University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Department of Occupational Science and Technology
Certificate in Therapeutic Recreation Program
Spring 2011
Office Location:
Patricia Thomas, MPA, CTRS
(414) 229-2507 (office)
(414) 229-5100 (fax)
Enderis Hall 935
Office Hours: I will be in my “office” via email, discussion boards, telephone most days of the week. I am also
available by appointment for a face to face meeting, telephone call or email exchange. Please note I try to respond to
student requests within 48 hours however sometimes it may take me longer due to other work commitments. Please
include the name of the course in the title or body of your email to me. I teach 3+ different courses per semester.
Instructional Materials
1. Schoel, J. & Maizell, R. (2002) Exploring Islands of Healing – New Perspectives on Adventure Based Counseling,
Project Adventure: Beverly, MA.
2. Dattilo, J. (2000) Facilitation Techniques in Therapeutic Recreation, Venture: State College, PA.
3. Dattilo, J., & Murphy, W. (1999). Leisure Education Program Planning: A Systematic Approach, Venture: State
College, PA. (You do not have to purchase this book if you are doing Option #2 for the Comprehensive Project in
Module 5)
4. Assigned readings as posted.
Recommended Instructional Materials
(Students, in the TR Certificate Program, are encouraged to purchase one of the recommeded materials for their
personal reources. I do have copies of some of the activities in PDF throughout the various modules.)
5. Stumbo, Norma J. (1997) Leisure Education I, II or III. Venture: State College, PA.
6. Dattilo, John. (2000) Leisure Education Specific Programs. Venture: State College, PA.
7. Rohnke, Karl ((1984) Silver Bullets A Guide to Initiative Problems, Adventure Games and Trust Activities.
Kendall/Hunt: Dubuque, IA.
Course Description
This is a totally online course. The course will focus on the study of various facilitation techniques used in the field of
Therapeutic Recreation (TR). Specific emphasis will be placed on Leisure Education Prereq: None.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, it is expected that participants will be able to:
1. Describe the principles of behavioral change as they relate to the person served,
2. Apply the principles of group dynamics and leadership to TR services,
3. Compare and contrast the mutilple roles of the instructor to include: Skills Trainer, Translator, Group
Facilitator and 1:1 Counselor,
4. Identify and integrate social, cultural, economic, gender, age and ethnic issues related to the provision of
TR services,
5. Distinguish and analyze various facilitation techniques for the appropriate intervention and optimal
patient/client outcomes. Techniques may include (but are not limited to)
Leisure Education/counseling
Sensory stimulation
Behavior management
Cognitive retraining
Reality orientation
Social skills training
Stress managment
Values clarification
6. Distinguish and analyze the appropriate modality to combine with the appropriate instructor role to bring
about optimal patient/client outcomes. Modalities may include (but are not limited to)
Adventure experiences/initiatives
 Animal assisted interventions
 Anger management (e.g., relaxation techniques)
 Aquatic Therapy
 Assertiveness training
 Assistive techniques, technology and adaptive devices
 Bibliotherapy/storytelling/Journaling
 Creative Arts (art, music, dance)
 Community Reintergration
 Exercise
 Games
 Horticulture
7. Demonstrate critical and creative thinking through completion of a comprehensive treatment program for
the individuals served
Need for Accommodations
If you need accommodations in order to meet any of the requirements of this course, please contact the instructor as
soon as possible. A student VISA is helpful to meet student need. Students will be allowed to complete course
requirements that are missed because of a religious observance.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is reprehensible and will not be tolerated by the University. It subverts the mission of the University
and threatens the careers, educational experience, and well being of students, faculty, and staff. The University will
not tolerate behavior between or among members of the University community which creates an unacceptable working
Course Policies
All policies governing University course proceedings including student actions shall be followed. Policies regarding
course assignments, grading, and participation that are mentioned in this syllabus shall be enforced as described.
A. All assignments are to be word-processed (except where noted). A 10-12-point font should be used. Your name and
appropriate identifying information (e.g. date, the name of the course, instructor name) should appear on the top of
the first page of the assignment. Assignments will ONLY be accepted in Microsoft Word or rich text format
B. As this is 300 level 4-credit course, there are high expectations for what is presented (content) as well as how it is
presented (process). Present your ideas effectively by using appropriate terminology and concentrating on grammar,
spelling, person centered terminology and sentence and paragraph construction. Points will be deducted for
assignments that do not present professionally.
C. Students are expected to keep current with the reading assignments, and to integrate this material with the
assignments for each module and to build on previous knowledge gained with each module.
D. It is strongly recommended you make a copy of all assignments. Assignments may get misplaced or lost through
computer difficulties. It is the student’s responsibility to reproduce a lost assignment.
E. Plagiarism. Each student is expected to do his or her own work for all course assignments. Any student found
cheating, plagiarizing a written assignment, of falsifying a course requirement will receive a failing grade for the
assignment and/or be referred for University disciplinary action. It is expected students will understand how to
correctly incorporate a reference into assignments without the appearance of plagiarism.
F. Participation: Students are expected to demonstrate intellectual and practical skills including inquiry, analysis,
creative and critical thinking and information literacy through the discussion boards and other assignments. It is
important students participate in all assignments as defined by the course schedule to demonstrate knowledge
G. Patient Health Information: In compliance with the new Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA),
any protected Patient Health information (PHI) obtained by students during the course of completing assignments
(facilitation technique observation) will be held confidential by the instructor to prevent further use and disclosure.
