San Joaquin Operational Area Guide to Mega-Shelter Operations San Joaquin Office of Emergency Services February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Author: Renee Johnston, Emergency Planner, City of Stockton Contributing Staff: San Joaquin, Office of Emergency Services: Michael R. Cockrell, Director Of Emergency Operations Ronald E. Baldwin, Retired, Director Of Emergency Operations Sharon Herrera, Part Time-Section Chief February 2012 Published on: San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide i February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Purpose of Guide This operations guide is intended to support the rapid establishment of a mega-shelter within San Joaquin Operational Area. The organization and its functions are described and checklists provided for initial set-up activities. Specific agency or organization assignments to functions will be made at the time of the disaster. The Guide briefly describes the Operational Area, and Care and Shelter Branch organizations that will determine the need for a mega-shelter, and oversee its operation to give shelter personnel a sense of the overall organization of relief activities. This guide will be used in conformity with all procedures and protocols of the San Joaquin Operational Area, Care and Shelter Branch. Traditional Shelter vs. Mega-Shelter Operations TRADITIONAL Shelter operations in disasters are traditionally the sole responsibility of the American Red Cross (ARC), under national charter. The local ARC Chapter opens shelters as needed and operates them in accordance with National ARC regulations and protocols. Other relief, public health, or assistance activities provided by other agencies or organizations to victims are conducted outside of the Red Cross shelter. MEGA-SHELTER However, once shelter populations exceed a few hundred the demand for relief services across all agencies becomes high enough to require that all possible relief activities be formally consolidated into a “mega-shelter complex” organization to more effectively share resources and knowledge to provide better services to the affected population. Large shelter populations also create a need for a much higher than normal level of public health, law enforcement, and human services support. Once these conditions are met, a mega-shelter will be established under the control of local government. The ARC will operate mass care shelters as part of this multi-agency organization. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide ii February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Table of Contents Section Page SECTION 1: OPERATIONAL AREA ORGANIZATION .................................................................................. 1 SECTION 2: CARE AND SHELTER BRANCH .................................................................................................. 2 SECTION 3: SHELTER COMMAND AND CONTROL ..................................................................................... 3 3.1 SHELTER ORGANIZATIONAL CHART ............................................................................................................. 4 SECTION 4: SHELTER BRANCH MISSIONS ................................................................................................... 5 4.1 OPERATIONS SECTION......................................................................................................................................... 5 4.2 INTAKE BRANCH .................................................................................................................................................... 5 4.3 HEALTH & SPECIALNEEDS BRANCH .............................................................................................................. 5 4.4 EVACUEE SUPPORT BRANCH ............................................................................................................................ 5 4.5 ANIMAL SERVICES BRANCH .............................................................................................................................. 5 4.6 LOGISTICS SECTION .............................................................................................................................................. 6 SECTION 5: COMMAND....................................................................................................................................... 7 5.1 SHELTER COMMANDER....................................................................................................................................... 8 5.2 SHELTER DEPUTY COMMANDER .................................................................................................................... 8 5.3 PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER ................................................................................................................... 11 5.4 SAFETY OFFICER .................................................................................................................................................. 13 SECTION 6: OPERATIONS SECTION ............................................................................................................ 14 6.1 OPERATIONS SECTION CHIEF ......................................................................................................................... 14 6.2 INTAKE BRANCH DIRECTOR ........................................................................................................................... 16 6.3 ASSESSMENT AND REGISTRATION SUPERVISOR .................................................................................. 18 6.4 INFORMATION PROCESSOR SUPERVISOR................................................................................................. 20 6.5 HEALTH AND SPECIAL NEEDS BRANCH DIRECTOR.............................................................................. 22 6.6 MEDICAL GROUP SUPERVISOR....................................................................................................................... 23 6.7 HEALTH GROUP SUPERVISOR......................................................................................................................... 25 6.8 DISABLED & ELDERY GROUP SUPERVISOR............................................................................................... 26 6.9 EVACUEE SUPPORT BRANCH DIRECTOR ................................................................................................... 29 6.10 CHILD CARE TEAM LEADER .......................................................................................................................... 31 6.11 ADULT DAY TEAM LEADER ........................................................................................................................... 34 6.12 RECREATION TEAM LEADER........................................................................................................................ 36 6.13 RECOVERY & REFERRAL GROUP SUPERVISOR ..................................................................................... 39 6.14 FAITH-BASED TEAM LEADER....................................................................................................................... 41 6.15 ANIMAL SERVICES BRANCH DIRECTOR .................................................................................................. 44 6.16 SMALL ANIMAL GROUP SUPERVISOR ....................................................................................................... 46 6.17 LARGE ANIMAL GROUP SUPERVISOR ....................................................................................................... 49 SECTION 7: PLANNING/INTELLIGENC SECTION CHIEF........................................................................ 52 7.1 RESOURCE UNIT LEADER ................................................................................................................................. 54 7.2 STATUS/CHECK-IN RECORDER...................................................................................................................... 55 7.3 SITUATION UNIT LEADER ................................................................................................................................ 57 7.4 GIS SPECIALIST ...................................................................................................................................................... 58 7.5 COMPUTER TERMINAL OPERATOR ............................................................................................................. 60 7.6 DOCUMENTATION UNIT LEADER ................................................................................................................. 61 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide iii February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide SECTION 8: LOGISTICS SECTION .................................................................................................................. 62 8.1 SERVICE BRANCH DIRECTOR .......................................................................................................................... 62 8.2 COMMUNICATIONS UNIT LEADER................................................................................................................ 65 8.3 MEDICAL UNIT LEADER .................................................................................................................................... 68 8.4 FOOD UNIT LEADER ............................................................................................................................................ 69 8.5 SUPPORT BRANCH DIRECTOR ........................................................................................................................ 71 8.6 GROUND SUPPORT UNIT LEADER................................................................................................................. 72 8.7 SUPPLY UNIT LEADER ........................................................................................................................................ 75 8.8 ORDERING MANAGER ........................................................................................................................................ 77 8.9 RECEIVING/DISTRIBUTION MANAGER ...................................................................................................... 78 8.10 RECEIVING/DISTRIBUTION-MANAGER-DONATIONS ....................................................................... 79 8.11 FACILTY UNIT LEADER ................................................................................................................................... 83 8.12 BASE MANAGER ................................................................................................................................................. 85 8.13 SECURITY MANAGER ....................................................................................................................................... 87 8.14 TRAFFIC CONTROL TEAM LEADER ............................................................................................................ 90 8.15 FACILITY MAINTENANCE SPECIALIST ..................................................................................................... 92 SECTION 9: FORMS AND PROCEDURES ..................................................................................................... 94 9.1 INTAKE BRANCH .................................................................................................................................................. 94 9.2 EVACUEE SUPPORT BRANCH .......................................................................................................................... 94 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide iv February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide SECTION 1: OPERATIONAL AREA ORGANIZATION All care and shelter operations within the County will be planned and implemented by the San Joaquin Operational Area organization. The Care and Shelter Branch within the Operational Area Operations Section will assess human needs throughout all County jurisdictions and will develop plans for meeting these needs. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 1 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide SECTION 2: CARE AND SHELTER BRANCH The Operational Area Care and Shelter Branch will assess human needs created by a disaster event, develop plans for meeting needs, and oversee implementation of plans to provide services. These services may include a shelter plan for victims requiring housing and food assistance. The shelter plan may involve the decision to establish a mega-shelter instead of traditional shelters operated by the ARC alone. This guide provides direction to establish a mega-shelter. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 2 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide SECTION 3: SHELTER COMMAND AND CONTROL The overall operation of a mega-shelter will be the responsibility of the San Joaquin Operational Area. The Care and Shelter Branch will oversee activation and operation through a Shelter Group overseeing all shelter operations. The Mega-Shelter will be organized as shown on the next page. Logistics support to the shelter will be through the Operational Area Logistics Section that will assign personnel to the shelter and coordinate needed resources. The ARC is the Mega-Shelter Intake Branch Lead Organization. (Model 3 below) Roles and Responsibilities Red Cross Shelters (Model 1) Red Cross Red Cross/ Partner Shelters (Model 2) Red Cross Red Cross Red Cross Yes Yes Yes No Red Cross Only “Supported by Red Cross” None Shared Co-logo: “In Cooperation with” Shared Shared Yes Yes Yes Community Agency No Standard Red Cross Shelter Agreement Welcome letter of agreement and Standard Red Cross Shelter Agreement Shelter Support Services Agreement for Community Agencies Administrative Control Shelter Operations Expenses Must Adhere to Disaster Code of Conduct Red Cross Branding Liability Reporting and Communication Agreement to Use Red Cross Supported Shelters (Model 3) Community Agency Red Cross Assisted Independently Managed Shelters (Model 4) Community Agency Community Agency None American Red Cross Liability: County, or, if in a City, a local Proclamation provides some immunity. Expenses: Depends if ARC is providing as a “pay-for-hire”. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 3 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 3.1 SHELTER ORGANIZATIONAL CHART San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 4 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide SECTION 4: SHELTER BRANCH MISSIONS 4.1 OPERATIONS SECTION Delivers direct assistance to clients established within the shelter complex as ARC Shelters including: Shelters, the various buildings used RV/Mobile home parking areas Campgrounds Tent cities Animal care shelters 4.2 INTAKE BRANCH Makes initial assessment of evacuee needs and advises if outside assistance or in-shelter services best provides required needs. If an immediate health or medical need, evacuee will be directed, or provided, with transportation to correct service needed. 4.3 HEALTH & SPECIALNEEDS BRANCH Provide emergency medical, health, environmental health, and disabled or elderly special needs services to shelter populations. 4.4 EVACUEE SUPPORT BRANCH Provide support to shelter populations to include referral to recovery services, child and adult day care, and psychological support through recreation and faith-based support. 4.5 ANIMAL SERVICES BRANCH Provide Animal Services facilities and services for small and large animals that are dependent on the evacuees at the shelter in coordination with San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 5 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide overall Animal Services operations occurring within the Operational Area. Establish protocols for access to pet owners in the shelter population and support to those who are grieving the loss of a pet. 4.6 LOGISTICS SECTION Support all shelter operations with maintenance of the physical facility including restrooms, feeding areas, sheltering camps, staff working areas, etc. Provide transportation services, communication support, supply and donation management, shelter safety, and traffic control services. Ground Support Unit: Responsible for transporting people, supplies, and equipment: fueling, service, maintenance, and repair of vehicles and other ground support equipment: and development and implementation of the Shelter Traffic Plan. Communications Unit: Responsible for communication support and will coordinate with all Sections of shelter to assure ability to communicate within, and, outside of Shelter. This includes telephone, Internet access, and radio systems. Supply Unit: Responsible obtaining and distributing all needed resources, and for donation management. Receiving/Distribution Manager: Responsible for Storage and provision of medications and drugs as needed for legitimate shelter population needs. Facility Unit: Responsible for establishing all shelter locations, maintenance, and safety and traffic control services. This unit also maintains a high level of sanitary, health, and psychological conditions within the entire mega-shelter. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 6 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide SECTION 5: COMMAND Manage mega-shelter operations to include shelters and associated services as identified in the shelter organization to meet objectives set by the Operations Command Care and Shelter Branch. Coordinates with ARC to ensure activities throughout the shelter complex meet needs of evacuees. Responsible for safe conditions throughout the shelter components (human live-in, RV, animal, etc. Provide support and direction to Public Information Officer, Shelter Deputy Director and Safety Officer. Assures communication to Operational Area EOC, Care and Shelter Branch. This person will be physically located at Shelter Command Post. POSITION CHECKLISTS 1. 2. 3. 4. Shelter Commander Deputy Commander Public Information Officer Safety Officer San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 7 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 5.1 SHELTER COMMANDER Approve implementation of Action Plan with Operations Command Care and Shelter Branch to include location, final organization, and staffing needs. Arrange meeting of Disaster Relief Coalition (DRC) to request agencies for shelter functions. Determine staffing needs of all Branches, groups, and units from each assigned agency/organization. Obtain director and supervisor assignments from responsible agencies/organizations. Brief Branch Directors/Group Supervisors and provide mission/initial action checklist from Guide. Approve shelter, feeding, and shelter operations plans. Approve shelter staff schedules, security, and support plans. Request Operational Area Care & Shelter Branch Director to inform Public Information Officer, and all incident commands, of shelter location(s). Establish Shelter Command & General Staff. Brief Staff and OA Care & Branch Director, of objectives, meeting schedules, reporting process, and Logistics or Planning authorities. 5.2 SHELTER DEPUTY COMMANDER Responsible must have the same qualifications as the Commander, as they must be ready to take over that position at any time. They can be assigned specific task oversight of the Shelter, relieve the Commander for rest, if “off-site” for meetings, or full relief. Provide direction and assistance to Branch Chiefs in meeting their responsibilities, as needed. Address problems/issues to resolve them at the lowest level possible. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 8 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Provide reports to the Shelter Commander and/or Operations Command. Work with the Public Information Officer to obtain and disseminate information needed to keep the public informed. Assist Safety Officer, as needed, to meet safety requirements within the Mega Shelter complex. Cover Shelter Commander if needed. Establish Shelter Command & General Staff. Assist Shelter Commander in finalizing implementation plans as directed by the Commander. Attend meeting of Disaster Relief Coalition to obtain information on: o o o Agencies assigned to shelter functions. Assist assigned agencies/organizations in determination of staffing needs of all Branches, groups, and units. Provide this information to the Shelter Commander. Attend all briefing meetings and provide assistance as needed to the Shelter Commander at these meetings. Assist Branch Chiefs, and other shelter staff, in setting up their assigned areas. Provide update reports to Commander on complex set up. Provide backup for Commander as needed, or be assigned oversight of specific Shelter Sections as assigned. Command Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Purpose Desk & Chair 1 Office Telephone (Land-line or cell) 1 +/- As needed Computer (with Internet) 1 E-mails, reports, forms San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 9 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Power strip San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 4 +/- 10 Computers February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 5.3 PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER Coordinate and disseminate internal and external information to evacuees and the public. Plan and coordinate media and VIP facility tours, while assisting media to access evacuees and private areas within the shelter. Prepare press releases and organize press briefings and conferences. Coordinate internal and external public information with the Shelter Unified Command and the Communication Unit. Establish contact with the Op Area Joint Information Center (JIC). Work with Donations Manager in Logistics to determine donations needed and not needed and plan message for public request/education. (The “donations” message is a priority and should be handled with compassion and with the understanding that people will donate monetarily and in goods and will immediately seek ways to do so following a disaster). Work with Facility Unit Leader to plan and set-up Media Room. Coordinate media access with the Operations Section Chief. Coordinate Media Parking with the Security Manager. Determine internal and external communication needed and work with Communication Unit Leader in the Logistics Section to disseminate messages via signage, facility billboards, website, etc. Determine phone bank needs. If needed, work with the Facility Unit Leader to determine location for phones and with the Communication Unit Leader to request phones and set-up. Request staff/volunteers to assist with: o Phone Hot-line (ICS-205) o Set up website page o Other social media: Twitter, Face book page, etc., as needed San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 11 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Public Information Officer Supplies / Equipment Needed Item / Material Quantity Purpose Media Parking Passes 20 Limited Access Media Passes 20 Limited Access Media Room 1 Limited Access Riser 1 Media Conference Lectern 1 Media Conference Microphone 1 Media Conference Sound System 1 Media 20 Media 1 Media 1 Media Coordination Conference Chairs Conference Camera Platform Conference Media room with phones & Internet connection Media parking area Designated Parking Joint Information Center (JIC) procedures Pre-planned use San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 12 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 5.4 SAFETY OFFICER Develop ICS Form 208 Safety Plan and recommend measures for assuring staff and evacuee safety, and to monitor and/or anticipate hazardous and unsafe situations relating to the Mega-Shelter. Participate in facility walk-thru with the Facility Unit Leader and Environmental Health Inspector. Ensure evacuation plans are properly posted throughout shelter. Follow-up on all safety related issues in shelter. Monitor staff and evacuees to reduce safety or health risks with support from the Medical and Health Group Supervisors. Provide training and safety and health information. Ensure proper personal protective equipment (PPE) is used. Utilize emergency authority to stop and prevent unsafe acts. Request staff/volunteers and supplies as needed. Safety Officer Supplies / Equipment Needed Item / Material Quantity Purpose Forms* As needed 215 – Operations Planning Worksheet 208 – Site Safety & Control Plan Documentation Shelter Layouts Per Facility Plans Evacuation maps As needed Posted for viewing Base/Facility Traffic Plans Per Facility Plans San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 13 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide SECTION 6: OPERATIONS SECTION Responsible for the management of all shelter operations directly applicable to the primary mission ensuring services to evacuees, and safety and welfare of all Section personnel. Operations is run in cooperation and in compliance with ARC regulations including: Buildings used as shelters RV/Mobile home parking areas Campgrounds and tent cities Includes mass feeding for shelter population Responsible for the overall activities, staffing, safety, and services provided of the four Branches below. 6.1 OPERATIONS SECTION CHIEF Attend Disaster Coalition meeting scheduled by the Shelter Commander. Coordinate opening of Mega Shelter with local Red Cross Chapter. Obtain Intake Branch Director, Assessment and Registration Supervisor and Information Processor Supervisor information from Red Cross. Obtain AMC plan for running of shelter operations. Meet with Branch Directors from assigned agencies/organizations to assist in completion of plans for each Branch and determine time-line for set-up of operations. Implement set-up of shelter. