opens a pop-up box containing the term and definition up the
definition right next to the word/phrase. “Close” option is provided.
 Glossary definition is also provided in a scrollable list, which is accessible
by clicking on Glossary under Resources.
 The Learning Guide link to GOLD also contains a printable glossary list.
JIS Screenshot
Images used are from Missouri courts & offices to illustrate and enhance
the key learning objective of the frame.
Images that need transparency are saved for the web as .png.
Images that have gradient are saved as .jpg.
Simple images that are 1-3 colors with no gradient are saved as .gif.
A 15 pixel feather/fade is used to give the fade out border around pictures.
These must be saved as .png.
A Master Interaction / Clipboard Template contains frequently used
Authorware icons such as interactions, variables and links. It also contains
graphic symbols such as red arrows, blue bullet points, checkmarks and
sidebar/text boxes.
JIS screen size used is 605 x 432 px – Saved as PNG-8 format
Authorware Import location is 196, 27 (X, Y coordinates)
JIS child windows - Around 303/340 x 270/280. This is not a fixed size.
JIS screen shot should NOT have any cursor showing and should show
standard (default) Windows color scheme.
Text on the Autohint bar is removed to avoid confusion
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2. Text Typography
The following contains the recommended standards for text design. These fonts are set up in the master
template course file. The menu/ rollover buttons are also included in the master course.
Menu Title (Lesson)
Trebuchet MS
Menu Title (Topic) (Normal)
Trebuchet MS
Menu Title (Topic) (Rollover)
Trebuchet MS
Menu Title (Topic) (Down)
Trebuchet MS
Menu Title (Topic) (Checked)
Trebuchet MS
Menu Title (Topic) (Inactive)
Trebuchet MS
Navigation Button (Normal)
Trebuchet MS
Navigation Button (Rollover)
Trebuchet MS
Navigation Button (Down)
Trebuchet MS
Resource Link (Normal)
Resource Link (Rollover)
Resource Link (Down)
Topic Title at the Title Bar
Trebuchet MS
Body Text
Trebuchet MS
Body Title (Lesson/Objectives)
Trebuchet MS
Body Title & Summary Title
Trebuchet MS
Bold, Italic
Body Hyperlink (Normal)
Trebuchet MS
Body Hyperlink (Rollover)
Trebuchet MS
Body Hyperlink (Visited)
Trebuchet MS
Trebuchet MS
Bold, Underlined
Page number
Trebuchet MS
Table / Image Caption
Trebuchet MS
JIS Form Text Entry
JIS Form Text Entry-inactive
Feedback: Correct
Trebuchet MS
Feedback: Incorrect
Trebuchet MS
Prompt text
Trebuchet MS
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Appendix C - Templates
C-1. Project Timeline
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C-2. Content Analysis
Intro to JIS
Review Date:
1. Goals of the course
Overall goals of the course
2. Learner Profile
Prior knowledge/
experience with the
training material
Example: None – new to JIS
Job responsibilities
New court clerk
New comer to Office
of State Court
Reading and education
Computer and Web
 7 to 8 grade reading level
 Education: High school
 Beginner - Have used
computer and web, but
do not have advanced
3. Pre-requisite Courses
4. Content Outline
List of course content or topics to be included in the course
5. Learning Objectives
Detailed statements of what the learners will be able to achieve or demonstrate as a result of completing a course.
Example: Given a uniform citation, learners will be able to identify
required information for CVAQMVI from a uniform citation.
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Reference / Resource
 CCHB Section 300.01
 SC Rules 19, 20 and 21
 RSMO 557.021
 RSMo 479 Muni Courts &
Traffic Courts
C-3. Content Development
Intro to JIS
Review Date:
Topic: Procedures of disposing a citation, same charge disposition, full payment
Reference/Resources: CCHB, SC, RSMo
1. Type CVATDIS in the Direct Access field and press the Enter key.
2. When disposing a single case, delete any information that may auto-fill in the Control Block other than the
Court and Location fields, by highlighting the field(s) and pressing the Delete key. When disposing cases
for a scheduled day, delete any information that may auto-fill in the Control Block other than the Court
and Location fields, by highlighting the field(s) and pressing the Delete key, and add query data to the
Schedule Date field and any other field necessary to define your search.
