D1518A - Newcastle University

Newcastle University
School of Mathematics & Statistics
Lecturer in Applied Mathematics
Information for Candidates
£28,010 - £31,525
Applications are invited for a Lectureship in Applied Mathematics, tenable from January
2007 (or as soon as possible thereafter). Candidates should be enthusiastic and competent
researchers with outstanding teaching potential and excellent communications skills.
Applicants must have research interests in fluid dynamics in its various aspects, from
astrophysical and geophysical fluids (including MHD), to classical (including nonlinear
waves), relativistic and quantum fluids (superfluids and Bose-Einstein condensates).
Some teaching experience will be an advantage. The successful candidate will be
expected to play a role in the teaching and administrative activities within the school.
Closing Date for applications: 1st November 2006.
Person Specification
The successful candidate should possess the following skills:
 PhD in a suitable research area (either awarded or anticipated in the near future).
 Outstanding research potential in either astrophysical and geophysical fluids
(including MHD), or classical, relativistic or quantum fluids.
 Proven teaching ability or outstanding teaching potential relevant to the Applied
Mathematics curriculum.
 Excellent communication skills.
 Excellent teamwork skills.
 The candidate must be willing to participate in collaborative research projects and
to assist with the administration of the School.
 Postdoctoral research experience.
 Relevant teaching qualification.
 Experience of teaching Applied Mathematics at university level.
 Experience with high-performance computing.
The School of Mathematics & Statistics
The School of Mathematics & Statistics is part of the Faculty of Science, Agriculture and
The School currently has 32 full time teaching staff, 2 temporary staff and 7 post-docs,
divided in three sections, Applied Mathematics (9 staff, 2 postdocs), Pure Mathematics
and Statistics, with research groups in analysis, algebra, general relativity and quantum
fields, astrophysical and geophysical fluid dynamics, superfluid dynamics, nonlinear
waves, Bayesian statistics, bioinformatics, medical statistics and applied probability.
There are 35 postgraduate students in the School of which 12 in Applied Mathematics.
The School also includes the Newcastle Statistical Service, which conducts contract
research, predominantly in medical statistics.
The Applied Section makes an extensive contribution to the School's thriving
undergraduate programme in mathematics and statistics. Undergraduate recruitment to the
School is strong, with about 135 single honours and 50 joint honours students each year
on its three and four year courses. There are also several large and successful service
courses. A typical lecture load for research-active staff is three 24-lecture modules per
The School has a General Office, four secretaries and one administrator. A Computer
Officer and an Assistant Computer Officer support both teaching and research.
Computing provision for staff is good: there are many high performance PCs and two
Compaq servers, as well as access to national and University high-performance
computing facilities.
Research in Applied Mathematics
Research in Applied Mathematics at Newcastle has had a long and distinguished history,
ranging through continuum mechanics, fluid mechanics, dynamo theory, geophysical and
astrophysical fluids, soliton theory, superfluidity, Bose-Einstein condensation and more;
many of these interests continue to this day. The applied group currently comprises nine
staff, with a total of 12 research students. The research interests of the members of the
Applied Mathematics sections are: Prof. C.F. Barenghi (superfluidity and Bose-Einstein
condensation, vortex dynamics and turbulence, astrophysical MHD); Dr. C.G. Campbell
(astrophysics, accretion discs); Dr. A. Fletcher (astrophysical magnetic fields, interstellar
medium, interstellar turbulence); Prof. R. S. Johnson (nonlinear waves, water waves);
Prof. I. G. Moss (cosmology, Big Bang, black holes); Dr. N. P. Proukakis (atomic BoseEinstein condensates); Dr. G. R. Sarson (geophysical & astrophysical MHD; prehistoric
population dynamics); Prof. A. Shukurov (cosmic magnetic fields, dynamo theory,
interstellar gas dynamics, mathematical models for prehistory); Dr. D. J. Toms (quantum
field theory, relativity).
More details about our research, including a list of recent publications, can be found at
The Applied Mathematics section organises weekly seminars, mostly with external
speakers (http://www.ncl.ac.uk/math/research/seminars/index.htm), and also a weekly
internal seminar. Further information about the School, and its members, can be found on
our web site: http://www.ncl.ac.uk/math and information about the RAE2001 return can
be found on the RAE web site: http://www.hero.ac.uk/rae/submissions.
Continuing Professional Development
The University has a commitment to research and teaching of the highest quality and to
assist this aim has developed an effective programme of Continuing Professional
Development. It is recognised that the majority of applicants will have already received
training in research methods but that very few will have been trained to teach. The
University has therefore created the postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice
delivered by the Staff Development Unit, which aims to prepare staff to undertake their
roles as members of the academic community and, in particular, focuses on preparation to
teach and assess students.
All staff on open-ended appointments, or on fixed-term appointments of three years
duration or more, including cumulative appointments for this period, will be required to
successfully complete the course during the first two years of the appointment.
Cumulative appointments of two years will be required to complete module 1 by the end
of year two. The course is part-time and comprises three modules. Assessment is a
mixture of the assessment and marking of assignments, observation of teaching, evidence
of engagement in the tasks of a learning set and dialogue with mentors, and assessment of
a portfolio containing a full, evidence based, reflective review of personal development
over 1-2 years. Each module will contain intensive workshops lasting between one halfday, one full-day and four full days.
