EUROPEAN COMMISSION Internal Market and Services DG FINANCIAL SERVICES POLICY AND FINANCIAL MARKETS Financial markets infrastructure Brussels, 26 January 2007 MARKT/G2 - CESAME/pdf - op. conclusions Subject: pdf-table - Collection of Standards, Recommendations and other documents pertaining to Giovannini barriers Giovannini Barrier Barrier 1 Standards/Recommendations Other documents Titel: Elimination of Giovannini Barrier One, Final Protocol recommendation Title: Preliminary Observations from the Barrier 1 Protocol Gap Analysis Link: Date: 27 Dec.2006 Diversity of IT Link: platforms/interface Date: March 2006 s Barrier 2 Restriction on location of C&S Barrier 3: Different rules governing corporate actions [Common deliverables] 3.0 3.1 Title: ECSDA's Response to the Giovannini Report, Barrier 3, Corporate Actions – Part 1 Title: Report of WG 5 on cross-border Mandatory Distributions Link: Commission européenne, B-1049 Bruxelles / Europese Commissie, B-1049 Brussel - Belgium. Telephone: (32-2) 299 11 11. Office: SPA2 3/45. Telephone: direct line (32-2) 292 13 79. Fax: (32-2) 299 30 71. E-mail: corporate actions and events processing Link: Giov.Barrier Standards/Recommendations Other documents %20barrier%203-%20Giovannini%20Corporate%20Actions.pdfb 1 s/harmonization_(wg5)/ca_reportnov2002[1].pdf Date: 30 June 2005 Date: updated November 2002, issue 6.0 3.2 Title: Harmonisation of corporate Actions Processing in Europe, Cash Dividends (ECSAs) Link: Y9LTE4Q/EBF/docs/DLS/Barrier3cashdividendfinaECSA-2005-00960-01-E.pdf 2 Date: March 2005 (23.04.2005) 3.3 Title: Harmonisation of corporate Actions Processing in Europe, Interest Payments and Maturity Redemption Link: UDB19YBD23BYT1G3BY9LTE4Q/EBF/docs/DLS/FinalInterestMaturityRecommendationsJune05-2005-01754-01-E.pdf Date: June 2005 3.4 Title: Harmonisation of Corporate Actions Processing in Europe, Events including Securities Distribution Link: At ECSDA's website ( search under "Working Groups/Harmonisation (WG5)/[left side menue – hyphens below WG5]/removal barriers-Giovannini group" (not under publications) 2 At FBE's website ( look under "documents" (not "publications"), then scroll down do "Securities Services" – both to be found in boxes at the right hand side 1 2 Giov.Barrier Standards/Recommendations Other documents docversionApr2006-2006-02037-01-E.pdf Date: April 2006 (N.B. on the EBF-Website, the date mentioned is 18-10-2006) 3.8 & REVISED Version of August 2006 3.10. Title: Abstract of proposals to harmonise and standardise key corporate actions processes Link: 3 Date: 7 August 2006 ESF Corporate Actions Abstract Standards revised version 7Aug061.pdf 3.11. Title: ESFs Abstract of proposals to harmonise and standardise key corporate actions processes Link: - no longer posted on ESF's website Date: 15 February 2006 ESF Corporate Actions Abstract Standards 15Feb06[1].pdf Title: The ECSDA's response to the Giovannini report, Barrier 3 – corporate actions, part 2, market claims Link:,%20barrier%203%20-%20Claims.pdf Date: July 2006 COM Directive proposal on Shareholders' Rights Date: 5 January 2006 3.18 3 It is not possible to directly link to documents on ESF's website (; on ESF's website look under "publications"/"ESF documents" 3 Giov.Barrier Barrier 4 Absence intra-day settlement finality Standards/Recommendations Other documents Title: The ECSDA's response to the Giovannini Report [recommendations on specific standards] of Link: Date: April 2004 1st annual status report (29/4/05): see barrier 7 2nd annual status report (July 2006) WG5 2nd status report on B 4&7 July 2006.pdf Barrier 5 ECB-Website: html/index.en.html; Impediments to remote access CESR-Website: Barrier 6 Differences standard settlement periods Title: [ESF's and ECSDA's] Proposals to harmonise and standardise pre-settlement date matching in processes throughout Europe Link: currently not accessible through ESF (publications) or ECSDA (WG3/matching Standards) website Date: 5 October 2006 4 Giov.Barrier Standards/Recommendations Other documents ESF ECSDA Matching Standards Oct06.pdf Barrier 7 Different operating hours/settlemen t deadlines Title: The ECSDA's response to the Giovannini Report Link: Date: April 2004 ECSDA 1st annual status report (29/4/05) – only on CESAME webpage 2nd report: see barrier 4 BARRIER DISMANTLED Barrier 8 Differences securities issuances ISO background document on S&P licensing fees in N_631_SC4_Chair Background_ISO6166.pdf The LCG initial advice Link: Barrier 9 Restrictions on location of securities markets/docs/certainty/advice_final_en.pdf Date: 11 August 2006 5 Giov.Barrier Standards/Recommendations Other documents Barrier 10 The Economic and Financial Committee (EFC) Sub-Committee of national debt managers report Primary dealer Link: restrictions Date:29 May 2006 EPDA (European Primary Dealers Association), ICMA (International Capital Market Association4, AMTE (Association Marchés Taux Euro) N.B. The Sub-Committee found that this barrier is to be treated within Barrier 2 Barrier 11 - Restrictions on withholding agents and Barrier 12 - Restrictions on tax collection Title: Fact Finding Study on Fiscal Compliance Procedures related to Clearing and Settlement within the EU [First FISCO Report] Link: Date: 2006 Barrier 13 4 The Legal Certainty Group (LCG) initial advice a merger of the International Securities Market Association (ISMA) and the International Primary Market Association (IPMA) in July 2005) 6 Giov.Barrier Standards/Recommendations Other documents Absence of EU- Link: wide framework Date: 11 August 2006 of laws Financial Collateral Directive (FCD) Barrier 14 Legal treatment of netting Barrier 15 Conflict of laws Title: The Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Certain Rights in Respect of Securities Settlement Finality Directive (SFD) Held with an Intermediary Link: Date: 5 July 2006 Text of the Convention Financial Collateral Directive (FCD) – see barrier 14 Outline of the Convention Other documents – not directly related to the Giovannini Barriers 7 Giov.Barrier Standards/Recommendations Other documents Title: Cross-Border Clearing and Settlement Through CSD Links – Report by ECSDA WG3 Link: Date: October 2006 (Version1.0) Contact:Doris KOLASSA, Telephone:(32-2) 292 13 79, 8