Density Altitude: A Review, Plus Much More There are four important factors that affect air density; Altitude (MSL), Barometric Pressure, Temperature, and Humidity. The effect of these factors varies: Temperature has the most significant influence on DA when compared to other factors. Barometric pressure has the second greatest influence since Pressure Altitude (PA) is greater than field elevation anytime the barometric pressure falls BELOW “Standard Pressure” (29.92). i.e. When the barometric pressure at an air base at 3,000 ft. is 29.2” the PA is 3,673. It is from THIS number that we can begin to calculate the effects of temperature to arrive at a Density Altitude. If we have an aircraft parked at the base, we can determine Pressure Altitude by setting 29.92 into the Kollsman window of the Altimeter. If we do not have an altimeter handy, we can determine the barometric pressure from METARs or by calling one of the 70 Automated Surface Observation Station (ASOS) or Automated Weather Observation Station (AWOS) phone numbers in Washington/Oregon. METARs are the hourly weather reports derived from AWOS and ASOS stations that are found at the NOAA Aviation Weather website: or in the right margin of any airport’s information at or at or Sources for AWOS/ASOS phone numbers include: The FAA Airport Facility Directory (AFD) available on line at: or A list of AWOS/ASOS frequencies and phone numbers is included at the end of this document. ASOS vs. AWOS: What is the difference? The basic difference between these two automated weather systems is that: --ASOS is a product of a National Weather Service (NWS), Department of Defense (DoD) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) joint venture. ASOS is comprised of a standard suite of weather sensors (with several exceptions) all procured from one contractor. --AWOS is a suite of weather sensors of many different configurations with different capabilities that were either procured by the FAA or purchased by individuals, groups, airports, etc. They are required to meet FAA standards to be able to report standard weather parameters. ASOS is more sophisticated than AWOS and is designed to provide the necessary information to generate actual METAR reports and TAF weather forecasts. All ASOS systems can determine type and intensity of precipitation, thunderstorms, and obstructions to visibility as well as peak wind speeds, gusts, directional shifts, etc. Any time barometric pressure is lower than 29.92 inches of Hg, or the temperature is warmer than “Standard Temperature” for a given elevation, then Density Altitude will be HIGHER than True Altitude. What is STANDARD TEMPERATURE? At Sea Level, and at zero percent humidity, “standard temperature” is the overall global average as determined by International Organization for Standards (ISO) and adopted by International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), of which the FAA is a member, for all international scientific purposes and aviation operations. Standard temperature at sea level is 15C, or 59F. The Standard Adiabatic Lapse Rate is 2 degrees C (or approximately 3.5 deg. F) per thousand feet of altitude. This is the “average” rate that the air cools as altitude increases. The chart below establishes “Standard Temperatures” for each thousand foot increment of altitude. 10,000 ft. -5 C 9,000 ft. -3 C 8,000 ft. -1 C 7,000 ft. 1C 6,000 ft. 3C 5,000 ft. 5C 4,000 ft. 7C 3,000 ft. 9C 2,000 ft. 11 C 1,000 ft. 13 C Sea Level 15 C The Density Altitude tables and calculations are based on the following formula. To determine Density Altitude, ADD 117.4 ft. to the current Pressure Altitude for each degree of ambient temperature greater than “Standard Temperature.” Example: You do not have an aircraft or altimeter handy, and you could only make one phone call (to an ASOS recording) from a remote air strip location. You were able to locate the field elevation on a map. Determine the Density Altitude using the following known information and the “117.4 ft.” rule above. Then check your answer against using the DA graph to compare results. Field Elevation: 3,015 ft. MSL (from a GPS or map) Current Barometric pressure: 29.4 inches Hg (from ASOS, METAR, etc.) Current Temperature: 21 deg. C “ “ Step 1: Determine pressure altitude from the pressure altitude conversion chart. Since the current barometric pressure is 29.4, add 485 ft. to your field elevation: 3015 + 485 = 3,500 ft. which is your PRESSURE ALTITUDE. Step 2: How many degrees warmer than standard temperature is it right now? From the table on the previous page you determine that “standard temperature” at 3,500 ft. MSL is: 8 C. The current temperature of 21 C, is 13 degrees C warmer than Standard Temp. Step 3: Multiply 13 X 117.4 ft to determine the number of feet to add to the pressure altitude to determine the Density Altitude. 