Students should strive to prevent unintended or unauthorized disclosure of PHI. All assignments should be written so
as to reveal as little identifying information of individuals served as is absolutely necessary. Students are reminded that
any notes, files, diskettes or electronic files in their control that contain PHI should be kept in a secure place.
Additionally, students are strongly encouraged to destroy the all PHI received from the field experience agency WHEN
H. Late assignments. Late assignments will result in point deductions. One point for each day will be deducted up
through the end of the module. After the module has ended it will be the discretion of the instructor if an assignment
will be late. In most cases, late discussion board participation will NOT be accepted. Students should contact the
instructor ideally BEFORE the assignment is due or as soon as possible to discuss a plan of action.
I. Honor Code. The College of Health Sciences (CHS) has established an honor code for all students to follow. It is
posted on the D2L site under the introductory module. Students are encouraged to read the document and, more
importantly, follow all of the tenets of the code.
J. Keep communication lines open. Let the instructor know of your needs, constraints as early as possible; prior to the
assignment due dates.
K. Additional information about University policies may be found at
Course Assignments
Be sure to check each of the Module Activites (in D2L) for additional up to date information about the assignments.
Module One – Online Orientation
1 week module
January 23-29, 2011
This module is similar to the first day of a face to face class. You are expected to become familiar with the Desire to
Learn (D2L) course site. Be sure to explore the Content section, Discussion Boards, Links and the other areas of the
D2L site. See the D2L course site Content section Module 1 for details of the module and required readings. The 2
assignments for this module include
1. Sign Generator Icebreaker Activity (5 points) - This is quick assignment to allow you to get to know your classmates
and the discussion board feature of D2L. We will be using the discussion board feature quite extensively throughout
this course. Go to the website available at Click on sign of your choice. Keep in
mind this is a class assignment, so do keep your selection appropriate for a general audience. Then create your own
personal sign to post to the Ice Breaker Discussion Board. Your sign should tell us something about yourself. You may
then either save the sign as a picture or copy/paste it into a Word or Powerpoint document. Post it to the discussion
board with a brief explanation of why you selected the specific sign. Have fun and be creative. In addition, include
content about your experience leading or facilitating groups and one to one activities/interventions. Consider
facilitation in the broad sense of the word; beyond TR groups. Your facilitation experience may include family
gatherings, get-togethers with friends, church groups, etc. Include in your posting a description of the type of
population and the setting.
Due Date: End of Week 1 Sat 1/29
2. Optional questions about TR (0 points) – This is an optional opportunity for you to ask questions about the
profession of therapeutic recreation (TR). There is an assumption you have a general sense of the profession for this
course. If you are new to TR, please take some time to review the TR Program information and the What is TR
PowerPoint lectures (Ppt) found in the content section. Questions may be posted to the Q & A discussion board
throughout the semester.
Due Date: None, as needed throughout the semester.
Summary of Module One Assignments - Week 1
Sign Generator Ice Breaker
Total Points
End of
Week 1
Module Two – Course Orientation
1 week Module
January 30 - February 5, 2011
This module is similar to the first day of a face to face class. You are expected to continuing familiarizing yourself with
the COURSE CONTENT found in Module Two in the D2L course site. See Module 2 Content section for details of the
module and required readings. The 1 assignment for this module is
1. Sign Generator Response Posting (5 points each = 15 points) – This assignment is to demonstrate to you the value
of reading through all of the postings from your peer group. You are required to read all the postings and then
comment on three (3) postings by your peers. The response postings should be more than “I agree” statements.
Response posting may include responding to peer’s signs that were: most creative, surprising, similar to yours, difficult
to understand, made you smile, etc. The post should be approximately 1-2 paragraphs in length and may be written in
a conversational manner. Please note points will be deducted for not reading all postings.
Due Date: End of Week 2 Sat 2/5
Summary of Module Two Assignments - Week 2
Responses to 3 other student’s comments on sign
icebreaker and facilitation experiences
Total Points
End of
Week 2
Module Three – Role of the Facilitator
2 week module
February 6-19, 2011
The learning outcomes for this module include: 1. Describe the principles of behavioral change as they relate to the
person served and 2. Apply the principles of group dynamics and leadership to TR services and 3. Compare and
contrast the multiple roles of the instructor to include: Skills Trainer, Translator, Group Facilitator and 1:1 Counselor
This module allows us to dive right in with the role of the group facilitator. You are expected to assess your own
leadership skills with persons served and reflect on other individual’s leadership skills in a popular movie. The 2
assignments for this module include:
1. GRABBSS Leadership Assessments (25 points) – The purpose of this assignment is to begin to critically reflect on
your own facilitation skill level. Complete the Leadership Assessment using the GRABBSS assessment tool posted in
Module 3 or found in chapter 8 (Leadership Assessment) in the Exploring Islands of Healing book. You may create a
Word document using the catergories and questions found on pages 129- 140 or download the form found under
Module 3 Activities on D2L. Post completed assginment to the Drop Box.
Due Date: End of Week 3 Sat 2/12
2. 28 Days Film Critique (25 points) – View the movie 28 Days starring Sandra Bullock. This movie should be available
at your local video/DVD rental store or your local library. After viewing the film, write a reflection paper addressing the
questions found in the module activities section. Post your completed assignment to the Drop Box
Due Date: End of Week 4 Sat 2/19
Summary of Module Three Assignments – Week 3 & 4
GRABBS Leadership Assessment
28 Days film Critique
Total Points
End of
Week 3
End of
Week 4
Module Four – Group Facilitation
2 week module
February 20 – March 5, 2011
The objective for this module is to identify and integrate social, cultural, economic, gender, age and ethnic issues
related to the provision of TR services for culture group of persons with disabilities. This module also allows us to now
move on and begin to collect some activities for your own personal “bag of tricks” through sharing of icebreakers,
debreifing tools and a group activity session description. There are 3 assignments for this module:
1. Briefing Tools - Ice Breakers (10 points each = 100 points) - Starting with this module and continuing into the next
module, you are expected to post 10 ice breaker activities on the Ice Breaker Discussion Board for everyone to have
for their personal resources. Each posting should include
 a brief description of the activity,
 the reference for additonal information,
 supply/equipment needs,
 duration of time for the activity
 and some helpful hints to implement the activity
You are expected to post a minimum of 5 “ice breakers” in this module and the remaining ice breakers by the end of
the next module. Suggestions for ice breakers may be found in the required and recommended instructional materials,
websites, the links section of D2L, your personal collection or any other resource you may find. Please use in the title
of the message Ice Breaker #1 (name of activity optional), #2, etc. in your posting for ease of review. Please feel free
to use graphics in your postings. Creativity is encouraged. You are strongly encouraged to review the postings by your
peers. No points will be awarded for repeat icebreakers. The person who posts first will get the points. Keep in mind
these are introductory activities that may take 5-30 minutes to start a group process. Students are expected to
demonstrate the difference between the 3 main sections of a group (icebreaker, body, debriefing) through the
selection of appropriate activities. Points will not be awarded for body or debriefing activities for this assignment.
Due Date: End of Week 5 Sat 2/26
2. Debriefing Tools - Metaphors (10 points each = 50 points) – Often times TR practitioners find it helpful to use
different tools to help set up the metaphor for a discussion on the value of an activity. During this module, you are
expected to post 5 activities you may use as part of the debriefing process to the Debriefing Tools Discussion Board.
You may create your own tool or locate tools from the variety of resources available to you (textbooks, websites, D2L
links, past experience, etc.). Please title each posting DeBriefing Tool #1 (name of activity optional), #2, etc. in your
posting for ease of review. You are strongly encouraged to read the postings by others. Again, no repeat activities will
be accepted. This is your opportunity to build your own personal resource files. Each posting should include
 a brief description of the tool,
 the reference for additional information,
 supply/equipment needs,
 duration of time for the activity
 and some helpful hints to implement the activity to close a group
Due Date: End of Week 6 Sat 3/5
3. Debriefing Discussion Questions or What, So What, Now What – (50 points) For this assignment you are required
to create 1 group session of your choice (see listing of facilitation techniques and modalities under course objectives)
and include discussion questions that address the What, So What and Now What categories of debriefing an activity or
group. The 1 session group should follow the following format:
 Session Title
 Session Goals
 Supplies/equipment needed
 Session Description
 Introduction (Briefing) – Description of an ice breaker activity for the session
 Body (Doing) – Descripton of activity to be used to meet the goals
 Conclusion (Debriefing) – A listing of discussion questions that address What, So What, Now
What for the activity
 References/Resources if any
The paper should be posted to the Drop Box.
Due Date: End of Week 6 Sat 3/5
Hint: Begin to think about who you are going to observe for the facilitation technique reflection paper due after Spring
Break. It will take some time to organize the observation. Please do not wait until the paper is due. It may take a
practitioner 1 week or more to get back to you. Contact the instructor via the Q&A discussion board or email for
Summary of Module Four Assignments Week 5 & 6
10 Ice Breaker acitivities – a minimum of 4 activities
for this module
5 Debriefing Tools
each =
due end
of Week
End of
Week 6
What, So What, Now What
Total Points
End of
Week 6
Module Five – Facilitation Techniques
2 week module
March 6-19, 2011
The objectives for this module are to distinguish and analyze various facilitation techniques and modalities for the
appropriate intervention and optimal patient/client outcomes. This module focuses on the vast array of facilitation
techniques available to TR professionals. You are asked to gain knowledge of the techniques through 2 key
assignments: a discussion board and observation/reflection of an actual facilitation technique. In addition you are to
continue your icebreakers in this module.
1. Ice Breakers Activities continued (10 points each) – continue posting the last 5 ice breaker activities to the Ice
Breakers Discussion Board. See Module 3 for details on this assignment.
Due Date: End of Week 8 Sat 3/19
2. a. Best Practice Discussion Initial (5 points each - 10 points total) – There will be several short scenarios posted in
the discussion board. Students must select two (2) and identify which facilitation technique you support and why.
Personal experience, work experience or citations from the readings should be included in your justification for the best
technique. Each post should be 2-4 paragraphs and be written in a professional manner.
Due Date: End of Week 7 Sat 3/12
2.b. Best Practice Response Postings (5 points each = 15 points) - After reading through all of the initial postings from
your peers, select three (3) to respond to. Your response postings may be agreement/disagreement in content but
must include additional information supporting your response. Points will be deducted for responses that are not
supported by personal or work experience or citations or paraphrasing from the readings. Response postings should be
2-3 paragraphs and be written in a professional manner.
Due Date: End of Week 8 Sat 3/19
3. Facilitation Technique Reflection Paper (50 points) - This assignment varies depending on the student’s experience
with facilitating therapeutic recreation interventions and groups. If you are a student new to the profession please read
the first category below. If you are a student currently working in the TR field please read the second category.
Due Date: End of Week 15 Saturday May 7
Students new to the profession:
“New to the profession” is defined as less than one year of experience working with PWD leading recreation and/or TR
groups. Students are required to observe 1 facilitation technique used in TR or other health and human service
professions and complete a reflection paper. Ideally the observation should be conducted with a CTRS with a minimum
of 2 years of experience with the population served. Students are encouraged to oberve one of the techniques listed
 Behavior management
 Cognitive retraining
 Humor
Leisure Education/counseling
 Reality orientation
 Reminiscence
 Remotivation
Sensory stimulation
 Social skills training
 Stress managment
 Validation
Values clarification
The personal reflection paper should include the
 agency name and brief description of the individuals served
 name of person observed and title
 title of programs observed
 personal reflections on the role of the leader, facilitation technique used, and discusion
techniques used
 A minimum of 1 effective use of a textbook or outside source reference with appropriate APA
 Any other insightful comments - Did you feel the leader was effective? Why/why not? Would
you use the technique? Why/why not? Any modification or changes in the facilitation process
you would modify
Students may select the professional they wish to observe. Please contact the instructor if you need help indentifying
an agency to complete the observation. Note: often times it takes 1-2 weeks to coordinate the observation. Start the
planning for this assignment early. The instructor may not be able to assist you in identifying a professional to observe
if requests are not timely. No requests will be considered after Week 12.
Experience Practitioners:
Experience Practitioners is defined as an individual with more than one year of experience working with people with
disabilities (PWD) leading recreation and/or TR interventions or groups. Practioners may observe a peer’s facilitation
techniques or complete a critical reflection paper on 1 facilitation technique used in his/her daily practice. Students are
encouraged to observe/reflect on 1 of the techniques listed below.
 Behavior management
 Cognitive retraining
 Humor
Leisure Education/counseling
 Reality orientation
 Reminiscence
 Remotivation
Sensory stimulation
 Social skills training
 Stress managment
 Validation
 Values clarification
The personal reflection paper should include
agency name and brief description of the individuals served
title of programs observed
personal reflections on how you feel you did as the group leader, what role did you take on as
the leader, what facilitation technique did you use, what disscusion techniques were used, what
worked well/ what didn’t work well? Why? Did the individuals in the group make progress
towards their individual treatment goals? Why/why not?, Did you use any information from
class? Was it helpful? Why/why not?
A minimum of 1 effective use of a textbook or outside source reference with appropriate APA
Any other insightful comments
Summary of Module Five Assignments Week 7 & 8
10 Ice Breaker activities – a minimum of 5 activities
for this module
End of
Week 8
Best Practice Initial Response
End of
Week 7
Best Practice Response Postings x3
Facilitation Technique Reflection Paper
End of
Week 8
End of
Total Points
Spring Break – March 20-26, 2011
Module Six – Unique Facilitation Techniques
5 week module
March 27 – April 30, 2011
The objective for this module is to demonstrate critical and creative thinking through the completion of a
comprehensive treatment program for the individuals with disabilities. This module focuses on application of the earlier
concepts through unique and emerging facilitation techniques. The module explores leisure education and the use of
virtual realities through computers. The virtual reality program is called Second Life. You are asked to select one of the
unique facilitation techniques and complete a comprehensive project in lieu of a final exam. This project is worth
170 points or a significant amount of your final grade. Failure to complete this project in an acceptable
fashion may result in a failing grade. Please keep up with the due dates of the 11 components of this
2. Comprehensive Patient Program Project (170 points) – This is an extensive project that will be completed over a five
week period. There are several components to this project listed below. You may select from either option.
Option #1 Comprehensive Leisure Education Project
1. Project Selection (10 points) – You will need to select which project you are going to complete and post to the
appropriate Project Discussion Board your choice and a brief explanation of why. You are strongly encouraged to do
some background reading and website explorations for both options before you make your final decision. This post
should be approximately 1-2 paragraphs in length.
Due Date: End of Week 10 Sat 4/2
2. Scenario Write Up (15 points) - This project will focus on developing a patient leisure education program for
individuals with substance abuse addictions. You may select the setting from an inpatient our outpatient psycho/social
rehabilitation environment. The treatment team will consist of a recreation therapist (CTRS), a physician, psychologist
social worker, occupational therapist, creative arts therapists and substance abuse counselors. Your scenerio desciption
must include specific content about
a. In patient or outpatient program.
b. The characteristics/behaviors related to substance abuse that are the cause of admission and will be addressed in
the treatment program. Hint: There are many, many physical, social, emotional, cognitive and spiritual characteristics
of individuals with substance abuse disorders. Will your program address all or some of the issues.
c. Patient/client descriptors such as age range of patients who will be receiving the patient education program, gender,
ethnic group, education level and socio-economic status. Hint: Think about the positive and negative impact of a co-ed
treatment facility. Think about the developmental needs of adolescents verses adults in treatment. Again, you are
encouraged to review substance abuse treatment facility websites and brochures to help you create your own
The scenario write up should be approximately a two-three page description. This should be posted to the Leisure
Education Drop Box. More information about the expectations for this assignment will be included in the course
Due Date: End of Week 10 Sat 4/2
3. Assessment Tool – (10 points) You are expected to select an established standardized assessment tool to be used
with the individuals served as entry into the LE Program. The tool selected should help you determine the needs of the
participants. Students are required to complete a short (1 page) narrative paper including the tool, a brief description
of the tool (including if the tool is standardized or non-standardized) and why it was selected as the starting point in
the treatment process. The tool should be submitted to the Leisure Education Drop Box. A summary list of key
standardized assessment tools is provided for you to aid you in your selection.
Due Date: End of Week 11 Sat 4/9
4. Progress Report Posting I to the Comprehensive Leisure Education Project Discussion Board (5 points) – You are
required to post on your progress to date with the project. In addition you must respond to 1 peer. You may post your
succeses, challenges, questions or a summary. You must include a sample of your project (assessment tool, LE
session, flyer, etc.) in the post (either through an attachment or directly in the body of your posting). Students are
encouraged to use this discussion board as a resource to help yourself and others. Students are encouraged to answer
posted questions. One point extra credit will be given for correct and timely answers.
Due Date: End of Week 11 Sat 4/9
5. Overall Program Protocol Summary (30 points) – This component of the project will provide an overview of the 6
session program. Students are required to complete a paper which includes the following critieria:
 The title of the LE Program
 General Goals/Objectives for the program
 Program Outcomes including the components of leisure education as defined by Stumbo and Peterson
anthology readings
 LE model used as the premise for the program Hint: This information is available in the lecture notes and the
readings. A reference citation is a good way to demonstrate your use and understanding of the course
 1+ research articles to support your program Hint: This article search may take time. Articles should focus on
leisure education, patient education, outcomes of TR interventions, etc. Look at the references used in the
textbooks and possibly request a specific article from the list. UWM provides online library support. Plan
accordingly to request the information. See D2L site to access the library portal. Papers should be submitted to
the Leisure Education Drop Box.
Due Date: End of Week 12 Sat 4/16
6. Benefits Based Flyer (15 points) – You will need to create a Benefits-Based Program Flyer to motivate participants to
attend the sessions and to specify possible therapeutic outcomes of the 6 session program. The flyer must include the
benefits of your leisure education program written in a language participants will understand. Hint: Think about the
characteristics of your clients/patients. Example: What was the educational level identified? Does the flyer match that
level? Flyers should be submitted to the Leisure Education Drop Box. Students are encouraged to share their flyers in
the LE discussion board too.
Due Date: End of Week 12 Sat 4/16
7. Comprehensive 3 week/6 session program (30 points) – You will need to create 6 fifty (50) minute sessions for the
leisure education program for individuals with substance abuse problems. Two of the six sessions must be new
(created by you). The session format will be the same as the format used in the Norma Stumbo Leisure Education
Manuals. See examples posted in Module 5. The format will include
 Session Title
 Space Requirements
 Equipment/Resource Requirements
 Group Size
 General Program Goals
 Program Description to include
Activity Description
 Debriefing Questions
 Leadership Consideration
 Reference (if not creating a session)
The document with the entire 6 sessions should be submitted to the Leisure Education Drop Box. Students are
encouraged to share samples of the sessions in the LE discussion board too (You may include sessions as part of your
Progress Report Postings).
Due Date: End of Week 13 Sat 4/23
8. Progress Report Posting II to the Comprehensive Leisure Education Project Discussion Board (5 points) – You are
required to post on your progress to date with the project. In addition you must respond to 1 peer. You may post
your succeses, challenges, questions or a summary. You must include a sample of your project (assessment tool, LE
session, flyer, etc.) in the post (either through an attachment or directly in the body of your posting). Students are
encouraged to use this discussion board as a resource to help yourself and others. Students are encouraged to answer
posted questions. One point extra credit will be given for correct and timely answers.
Due Date: End of Week 13 Sat 4/23
9. Leisure Education Game (30 points) – Additionally, you will need to create a game that teaches the population
identified about one or more of the components of leisure (social interaction, leisure awareness, leisure skills and
leisure resources). An example is posted in Module 5. The game may be a modified game from an existing game or be
created soley by you. Again, creativity is encouraged!! You may submit the game in Word or PowerPoint. Pictures of
the game are also encouraged. Games should be submitted to the Leisure Education Drop Box.
Due Date: End of Week 14 4/30
10. Powerpoint Presentation (20 points) – You will need to create a Powerpoint (Ppt) presentation selling the new
Leisure Education Program to the decision makers of the organization. The decision makers may be the Unit Treatment
Team, the hospital/agency administrators who do not understand leisure education, the unit substance abuse
counselors who do not understand the program, etc. You must identify the audience in the first slide of the Powerpoint
presentation i.e. Welcome members of the Substance Abuse Treatment Team. The Ppt presentation should give the
audience a good overview of the program and sell the program. Hint: You may use information from other sections of
this project for the Ppt presentation. Remember the audience is not familiar with TR terminology or leisure education.
The presentation should be submitted to the LE Drop Box.
Due Date: End of Week 14 4/30
11. Progress Report Posting III to the Comprehensive Leisure Education Project Discussion Board (5 points) – You are
required to post your final thoughts on your project and respond to 1 peer. You may post similar to the past reports or
you may reflect on the project overall i.e. knowledge and skills learned, lessons learned, utilization of components of
the project at your place of employment, etc. Again, students are encouraged to include components of their project
others may appreciate i.e. leisure education game.
