Green certified mailing Red registered mail FEDERAL RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE Rule 65.1. Security: Proceedings Against Sureties Whenever these rules, including the Supplemental Rules for Certain Admiralty and Maritime Claims, require or permit the giving of security by a party, and security is given in the form of a bond or stipulation or other undertaking with one or more sureties, each surety submits to the jurisdiction of the court and irrevocably appoints the clerk of the court as the surety's agent upon whom any papers affecting the surety's liability on the BOND or UNDERTAKING may be served. The surety's liability may be enforced on motion without the necessity of an independent action. The motion and such notice of the motion as the court prescribes may be served on the clerk of the court, who shall forthwith mail copies to the sureties if their addresses are known. (As added Feb. 28,1966, eff. July 1, 1966; amended Mar. 2, 1987, eff. Aug. 1, 1987.) Above, copied verbatim, from FEDERAL RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE. APPOINT CLERK OF COURT AS SURETY'S AGENT Instead of simply writing to the insurance commissioner file a distress against the bonds of the public officials involved under rule 65.1 FRCP. This goes to the clerk of court and may get copied to the Insurance commissioner. Judgment Delivered by Certificate of Mailing # 7011 2970 0000 4485 8574 United States of America Self-Executing Judgment. To: The United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of ___ . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I, _______; of the family _______, by my WILL and my Constitutional Rights and Powers; I have been the Cautioner "Surety" for my Ancestral person and I am the Lawful Vested Heir of Age. Therefore, per the Self-Executing Provisions of the Constitution: I am issuing this Self-Executing Judgment by Operation of Law to Settle-Up the "Fee Simple" Estates of my Deceased Ancestral blood person: ____________ (aka; _________________), per the following Manifest. TO VEST: Estates. To give an IMMEDIATE Fixed Right of Present or Future Enjoyment: an Estate is vested in possession when there Exists a Right of Present Enjoyment [over 25; totally free]; and an Estate is vested in interest when there is a present fixed Right of Future Enjoyment [over 21]. CAUTIONER: A Surety. SELF-EXECUTING PROVISION: A Provision of a Constitution which is effective without legislation, no action by the legislature being required to put it in Operation. 16 Am J2d Const L § 94. SELF-EXECUTING JUDGMENTS: Those requiring no affirmative action of the court or action under process issued by the court to execute them. [Directly to the Clerk of the Court to issue the orders.] SELF-EXECUTING TREATY: A treaty with a foreign nation that operates of itself without the aid of legislation. 52 Am Jl st Treat § 2 ESTATE MANIFEST The following is a list of the Self-Executing Treaty of Peace; Certificates and Licenses as the Memorandums of my deceased Ancestral blood person: _________________ "Fee Simple" Estates and it now stands my Manifested Lawful Inheritance Claims, as I am the Sole FuIl Blood Heir. Let it be known, that per the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure; Rule 65.1, as I am the Cautioner "Surety", I am irrevocably appointing you as the U.S. District Bankruptcy Clerk of the Court as my Surety Agent to bring this Judgment and all submitted Bills for this Estate Action to its Full and Lawful "Settle Up" Closure. You are now to IMMEDIATELY file this Judgment and Issue the Orders to the District U.S. Trustee, U.S. Marshals and the _______ Attorney General to Seize, Purge and Liquidate the below listed "Fee Simple" Estates; in order to Settle-Up the Estates per the United States of American Republic Laws using my Estate EIN # __________ and override the Corporate UNITED STATES Feudal Laws. Any just processing fees are also authorized to be deducted from the Surety Bond Instruments. The "Fee Simple" Estates are held as Corporate Feuds: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HONORARY FEUD: not of a divisible nature and which could only be inherited by the Eldest Son. 1. Original Honorary Feud "Fee Simple" Estate: per "Certificate of Live Birth" # __________. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Judgment Delivered by Certificate of Mailing # 7011 2970 0000 4485 5574 PROPER/IMPARTIBLE FEUD: A Military Fee or Feud. 1. 7 year United States Military Obligation "Fee Simple" Estate: per Selective Service # _______________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MILITARY/IMPARTIBLE FEUDS: Feuds held as Honorable Military-Service under the UNITED STATES Feudal System, as continuous "Fee" Discharging Certificates per USC Title 46, chapter 73. 1. US Military DD 214 Honorable Service "Fee Simple" Estate - "Fee"" Continuous Discharging Certificate, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FOREIGN DOMESTIC IMPROPER/DERIVATIVE FEUDS: Originally sold to the feudatory for a price; such as was held upon base or less honorable services, or upon a rent; such as was in itself alienable, without mutual license. 1. STATE OF _____ - "Certificate of Marriage" - Improper/Derivative Feud Estate, 2. STATE OF ____ - Driver License and/or ID # _______ - Improper/Derivative Feud Estate. 3. STATE OF ____ - Certificate of Title # ______ - Improper/Derivative Feud Estate. 4. STATE OF _____ - Voter's registration # ________ - Improper/Derivative Feud Estate. 5. Any other STATE OF IOWA or other Commercial Improper/Derivative Feud Estates that are found to be still in operation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FOREIGN IMPROPER/DERIVATIVE FEUDS: 1. SOCIAL SECURITY # _________ - a "Fee Simple" Improper/Derivative Feud Estate. 2. "Certificate of Baptism" as a CHURCH OF ROME "Fee Simple" Improper/Derivative Feud Cestui Que Estate. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WITNESS my hand and official seal on this Executed Date: _____________ Judgment Issued by: ________________________ _____: of the family ____ Vested Holder in Due Course/"Fee Simple " Heir and Cautioner Deliver the Fee Simple Estates to the Heir: _________: of the family ___________ ________ ________ ________ Phone ____ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Clerk of the Court is to issue the following Orders: 1. To the U.S. Trustee for the District _______________: You are ordered to Seize of the Corporate UNITED STATES "Fee Simple" Estates listed above and then have them Purged and Liquidated in order to justly Settle Up the Estates. 2. To the U.S. Marshal for the District _____________: You are ordered to Seize all Corporate out-of State and Foreign "Fee Simple" Estates listed above and then have them Purged and Liquidated in order to justly Settle Up the Estates, Then you are to make the Estate Settlement Delivery to the above listed Heir. 3. To the ________ Attorney General: You are ordered to Seize of the STATE OF ___________ "Fee Simple" Estates listed above and then have them Purged and Liquidated in order to justly Settle Up the Estates. Date Orders issued:___________ __________________________ Clerk of U.S. Bankruptcy Court (under Clerk's Seal) Page 2 of 2 Judgment Delivered by Certificate of Mailing # 7011 2970 0000 4485 8574 From: Mr. Patrick; of the family Devine: Republic Principality/Full Blood Heir/Cautioner 18463-208th Avenue Sigourney, Iowa, 52591-8236 To: The Clerk of Court United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Southern Iowa 300 U.S. Courthouse Annex 110 East Court Avenue, Suite 300 Des Moines, Iowa 50309-2035 Phone # (641) 541-0035 Subject: Self-Executing Judgment. Dear Clerk of Court, I, Patrick; of the family Devine, by my WILL and my Constitutional Rights and Powers; I am presenting to you, my United States of America: Self-Executing Judgment to be Processed Immediately, as it is covered as one of the Self-Executing Provisions of the Constitution. It is a required Action by Operation of Law, to Settle-Up the "Fee Simple" Estates of my Deceased Ancestral blood person: PATRICK DEVINE. I have also enclosed a Cautio Muciana "Security" for the Corporate UNITED STATES and STATE OF IOWA, stating that I will not operate in a Trade that is in competition with them and it is also to be filled with this Self-Executing Judgment filing. Per the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure; Rule 65.1, as I am the Cautioner "Surety", I am irrevocably appointing you, as the U.S. District Bankruptcy Clerk of the Court, my Surety Agent to bring this Judgment and all submitted Bills for this Estate Action to its Full and Lawful "Settle Up" Closure. Please return a "time stamped and file numbered" copy to me in the attached prepaid envelope. Thank you for your time and service. WITNESS my hand and official seal on this Executed Date: ____________ Judgment Issued by: ________________________ Mr. Patrick: of the family Devine Vested Holder in Due Course / "Fee Simple" Heir and Cautioner ATTACHMENTS: • Self-Executing Judgment • My Cautio Muciana "Security", • Prepaid Envelope Tor a filed copy. Page 1 of 1 Delivered by Certificate of Mailing # CAUTIO MUCIANA "Security" of ______ I am, _____ of the family _____, the fully Vested Full Blood Heir of Age and in Liege Poustie claiming my inheritable "Fee Simple" Estates, per the Self-Executing Provisions of the Constitution and my SelfExecuting Treaty of Peace - Memorandums. I am issuing this "Cautio Muciana" as my Security given to the UNITED STATES and the STATE OF ________ "Feudal Commercial" Corporations in order that I am able to IMMEDIATELY receive my full Right of Enjoyments from my "Fee Simple" Estates; per the attached "Fee Simple" Estate Manifest. I authorize all processing fees to be taken out of the security. Therefore, per the Law my transferable "Fee Simple" Estates are to be Settled-Up and Transferred to me using my Estate EIN # _______. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I give to you the following SECURITY: 1. I pledge to not operate in or setup a Usury or Banking Trade in opposition to that of the UNITED STATES - Feudal Commercial Banking and Usury System of Trade, 2. I pledge to only use just currency and lawful barter of exchanges. 3. I pledge to operate within the Laws of the Republic of the United States of America. 4. I pledge to restrain my teachings to giving aid and comfort to only those that are willing live in honor per the Constitution and hold to the first 3 pledges. WITNESS my hand and official seal on this Executed Date: ______________ So Ordered by: _________________ ____: of the family ____ Vested Holder in Due Course / "Fee Simple" Heir and Cautioner Now IMMEDIATELY Deliver mv Fee Simple Estates to: _________: of the family _________ ___________ ___________ Phone # ____ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Word References: TO VEST: Estates. To give an IMMEDIATE fixed right of Present or Future Enjoyment; an estate is vested in possession when there Exists A RIGHT OF PRESENT ENJOYMENT [over 25]; and an estate is vested in interest, when there is a present fixed RIGHT OF FUTURE ENJOYMENT [over 21]. Feame on Rem. 2; vide 2 Hop on Leg. 757; 8 Com. Dig. App. k t; I Vern. 323, n.; 10 Yin. Ab. 230; 1 Suppl. to Ves. jr. 200, 242, 315, 434; 2 Id. 157 5 Ves. 511. LIEGE POUSTIE: The Condition or Stale of a Person who is in his ordinary health and capacity, and not a minor, nor cognosced as an idiot or madman, nor under interdiction. He is then said to be in Liege Poustie, or in Legitima Potestati, and he has full power of disposal of his property. 1 Bell's Com. 85, 5th ed.; 6 Clark & Fin. 540. Vide Sui juris. LEGITIMA POTESTAS: Lawful Power. CAUTIO MUCIANA: Security given by an Heir or Legatee, to obtain IMMEDIATE possession of inheritance or legacy, for observance of a condition annexed to the bequest, where the act which is the object of the condition is one which he must avoid committing during his whole life, e. g., that he will never marry, never leave the country, never engage in a particular trade, etc. See Mackeld. Rom.Law, § 705.