13 X 117.4 = 1,526 (PA) 3,500 ft. + 1,526 ft. = 5,026 ft. Density Altitude (Hint: It is easier to calculate DA without using a calculator by rounding the 117.4 ft. up to 120 ft. Some pilots just use 100 ft. per deg. C as a rule of thumb, and then add a 200-300 ft. fudge factor to get a ballpark estimate; 1300 + 200 + PA.) Plot the same calculation on the chart to see the pencil line on the left edge of the graph almost exactly intersects the 5,000 ft. mark. The FAA Airplane Flying Handbook, Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, and Aviation Weather publications as well as the Cessna, Jepessen and other private pilot study publications define density altitude as, “pressure altitude corrected for non-standard temperature.” It is simple and correct. The S-271 Chapter 5 slides, instructor guide and student workbook state that “Density Altitude is pressure altitude corrected for temperature and humidity.” Humidity? Where did that come from? Here lies a problem: The FAA handbooks, pilot training publications, and aircraft manufacturer Aircraft Flight Manuals (AFM) and Pilot Operating Handbooks (POH) make NO MENTION of Relative Humidity, much less provide any sort of charts to factor in the effects of RH on Density Altitude and aircraft performance! How do we work with and teach a definition in an industry that has no tables or charts available to factor in this additional environmental factor? Should we throw RH out of the S-271 definition and stick with concepts that are widely accepted by the FAA and the aviation industry? Are the effects of RH truly miniscule and insignificant or are we missing something? If we can’t “correct for RH” using the tools we have available, why should we allow the concept in the S-271 definition and course materials since it only seems to encourage and create confusion and uncertainty in the minds of students? We are the 271 Instructors. What should we really tell them about RH? What do WE need to know and understand? A web search on the topic reveals the following explanation, and several automated on-line conversion tools reveal some interesting results! Humidity and air density Humidity is not generally considered a major factor in density altitude computations because the effect of humidity is related to engine power rather than aerodynamic efficiency. At high ambient temperatures, the atmosphere can retain a high water vapor content. For example, at 96 degrees F, the water vapor content of the air can be eight (8) times as great as at 42 degrees F. High density altitude and high humidity do not often go hand-in-hand. Most people who haven't studied physics or chemistry find it hard to believe that humid air is lighter, or less dense, than dry air. One needs to merely look up to the sky for proof to see clouds of water vapor suspended in the air, at least until they become so saturated that they begin to precipitate rainfall. If clouds were indeed heavier than air, they could never form in the sky, and our planet would be barren and lifeless. To see why humid air is less dense than dry air, we need to turn to one of the laws of nature the Italian physicist Amadeo Avogadro discovered in the early 1800s. In simple terms, he found that a fixed volume of gas, say one cubic meter, at the same temperature and pressure, would always have the same number of molecules no matter what gas is in the container. Most beginning chemistry books explain how this works. Imagine a cubic foot of perfectly dry air. It contains about 78% nitrogen molecules, which each have a molecular weight of 28 (2 atoms with atomic weight 14). Another 21% of the air is oxygen, with each molecule having a molecular weight of 32 (2 atoms with atomic weight 16). The final one percent is a mixture of other trace gases. Molecules are free to move about within our cubic foot of air. What Avogadro discovered leads us to conclude that, if we added water vapor molecules to our cubic foot of air, some of the nitrogen and oxygen molecules would leave — remember, the total number of molecules in our cubic foot of air stays the same. The water molecules, which replace nitrogen or oxygen, have a molecular weight of 18. (One oxygen atom has an atomic weight of 16, and two hydrogen atoms each have an atomic weight of 1.) This is lighter