1. Module title: Deviant behavior psychology 2. Module code

1. Module title: Deviant behavior psychology
2. Module code: PPP_8_DSC.1.05
3. Type of Module: discipline of students’ independent choice
4. Semester: 1
5. Module volume: the total number of hours - 240 (ECTS credits - 8);
contact hours - 80 (lectures - 40 practical classes - 40)
6. Lecturer: Dudnyk Natalia Arkadiivna
7. Learning outcomes:
At the end of the module learning students must
know: psychological meaning of "deviant behaviour", forms of deviant behaviour,
factors of personality deviant behaviour, age, and gender features of personality deviant
behaviour, principles, stages, methods of psychological diagnosis of deviant behaviour
and its factors, features of psychologist’s prevention of personality deviation behaviour
work, peculiarities of psychologist correction of personality deviant behaviour work, the
main directions of socio-psychological rehabilitation of the person with deviant
be able to: identify the content and types of personality deviant behaviour, to
determine the factors that influence on deviation in personality behaviour, to use
methods of psychological diagnosis of personality with deviant behaviour, give and
provide psychological support to person with deviant behaviour, including telephone
helpline and anonymous advice.
8. Method of training: auditorium classes
9. Prerequisites and co– requisites: general and pre-school psychology.
10. Module Content:
Deviant behaviour psychology: basic of concepts and approaches. Structure, types
and forms deviant behaviour. Types of deviant behaviour. Psychological diagnosis of
deviant behaviour. Psychological conditions of individual deviant behaviour prevention
and correction.
11. References:
1. Kleyberh A. Psychology of deviant behaviour: Educational textbook. - M .:
Sphera, Yurayt-M Publ., 2001. - 160 p.
2. Hylynskyy J. Deviantology: crime sociology, drugs addiction, prostitution, suicide
and others "deviants." - SPb.: Legal. Center Press, 2004. - 520 p.
3. Bondarchuk A.I. Psychology of deviant behaviour: Lectures. K .: AIDP, 2006. 88 p.
12. Forms and Methods of training: lectures, practical classes, independent
13. Evaluating methods and criteria:
• Current control (80%) survey on workshops, questioning during practical classes,
checking of home assignments, knowledge tests.
• Final control (20% credit): credit (verbal).
14. Language of Training: Ukrainian