Due Date: End of Week 14 4/30
Option #2 Comprehensive Second Life Project
1. Project Selection (10 points) – You will need to select which project you are going to complete and post to the
appropriate Project Discussion Board your choice and a brief explanation of why. You are strongly encouraged to do
some background reading and website explorations for both options before you make your final decision. If you select
this option you will need access to a computer that can download the Second Life (SL) program. At minimum you will
need a fairly up to date computer with a video card and either a cable or DSL connection if you are using a home
computer. There are computers on the UWM campus in the MAC computer labs and the Library that have Second Life
already downloaded. See Module 5 for more details on computer needs. This post should be approximately 1-2
paragraphs in length.
Due Date: End of Week 10 Sat 4/2
2. Scenario Write Up (15 points) - This project will focus on developing a therapeutic recreation program for individuals
with traumatic brain injury (TBI). You may select the setting from an inpatient our outpatient physical rehabilitation
environment. Your treatment team will consist of a recreation therapist (CTRS), a physician, occupational therapist,
speech therapist, physical therapist, nursing staff, psychologist and social worker. Your scenario description must
include specific content about
a. Inpatient or outpatient treatment setting Hint: Think about the time available for treatment. Read about TBI
programs average length of stay for inpatient and outpatient programs.
b. The characteristics/behaviors related to TBI. Hint: Think about the behaviors of a newly injured patient (inpatient)
verses the behaviors of an individual who has been discharged and seeking outpatient services. Talk to professionals
who work with TBI clients to understand the behaviors.
c. Patient/Client Descriptors such as age range of patients who will be using the virtual world intervention, gender,
ethnic group, education level and socio-economic status. Hint: Think about the positive and negative impact of a co-ed
treatment facility. Think about the developmental needs of adolescents verses adults in treatment. Again, you are
encouraged to review TBI treatment facility websites and brochures to help you create your own program.
This paper should be approximately a two-three page description. The assignment should be posted to the Second Life
Project Drop Box
Due Date: End of Week 10 Sat 4/2
3. Creation of a personal Avatar – (10 points) For this project you will need to create your own personal avatar to
navigate through SL. The avatar may represent you but still must be professional looking. Remember you are creating
a program for clients with TBI to use. You may have to serve as a guide in the virtual world for the client so you
should maintain a level of professionalism. To create an avatar you must download the SL software to your computer
or use a computer on campus that has the program already loaded. You must then follow the directions for creating a
avatar. As part of this process you should also complete the NMC orientation process that teaches you to walk,
teleport, talk, dress etc. If you are a video gamer this part of the project may be easier for you to complete. If you are
not familiar with virtual world games learning how to navigate your avatar will take time. I will be available “in world”
in SL or by appointment if needed. Students must request the instructor TRTeach Telling to be your friend as evidence
this component of the project has been completed.
Due Date: End of Week 11 Sat 4/9
4. Progress Report Posting I to the Comprehensive Second Life Project Discussion Board (5 points) – You are required
to post on your progress to date with the project. You may post your successes, challenges, questions or a summary.
Students will need to attach a computer screen shot of their avatar and name to the initial posting. Students are also
required to respond to 1 posting. Students are encouraged to use this discussion board as a resource to help you and
others. Students are encouraged to answer posted questions. One point extra credit will be given for correct and
timely answers.
Due Date: End of Week 11 Sat 4/9
5. Overall Program Summary of the SL Program (30 points) – There are several recommended readings and sites
(called islands or sims) listed in Module 5 for you to explore in SL. Once you have done some of the exploring you will
need to create a plan for individuals with TBI to visit as part of their therapeutic recreation program. The program plan
should include:
The title of the Program
General Goals/Objectives for individuals with TBI to achieve after participating in the SL experience
Program Outcomes (what do you hope the clients achieve after the SL experience)
Reference citation and explanation of how the SL experience ties into 1 or more of the components of Leisure
Ability Model of TR practice by Stumbo and Peterson (functional intervention, leisure education or recreation
1+ articles to support your program Hint: This article search may take time. Articles should focus on effective
treatment for individuals with TBI, use of video games for treatment of TBI or polytrauma – this is emerging
literature, use of computers in treatment of individuals with a variety of diagnoses, etc. Look at the references
used in the posted articles and textbooks and possibly request a specific article from the list. UWM provides
online library support. Plan accordingly to request the information. See D2L site to access the library portal.
Papers should be submitted to the Second Life Drop Box.
Due Date: End of Week 12 Sat 4/16
6. Benefits Based Flyer (15 points) – You will need to create a Benefits-Based Program Flyer to motivate the client to
attend the session and to specify therapeutic outcomes of the program. The flyer must include the benefits of the SL
program written in language participants will understand. Hint: Think about the characteristics of your clients/patients.
Example: How would the client’s cognitive functioning impact the content of the flyer? Flyers should be submitted to
the Second Life Drop Box. Students are encouraged to share their flyers in the SL discussion board too.
Due Date: End of Week 12 Sat 4/16
7. Comprehensive SL program description (30 points) – You will need to create 6 new sessions for the SL program for
individuals with TBI. What will you do with the client(s) for each of the 6 sessions in SL? How will you sequentially take
someone with a TBI through the steps to entering and experiencing SL? Three of the sessions must address: 1.
Getting started 2. Participation at a specific island/sim within SL i.e. Wheelies Dance and 3. Participation at another
island/sim of your choice. The session format may be similar to the format used in the Norma Stumbo Leisure
Education Manuals. You do not have to follow the format specifically. The format may include:
 Session Title
 Space Requirements
 Equipment/Resource Requirements
 Group Size
 General Program Goals
 Program Description to include
Activity Description
 Debriefing Questions
 Leadership Consideration
 Reference (if appropriate)
The document with the entire 6 sessions should be submitted to the Second Life Drop Box. Students are encouraged
to share samples of the sessions in the SL discussion board too (include as part of your Progress Report Postings).
Due Date: End of Week 13 Sat 4/23
8. Progress Report Posting II to the Comprehensive Second Life Project Discussion Board (5 points) – You are required
to post on your progress to date with the project. You may post your successes, challenges, questions or a summary.
Students will need to include content about a new site explored as part of the posting. Students are encouraged to use
this discussion board as a resource to help yourself and others. Students are encouraged to answer posted questions
One point extra credit will be given for correct and timely answers.
Due Date: End of Week 13 Sat 4/23
9. Client Satisfaction Tool (30 points) – As you are already using a recreational modality to improve functioning for an
individual with TBI you do not have to create a game for this component of the project (See Option #1). Instead, for
the SL Program Project you will need to create a client satisfaction tool. This tool should ideally be used to help
determine the effectiveness of the SL program with clients (the E of the APIE process). The tool should be a maximum
of 10 questions in a Likert Scale format. The questions should be written at a level for clients with TBI to understand.
A brief description of how to administer the tool to the clients should be included. The tool and description should be
submitted to the Second Life Drop Box.
Due Date: End of Week 14 Sat 4/30
10. PowerPoint Presentation (20 points) – You will need to create a PowerPoint (Ppt) presentation selling the new SL
Program to the decision makers of the organization. The decision makers may be the Unit Treatment Team, the Brain
Injury Association of WI - who may be donating computers to the unit, the Hospital Administration who do not
understand the program, etc. You must identify the audience in the first slide of the PowerPoint presentation i.e.
Welcome members of the Brain Injury Association of WI. The Ppt presentation should give the audience a good
overview of the program and sell the program. Hint: You may use information from other sections of this project for
the Ppt presentation. Presentation should be submitted to the SL Drop Box.
Due Date: End of Week 14 Sat 4/30
11. Progress Report Posting III to the Comprehensive Second Life Project Discussion Board (5 points) – You are
required to post your any final thoughts on your project. You may post similar to the past reports or you may reflect
on the project overall i.e. knowledge and skills learned, lessons learned, utilization of components of the project at
your work place etc. Again, students are encouraged to include components of their project others may appreciate i.e.
satisfaction tool.
Due Date: End of Week 14 Sat 4/30
Summary of Module Six Assignments Week 10-14
Comprehensive Project
Option #1 Leisure Education
1. Project Selection
2. Scenario Write Up
3. Assessment tool to be used
4. Progress Report Posting I
5. Overall Porgram Summary of the LE Program
6. Benefits Based Program Flyer
7. Comprehensive 3 week/6 session program
8. Progress Report Posting II
9. Leisure Education Game
10. Powerpoint Presentation
11. Progress Report Posting III
Comprehensive Project
Option #2 Virtual World through Second Life
1. Project Selection
2. Scenario Write Up
3. Creation of personal avatar
4. Progress Report Posting I
5. Summary of exploration of SL sites and
recommended readings
6. Benefits Based Program Flyer
7. Comprehensive SL program description
8. Progress Report Posting II
9. Cleint Satisfaction Tool
10. Powerpoint Presentation
11. Progress Report Posting III
Total Points
Module Seven – Course Debriefing & Wrap Up Week 15 & 16
Two week module
May 1-14, 2011
This is the last module of the course. Three course objectives are reinforced in this module: 1. Describe the principles
of behavioral change as they relate to the person served, 2. Apply the principles of group dynamics and leadership to
TR services and 3. Identify and integrate social, cultural, economic, gender, age and ethnic issues related to the
provision of TR services for the individuals served. You are asked to complete the observation/reflection assignment
and participate in 2 evaluation activities for this concluding module. You may also explore some extra credit activities
during this moudule.
1. Facilitation Technique Reflection Paper (50 points) - This assignment varies depending on the student’s experience
with facilitating therapeutic recreation interventions and groups. See Module 5 for the details of this assignment.
Due Date: End of Week 15 Sat 5/7
2. a. Chiji card evaluation (5 points) –This assignment requires you to apply the concept of debriefing tool. Select 1+
Chiji Processing Cards (found in Module 3 or 7). You should select one (or more) pictures you are drawn to. In an
initial posting, tell the class what the picture is and comment on use the picture as a metaphor for something you have
learned in the course. Did you have goals for this course? What have you learned during the semester? The posting
should be 1-2 paragraphs in length and may be in a conversational tone.
Due Date: End of Week 15 Sat 5/7
2. b. Chiji card response postings (5 points each = 15 points total) - Similar to past discussion boards, you are required
to respond to 3 of your peer’s postings. Select postings that you are drawn to either through the picture, the content
or the metaphor used. Response postings should also be 1-2 paragraphs in length.
Due Date: End of Week 16 Sat 5/14
3. Course Evaluation (3 points) – Course evaluations are requirement of the university. The course evaluation for
THERREC 310 will come from the OST Program Director in a separate email. A link will be provided to complete the
online evaluation. Students are asked to complete the anonymous survey to help improve this course. If I receive a
response rate of greater than 50%, each student will receive 5 points for the task. Keep in mind the evaluations are
anonymous and content will not be looked at until after grades are posted. This instructor will ask the Office of
Elearning to provide the response rate.