than both nitrogen and oxygen. In other words, replacing nitrogen and oxygen with water vapor decreases the weight of the air in the cubic foot; that is, it's density decreases. Wait a minute, you might say, "I know water's heavier than air." True, liquid water has a greater density and is heavier than air. But, the water that makes the air humid isn't liquid. It's water vapor, which is a gas that is lighter than nitrogen or oxygen. Compared to the differences made by temperature and air pressure, humidity has a small effect on the air's density. But, humid air is lighter than dry air at the same temperature and pressure. Hot/Dry Day: 3,000 ft. elev., 29.92 in. Temp. 32C (90F) Elevation feet meters Air Temperature deg F deg C Altimeter Setting inches Hg Dew Point deg F DP -6C RH 8% 3000 32 29.92 mb -6 deg C Reset Density Altitude 5648 Absolute Pressure 26.816 Relative Density 84.49 1722 feet inches Hg 908.09 84.49 % meters mb % Density Altitude: 5648 ft. Hot/Humid Day: 3,000 ft. elev., 29.92 in. Temp. 32C (90F) DP 31C Elevation feet meters Air Temperature deg F deg C Altimeter Setting inches Hg Dew Point deg F RH 94% 3000 32 29.92 mb 31 deg C Reset Density Altitude 6214 Absolute Pressure 26.816 Relative Density 83.05 Density Altitude: feet inches Hg % 1894 908.09 83.05 meters mb % 6214 ft. Conclusion: ALL OTHER CONDITIONS EQUAL, A DAY WITH 94% RH vs. 8% RH YIELDS AN INCREASE OF 566 FT. OF DENSITY ALTITUDE AT THE 3,000 FT. ELEV. Hot/Dry Day: 8,000 ft. elev., 29.92 in. Elevation Air Temperature Temp. 27C (80F) feet meters deg F deg C Altimeter Setting inches Hg Dew Point deg F DP -9C RH 8% 8000 27 29.92 mb -9 deg C Reset Density Altitude 11162 Absolute Pressure 22.227 Relative Density 71.2 Density Altitude: 3402 feet inches Hg 71.2 % 11,162 ft. 752.68 meters mb % (3,162 ft. higher than the terrain elevation.) Hot/Humid Day: 8,000 ft. elev., 29.92 in. Temp. 27C (80F), DP 26C, Elevation feet meters Air Temperature deg F deg C Altimeter Setting inches Hg Dew Point deg F RH 94% 8000 27 29.92 mb 26 deg C Reset Density Altitude 11649 Absolute Pressure 22.227 Relative Density 70.11 Density Altitude: 11, 649 ft. feet inches Hg % 3551 752.68 70.11 meters mb % (3,649 ft. higher than the terrain elevation.) Conclusion: ALL OTHER CONDITIONS EQUAL, A DAY WITH 94% RH vs. 8% RH YIELDS AN INCREASE OF 487 FT. OF DENSITY ALTITUDE AT THE 8,000 FT. ELEV. Calculation Table outputs explained: Input Values: The elevation (or altitude) is the geometric elevation above mean sea level, and is the elevation at which the altimeter setting, temperature and dew point have been measured. The altimeter setting is the value in the altimeter's Kollsman window when the altimeter is set to correctly read a known elevation. The altimeter setting is generally included in NWS reports. The altimeter setting is not the same as the sea level corrected barometric pressure. This calculator uses dew-point rather than relative humidity because the dew point is fairly constant for a given air mass, while the relative humidity varies greatly as the temperature changes. Output Values: The density altitude is the altitude in the International Standard Atmosphere that has the same density as the air being evaluated. The absolute air pressure is the actual air pressure, not corrected for altitude, and is also called the station pressure. Relative density is the ratio of the actual air density to the standard sea level density, expressed as a percentage. The ICAO International Standard Atmosphere standard conditions for zero density altitude are 0 meters (0 feet) altitude, 15 deg C (59 deg F) air temp, 1013.25 mb (29.921 in Hg) pressure and 0 % relative humidity ( absolute zero dew point). The standard sea level air density is 1.225 kg/m 3 (0.002378 slugs/ft3). Conclusion: If you factor in the effects of RH using a table not readily known by or available to pilots, you discover that RH can add an additional 450 to 600 ft. onto any DA calculation on a humid day. It does not appear to be significantly different on a day with hot vs. moderately warm temperatures, nor is there much difference on the effects between aircraft operating at 3,000 and 8,000 ft. elevations. At 3,000 ft. or lower, however, high RH can account for up to 10% of the overall DA. Some aviators have a habit of ignoring the effects of non-standard pressure as well as having no knowledge of any effects by RH. If they are at a 6,000 ft. airport and do not know the current altimeter setting, they often plot the temperature on the DA Chart against an “assumed” Pressure Altitude that is about