The course must be completed during the first two years of the appointment, though
exceptionally three years may be allowed. Schools will take into account the requirements
of the course in determining the workload of newly appointed staff. The performance of
staff on the course and participation in it, is taken into account by Probation Committee
when considering confirmation of the appointment. The appointment will not normally be
confirmed in the absence of a successful completion.
Experienced staff, or those with equivalent qualifications, may seek an exemption from
the course and details regarding this will be made available at the start of the
To apply for this position, you should submit your written application, giving full details
of your qualifications and experience, to Human Resources (SAgE), 1st Floor Agriculture
Building, Newcastle University, NE1 7RU, no later than 1st November 2006. Your
application should include: letter of application, detailed CV inclusive of publication list
and research grant awards if appropriate and, separately, statement of research plans (one
side of A4), together with a completed Employment Record Form. The latter may be
downloaded from the University web page: www.ncl.ac.uk/vacancies/employ.rtf. It
would be very helpful if you could submit your application on single sided, loose-leaf A4
paper. If you wish to forward your application electronically, please e-mail to
Natalie.Hugall@ncl.ac.uk. Candidates invited to interview will be asked to give a short
presentation to the Applied Mathematics section.
Candidates are asked to note that it is the University’s normal procedure to approach
referees for their confidential comments on candidates prior to interviews being held.
This can mean that referees will be contacted either at the time a short-list is drawn up or,
in some instances, referees’ comments will be sought in advance to enable a shortlist to
be finalised.
Candidates who do not wish any of their referees to be approached before receiving an
invitation for interview must inform the University at the time of submitting their
All applications will be considered for shortlisting. Following the interviews, the
successful candidate will receive a formal written offer of employment from one of the
following: Registrar, Deputy Registrar or the Human Resources Section. Please note that
no other person has the authority to offer employment for this post, either orally or in
When the successful candidate has accepted the post, all other candidates will receive
notification of the outcome of their applications.
The appointment will be subject to the standard conditions of service, and membership of
the Universities’ Superannuation Scheme will be available. Further information on these
topics will be issued with any invitation to interview and may also be obtained on request
from the Human Resources Section.
Salary will be at an appropriate point, according to qualifications and experience, on the
following salary scale:
Grade F: £28,010 - £31,525 per annum.
Equal Opportunities Policy Statement
The University welcomes applications from all sections of the community including
candidates with a disability.
The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines disability as:
‘A physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse
affect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities.’
You no longer have to be registered disabled. You may obtain further information from
Disability on the Agenda, telephone 0345 622633.
The Employment Record Form and job details are available on tape or in large print. To
request a copy please contact the Human Resources Section.
If you have a disability which prevents you from completing the documentation, please
contact the Human Resources Section to discuss other acceptable methods of application.
Arrangements for interview
Please indicate on a separate sheet any special arrangements or adjustments we may need
to make to our recruitment procedures to ensure that you are not placed at a disadvantage
because of your disability, for example the provision of an accessible interview location,
a sign-language interpreter or supportive person, disabled car parking space, etc.
Arrangements if appointed
It would also be helpful to us if you are able to indicate what adjustments we may need to
consider to enable you to do the job, if you are appointed.
Similarly, candidates who may wish to work on a part-time or flexible basis are invited to
indicate this in their application. All such requests will be given careful consideration,
based on the merits of the application.
If you would like an informal discussion to consider any adjustments or special
arrangements that may need to be made in relation to your application or appointment
please do not hesitate to contact the relevant Assistant Human Resources Officer:
Faculty of Science Agriculture & Engineering, Jenny James, 0191 222 5222.
A full list of Human Resources Contacts is available to internal users at
Equal Opportunities Policy Statement
Newcastle University is committed to securing equality of opportunity in employment
and to the creation of an environment in which individuals are selected, trained,
promoted, appraised and otherwise treated on the sole basis of their relevant merits and
abilities. For this purpose all applicants will be asked to answer Equal Opportunities
monitoring questions as part of the recruitment and appointment process.
All new employees are provided with a copy of the Equal Opportunities Policy on
appointment. Further copies may be obtained from the Human Resources Section.
Information for Disabled Candidates
The University welcomes applications from all sections of the community including
candidates with a disability.
The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines disability as:
‘A physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse
affect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities.’
The Employment Record Form and job details are available on tape or in large print. To
request a copy please contact the Human Resources Section.
If you have a disability which prevents you from completing the documentation, please
contact the Human Resources Section to discuss other acceptable methods of application.
Arrangements for interview
Please indicate on a separate sheet any special arrangements or adjustments we may need
to make to our recruitment procedures to ensure that you are not placed at a disadvantage
because of your disability, for example the provision of an accessible interview location,
a British Sign Language/English Interpreter or supportive person, accessible car parking
space etc.
If you would like an informal discussion to consider any adjustments or special
arrangements that may need to be made in relation to your application or appointment
please do not hesitate to contact the relevant Assistant Human Resources Officer:
Faculty of Medical Sciences, Jan Halliburton, 0191 222 8712.
Faculty of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences, Vicky Petersen, 0191 222 5976
Faculty of Science Agriculture & Engineering, Jenny James, 0191 222 5222.
Central Services, Julie Roberts/Judith Burr, 0191 222 6257
A full list of Human Resources Contacts is available to internal users at
The University also has a comprehensive entry on the World
Wide Web. The address is: