BOOKING: Level 2 Youth Work Practice Bitesize Accredited Training Your Details First Name Family Name Address Email Telephone Mobile Date of Birth Postcode Which units do you want to book on to? Name of Unit Date Understanding Youth Work 4th and 5th of December Principles and Practice (QCF) 2012 Supporting the Provision of 15th and 16th of January Information and Advice to Young 2013 People (QCF) Safeguarding Young People in a 12th and 13th of February Youth Work Setting (QCF) 2013 Please tick as appropriate: Additional Information: Disabilities and Learning Difficulties Yes No Would you describe yourself as having a disability (If yes, please tick the relevant box below) Visual Impairment Behavioural Difficulties Hearing Impairment Disability affecting Mobility Mental Health Other Disability Please specify _______________________ Would you describe yourself as having a learning difficulty Yes No (If yes, please tick the relevant box below) Speech and Language difficulty Dyslexia Other difficulty Reading difficulty Writing difficulty Please specify _______________________ What is the highest level of qualification you already have? No formal qualifications RSA 1 Entry level or below Level 2 eg GCSE grades A-C RSA 2 Level 1 eg GCSE grades D-G, Level 3 eg A Level, RSA 3 Level 4, Degree or higher Please note: We ask you for all this information so we can make sure you are on the right learning programme and we can make adjustments to the courses / materials / assessments as appropriate. Have you done any youth work training in the past? Which club or project do you support at the moment? Where did you hear about NYY Training? Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Do you have any dietary requirements? Costs: Please tick the appropriate fees for the unit / units you are booking on to. Status with Accreditation Course fee Total NYY registration NYY Member £25 £0 club For each Other £25 £100 unit NYY Member £60 £0 For all 3 club units Other £60 £240 Basic self catered accommodation at Carlton Lodge can be booked for £15 per night. Total payment: £25 £125 £60 £300 £ £ Please tick as appropriate Payment: I have included a cheque payable to North Yorkshire Youth for £ Please send an invoice to: Name: Address: Purchase order number (if appropriate): Declaration: To the best of my knowledge the details above are correct. I understand that if I fail to attend the course or cancel my place within 48 hours then a course fee of £100 per unit will be charged. I also understand that my details will be passed to appropriate parties, such as awarding bodies or funders, in order to register accreditation and claim funding. NYY will not pass or sell on your details to any third party, and we will keep your information safe. Signature: Date: