1 Lecture 3, Entropy and Free Energy Part b Text: Chapter 7, Sections 5 through end Preliminary: reminder of results from macroscopic (thermodynamic) view. Reversible work wrev = -nRT∙ ln (V2/V1) Heat Capacity C = q / ΔT Entropy change ΔS = qrev/ T = ΔH / T ΔS = C ln (T2/T1) ΔS = nR∙ ln (V2/V1) = nR∙ ln (P2/P1) 2) Microscopic Viewpoint The second description for entropy is called the microscopic or molecular interpretation. It applies the ideas from Probability Theory to the idea of “microstates”. According to this viewpoint, entropy is a measure of available states. Boltzman S = k lnW W-number of states Probability: One coin toss: either heads or tails: two available states, 2 1 Two coin tosses: 2 heads, 2 tails, head-tail, tail-heal: 4 available states, 22 Three coin tosses: 23 = 8 available states Let’s take the example of four heteronuclear diatomic molecules as our sample. The figure below shows the 24 =16 states available of positioning the molecules head-to-head or head-to-tail. We call these 16 microstates. The microstates will be at different energy levels depending on the number of intermolecular attractions or repulsions. At T=0K there is no energy available to overcome the forces of Thermodynamics 1 2 attraction for a molecule such as HCl. Therefore, there is only one state available, W=1, ln1=0. S=0 This is an example of the Third Law of Thermodynamics: The entropies of all perfect crystals approach zero as the absolute temperature approaches zero. However, if the crystal cannot arrive at a “perfect” structure, then there will be what is termed “residual entropy” at 0K. In the case of the CO molecule, the dipole-dipole force of attraction of attraction is very low. (You can demonstrate this by drawing formal charges.) So, the 16 microstates are available at 0K. (Self-tests 7.9) The entropy per 4 molecules at 0K would be S=k∙ln (24) = (1.4x10-23J/K)∙4∙ln2 = 3.9x10-23J/K The entropy for 1 mole is calculated using Avogadro’s number N=6.02x10 23. S = k∙ln (2N) = (1.4x10-23J/K)∙ 6.02x1023∙ln2 = 5.7 J/K Let’s look at more complicated molecules than diatomics, FClO3 for example. Thermodynamics 2 3 There are four different ways the molecule can position itself in the crystal. So for 1 mole at 0K, there is a residual entropy of S = k∙ln (4N) = (1.4x10-23J/K)∙ 6.02x1023∙ln4 = 11. J/K There is already a trend appearing. As molecules become more complex, their residual entropy at 0K seems to increase. Now let’s see what happens to the entropy content when T is raised far above 0K or when a molecule interacts with (captures) electromagnetic radiation and turns it into internal motion. Energy Diagram molecule 1 molecule 2 excited state ²E excited state ²E ground state S2 > S1 ground state because excited state is more available 1) All energy is quantized, i.e. there are only certain energy states. 2) All motion involves energy. Therefore, forms of motion are quantized. Thermodynamics 3 4 Energy States ETotal = Eelectronic + Evibrational + Erotational + Etranslational • Eelectronic Electronic transitions (orbitals) Ultra-violet and visible ranges of spectrum Energy E • Evibrational Vibrations O H O H “Angle bend” H O H “Asymmetric stretch” H H “Symmetric stretch” Vibrational energies involve infra-red radiation Each motion has a ground state and excited states. Thermodynamics 4 5 Energy 2 E 1 • Erotational Rotational Motion (microwave region) Whole molecule spins on an axis O H • Etranslational H Translational Motion Whole molecule vibrates in place; or gas molecules move through space.. Predicting entropies S (for a particular substance) depends on physical state Sgas >> Sliquid > Ssolid • More complex (floppier) molecules have larger entropies Thermodynamics 5 6 1) Higher MW, usually higher S CH4 < 186.3 < C2H6 C3H8 269.9 (J/mol•K) 229.6 2) Similar MW, but more complex, always higher S Ar 154.7 < < CO2 C3H8 269.9 (J/mol•K) 213.7 • Ionic Solids: entropies are larger as attractive forces become smaller (because there are more vibrational states attainable at a particular T). CaO < LiF < CsI ΔS (for reactions) • Increases when solids dissolve in liquids ∆Sgas >> ∆Sliquid > ∆Ssolid • Increases when gas escapes solution • If a reaction produces more molecules, entropy increases CaCO3 (s) CaO (s) + CO2 (g) Ag+ (aq) + Br– (aq) Entropy Increases AgBr (s) Thermodynamics 6 Entropy Decreases 7 Since S is a state function: 1) Hess’s Law applies; 2) can use standard entropies of formation Sof Srxn nS f ( prod.) mS f (react.) N2 g 3H2 g 2NH3 g Srxn 2S NH3 S N 2 3S H2 Further Discussion The term, “Entropy is a measure of disorder” is misleading and can lead to incorrect conclusions. (So, don’t use it!) For instance, answer the question. “Which room has more entropy; the one with a desk with 4 drawers and papers in each drawer, or another room with a desk with 6 drawers and the same number of papers neatly stacked in one drawer?” If we use this analogy for the entropy of substances, it is the room with the desk with six drawers. How the papers are distributed at any one given moment (a snap shot view) is irrelevant since things are always moving around at the molecular level. More drawers means more available states, which means more entropy. If you want to continue the analogy to the molecular level, place a fan in each room. At one speed of the fan, the papers will be blowing around and distributing