Ch 20 Review Sheet

CH 20 Test Review
Ocean Water Properties
1. What percent of ocean water is pure water? What percent is dissolved solids? Of the dissolved
solids, what are the top 2 elements?
2. Why is ocean water salty?
3. What gasses are dissolved in the ocean water? Which one is the most abundant? How did they
get there?
4. What ocean has more dissolved gasses, the Artic or Indian? Why?
5. Define Salinity. What units is ocean water salinity measured in?
6. How can salinity of the ocean be increased?
7. How can the salinity of the ocean be decreased?
8. What is the salinity like at the equator? Why?
9. What is the salinity like in the Arctic Ocean? Why?
10. What is pack ice and how does it form?
11. Where do the ocean water surface temperatures vary the most? Why?
12. What is the thermocline? Why does it form?
13. Why does the ocean look blue?
14. How far down does sunlight extend into the ocean? What does it look like beyond this depth?
15. Define density. How does salinity and temperature affect density? Does salinity or
temperature have a greater affect on density?
16. Compare the freezing point and density of salt water and fresh water.
Life in the Ocean
17. How do plants and animals living in the ocean help maintain the chemical balance of the
18. What is an upwelling? How does it happen? Why is it important?
19. What are plankton? What is the difference between phytoplankton and zooplankton?
20. What is nekton? List 3 examples.
21. What are the 2 general ocean environments?
22. Be able to label the following benthic environments on a diagram and list some creatures that
live there. Intertidal, Sublittoral, Bathyal, Abyssal, Hadal
23. What are the 2 areas of the Pelagic zone
24. List the following oceanic layers from shallowest to deepest; Bathypelagic, Mesopelagic,
Epipelagic, Abyssopelagic.
Ocean Resources
25. What is desalination? What are the 3 methods of desalination and how do they work?
26. What are nodules? Why are they important?
27. What is the most valuable mineral resource taken from the ocean?
28. What is aquaculture and why is it important?
29. What are some problems with using the ocean as a dumping ground for waste?