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 14 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Obtain lists of managers and supervisors and staffing schedules for each branch from Directors. If assistance is needed in staffing any area, obtain lists of needs. Provide assistance and support of shelter set-up, as needed, for each Branch. Arrange delivery of stockpiled shelter supplies and equipment and determine need for additional supplies and equipment. Provide support for Red Cross to receive feeding support from the Food Unit Leader in the Logistics Section. Oversee implementation of shelter and feeding plans. Establish shelter manager meeting schedule, reporting protocols, and provide policy guidance. Attend mega-shelter command staff briefings and meetings. Operations Section Chief Supplies/Equipment Needed Item / Material Quantity Purpose Desk 1 Office Chair 1 Seating 1 For needed contacts Telephone (land line or cell) Computer (with Internet) Power San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 1 E-mails, reports, etc. 1 outlet Computers 15 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 6.2 INTAKE BRANCH DIRECTOR Branch is responsible for the initial assessment of needs, registering, and Information collecting of evacuees entering shelter. This Branch is operated by the Red Cross and includes sleeping assignment and responsibility for feeding the shelter population and volunteers in coordination with the Food Unit Leader in the Logistics Section. Meet with Operations Command Care and Shelter Branch and the Shelter Commander to finalize implementation plans for establishing a Mega Shelter. Attend the Disaster Coalition Meeting and accept assignment of the Intake Branch. Meet with the Operations Section Chief to coordinate opening plans for the Intake Branch. Provide the ARC Plan for shelter operations to the Section Chief. Assign Supervisors for Registration and Assessment and Information Processor Units, establish work schedules and provide this information to the Section Chief. Take possession of stockpiled forms, supplies and equipment. Submit request to Logistics Branch or ARC for needed forms, supplies and equipment. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 16 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Request assistance in setting up areas for registration, assessment, information processing, beds for sleeping assignments and feeding area(s). Complete set-up activities. Coordinate assessment activities with the Health and Special Needs Branch Director for assignment of volunteers from the Elderly and Disabled Unit to address special needs of elderly and disabled evacuees and with the Medical and Health Units for determination and transporting of evacuees to medical facilities. Establish contact and a plan for handling animal removal to sheltering with the Animal Services Branch Director. Address problem issues with the Deputy Commander. Intake Branch Director Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Purpose Desk 1 Work place Chair 1 Seating Telephone (land or cell) 1 Calls Computer (with Internet) 1 E-mails, reports, etc. Power San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 1 outlet 17 Computer February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 6.3 ASSESSMENT AND REGISTRATION SUPERVISOR (Intake Branch) American Red Cross will be the lead agency for Assessment and Registration. Work with the shelter Safety Officer to set up a safe location for assessment and registration, and taking into special account People with Disabilities, the Elderly (PWD/E) and pets. Request assessment and registration supplies and staff/ volunteers. Set-up assessment area to complete evacuee assessment prior to shelter registration. Ensure each person admitted can physically and mentally tolerate a “general population” shelter. Coordinate emergency medical assistance, minor first aid and requests for ambulance transportation through the shelter Medical Group. Coordinate with the Animal Services Branch to take control of pets. Work with Communication Unit to prepare Mega-Shelter Guidelines for evacuees. Prepare for just-in-time training to teach staff/volunteers how to fill out required forms and how to handle incoming population. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 18 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Assessment and Registration Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Purpose Tables Three large Registration Chairs 18 (6 per table) Registration Power Multiple outlets Computers Computers 6 Registration Trash Cans 3 Sanitation Barricades/rope and stanchion As needed Crowd control Signage As needed Crowd control Megaphones 1 Crowd control Water and snacks As needed For evacuees Portable Toilets As needed For evacuees Red Cross hygiene & personal clean-up kits As needed For evacuees First Aid Kits 5 For evacuees Forms: ARC – U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Initial Intake & Assessment 5000 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide Registration 19 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 6.4 INFORMATION PROCESSOR SUPERVISOR (Intake Branch) Provide information support for evacuees. Process and track all information on evacuees to include location, special needs, personal information, services provided, animals sheltered and known owners. Process requests from persons, organizations and law enforcement attempting to locate lost persons and pets. Connect evacuees and animals to friends and family when possible. Work with the Intake Branch Director to develop plans for obtaining information on all evacuees sheltered and with the Animal Services Branch Director to develop plans for obtaining information on all pets sheltered. Become familiar with recovery services within the shelter, including the general population, Health and Special Needs Branch, Child Care, Adult Day Care, Recreation and the Faith Based Group. Become familiar with government and non-government organizations that can provide support to evacuees and staff, to include San Joaquin County DRC. Determine staffing and scheduling needs for this group. Contact DRC and Supply Unit Leader to request staff needed. Coordinate with Facility to identify space within shelter to set-up ongoing operations. Work with the Operations Section Chief to develop plan and any forms needed for all branches and groups within the Section to report information on services provided, location sheltered, special needs addressed, and any personal information not obtained during registration on each evacuee. Assign volunteers to place all information on each evacuee and pet into a spreadsheet for tracking purposes. Set-up phone banks to receive calls from the public and law San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 20 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide enforcement officials looking for lost persons and pets. Research shelter records on all requests for information. Contact evacuees in shelter on whom a request has been received and provide them with information to contact the person or agency that is looking for them. Refer lost pet requests to the appropriate Animal Shelter Group. Connect evacuees with computer/internet and phone services available within the shelter to report lost persons & pets and for return contact on persons looking for them Information Processor Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Purpose Desk 1 Supervisor Chairs 5 Supervisor/Evacuees Long Table 1 Work areas Chairs 6 For Table Telephone 1 Supervisor Communication Bank of Telephones As Needed For work areas Computers 2 Information input/tracking San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 21 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 6.5 HEALTH AND SPECIAL NEEDS BRANCH DIRECTOR Provide emergency medical, health, environmental health, and disabled/elderly special needs services to shelter populations. Ensure a high level of sanitary, health, and psychological conditions within the entire mega-shelter. Store and provide medications and drugs as needed for legitimate shelter population needs. This person holding this position will continue to be physically located at whatever agency/organization his/her usual job is located. Identify Group Supervisors and activate staff through the Disaster Relief Coalition and Logistics Section Supply Unit and request supplies in accordance with group checklists. Identify staff areas for organizing and conducting Branch operations. Identify separate areas to provide services away from general areas. Request PWD/E shelter census and assessment information from Mega-Shelter Assessment and Registration staff. Develop Sign Plan for areas used by Branch staff, order signs through Communication Unit and direct posting where needed. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 22 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 6.6 MEDICAL GROUP SUPERVISOR (Health and Special Needs Branch) Provide emergency medical services to mega-shelter staff and shelter population. Maintain medical supplies and pharmaceutical caches, in coordination with the Supply Unit, for distribution to mega-shelter functions as needed. Maintain medical equipment being used in shelter, e.g. powered wheelchairs, O2 bottles, etc. Maintain refrigeration for pharmaceuticals and systems for proper disposal of medical waste. Safety First: Determine safe and secure location to store medications. Request assistance from the Safety Group, if security is needed. Work with the Facilities Group to plan infirmary location(s) and first aid stations to separate sick or injured evacuees from the general Mega-Shelter population. Assign teams to assist with Assessment & Registration, First Aid stations and, if needed, infirmary locations. Inventory and maintain medical equipment being used in shelter. Provide information list of equipment to Supply Unit Leader. Request needed equipment from Logistics Section, Supply Unit Leader. Coordinate medical care with Disabled and Elderly Group. Request transportation services to acute medical care facilities through the Ground Support Group. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 23 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Medical Group Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Purpose ID Vests As needed Identification Radios 1 per team Communication/Safety First Aid Kits 1 per station First Aid EMS Fanny Packs 1 per EMT First Aid Automated External Defibrillator (AED) 1 per facility Cardiac Arrest Refrigerator 1 Maintain med temperatures Table 1 per room Nurse station Chairs As needed For medical rooms Public Health’s Point of Distribution Trailer – If needed Contains everything needed to give mass inoculations, except the medication San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 24 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 6.7 HEALTH GROUP SUPERVISOR (Health & Special Needs Branch) Assist Safety Officer and other Group Supervisors within the Health Special Needs Branch to inspect and ensure proper shelter sanitation and communicable disease control. Monitor shelter population for mental health or substance abuse issues. Monitor shelter staff for stress and exhaustion. Coordinate efforts to assist with any identified problems. Visit and inspect Mega-Shelter, to include all facilities utilized to support shelter operations, and address any health issues. Request staff/volunteers and supplies to the Logistics Section, Supply Unit and Medical Unit, to fill group needs. Work with Facility Unit Leader and Facility Maintenance Specialist to ensure a safe environment for evacuees and staff. Request assistance from Environmental Health Agency, if warranted. Coordinate with Behavioral Health Services to refer evacuees and staff for help with mental health/substance abuse issues. Coordinate with Recreation Group to provide leisure activities. Coordinate with the Faith Based Group Leader to set up meetings for Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, etc. Health Group Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Purpose ID Vests 6 Identification Latex Gloves Box PPE Shelter Layout 1 Management Radios 1 per team Communication/Safety San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 25 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 6.8 DISABLED & ELDERY GROUP SUPERVISOR (Health & Special Needs Branch) Provide services to ensure that People With Disabilities and the Elderly (PWD/E) population is safe and comfortable and in a sanitary environment to include meeting their special functional needs. Reduce potential health and safety impacts from residence of PWD/E in the shelter. Contact Disaster Relief Coalition lead agency to mobilize the Special Needs Action Group (SNAG). NOTE: Each agency in the SNAG determines number of staff needed per shift and makes staff assignments in coordination with Group Supervisor. Identify outside resources for PWD/E needs, outside of those that are available through normal Red Cross services, from medical facilities, sub-acute facilities, and assisted living complexes. Request through the Logistics Section, Supply Unit. Supply Unit Leader will determine whether agreements or contract-for-hire are required in order obtaining resources. Obtain assistance from the Facility Unit Leader to identify an area within the shelter for providing special needs and assistance for PWD/E population. Work with the Facility Unit Leader to identify an area within the shelter for conducting on-going PWD/E Group Operations. Brief staff assigned to Group on functions of Group, other Groups in Health & Special Needs Branch, and other mega-shelter branches to include manner of interaction and cooperation. Establish shift change, briefing, and group communications protocols. Develop list of Personal Assistants (PA) and assign PAs to clients and maintain list of assignments. Track PWD/E persons being monitored in shelter with their functional San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 26 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide needs and the services being provided. Report this information to the Information Processor Manager for inclusion in special needs informational reporting, Disabled & Elderly Group Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Purpose Tables 1 Operations Area Chairs 4 Operations Area Computer (With Internet) 1 Load with PWD/E forms Printer 1 For use with computer Medications** As needed Administer to evacuees Refrigeration** As needed Maintain Medication temperatures Locked Cabinet/box** As needed Narcotics storage Identification Bracelets** 50 ID of confused clients Lap Blankets** 100 Client comfort Sharps containers** As needed Bio-hazard storage Plastic/Latex Gloves** 20 boxes Staff safety/sanitation Bed Pads** 50 Client comfort/sanitation Glucometers/Strips** 6 sets Diabetes testing Face Masks** 2 boxes, medium Staff safety San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 27 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Crutches** As needed Mobility Lift/Hoist** As needed Lifting Wheelchair/Walker/Cane** As needed Mobility Incontinent Supplies As needed Incontinence Signs, for areas within Group As needed Locating Area **Identifies items that will need to be requested from the Medical or Supply Unit in the Logistics Section when needed, not for stocking. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 28 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 6.9 EVACUEE SUPPORT BRANCH DIRECTOR Provide support to shelter populations to include referral to recovery services, child and adult day care, and faith-based support through recreation, spiritual, substance abuse, trauma, crisis, grief, bereavement and other services for individuals and families. Request staff from the Disaster Relief Coalition with support from the Logistics Section, Supply Unit. Identify work areas and furniture needs with the shelter Facility Unit. Request items of need from the Supply Unit. Inform Supply Unit of locations to deliver any existing supply caches for branch operations. Establish Branch meeting schedule, reporting protocols, and policy guidance for operating branch functions. Assign and brief group leaders - oversee set up of operations. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 29 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Evacuee Support Branch Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Purpose Desk 1 Work place Chair 1 Seating Telephone (land or cell) 1 Calls Computer (With Internet) 1 E-mails, reports, etc. Power San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 1 outlet 30 Computers February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 6.10 CHILD CARE TEAM LEADER (Evacuee Support Branch) To establish and run a child-care facility or area within the shelter to provide child care services that are supervised, secure, safe and provides activities to the children of sheltered families. Child care will be provided to the children of parent(s) or other responsible adults from infants to age 12 during the time needed for the adults to work, attend appointments, or do volunteer work in another area of the shelter when there is no other age appropriate family member available to care for the children. Contact DRC to assign agency/organization to provide initial volunteers to report for setting up the child care facility area. Coordinate with Facility Unit Supervisor to obtain space for child-care facility. Set up facility: Set-up different rooms for division of age groups, if possible If only one room or area is available, use dividers to separate groups by age or types of activities Place cribs in quietest area of facility (coordinate with local church to use their nursery for newborn baby) Set-up tables and chairs Obtain supplies such as blankets, cups, bandages, tissues, etc. Identify outside area for physical activities Set-up check in/out area Obtain games, toys, craft supplies, reading books, crayons, coloring/activity books etc. Establish storage areas for the supplies Obtain supplies and establish storage area by requesting from Supply Unit, for games, toys, craft supplies, books, coloring books, crayons, etc. Determine hours of operation and establish staffing schedule, utilizing available staff/volunteers. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 31 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide o There should be no more than the following ratio of children to each child care volunteer: Infant to age 3 - 1 staff/volunteer to every 4 children Age 4 to age 6 - 1 staff/volunteer to every 6 children Age 8 to age 10 - 1 staff/volunteer to every 10 children Age 11 to age 12 - 1 staff/volunteer to every 15 children Establish a list for people, from evacuees, DRC and Supply Unit, to sign up as staff/volunteers. Contact the Food Unit Supervisor to plan feeding and snack schedule and delivery. Post signage to identify child-care area. Inform the Branch Director and Facility Unit Supervisor when ready to open facility. Open facility for child care services. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 32 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Child Care Team Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Purpose Tables 10 (1 per 10 children) Use in activities Chairs 100 For tables above Cribs 10 For infants & toddlers Refrigerator 1 For snacks, formula Identification Bracelets 500 Child ID Small Blankets or throws 100 Naps Plastic/Latex Gloves 2 boxes (per size) Safety & Sanitation Mats 100 Naps & Activities Games (Assorted types & ages) 25 Activities Jigsaw Puzzles (assorted) 25 Activities Coloring Books 25 Activities Crayons, Colored Pencils 25 boxes Activities Construction paper 10 packs Activities Toys (Assorted by age ranges) Variety Play Books (Different age ranges) Variety Reading Kleenex 25 boxes Sanitation Small cups 600 Drinking Diapers (Assorted sizes) 10 boxes each Infants & toddlers Dedicated Telephone 1 (land-line or mobile) Security & families In case of emergency Computer w/Internet & e-mail, Printer 1 each E-mails, forms, tracking, etc. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 33 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 6.11 ADULT DAY TEAM LEADER (Evacuee Support Branch) Provide safe, sanitary, and secure day care to the PWD/E population in order for caregivers to work, go to appointments, etc. Contact DRC for initial volunteers to report for setting up the adult care facility area. Coordinate with the Facility Unit to identify an area within the shelter more conducive to addressing the needs of PWD/E persons who need quieter or more easily monitored area for adult care facility. Set-up facility: If only one room or area is available, use dividers to separate groups by abilities or types of activities Set up table and chairs Obtain supplies such as blankets, cups, bandages, tissues, etc. Identify secure outside area for physical activities Set-up check in/out area Obtain games, craft supplies, reading books, etc. Establish storage areas for the supplies Obtain storage units from Supply Unit and establish storage area for games, craft supplies, reading books, etc. Determine hours of operation and establish staffing schedule, utilizing available volunteers. Post schedules and enlist qualified volunteers through the DRC, Supply Unit and evacuees able to assist. Contact Food Unit Supervisor to develop feeding and snack schedules and set-up delivery. Put up signs to identify adult day care area, coordinate with the Communication Unit to plan other signage needed. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 34 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Inform Branch Director, Disabled and Elderly Group Supervisor and Facility Unit Supervisor when ready to open facility. Open facility for adult day care services. Adult Day Care Team Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Purpose Tables 4 For activities Chairs 24 For tables above Computer & Printer 1 each Forms, tracking, prepare Schedules, print Telephone 1 Communication Radios As needed Communication Refrigeration Unit 1 Nutrition Lap Blankets 10 Warmth, comfort for naps Plastic/Latex Gloves 5 Boxes Safety and sanitation Bandages Assorted First Aid Wheelchair 1 For ambulation Incontinent supplies As needed Sanitation Games, Cards, Craft supplies Assorted For activities Signage* As needed Schedules, location, etc. *NOTE: Not specific to this group, will need message boards, directional signs, calendars, etc. posted throughout shelter. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 35 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 6.12 RECREATION TEAM LEADER (Evacuee Support Branch) Provide recreation for children and adults by coordinating positive activities for the evacuee population. Determine general population demographics so activities can reflect the evacuee needs. Request supplies and staff/volunteers according to the activities planned from the DRC and Supply Unit. Work with other group supervisors, such as the Child Care and Adult Day Care Group in Evacuee Recovery Branch and the Facility Unit, Supply Unit, Communication Unit and Ground Support Unit, to plan activities and locate available resources. Coordinate planned activities with the Intake Branch and Evacuee Support Branch. Unplanned Activities: Work with evacuees to assist with entertainment and sporadic recreational activities, such as playing a musical instrument, teaching a course on knitting, etc. Work with the Donation’s Unit to request donated sports equipment and other items that can be used for recreation. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 36 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Recreation Team Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Purpose UNICEF Recreation Box 5 Kits General Population 1-Recreation kit: 23 components, designed for play of up to 90 children at same time: o 1 lockable metal box o 11 teacher's items o 11 students' items Teacher's materials: Book, exercise, A4, ruled-8mm, 96 pgs PAC-10 Instructor Slate, fiberboard, double-sided, A4 BOX-20 Instructor Pen, ball-point, black, BOX-10 Instructor Chalk, white BOX-100 Instructor Whistle, referee's, non-metallic Instructor Inflating-kit for balls Storage Tape, measure, 5 m, retractable Instructor UNICEF T-shirt, cyan blue cotton Instructor Cap, UNICEF baseball, cyan, cotton Instructor Bag, UNICEF, blue polyester,360x230x610mm Instructor Student's materials: Handball, senior & junior Evacuee group Volleyball, professional model Evacuee group Volleyball net, 9.5x1m,without posts Evacuee group Football round, junior Evacuee group Basketball, professional size Evacuee group Ball, sponge rubber, 60-80mm diam. SET-5 Evacuee group Frisbee, polyethylene, 20cm diameter PAC-4 Evacuee group Skipping rope, polyester, 3m PAC-10 Evacuee group Picket with flag SET-6 Evacuee group Tabards, red/blue nylon mesh Water San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide Evacuee group As needed 37 Evacuees/Instructor February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 38 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 6.13 RECOVERY & REFERRAL GROUP SUPERVISOR (Evacuee Support Branch) Connect evacuees to services available to assist them with recovery. Coordinate evacuee and staff relief services with the San Joaquin County Disaster Relief Coalition (DRC) to assist with recovery services (such as job searches; educational opportunities; family support services; social services benefit programs and services; locating and obtaining or replacing housing; etc. Familiarize with recovery services available within shelter, including: o o Health and Special Needs Branch: Child Care, Adult Day Care, Recreation and the Faith Based Group. Obtain list from DRC of government, and non-government organizations supporting evacuees. Work with the Communication Unit to prepare fliers, brochures, posters, etc. to direct evacuees to support opportunities. Assist Recovery Group to inform evacuees of services available. Contact DRC to put together Recovery Support Teams of personnel from agencies such as: o Human Services; Cash Food Stamps Medi-Cal Other Social Services o Housing Authority: Public Housing and Housing Choice Vouchers o Work Net: Employment assistance Unemployment Benefits referral o Fair Housing: Assistance in locating and obtaining housing Assign Recovery Support Teams to make rounds or set-up meetings to offer assistance for evacuee needs. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 39 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Recovery & Referral Group Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Purpose Office/Space 1 Recovery Supervisor Desk & Chair 1 desk / 3 chairs Office Computer with Internet 1 Recovery Supervisor “Recovery Support Team” Vests 20 Identification Radios 10 Communication/Safety Handouts for evacuees As needed Advertise Services San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 40 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 6.14 FAITH-BASED TEAM LEADER (Evacuee Support Branch) Provide crisis support to traumatized evacuees and staff. Help contact and convene survivors’ family, friends and clergy to prepare for grief or bereavement services. Provide a safe environment for survivors to express their anguish. Provide survivors information on how to care for themselves in the coming days and weeks and provide referrals to agencies offering short-term and long-term support. Provide other practical assistance as necessary. Work with other groups within Branch and other Branches within shelter to determine immediate needs of evacuees/staff that are grieving and may need spiritual guidance. Contact clergy and counselors, through the DRC or Supply Unit, from various denominations and organizations, including chaplains, to provide assistance to evacuees and staff. Make a schedule, assigning volunteer clergy members to be on-site 24 hours a day, in 8 hour shifts, to provide comfort, solace, counseling, services, etc. Assign a telephone number, or e-mail address, for shelter population to contact if cleric assistance is needed. Post on bulletin board. Coordinate with Facility Unit to assign an area for a table to be set up for people to come to for cleric assistance. Identify a room or area where clerics can meet with evacuees to converse privately or provide counseling, when needed. Assign Faith Team to assist with Assessment & Registration and to assist in other Bureaus, as needed. Review shelter resources for evacuees with Logistics and Branch Directors to guide evacuees to available assistance. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 41 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Support the survivors and families of victims of the disaster by providing telephone access, information, counseling, and most of all, privacy from the media and curiosity seekers. (An entire center can be created for this purpose, if there are multiple casualties). Work with the Health and Special Needs Branch to determine if meetings should be scheduled for: o o o Alcoholics Anonymous Narcotics Anonymous Other addictive assistance Contact DRC and Logistics Section to schedule services on-site and off-site as needed. Ask Facility Unit to provide on-site locations. Identify need to provide family entertainment, such as: o o o Singing groups Solo performer or bands Clown or other comical entertaining type Request DRC to assign staff to schedule, having them work with Facility Unit for on-site location availability. Request Public Information Officer to advertise services and entertainment. Distribute service schedules to Branch Leaders. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 42 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Faith-Based Team Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Purpose Table 1 Evacuee Materials Chairs 4 For Table Computer w/Internet access 1 Management Faith-based Literature 100 Each Evacuee Support Referral Guides 100 Evacuee Support Coloring Books 100 Children Stuffed Animals 100 Children Kleenex 20 Boxes Evacuee Support Grieving Room 2 Evacuee Support Chapel/Prayer Room As needed Evacuee Support San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 43 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 6.15 ANIMAL SERVICES BRANCH DIRECTOR Provide Animal Services for small and large animals that are dependent on the evacuees at the shelter in coordination with overall Animal Services operations occurring within the Operational Area. Establish protocols for access to pets by their owners in the shelter population and support to those who are grieving the death or loss of a pet. This position will not be physically located on-site within the shelter. The person holding this position will continue to work primarily from his/her business office. Work with the Shelter Logistics Section, and the OA Law Enforcement (mutual aid) Coordinator, to determine the needs of the small and large animals. Identify Supervisors for Small Animal Group and Large Animal Group; activate staff and supplies in-group checklists. Provide for the care of Service Animals for people with special needs that are dependent on the animal’s support. Identify distinct animal shelters/facilities needed to provide Animal Care and Shelter (e.g. room within Shelter, outbuilding, corral, barn, parking lot, field, etc.) and determine number of staff needed to provide animal care. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 44 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Request animal care staff/volunteers for all animal shelters/facilities associated with the shelter where 24-hour care is needed and to oversee animals placed in temporary locations. Identify resources for pet supplies based on animal population needs. (E.g. food, water, items for pet waste, corrals, etc.) Submit requests to Supply Unit for needed supplies. Locate veterinarian to contact for off-site emergency veterinary care and transportation needs for injured: o o Small Animal pets Large Animal Request Logistics Section Supply Unit to set up payment ability, if needed. Develop an accountability system to track owners and their animals in preparation for eventual recovery. Request signage from Logistics Section or Technology Unit for shelter assessment and registration area. Prepare statement for Public Information Officers to provide direction to people who have pets. Work with Situation Units’ GIS Specialist to provide computer access to pet owners to register and search for displaced pets. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 45 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 6.16 SMALL ANIMAL GROUP SUPERVISOR (Animal Services Branch) Provide emergency staff to represent Animal Services at the general population shelter to include intake assistance to people entering with pets, the care of Service Animals*, care of small animals within shelter or housed off-site. Ensure safety of Animal Service staff/volunteers, general population of shelter and animals. Provide resources to pet owners grieving from death or loss of a small or large animal. Coordinate with the Animal Services Branch Director to meet the needs of healthy small animals and emergency care of injured small animals. Follow-up with requests by the Animal Services Branch Director for staff and volunteers to assist in shelters with general population. This is to set up small animal care within human shelter, and/or, offsite animal shelter. Determine “Just in Time Training” needs for staff & volunteers. Schedule and conduct needed training. Ensure Owner/Pet accountability is in place, using the pre-packaged forms and instructions provided by City of Stockton/San Joaquin County Animal Shelter. Follow-up with request made by the Animal Services Branch Director to ensure: o o Small Animal supplies are in place to provide food and water for animals Safe disposal of animal waste, safe cleaning and sanitizing of animals and the equipment used to care for them, such as bedding, kennels and food & water bowls Make requests for needed items through the Supply Unit, as needed. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 46 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Follow-up with shelter signage requested by the Animal Services Branch Director, and coordinate instillation of signage within Shelters. Provide details on Small Animal Sheltering to the Animal Services Branch Director for PIO. *Service Animals: Provide for the care of Service Animals for people with special needs that are dependent on the animal’s support. Small Animal Group Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Purpose Portable Radios As needed Communication Staff/volunteers Vest As needed Uniform Staff/Volunteers Sign-up Packet 1 Track staff Small Animal Triage Kit 1 Shelter Intake Small Animal Accountability Packet 1 Track owners/pets Digital Camera 2 Track owners/pets Instructions for pet owners 50 Responsibilities Listing of evacuee support services 50 Death or loss of pet Animal First Aid Kits As needed For injured pets Large crates/carriers 25 Large pets Small crates/carriers 50 Small pets Metal Racks to hold crates As needed For multiple crates Portable Kennels (small and large) As needed For multiple pets Food bowls/buckets (small & large) 40 For food & water San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 47 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Blankets 20 For pets Animal Toys As needed Reduce pet stress Leashes (small & large) 50 Safety & Control Muzzle (small & large) 5 Safety & Control Snare 10 Safety & Control Towels 100 Grooming Disinfectant Pet shampoo 10 bottles Grooming Animal Sheers 5 Grooming Hose 5 Grooming/Sanitation Plastic Gloves 100 Safety/Sanitation Newspaper & Potty Pads 100 Contain animal waste Plastic bags 100 Contain animal waste Cat Litter box 5 Contain animal waste Cat Litter 5 bags Contain animal waste Powdered Cleansers 5 Sanitation Bleach 2 gallons Sanitation Paper towels 20 rolls Sanitation Fans As needed Heat Safety Generator As needed Power Animal Services Vehicle As needed Transportation San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 48 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 6.17 LARGE ANIMAL GROUP SUPERVISOR (Animal Services Branch) Provide emergency staff to assist with the care and shelter of large animals, such as horses, cattle, lama, etc. Represent Animal Services at the general population shelter to include intake assistance to people entering with the responsibility of caring for large animals that will be housed offsite. Ensure the safety of Large Animal Group staff and for the large animals. Work with Small Animal Group to provide resources to pet owners grieving from death or loss of a large animal. Coordinate with the Logistics Section, Animal Services Branch Director to meet the needs of healthy large animals and emergency care of injured large animals. Determine whom to contact for off-site emergency veterinary care for large injured animals and transportation needs. Work with County and City Shelters to coordinate Contract resources to assist with the care and shelter of Large Animals. Follow-up with request made by the Animal Services Branch Director for staff and volunteers to assist with off-site animal care and provide assistance with general population assessment as needed. Determine “Just in Time Training” needs for staff & volunteers. Setup and conduct needed training. Ensure Owner/Animal accountability is in place, using the prepackaged forms and instructions provided by City of Stockton/ San Joaquin County Animal Shelter. Follow-up with requested by the Animal Services Branch Director to ensure Large Animal supplies are in place to provide food and water for animals, safe disposal of animal waste, safe cleaning and sanitizing of animals and the equipment used to care for them, such as bedding, grooming and food & water bowls. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 49 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Follow-up with shelter signage request made by the Animal Control Branch Director and coordinate instillation of signage outside shelters to direct Large Animal owners. Coordinate signage for off-site locations. Provide details and updates on Large Animal Sheltering to the Animal Services Branch Director for PIO. Large Animal Group Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Purpose Portable Radios As needed Communication Staff/Volunteers Vest As needed Uniform Staff/Volunteers Sign-up Packet 1 Track staff Large Animal Triage Kit 1 Shelter Intake Large Animal Accountability Packet 1 Track owners/pets Instructions for Large Animal owners 20 Responsibilities Listing of evacuee support services 20 Death or loss of pet Large Animal First Aid Kits As needed For minor injuries Portable corral/cage/fencing As needed Animal containment Tarps As needed Temporary Shelter Food buckets (small & large) 20 For food & water Horse blankets 10 Warmth Leads & halters (all types) 10 Safety & Control Ropes 5 Safety & Control Gloves 10 Sets Safety & Control San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 50 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Towels 50 Grooming Disinfectant shampoo 10 bottles Grooming Animal Sheers 5 Grooming Hose 5 Grooming/Sanitation Plastic bags 50 Contain animal waste Powdered Cleansers 5 Sanitation Bleach 2 gallons Sanitation Fans As needed Heat Safety Generator As needed Power Animal Services Vehicle As needed Transportation Horse Trailer As needed Transportation San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 51 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide SECTION 7: PLANNING/INTELLIGENC SECTION CHIEF Responsible for the collection, evaluation, and dissemination of shelter information, or resource status. Facilitates the Planning Process. Responsible for ensuring the safety and welfare of all section personnel. Provides supervision and direction to the Resource Unit, Situation Unit and Documentation Unit Leaders, as well as the GIS Specialist and Computer Terminal Operator. The Planning Section Chief is a member of the General Staff, and will be physically located off-site at Incident Command. Collect and process situation information about the shelter operation. Supervise preparation of the Incident (Shelter) Action. Provide input to the Shelter Commander and Operations Section Chief in preparing the Incident (Shelter) Action Plan. Reassign out-of-service personnel to organizational positions as needed. Establish information requirements and reporting schedules for Resources and Situation Units. Determine the need for any specialized resources in support of the San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 52 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide shelter. Establish special information collection activities, as necessary. Assemble information on alternative strategies. Provide periodic predictions on mega-shelter potential. Report significant changes in sheltering status. Compile and display shelter status information. Oversee preparation and implementation of Incident (Shelter) Demobilization Plan. Incorporate plans from Traffic, Medical, Communications and Site Safety into the Incident Action Plan. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 53 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 7.1 RESOURCE UNIT LEADER (Planning Section) Responsible for maintaining the status of all assigned resources (primary and support), at the shelter. This is achieved by overseeing the check-in of all resources, maintaining a status-keeping system indicating current location and status of all resources and maintenance of a master list of all resources, including key supervisory personnel, primary and support resources, etc. This position is physically located at the Incident Command Post. Review Unit Leader responsibilities. Establish check-in function at shelter locations. Prepare organization assignment list (ICS Form 203) and Organization Chart (ICS Form 207). Prepare appropriate parts of Assignment Lists (ICS Form 204). Prepare and maintain the Command Post display (to include organization chart and resource allocation and deployment). Maintain and post the current status and location of all resources. Maintain master roster of all resources checked in at the shelter. Assign Status/Check-in Recorders to report to each resource checkin location and assist with the accounting of all incident-assigned resources. Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214). San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 54 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 7.2 STATUS/CHECK-IN RECORDER (Planning Section) Assure that all resources assigned to a shelter are accounted for by assignment to each resource check-in location. A Status/Check-In Recorder is to be assigned to every resource check-in location. Obtain required work materials, including: o Check-In Lists (ICS Form 211 o Resource Status Cards (ICS Form 219) o Status display boards. Establish communications with the Communication and Ground Support Units. Post signs so that arriving resources can easily find shelter check-in location(s). Record check-in information on Check-In Lists (ICS Form 211). Transmit resources information to Resources Unit on regular prearranged schedule or, as needed. Forward completed Check-In Lists (ICS Form 211) to the Resources Unit. Receive, record and maintain resource status information on Resource Status Cards (ICS Form 219) for shelter assigned Single Resources, Strike Teams, Task Forces, and Overhead personnel. Maintain files of Check-In Lists (ICS Form 211). San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 55 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Status/Check-In Recorder Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Purpose Desk or table 1 Work Station Chair 2 For Seating Telephone (land or mobile) 1 Communication Computer (with Internet) 1 Information input Printer 1 Print forms, etc. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 56 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 7.3 SITUATION UNIT LEADER (Planning Section) Collect, process and organize all shelter information. If applicable, prepares future projections of shelter growth, maps and intelligence information. This position is a part of Incident Command and is physically located at Incident Command. Review Unit Leader responsibilities. Begin collection and analysis of mega-shelter data as soon as possible. Prepare post or disseminate resource and situation status information as required, including special requests. Prepare periodic predictions or as requested. Prepare the Incident Status Summary (ICS Form 209). Provide photographic services and maps, if required. Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214). San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 57 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 7.4 GIS SPECIALIST (Planning Section) Responsible for the collection of spatial information, displaying maps, data or map analysis, and dissemination of maps. Incorporate all relevant data to produce map products, statistical data for reports, and/or analyses. Check in with the Status/Check-In Recorder. Obtain briefing from Planning Section Chief. Establish communications with all Section Chiefs, Branch Managers and Group Supervisors through Section Chief. Determine and order resources needed. Determine coordination procedures with other sections. Branches, Units, and Groups. Establish work area and acquire work materials. Obtain any needed transportation through request to Ground Support Unit and set-up lines of communication with the Communication Unit. Determine the availability of needed GIS support products. Participate in Planning Section activities. Prepare GIS products as determined by supervisor. Respond to requests for assistance from other areas on shelter. Keep supervisor informed. Respond to requests, from authorized persons, for GIS products. Prepare final GIS summary report consisting of shelter GIS products San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 58 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide and forward to Documentation Unit leader. Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214). GIS Specialist/Equipment Needed Materials, quantities and purpose of supplies and equipment needed are to be determined by the GIS Specialist and order through the Planning Section Chief, to the Logistics Section Chief directly. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 59 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 7.5 COMPUTER TERMINAL OPERATOR (Planning Section) Provide data entry support to Planning and Logistics Sections, as needed. Complete requested reports and submit through Planning Section Chief. Locate workstation established for the Status/Check-In Recorder and set in up to share work space and equipment ordered by the Recorder. Meet with Planning Section Chief to receive direction and obtain pending assignments. Contact Logistics Section Chief to advise of availability to assist with completion of data input, reports, etc. Establish a statistical report of work assigned, worked pending, and assignments completed. Statistics to show date work received, completion date, person assignment received from, and person completed work turned in to. Keep Planning Section Chief informed. Computer Terminal Operator/Equipment Needed Equipment ordered by Status/Check-In Recorder San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 60 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 7.6 DOCUMENTATION UNIT LEADER (Planning Section) Maintain accurate up-to-date incident files on shelter operations. Provide duplication services. Store incident (shelter) files for legal, analytical, and historical purposes. This position will be physically located at Operation Control. Set up work area and begin organization of incident files. Inform all areas of shelter to forward all files on shelter operation to the Documentation Unit Leader, upon completion. Provide information on how to forward files. Establish duplication service; respond to requests. File all official forms and reports. Review records for accuracy and completeness; inform appropriate areas of errors or omissions. Provide incident (shelter) documentation, as requested. Store files for post-incident use. Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214). San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 61 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide SECTION 8: LOGISTICS SECTION Support all shelter operations with maintenance of the physical facility to include restrooms, feeding areas, sheltering camps, staff working areas, etc. Provide services and material for shelter to include ground support, communication support, supply and donation management, and safety and traffic control services. 8.1 SERVICE BRANCH DIRECTOR Assign work locations and preliminary work tasks to Branch personnel. Notify Resources Unit to inform of Logistics Support Branch Units activation, including names and locations of assigned personnel. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 62 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Assemble and brief Branch Directors and Unit Leaders. Participate in preparation of Incident Action Plan. Identify service and support requirements for planned and expected operations. Provide input to and review Communications Plan, Medical Plan, and Traffic Plan. Coordinate and process requests for additional resources. Review Incident Action Plan and estimate Branch needs for next operational period. Advise on current service and support capabilities. Prepare service and support elements of Incident Action Plan. Estimate future service and support requirements. Establish system for communication of shelter facilities needs from other branches throughout shelter(s). Identify, report and coordinate correction of problem areas within branch or shelter operation and schedule meetings as needed. Direct Branch Unit Leaders to develop plans for providing services and materials for shelter population. Review and approve completed plans. Ensure general welfare and safety of Logistics Branch personnel. Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214). Logistics Service Branch Equipment Needed San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 63 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Equipment needs determined by Branch Directors, and their Unit Leaders. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 64 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 8.2 COMMUNICATIONS UNIT LEADER (Logistics Section-Service Branch) Develop plans for the effective use of shelter communication equipment and facilities, install and test all communication equipment, distribute communication equipment to shelter to shelter personnel, and maintain and repair communications equipment. Support communication needs, to include evacuee computer center(s), shelter telephones, fax machines, copiers, print and electronic signage, shelter two-way radios and shelter webmaster. Support Public Information Officer. Determine Unit personnel needs and provide immediate communication needs. Prepare and implement the Shelter Incident Radio Communication's Plan (ICS Form 205). Request staff/volunteers and supplies for Communication Unit. Coordinate with Facility Unit Leader to determine the best location for the Evacuee Computer Center with Internet access. Plan and ensure implementation of the Communications Center and Message Center. Establish appropriate communications distribution/maintenance locations within the shelter. Coordinate with Facility Unit Leader to determine the best Location for staff and evacuee Phone Banks. Coordinate with Facility Unit Leader to determine the best location for the evacuee and staff Business Center. Plan and set up Business Centers (copy, fax, telephones). Identify Electronic billboards (facility scoreboards) and TV monitors to assist with message delivery. Ensure all communications systems are installed, tested, and San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 65 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide maintained. Ensure equipment accountability system is established. Ensure personnel portable radio equipment from cache is distributed per Shelter Communications Plan (ICS Form 205). Provide technical information as required. Supervise Communications Unit activities. Coordinate with Evacuee Support Branch to determine evacuee needs. Request translation assistance to convey information/directions needed. Maintain records on all communications equipment. Ensure equipment is tested and repaired. Recover equipment when no longer needed. Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214). Communication Unit Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Purpose Facility Schematics Per Facility Plans Two-way Radios & Chargers As needed Communication Computers & Cables As needed Internet Connectivity Telephones & Cables As needed Communication Telephone Books 1 per phone Communication Signage As needed Communication Copy Machine 3 Duplication San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 66 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Fax Machine 3 Communication Tape 10 Posting Signage Chart Paper 10 Signage Permanent Pens 10 Packs Signage Copy Paper TBD Copy Machine Color Copy Paper TBD Copy Machine Lined Paper TBD Evacuees/Staff Pens TBD Evacuees/Staff Pencils TBD Evacuees/Staff San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 67 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 8.3 MEDICAL UNIT LEADER (Logistics-Service Branch) Develop the Medical Plan (ICS Form 206), obtaining medical aid and transportation for injured and ill shelter personnel, establishing responder rehabilitation and preparation of reports and records. Participate in Logistics Branch planning activities. Establish and staff Medical Unit. Establish responder rehabilitation. Prepare the Medical Plan (ICS Form 206). Prepare procedures for major medical emergency. Declare major medical emergency, as appropriate. Respond to requests for medical aid, medical transportation and medical supplies. Prepare and submit necessary documentation. Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214). Medical Unit Supplies/Equipment Needed Will be determined and provided within the Logistics Branch. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 68 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 8.4 FOOD UNIT LEADER (Logistics-Service Branch) Prepare and serve meals, drinks and snacks to shelter population, including remote locations, as well as providing food for personnel within shelter, as identified in the Shelter Plan. Work with the Shelter Commander to determine immediate food and water requirements. Determine methods of feeding to best fit each situation. Inventory facility kitchen to determine what equipment is available and what will be needed. Order needed equipment and supplies from the Supply Unit. Work with Facility Unit Leader and Facility Maintenance to assist with feeding set-up and cleanup. Order sufficient food and potable water from the Logistics Branch Supply Unit. Work with the Health and Special Needs Branch to determine if any reasonable special food preparations can be accommodated. Request outside assistance if necessary. Work with Donations to determine donated foods/drinks to be incorporated into overall feeding plans. Request donations. Prepare meal plan ensuring well-balanced meals are provided. Prepare meals for general population and staff/volunteers. Maintain a sufficient inventory of food and potable water. Maintain food service and feeding areas to ensure all appropriate health and safety measures are being followed. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 69 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Supervise caterers, cooks, and other Food Unit personnel, as appropriate. Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214). Food Unit Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Purpose Office adjacent to kitchen area 1 Meal Management Desk and Chair 1 each Meal Management Phones 1 Meal Management Computer/Internet and Printer 1 Meal Management Food Unit Leader Food Preparation Cooking, heating & serving equipment and utensils Food Preparation Refrigeration Hold 3 days of supplies Environmental Control Freezers Hold 3 days of supplies Environmental Control Dry boxes/food storage shelving As needed Environmental Control Forklifts As needed Moving commodities Pallet jacks As needed Moving commodities Infant food & formula As needed Babies To-go containers As needed Food Transportation Commodities, sufficient for three days @ three meals per day Evacuees & staff San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 70 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 8.5 SUPPORT BRANCH DIRECTOR When activated, is under the direction of the Logistics Section Chief, and is responsible for development and implementation of logistics plans in support of the Operational Period Shelter Action Plan. The Support Branch Director supervises the operations of the Supply, facilities, and Ground Support Units: Identify Support Branch personnel dispatched to the incident. Determine initial support operations in coordination with Logistics Section Chief and Support Branch Director. Prepare initial organization and assignments for support operations. Assemble and brief Support Branch personnel. Determine if assigned Branch resources are sufficient. Maintain surveillance of assigned units work progress and inform Logistics Section Chief of activities. Resolve problems associated with requests from Operations Section. Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214). San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 71 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 8.6 GROUND SUPPORT UNIT LEADER (Logistics-Support Branch) Support shelter transportation needs for evacuees, supplies, food, equipment and donations. Participate in Logistics Branch planning activities. Develop and implement Traffic Plan. Arrange for and activate fueling, maintenance and repair of ground resources. Work with Logistics/Support Branch to determine immediate ground support needs. Maintain inventory of support and transportation vehicles (Support Vehicle Inventory, ICS Form 218). Coordinate with Evacuee Support Branch to determine transportation needs for evacuees. Coordinate with other Groups and Units within shelter to determine ground support needs for supplies and donations. Plan ground support schedules and coordinate with Communication Unit to post schedules for evacuees. Determine available resources. (Public and contracted services). Assign “qualified” personnel to provide ground support services. When warranted, coordinate safe routes/crowd control with Security Manager (when transporting supplies are in high demand). Keep logs to document ALL transports. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 72 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Collect use information on rented equipment. Requisition maintenance and repair supplies. Coordinate with Assessment & Registration, Health and Special Needs and Evacuee Support Services to assist with evacuee’s physical and emotional needs. Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214). Safety First! Ensure safety measures are in place. (Proper equipment, vehicles safe to operate, etc. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 73 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Ground Support Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Purpose Driver/staff ID Assigned to staff Provide access Ground Support placard Assigned to vehicles Vehicle access Megaphone 2 Crowd Control Buses As needed Evacuee Transport Vans As needed Evacuee Transport Small Boats If needed Flooding Stanchions As needed Crowd Control Rope As needed Crowd Control Signage As needed Evacuee Directions Cones As needed Safety Disinfectant As needed Sanitation Paper Towels As needed Sanitation Gloves As needed Sanitation Bio/medical cleanup kits As needed Safety/Sanitation First Aid Kits Each Vehicle Safety/First Aid Fire Extinguisher Each Vehicle Safety San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 74 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 8.7 SUPPLY UNIT LEADER (Logistics-Support Branch) Order personnel, equipment and supplies. Receive and store all supplies for the shelter, maintain an inventory of supplies and service nonexpendable equipment and supplies. Participate in Logistics Branch planning activities. Determine the type and amount of supplies en route. Review the Action Plan for guidance on operation of the Supply Unit. Develop and implement safety and security requirements. Order, receive, distribute, and store supplies and equipment. Receive and respond to requests, from all branches within the shelter, for personnel, supplies and equipment. Coordinate requests for personnel with the DRC. Maintain inventory of supplies and equipment. Service reusable equipment. Submit reports to the Logistics Branch Director and Shelter Deputy Commander and Commander. Maintain Unit/Activity Logs (ICS Form 214). Supply Unit Supplies/Equipment Needed Supply Unit Leader will determine its needs, and the needs of the areas under its direction with the assistance of the Managers in each of those areas, and provide the supplies and equipment it needs at implementation. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 75 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 76 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 8.8 ORDERING MANAGER (Logistics-Support Branch-Supply Unit) Place all orders for supplies and equipment for the shelter. This position reports to the Supply Unit Leader. Establish ordering procedures. Establish name and telephone numbers of personnel receiving orders. Set up filing system. Get names and contact information of shelter personnel who have ordering authority. Check on what has all ready been ordered. Ensure order forms are filled out correctly. Place orders in a timely manner. Consolidate orders when possible. Identify times and locations for delivery of supplies and equipment. Keep Receiving/Distribution Manager informed of orders placed. Submit all ordering documents to the Documentation Unit through the Supply Unit Leader. Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214). San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 77 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 8.9 RECEIVING/DISTRIBUTION MANAGER (Logistic-Support Branch-Supply Unit) Receive and distribute all supplies and equipment (other than primary resources). Service and repair all tools and equipment. This position reports to the Supply Unit Leader. Organize physical layout of supply area. Establish procedures for operating the supply area. Set up filing system for receiving and distribution of supplies and equipment. Maintain inventory of supplies and equipment. Develop security requirements for the supply area. Establish procedures for receiving supplies and equipment. Submit necessary reports and records to the Supply Unit Leader. Notify Ordering Manager of supplies and equipment received. Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214). San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 78 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 8.10 RECEIVING/DISTRIBUTION-MANAGER-DONATIONS (Logistics-Support Branch-Supply Unit) Manage both solicited and unsolicited goods to prevent donations from becoming a burden on the overall Shelter Operation. By working side by side with Support Branch Director and Supply Unit Leader, the Donations Manager will determine what donated goods are needed and will work with the Public Information Officer to communicate those needs to the public. The Donations Manager will be responsible for the receiving, controlling and distribution of all donations associated with the shelter, while ensuring adequate safety and security guidelines are followed. The Donations Manager will handle recovery efforts by selling or otherwise disposing of surplus goods associated with the shelter in a manner consistent with the donor’s apparent intent. Note: The Salvation Army in San Joaquin County will lead the Donations Management for the Mega-Shelter. Coordinate Donations activities with Care and Shelter Unified Command to ensure donation needs are met without duplication of effort. Determine donation Receiving location(s) and evacuee “store” location. Request initial supplies and personnel for each location. Put in place safety and security measures for each facility/site. Coordinate security needs with the Security Manager. Determine initial ground support needs by coordinating with the Ground Support Unit. o Ground Support will also be requested to remove expired food and some donated items to a prearranged disposal site. o Ground Support is essential to moving goods quickly and efficiently between all Donation Unit sites to ensure am safe and clean environment. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 79 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Coordinate signage needed to direct people who are delivering goods to the shelter or to the receiving locations. (Clear signage is needed to prevent congestion in or near the shelter). Determine what is and is not needed as soon as possible and work with Mega-Shelter PIO to communicate instructions and locations to the public. (Clear and frequent communication is key to controlling the flow of donations). Ensure forms are in place to track donations, using Salvation Army Donation Forms. Establish radio or telephone communication between donation pickup location and donation receiving location. Report activities and statistics to the Supply Unit Leader. Coordinate with Evacuee Support Branch to connect grieving and traumatized evacuees with support resources, specifically in the evacuee “store”. Recovery: Handle recovery efforts by selling or otherwise disposing of surplus goods associated with the shelter in a manner consistent with the donor’s apparent intent. Donation Unit Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Purpose Salvation Army Donation Forms As needed (Donation & Inventory) Donations control Telephone Bank As needed Public inquiries Portable Radios 4 per site Communication Disposable gloves Box Safety Safety Gloves 10 sets per site Safety San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 80 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Hardhats 10 per site Safety Clear Bins/containers As needed Donations control Gaylord Boxes As needed Donations control Pallets As needed Donations control Inventory Tags 1 set per site Inventory control Computer 1 Donations management Shrink Wrap 3 Roles Donations control & safety Pre-made signage 5 Sets Donations control & safety Poly strapping supplies 1 set per site Donations control & safety Pliable Polyester Strapping As needed Donations control & safety Pallet Racks As needed Temporary storage Dumpster 1 per site Garbage Dollies, Platform Trucks As needed Move goods in storage Fork-lift As needed Move goods in storage Ground Support As needed Pick up and transport donated goods Supplies to set up Evacuee Store Packet with evacuee vouchers (Salvation Army) Determine evacuee needs Table 1 Store entrance Chairs 4 Store entrance Portable Radios 4 sets Store management Telephone 1 Store management Computer 1 Store management San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 81 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Racks As needed Display items in store Merchandise Tables As needed Display items in store Shelves As needed Display items in store Hangers As needed Display items in store Hanger Racks As needed Display items in store Plastic and paper bags As needed For Shoppers San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 82 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 8.11 FACILTY UNIT LEADER (Logistics-Support Branch) The Unit Leader is responsible for the layout, and activation of shelter facilities. Support facility set-up, arrange for furniture and facility needs such as lighting, handicap access, etc. Manage shelter operations. Oversee any facility repairs and additions. Work with the Shelter Commander and Deputy Commander to determine requirements for the Facility. Obtain a copy of the Shelter Action Plan. Complete a walk-through of the Mega-Shelter with Facility Owner/Manager and document any current damage to the interior or exterior of the building. Participate in Logistics Support Branch planning activities. Coordinate with ALL shelter Branches to determine the best location for their services. Example: o o o o o o o o Portable toilets Donation “Store” Law Enforcement detention center, Adult & Child Care Private area for Nursing mothers Chapel Small pets Computer center Prepare layouts of the shelter facility and notify Branch, Unit and Group Leaders of facility layout. Activate shelter facilities. Provide security services. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 83 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Provide maintenance services, including sanitation, lighting and cleanup. Obtain any needed repairs or additions to the facility. Document all work completed during Shelter Operations. Coordinate with Facility Maintenance to keep facility environmentally healthy for staff and evacuees. Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214). Facility Unit Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Purpose Facility Keys (Doors, padlocks, gates) As needed Security Work Order Forms As needed Documentation Two-way Radio & Chargers 5 sets Communication Tables As needed Set-up Chairs As needed Set-up Signage As needed Information Facility Schematics Per Facility Plans San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 84 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 8.12 BASE MANAGER (Logistics-Support Branch-Facility Unit) Manage assigned sleeping/rest areas where shelter population will sleep, rest and socialize. Ensure that appropriate sanitation, security and facility management services are conducted throughout the shelter facility. Determine personnel support requirements. Obtain necessary equipment and supplies. Work with Facility Unit to determine best locations for evacuee sleeping and rest areas. Ensure that all sanitation, shower, and sleeping facilities are set up and properly functioning. Work with the Disabled and Elderly Group to determine if separate area(s) are needed. Work with the Communication Unit and Public Information Officer to prepare messages, billboards, signage, etc. to communicate information and instructions to evacuees. Work with Evacuee Support Branch to determine what services are available to evacuees, such as adult and child day care, computers/internet, assistance to report or locate missing family members and pets, faith based services, etc. Work with Facility Maintenance to meet needs of evacuees and staff. Provide a private area as an option for nursing mothers. Provide direct supervision for all facility maintenance and security services. Ensure that strict compliance is made with all applicable safety San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 85 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide regulations. Ensure that all shelter communications are centrally coordinated. Ensure that all shelter transportation scheduling is centrally coordinated. Provide over-all coordination of all shelter activities to ensure that all assigned unit operate effectively and cooperatively in meeting shelter objectives. Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214). Base Manager Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Purpose Cots 5000 Sleeping Cribs 20 Sleeping Blankets 5000 Beds/Warmth Comfort Kits 5000 Evacuee comfort Signage As needed Informational First Aid Supplies 1 per 100 evac. Safety Privacy Screens 10 Privacy Staff Dorm Room 1 Privacy/rest area Staff Break Room 1 Privacy/rest area San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 86 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 8.13 SECURITY MANAGER (Logistics-Support Branch-Facility Unit) Provide safeguards needed to protect evacuees, personnel and property while inside and outside of the shelter 24 hours a day, seven days a week from loss of damage. Work with Traffic personnel to develop plans. Determine immediate security needs. Establish contacts with local law enforcement agencies, as required. Request required personnel support to accomplish work assignments. Arrange for contract services as needed. Ensure that personnel support is qualified to manage security problems. Identify and assign Security staff and Traffic/Parking staff. Request volunteers and supplies for all security functions. Work with Traffic Team Control Leader to plan safe ingress and egress traffic flow. Work with Donations to identify best location for donation drop-off that won’t interfere with the traffic flow. Establish line of communication between local Law Enforcement, the Mega-Shelter and outbuildings that may contain pets and/or shelter resources. Determine Security needs for shelter perimeter and Mega-Shelter entry points (Assessment & Registration, Supplies, Animal Services Units, etc). San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 87 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Determine Security needs for shelter interior. Set up interior and exterior Patrol schedule. Review shelter resources for evacuee referrals. Identify private/isolated areas for evacuees who have been victimized, grieving from loss or have been detained by Law Enforcement. Coordinate with the Evacuee Support Branch to provide staff/volunteers. Incorporate activities completed into a Security Plan for shelter facility. Make adjustments to the Security Plan for evacuee, personnel and equipment changes. Coordinate security activities with appropriate personnel throughout shelter. Keep the peace, prevent assaults, and settle disputes in coordination with directors, managers, supervisors and leaders in the area of problems/issues that arise. Prevent theft of all government and personal property. Document all complaints and suspicious occurrences. Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214). San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 88 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Security Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Purpose Easy-up 1 Shelter Radios 3 (Safety, Security, Traffic) Officer Safety Reflective Vests 3 Officer Safety Flashlights 3 Officer Safety Traffic Cones As needed Security Caution Tape As needed Security Barricades As needed Security Signage As needed Directions Tent, table, chair I each Safety Security Plans 1 set Safety Security Logs As needed Documentation Megaphone 2 Crowd Control Barricade/rope & stanchion, Chains As needed Crowd Control Signage (House rules, resources, etc) As needed Informational San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 89 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 8.14 TRAFFIC CONTROL TEAM LEADER (Logistics-Support Branch-Security Manager) Ensure safe traffic ingress and egress surrounding the shelter, to include parking control. Work with Security Manager to determine immediate Parking and Traffic control needs. Establish communication with local law enforcement agencies and the Ground Support Unit. Safety First! Request personnel and supplies to ensure a safe environment for assigned pedestrians and other personnel. Determine safe Busload and unload zones with accommodations for people with disabilities and the elderly. Plan Traffic Control and Parking Officer schedules. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 90 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Traffic Control Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Purpose Tent, table & chairs 1 each Officer rest area Radios As needed Officer Safety Reflective Vests Per Officer Officer Safety Flashlights Per Officer Officer Safety Traffic Cones 50 Officer Safety Caution Tape 2 roles Officer Safety Barricades 20 Officer Safety Signage As needed Informational Flares 5 Boxes Officer Safety OES Radio Trailer 1 Communication to public/motorists San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 91 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide 8.15 FACILITY MAINTENANCE SPECIALIST (Logistics-Support Branch-Facilities Unit) Ensure that proper sleeping and sanitation facilities are maintained, provide shower facilities, maintain lights and other electrical equipment, and maintain the shelter facilities and grounds in a clean and orderly manner. Work with Logistics Branch Director and Health/Environmental Health Branch to determine immediate sanitation needs. Work with Ground Support Unit to immediately set up waste removal. Safety First! Request required maintenance support personnel and assign duties. Ensure personnel have adequate supplies and training to ensure their safety while handling refuse. Obtain supplies, tools and equipment. Set-up adequate trashcans and dumpsters throughout shelter. Supervise/perform assigned work activities. Establish cleaning schedule and assign janitorial personnel to complete clean-up activities of entire shelter facility. Ensure trash cans and dumpsters are systematically maintained to avoid environmentally unsafe living conditions. Work with Facility Unit to determine location for Portable toilets and work with Logistics Branch Supply Unit to arrange for contracted services to provide this resource. Ensure that entire shelter is maintained in a safe condition. Disassemble temporary facilities when no longer needed. Restore area to pre-used condition. San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 92 February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214). Maintenance Supplies/Equipment Needed Item/Material Quantity Trash Cans 50 Trash containment Dumpsters 3 Trash containment Trash bags 500 Trash containment Soap As needed Sanitation Toilet paper As needed Sanitation Kleenex As needed Sanitation Paper towels As needed Sanitation Towels As needed Sanitation Mops 10 Sanitation Buckets 10 Sanitation Brooms 10 Sanitation Dust Pans 10 Sanitation Gloves As needed Health/Sanitation Bio/medical cleanup kits As needed Health/Sanitation Garbage grabbers 10 Sanitation Power Washer 1 Shower/Restrooms Sharps Containers Bio-hazard Needle Disposal As needed Health/Sanitation San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 93 Purpose February 2012 San Joaquin Operational Area Mega Shelter Guide SECTION 9: FORMS AND PROCEDURES 9.1 INTAKE BRANCH Shelter Assessment and Registration o American Red Cross – U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Initial Intake and Assessment Tool o San Joaquin County Office of Emergency Services / Care and Shelter Forms: o US Department of Health and Human Services: menttool.aspx o Medical Reserve Corps: sessment_Tool_May07.pdf American Red Cross Shelter Operations o Participant’s Workbook (Copy in Care & Shelter Branch Director Binder for Emergency Operation Center EOC) 9.2 EVACUEE SUPPORT BRANCH Recreation Group Supervisor o Recreation Box: o UNICEF Supply Catalog: Faith Based Group Supervisor o Religious Considerations (Resource from Sacramento County Fatality Management Guidance) o San Joaquin County Office of Emergency Services / Care and Shelter Forms: San Joaquin Operational Area Mega-Shelter Guide 94 February 2012