themselves in the drawers. At high speeds (higher T) the papers will be distributing themselves among more drawers. Electrons and atoms and molecules are always moving and redistributing themselves among the states. It would be more appropriate to say that “disorder” is measured by T∙ΔS Thermodynamics 7 8 Tying together the Macroscopic (Thermodynamic) and Microscopic (Molecular) Descriptions Since energy is quantized into allowed states, we can use our simplest of models for quantum systems as a guide: a particle in a box model. Recall what happens to the energy levels when you increase the length of the box… What? You don’t remember? Well, get out your guitar, put your finger at a fret way down (short string) and pluck: twing,twing, twing (high frequency). Now take you finger off the frets and pluck: twung twung, twung (low frequency). E=h∙ So, energy levels come down when you increase the length of the box, or the volume of a 3D box.(See figure above, on right.) Lowering the energy levels means making them more available, which means more entropy content. W depends on Volume W = constant ∙ V for each particle W = (constant ∙ V)N for N particles S = k∙lnW = k∙ln(constant ∙ V)N = kN∙ln(constant ∙ V) ΔS = kN∙ln(constant ∙ Vf) - kN∙ln(constant ∙ Vi) ΔS = kN∙ln(constant ∙ Vf / constant ∙ Vi) ΔS = kN∙ln(Vf / Vi) = nR∙ln(Vf / Vi) Thermodynamics 8 9 Global Changes in Entropy Remember: The Second Law states that the entropy of an isolated system will increase to a maximum. To answer the question how can a system become more comlex, we must consider any system to be part of a larger isolated system that includes the surroundings of the system of interest. ΔStotal = ΔS + ΔSsurroundings (ΔS ≡ ΔSsystem ) and ΔHsystem = - ΔHsurroundings so ΔSsurroundings = - ΔH / T Self-test 7.14 When heat flows out of a system into hot surroundings it produces less disorder (increase in entropy is smaller) than when the heat flows into cooler surroundings, where more disorder will be produced by that amount of heat. Thermodynamics 9 10 Overall Change in Entropy When using entropy as a judge of the direction of a spontaneous reaction, the total entropy must be used. For the process “A goes to B”, If ΔStotal > 0, the process is spontaneous. If ΔStotal < 0, the reverse process is spontaneous. “B goes to A”. If ΔStotal = 0, “equilibrium”, no tendency to proceed in either direction. Self-tests 7.15 Chemical Equilibrium The necessary condition for chemical equilibrium is that the rate of the forward reaction must equal the rate of the reverse reaction. This is a dynamic equilibrium (akin to juggling) rather a static equilibrium (such as a see-saw or balance) Thermodynamics 10 11 Reversible and Irreversible Processes Reversible processes are at equilibrium at every infinitesimal change along the pathway, and the ΔS of the system will equal the ΔS of the surroundings Thermodynamics 11 12 Self-tests 7.16 Thermodynamics 12 13 Gibbs Free Energy Two Tendencies for Spontaneity 1. Lose heat 2. “Disorder” ∆H < 0 "exothermic" - T∆S • as T rises, T∆S rises: more disorder • want to give "free energy" a negative sign when spontaneous Free Energy Change amount of energy available to do chemical work G H TS Sum of two tendencies - heat to evolve - randomness Spontaneous reaction G 0 balance between H & S Standard Free Energy Changes Standard conditions: 1 atm for gases, pure solids, pure liquids, solutions at 1M (p 243) Greaction G f ( products) G f (reactants) State Functions: H, S, and G are state functions, whose changed values (∆H, ∆S, ∆G) are determined only by the initial and final values. Grxn G f ( prod.) G f (react.) Thermodynamics 13 14 Gsys Hsys TSsys Self-tests 7.19-22 A B For A B if ∆G < 0 spontaneous for A B if ∆G > 0 not spontaneous (but B A is) if ∆G = 0 equilibrium Gibbs Free Energy is the “maximum non-expansion work”, which is the chemical generation of electrical power and has significance in everything from electrochemistry to bioenergetics. The Effect of Temperature: Thermodynamics 14 15 G H TS ∆H ∆S ∆G - + Always neg. + - always pos. Reaction characteristics reactions is spontaneous at all temperatures reaction is non spontaneous at all temperatures: reverse reaction is always spontaneous - - neg. at low temps: Reactions is spontaneous at low pos at high temps temperatures but becomes nonspontaneous at high temperatures + + Pos. at low temps: Reaction is nonspontaneous at low neg at high temps temperatures but becomes spontaneous at high temperatures. For the 3rd and 4th cases, the point at which a non-spontaneous reaction becomes spontaneous, and vice-versa, is at equilibrium: ΔG = 0 = ΔH – TΔS or T = ΔH / ΔS Self-tests 7.23 Bonus: Given that the heat of atomization of a diatomic molecule is always negative, prove that there is a temperature above which the molecule will spontaneously decompose. XY (g) -> X(g) + Y(g) The Laws of Thermodynamics Thermodynamics 15 16 First Law of Thermodynamics The total energy of the universe is a constant E q w E Esurr 0 Second Law of Thermodynamics The entropy of an isolated process increases in the course of a spontaneous process Third Law of Thermodynamics The entropy of a pure, perfectly formed crystalline substance at absolute zero is zero. S = k∙lnW at absolute zero, there is only one possible state available to the crystal, W = 1, S = k∙ln(1) = 0 Thermodynamics 16