Due Date: End of Week 16 Sat 5/14
4. Extra Credit Case Studies (10 points each = 20 points) – Being culturally aware and competent is critical when
working with people with diverse backgrounds. This extra credit assignment helps you to consider what may be some
better ways to address cultural issues when planning recreation programs. There are 2 culturally insensitive case
studies in Ppt format under the Extra Credit Module. You may complete a written narrative analysis of one or both of
the case studies for extra credit. You must identify the cultural insensitivies, explain why you felt it was insensitive and
provide recommendations for corrective actions to eliminate each of the insensitivities. Each analysis should be a
maximum of 1-2 pages in length. Submit the assignment to the Cultural Case Study Drop Box.
Due Date: End of Week 15 Sat 5/14
Summary of Module Seven Assignments Week 15 & 16
Facilitation Technique Observation Paper
in M5
ChiJi Cards Debriefing Tool Evaluation Intial posting
Responses to 3 students
Optional Extra credit – 10 points each scenario
Course Evaluation – greater than 50% response rate
required for points to be awarded
Total Points
10 - 20
End of
End of
End of
End of
End of
Course Grading
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7
Grading Scale
470 - 485
448 - 469
432- 447
416 - 431
394 - 415
378 - 393
362 - 377
340 - 361
324 - 339
Below 60%
323 or lower
Facilitation Techniques in TR
*Course Outline - Spring 2011
Week 1
Online Orientation
Course Content
Module 1 Online Learning
Sign Ice Breaker Activity posting
Due 1/29
Optional - questions about TR
Due anytime throughout the semester
Week 2
1/30– 2/5
Course Orientation
Course Content
Module 2 Course Orientation
specifically Overview, Readings,
Assignments, Syllabus, Course
Response postings to class mates on
Sign Ice Breaker Discussion Board
Due 2/5
Book Readings
Optional Anthology Readings
Begin to explore Links section of the
D2L Lecture Notes
M2 What is TR?
Student Version What is TR
Week 3
Week 4
Role of the
Book Readings
Islands of Healing C 5 – 6
Role of the
facilitator (cont)
Book Readings
Islands of Healing C 7 – 8
D2L Lecture Notes
The Role of the Facilitator
GRABBBSS Leadership Assessment
to Drop Box
Due: 2/12
28 Days film critique
Due: 2/19
Optional Readings
Links posted to D2L on adventure
D2L Lecture Notes
Different Roles of Leaders
Week 5
Book Readings
Islands of Healing C 9-10
1. Ice Breaker activities – a minimum
of 5 activities
Due 2/26
Leisure Education Program
Planning C 9
D2L Lecture Notes
Basics of Group Facilitation
Week 6
Facilitation (cont)
Book Readings
Islands of Healing C11-13
Leisure Education Program
Planning C 10
D2L Lecture Notes
Activity Adaptations
1. 5 Debriefing Tools
Due 3/5
2. What, So What, Now What Session
Due 3/5
Week 7
Book Readings
Facilitation Techniques in TR C 1
Anthology Readings
All remaining chapters should be
reviewed for the discussion board
Best Practice Initial Post Discussion
Due 3/12
D2L Lecture Notes
Overview of Facilitation Techniques
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Techniques (cont)
Spring Break
Book Readings
Anthology Readings
Review Links section of D2L on the
various facilitation techniques
1. Best Practice Response Postings
Discussion Board
Due 3/19
D2L Lecture Notes
.2.Ice Breaker activities - last 5
Due 3/19
Enjoy your time off
No assignments due
Comprehensive Project Parts 1, 2,
Comprehensive Project Start
Due 4/2
Leisure Education
Program Project
Book Readings
LE Program Planning C 2, 4, 5, 6, 7
Instructor at NCTRC (Optional reading C 1, 3, and
Board of Directors Appendices of specific leisure
education programs)
Anthology Readings
Assessments in Leisure Ed
Summary Free Time Boredom
Idyll Arbor Assessment Battery
Teen LeisureScope Assessment
Leisure Ed Sessions x2 Examples
D2L Lecture Notes
Assessment in Leisure Ed
Designing Leisure Ed Games
Leisure Ed Games x3 Examples
Second Life
Program Project
Book Readings
None – see anthology readings
Anthology Readings
TBI Family Quick Guide
TBI in War Zone
Polytrauma and TR
Virtual Worlds People with Autism
Program Evaluation/Satisfaction
Survey x3 Examples
TBI Session Examples x2
D2L Lecture Notes
Second Life
Program Evaluation
Week 11
Techniques (cont)
See above
Comprehensive Project Parts 3, 4
Due 4/9
Week 12
Techniques (cont)
See above
Week 13
Techniques (cont)
See above
Comprehensive Project Parts 7, 8
Due 4/23
Week 14
Techniques (cont)
See above
Comprehensive Project Parts 9, 10 ,11
Due 4/30
Week 15
Course Debriefing
and Wrap Up
Week 16
Course Debriefing
and Wrap Up
Comprehensive Project Parts 5,6
Due 4/16
No required readings for this closing
D2L Lecture Notes
Review Ppt or Word document on
Chiji cards
No required readings or lecture
notes for this closing module
1.Facilitation Techniques Reflection
Due 5/7
2. Chiji card discussion board initial
Due 5/7
1.Chiji card discussion board
response postings
Due 5/14
2. Extra credit option
Due 5/14
3.Course evaluation
Due 5/14
*Course timeline may be adjusted during the semester to meet the needs of the students.
Have a great summer.