the same as field elevation. On a low pressure day combined with high humidity, they might be off in their DA estimation by well OVER 1,000 ft. At the very least, we should use the tools commonly available, and then add in a safety margin for all imprecise performance estimates. The good news is that ASOS and AWOS have sensors for dew point and RH. The recordings are updated every minute and end with a Density Altitude value that probably factors in the measured dew point/RH values, much like the conversion tool above. Oregon State ASOS/AWOS frequencies and phone numbers KAST Astoria Clatsop OR 135.375 (503) ASOS 861-1371 KUAO Aurora Marion OR 118.525 (503) ASOS 678-3011 KBKE Baker City Baker OR 134.275 (541) ASOS 523-5412 KBOK Brookings Curry OR 132.025 (541) AWSS 412-8682 KBNO Burns Harney OR 135.575 (541) ASOS 573-1382 KCVO Corvallis Benton OR 135.775 (541) AWOS III 754-0081 KPDT Eastern Oregon Regional - Pendleton Umatilla OR 118.325 (541) ASOS 278-2329 KEUG Eugene - Mahlon Sweet Field Lane OR ATIS 125.225 (541) ASOS 461-3114 K6S2 Florence Lane OR 118.225 (541) AWOS 997-8664 IIIP K4S1 Gold Beach Curry OR 118.15 (541) AWOS 247-2518 IIIP KHRI Hermiston Umatilla OR 135.225 (541) ASOS 567-8580 K4S2 Hood River Hood River OR 134.375 (541) AWOS 386-2386 IIIP K5J0 Grant OR 118.375 (541) AWOS 575-1122 IIIP/T KLMT Klamath Falls Klamath OR KLGD La Grande Union OR 135.075 (541) AWOS III 963-6824 KLKV Lakeview Lake OR 135.525 (541) AWOS III 947-5069 K9S9 Lexington Morrow OR 134.475 (541) AWOS 989-8557 IIIP KMMV Mcminnville Yamhill OR 135.675 (503) ASOS 434-9153 KSLE McNary Field - Salem Marion OR John Day ATIS 126.5 ATIS 124.55 (541) ASOS 883-8127 (503) ASOS 371-1062 KONP Newport Lincoln OR 133.9 (541) AWOS 867-4175 IIIP KOTH North Bend Coos OR 135.075 (541) AWOS III 756-0135 KONO Ontario Malheur OR 135.275 (541) ASOS 889-7388 KHIO Portland - Hillsboro Washington OR KTTD Portland - Troutdale Multnomah OR 135.625 KPDX Portland International Multnomah OR ATIS 127.65 ATIS 128.35 (503) ASOS 640-2984 (503) ASOS 492-2887 (503) ASOS 284-6771 KRDM Redmond - Roberts Field Deschutes OR 119.025 KMFR Rogue Valley Intn'l Medford Jackson OR KRBG Roseburg Douglas OR 135.475 (541) ASOS 673-1483 KSPB Scappoose Industrial Columbia OR 135.875 (503) ASOS 543-6401 KSXT Sexton Summit Josephine OR 118.375 (541) ASOS 471-1460 KS47 Tillamook Tillamook OR 120 (503) AWOS 842-8792 IIIP ATIS 127.25 (541) ASOS 504-8743 (541) ASOS 776-1238 Washington State ASOS/AWOS frequencies and phone numbers (360) 435AWOS III 8045 KAWO Arlington Snohomish WA 135.625 KBLI Whatcom WA KPWT Bremerton National Kitsap WA 121.20 (360) 674AWOS III 2811 KBVS Burlington/Skagit Skagit WA 121.125 (360) 757AWOS III 7767 Klickitat WA 135.175 (509) 767ASOS 1726 KDEW Deer Park Spokane WA 135.175 (509) 276ASOS 2303 KORS East Sound/Orcas San Juan WA 135.425 (360) 376AWOS III 6045 KELN Ellensburg -Bowers Field Kittitas WA 118.375 (509) 925ASOS 2040 KEPH Ephrata Grant WA 135.775 (509) 754ASOS 3761 KPAE Everett - Paine Field Snohomish WA KDLS Bellingham Columbia Gorge/The Dalles ATIS 134.45 ATIS 128.65 (360) 671ASOS 8688 (425) 355ASOS 6192 KFHR Friday Harbor San Juan WA 135.675 (360) 378ASOS 8491 KHQM Hoquiam - Bowerman Grays Harbor WA 135.775 (360) 538ASOS 7021 KKLS Cowlitz WA 135.075 (360) 577AWOS III 1964 KMWH Moses Lake Grant WA KOLM Olympia Thurston WA 135.725 (360) 943ASOS 1278 KOMK Omak Okanogan WA 118.325 (509) 826ASOS 2655 (509) 886ASOS 4226 Kelso Longview ATIS 119.05 KEAT Pangborn Memorial Wenatchee Douglas WA 119.925 KPSC Pasco -Tri Cities Franklin WA KCLM Port Angeles-William H. Fairchild Clallam WA 135.175 ATIS 125.65 (509) 762ASOS 5082 (509) 547ASOS 7379 (360) 457ASOS 1070 KPUW Pullman/Moscow Whitman WA 135.675 (509) 334ASOS 3222 KUIL Clallam WA 135.225 (360) 374ASOS 9731 King WA ATIS 126.95 (425) 255ASOS 6080 Quillayute KRNT Renton KBFI Seattle - Boeing Field/King County King WA ATIS 127.75 (206) 763ASOS 6904 KSEA Seattle - Tacoma International King WA ATIS 118.0 (206) 431ASOS 2834 KSHN Shelton Mason WA 119.275 (360) 427ASOS 3835 KGEG Spokane Spokane WA 123.325 (509) 624ASOS 4406 KSFF Spokane WA KSMP Stampede Pass Kittitas WA 135.275 KTIW Pierce WA Spokane -Felts Field Tacoma Narrows ATIS 120.55 ATIS 124.05 (509) 535ASOS 3290 (360) 886ASOS 2758 (253) 858ASOS 6507 KVUO Vancouver -Pearson Field Clark WA 135.125 (360) 696ASOS 1280 KALW Walla Walla Walla Walla WA 135.875 (509) 525ASOS 3014 KS52 Winthrop Okanogan WA 118.425 (509) 997AWOS III 0142 KFCT Yakima Yakima WA N/A (509) 577- AWOS 3516 IIIP/T KYKM Yakima -McAllister Field Yakima WA ATIS 125.25 (509) 248ASOS 1502