“The Diary of Anne Frank” Act 1 Scene 2 Extended Response In

“The Diary of Anne Frank” Act 1 Scene 2 Extended Response In-Class Writing
Respond to the following prompt on a separate sheet of paper. The response should be a minimum of 4
complete sentences long. Be sure to respond to each question in a complete sentence.
Read the following quote, then write your own answer to the questions in.
“There are no walls, there are no bolts, no locks that anyone can put on your mind.”
Who is the speaker?
Who is being spoken to?
What does this mean?
“The Diary of Anne Frank” Act 1 Scene 2 Extended Response In-Class Writing
Respond to the following prompt on a separate sheet of paper. The response should be a minimum of 4
complete sentences long. Be sure to respond to each question in a complete sentence.
Read the following quote, then write your own answer to the questions in.
“There are no walls, there are no bolts, no locks that anyone can put on your mind.”
Who is the speaker?
Who is being spoken to?
What does this mean?
“The Diary of Anne Frank” Act 1 Scene 2 Extended Response In-Class Writing
Respond to the following prompt on a separate sheet of paper. The response should be a minimum of 4
complete sentences long. Be sure to respond to each question in a complete sentence.
Read the following quote, then write your own answer to the questions in.
“There are no walls, there are no bolts, no locks that anyone can put on your mind.”
Who is the speaker?
Who is being spoken to?
What does this mean?