Thomas D - University of Illinois at Chicago

Curriculum Vitae
Thomas D. Griffin
University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Psychology
Ph. D. candidate, Social Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago
M.A., Social Psychology, 1999, University of Illinois at Chicago
B.A., Summa Cum Laude, Psychology, 1996, California State University, San Marcos
National Science Foundation Travel Award 2001
Sigma Xi Graduate Research Forum Award 1999
National Dean’s List1993-1996
Psi Chi National Honors Society
Phi Theta Kappa National Honor Society
Elected Chairperson of the 3rd Annual
Southern California, Psi Chi Research
Conference, CSUSM
Doctoral Thesis
Revising beliefs based in evidence versus affect: Effects on knowledge acquisition
and conceptual change. (estimated defense, May 2003)
Griffin, T. D. (in press). Learning: Formal and informal reasoning. The Encyclopedia
of Education, 2nd Ed.. Macmillan Reference, USA
Griffin, T. D., & Ohlsson, S. (2001). Knowledge versus beliefs: A necessary
distinction for predicting, explaining, and assessing conceptual change. In L. R. Gleitman and
A. K. Joshi (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Conference of the Cognitive
Science Society. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
Skitka, L. J., Mullen, E., Griffin, T., Hutchinson, S., & Chamberlin, B. (2002).
Dispositions, scripts, or motivated correction? Understanding ideological differences in
explanations for social problems. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 87, 470487.
Manupscripts under review
Griffin, T. D., & Ohlsson, S. (under review). Knowledge acquisition versus belief
revision: Two aspects of conceptual change and two distinct educational goals.
Newman, L. S., Caldwell, T. L., Chamberlin, B. W., & Griffin, T. D. (under review).
Thought suppression, projection, and the development of stereotypes.
Manuscripts in preparation
Griffin, T. D. (in preparation). I know what you're saying, but you're wrong and I
hate you: Making cognitive-based distinctions among knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes.
Griffin, T. D. (in preparation). Judgments of deductive logical validity are biased by
prior beliefs, but existing research does not validate this conclusion.
Newman, L., Griffin, T. D., & Calwell, T. L. (in preparation). The psychological
significance of the undesired self: Repressive coping as an illustrative example.
Griffin, T. D. (2003, January). Claims of belief-bias in deductive reasoning: Our flawed
interpretation of our participants' flawed reasoning. Paper presented at The Fourteenth
Annual Winter Conference on Discourse, Text and Cognition. Jackson Hole, WY.
Griffin, T. D. (2003, coming April). Intellectual values and their impact on evidence-based
reasoning about biological evolution. Paper accepted for presentation at the 84th Annual
Meeting of the American Education Research Association. Chicago, IL.
Griffin, T. D. (2003, coming May). Impact of intellectual values on forming evidence-based
conclusions in emotionally charged contexts. Paper accepted for presentation at the Annual
Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association. Chicago, IL.
Griffin, T. D., Hemmerich, J. (2002, February). Prior beliefs and contradictory
information: Two experimental approaches. Poster presented at The Center for the Study
of Learning, Instruction, and Teacher Development, annual poster fair. Chicago, Il.
Griffin, T. D. (2002, January). Affect-based beliefs and their implications for conceptual
learning. Paper presented at the Thirteenth Annual Winter Conference on Discourse, Text,
and Cognition. Jackson Hole, WY.
Griffin, T. D., Ohlsson, S. (2001, August). Knowledge versus beliefs: A necessary
distinction for predicting, explaining, and assessing conceptual change. Poster presented at
the Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Edinburgh, UK.
Caldwell, T. L., Newman, L. S., Griffin, T. D., & Chamberlin, B. W. (2001, June).
Thought suppression, projection, and the development of stereotypes. Presented at the
American Psychological Society annual conference. Toronto, Canada.
Skitka, L. J., Mullen, E., Griffin, T., Hutchinson, S., & Chamberlin, B. (2001, March).
Dispositions, scripts, or motivated correction? Explaining ideological differences in
attributions for social problems. Invited paper presented at the Social Psychologists
Around the Midwest annual meeting, Iowa State University.
Newman, L., Griffin, T. D., & Calwell, T. L. (2000, July). The psychological
significance of the undesired self: Repressive coping as an illustrative example.
Paper presented at the American Psychological Society annual conference, FL.
Griffin, T. D., & Skitka, L. J. (2000, May). Giving others the benefit of
the doubt: A positivity bias in trait inferences. Paper presented at the Mid-Western
Psychological Association annual conference, Chicago, IL.
Griffin, T. D., & Skitka, L. J. (1998, May). The interactive effect of political
ideology and trait valence on trait inferences. Paper presented at the Mid-Western
Psychological Association annual meeting, Chicago, IL.
Griffin, T. D., & Birch, M. A. (1996). Metaphysical causal attributions in situations that
evoke a need for justice. Paper presented at the Western Psychological Association
annual meeting, San Jose, CA.
Griffin, T. D., & Birch, M. A. (1996, April). The misuse of science in the popular media.
Special paper presentation at the Southern CA Psi Chi Conference, California State
University San Marcos.
Griffin, T. D. (1995, April). Health Locus of Control as a predictor for preventative
health behaviors. Poster presented at the Annual Psi Chi Conference, California State
University San Marcos.
American Education Research Association
American Psychological Society
Cognitive Science Society
Midwestern Psychological Society
Society for Text and Discourse
Primary Instructor08/02-12/02
University of Illinois at Chicago, Psychology Dept.
Course: Research Methods in Psychology
Primary Instructor01/02-05/02
University of Illinois at Chicago, Psychology Dept.
Course: Research Methods in Psychology
Teaching Assistant08/01-05/02
University of Illinois at Chicago, Psychology Dept.
Course: Research Methods in Psychology
Teaching Assistant08/96-05/99
University of Illinois at Chicago, Psychology Dept.
Courses: Social Psychology, Personality Psychology, Introductory Psychology
Teaching Assistant08/95-06/96
California State University San Marcos, Psychology Dept.
Courses: Lab in Social Psychology, Lab in Physiological Psychology
Tutor/ Discussion Leader
California State University, San Marcos, Psychology Dept.
Course: History of Psychology
Research Assistant05/01-01/02
University of Illinois at Chicago, Psychology Dept.
Dr. Stellan Ohlsson
Research Assistant08/99-05/01
University of Illinois at Chicago, Psychology Dept.
Dr. Leonard Newman
Research Assistant03/00-06/00
University of Illinois at Chicago, Psychology Dept.
Dr. Leon Miller
Research Assistant02/98-05/98
Northern Illinois University, Sociology Dept.
Dr. William McCready
Research Assistant08/96-01/98
University of Illinois at Chicago, Psychology Dept.
Dr. Linda Skitka
Research Assistant 01/95-06/96
University of California, San Diego, Psychology Dept.
Dr. Heike Mahler