3. If you are searching for a single case, click in the Case ID field. OR Click the Next Block icon OR press
4. Select case to dispose or query for a single Case ID. If multiple cases display based on your Control Block
query, highlight the case to dispose and proceed to Action - 1. OR
 Press the F7 key OR click the Enter Query icon.
 Enter the Case ID.
 Press the F8 key OR click the Execute Query icon.
 The Case ID and current date display.
5. Verify charges and amend, if necessary.
 If charges require amending, click the Disposition / Violation Update (CMADISP) option in the
Navigation Pane and follow the procedures of amending charges.
 If charges are correct, proceed to Action 2 - Case Site-Defined.
6. Enter site-defined information for Electronic Reporting, as appropriate.
 Click the Site Defined Information (COASITE) option in the Navigation Pane.
 The following fields are required for proper Electronic Traffic Reporting.
1. Driver Improvement - Defaults to No or enter Y for Yes.
2. No PTS - Order of Suspension - Defaults to No or enter Y for Yes.
3. License Surrendered - Defaults to No or enter Y for Yes.
4. DEF Waived Right to Counsel - Defaults to No or enter Y for Yes.
7. Save the information.
8. Return to CVATDIS.
9. Update the Date field to the date of disposition, if applicable.
 Move to the Date field and enter the date.
10. Enter a docket code to assess the fees on the case.
 Move to the Docket field.
 Type XTVTA - TVB Assc Tax (no sher) for the associate division OR click the Docket LOV button
to search for the appropriate code.
11. Associate the costs to the defendant.
 Type DFT in the Party Type field.
12. Save the information.
13. Enter a disposing docket code for the charge.
 Move to the Disp field.
 Type DDGTP (Guilty Plea) OR click the Disp LOV button to search for the appropriate code.
 Move to the Sent field.
14. Enter the order code.
 Type FIN (Fine) OR click the Sent LOV button to select the appropriate code.
 Move to the Docket field.
15. Enter a docket code disposing of the case.
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C-4. Instructional Design
Course: Intro to JIS
Date: 06/15/07
Menu Structure
What is JIS?
How JIS Forms are Named
3.3. Party ID
3.4. Case Description
3.5. Others
Getting Around in JIS
2.1. Assessing JIS
2.2. Common Elements
2.3. Navigating Within a Form
2.4. Navigating Between Forms
2.5. Search Techniques
Electronic Resources
4.2. GOLD
4.3. Court Clerk Handbook
4.4. Others - Missouri Courts Information
Center (MCIC), Case.net
Data Entry Standards
3.1. Party Name
3.2. Party Address
Check Your Learning
1.1. What is JIS?
The Justice Information System or JIS is the database software used to manage courts case information. The
goal of JIS is to provide enhanced case processing and public access to records.
The JIS provides an easy, effective means for compiling, tracking and recalling case information.
Once information is entered into JIS, it is used in many different ways.
 JIS stores and records information about people and activities involved in a court action.
 Some of this information is reported to various state agencies like the Highway Patrol or Department of
 The information is also used to help keep cases moving forward so they are completed in a timely
JIS provides the tools and the speed to make you a more effective court professional. We hope you find it an
invaluable asset for achieving excellence in judicial administration.
2.1. How JIS Forms are Named
The JIS database consists of many forms which are used to perform a certain task.
All JIS forms are identified by a seven (7) letter form name. Knowing what these letters represent help you
understand how the form is used. It is a quick way to remember the forms you need to do your job.
The Form Naming Convention indicates the JIS product, area of operation, function and use of the form.
Click on each letter of the name to learn what the letter represents.
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C-5. Storyboard
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C-6. Project Weekly Status Report
05/21/07 – 05/25/07 (Example)
Citation Disposition
Project Coordinator
Week of:
Submitted by:
 Received SME review comments on the storyboard
 Incorporating review comments
 The developers agreed to eliminate topic #101.
 Complete incorporating review comments
 Begin draft module development
 Deliver the draft module by 5/31/07
Issues Pending:
Topic /
Page #
Place of Topic #101 & #102 have been switched.
Overview /
Page 1
The first two sentences have been changed a little to make it
clear. Need to confirm with SMEs.
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SME Comment