10-20 Board Minutes - Metropolitan Community Church of Greater

Metropolitan Community Church of Greater Saint Louis
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
October 20, 2015
Call To Order
a. Establish Quorum – Brooke Holloway, Tim Moffitt, Bruce Wessler, Rev. Wes Mullins, Jenifer ElamHarthcock, Tommy Lawless, Gerry Humphreys, Sandy Smiljanich, Linda Mudd
Others present- Deborah Sheperis, Toni Smith, Bettye Babb, Sue Creighton, Mavis Kennedy and Brian
b. Make adjustments to agenda
c. Adjustments to and approval of last month’s minutes
Motion: 15 – 1001 Tim Moffitt made the motion to accept
Second – Tommy Lawless
Passed unanimously
a. Oct 20 – Bruce Wessler - Autumn Leaves and Barrenness. Watching the leaves fall reminds us all to let
things fall away in our lives to let new things come in. Jesus gives us examples in nature to show us how
to live. Often we feel barren in times of trouble however we will be made ready for the next thing to
come into or lives. We need to take in spiritual nourishment to prepare us for what is ahead.
b. Nov 17 – Tim
c. Dec 15 - Brooke
d. Jan 19 – Gerry
e. Feb 16 – Tommy
f. Mar 15 – Sandy
g. Apr 19 – Jenifer
h. May 17 – new board member
i. Jun 21 – new board member
III. New Business / Decision Items
a. One St. Louis proposal – Rev. Wes
Discussion: Deborah Sheperis and Mavis Kennedy of One St. Louis were present to answer any
questions. The original mission of One St. Louis was to engage the broader community for financial and
volunteer support. This has not happened as most of what is being done is by the MCCGSL
Congregations. Most of programs do not use cash except the Backpack Program which comes from MCC
Congregants. One St. Louis has about $16,000 to transfer over to MCC for running One St. Louis
Ministry and the programming. The 501c3 will be dissolved with no cost to MCC. The programs and
funds will be transferred to MCCGSL. Most of the restricted funds are designated to the Backpack
program. Deborah has committed to be involved in the programs until May. She is willing to work with
engaging new leadership. An announcement will be made on Sunday to call new leadership. At this
time the board is asked to keep this announcement as Deborah would like to have personal
conversations with supporters prior to the public announcement.
Motion: 10 – 2002 The following motion was made by Rev. Wes Mullins “With gratitude for all the
good work performed by One Saint Louis, I move that MCCGSL accepts all the assets and programs of
One Saint Louis upon the dissolution of One Saint Louis that is to become effective November 4.
Responsibility for the final year of reporting donations for One Saint Louis (2015) will rest with the One
Saint Louis Board Members.”
Second: Bruce Wessler
Passed unanimously
IV. Continuing Business
a. Recap of issues from Informational Forum
i. Need to move Glory to Glory service or start our service earlier for future meetings?
ii. Need for any other opportunities to hear from the congregation?
iii. Announcing upcoming Board meetings
Discussion: Issue iii – Rev. Wes Mullins suggested that we post the board agenda a week ahead
of time so that people can view the agenda. He is going to talk with Katie Hotze-Wilton about
ways to do this. One idea is to post it in the lobby on the electronic screen. Issues i & ii -Bettye
Babb spoke to the importance of allowing the congregants the opportunity to voice their
opinion and have a dialogue with each other and the board. Rather than have Glory to Glory
change the time of their church service it was decided to have the informational portion in the
sanctuary and the Q & A in the lobby. The lobby should be set up with chairs and microphone
prior to the switch. Prior to moving to the lobby a speaking time format will be explained along
with continuing to follow Roberts Rules of Order for the Q & A.
b. Lay Delegates Fund Raiser for 2016 General Conference
i. Volunteers
Discussion: Toni Smith talked about placing posters at different venues to promote the event.
Other ways suggested to promote the event were paying to post on Facebook and Rev. Wes
Mullins using a google gift certificate. Tommy asked if there is a budget for the event which was
never established. He expressed the need to have more people make food for the event in
order to cut the costs. Linda Mudd made a donation for the food. Rev. Wes Mullins said that
he will talk with the staff about placing them in volunteer positions. There will be a table set up
this Sunday with tickets. The lay delegates are to communicate with Rev. Wes Mullins heir
specific needs.
Bettye Babb reported that Julia Ermolina will be opening for Vicki Shaw. She cleared this with
Vicki and Julia offered to open at no cost. The Lay Delegates goal is to sell at least 150 more
tickets. Linda Mudd is going to check with some of the restaurants that Out and About might
have connections to donate food.
V. New Discussion Items
a. Minimum requirements for MCC sponsored events – Tim Moffitt stated in the last months that there
were a couple events that were sponsored by MCCGSL that had not been posted. We need a minimum
level of criteria for sponsored events. This discussion will be addressed at the November Board
VI. Clerk Reports – See Membership Report
Discussion – Sandy Smiljanich is going to instruct Christine White to move the 22 inactive members who
received letters informing of their status to the former membership roster since they did not respond to the
VII. Treasures Report – Gerry Humphreys
Discussion: Gerry drew the Board’s attention to 1100 series on the Balance Sheet. While the $45,000 is the
correct amount in the account, the distribution in the subgroups is inaccurate. The reason for this has to do
with the manner in which Quick Books (accounting) and Power Church (attendance and donor tracking)
dialogue with one another. On November 2, the golf money out will be moved into the restricted fund.
Gerry Humphreys, Jan McGah and Guy Crouch will straighten out all the sub accounts prior to next month’s
board meeting. $45,000 is in the correct account as shown on Balance Sheet.
Rev. Wes Mullins is in the process of exploring updated church software in order for Quick Books and Power
Church to be compatible. January 1, 2016 is the target date to install the new software.
The golf tournament had a profit of over $28,000 dollars which exceeded the goal the team set. This money
will be moved to the restricted fund which is presently at $6,000.
At present the Year to Date Profit & Loss shows a net income of 425%. Seeds t Branches income is
responsible for this, which reduces the debt ratio. Regions Bank informed us that this is great! November 2,
Gerry Humphreys, Jan McGah, Guy Crouch and Rev. Wes Mullins begin discussion with Regions for renewal
of loan.
Gerry pointed out that the Variance Report has been pretty consistent. At present we are $4,000 behind in
income for the yearly budget, however, we have two more months to catch up. Usually December allows us
to catch up.
Motion: 15 - 2003 Rev.Wes Mullins moved to accept the Treasury Report
Second: Linda Mudd
Passed unanimously
VIII. Other Reports
a. Pastor’s Report – Rev. Wes Mullins
b. Lay Delegates – Toni Smith, Cheryl Stockton, Carole Ward
c. Counting Team – Linda Mudd
d. Generous Expressions / Stewardship – Tommy Lawless
e. Business Maintenance Team – Tommy Lawless, Sandy Smiljanich , Tim Moffitt
f. Nominations – Jenifer Elam-Harthcock
Discussion: Bruce Wessler addressed the nomination application deadline in 6 weeks. Board members
are encouraged to engage individuals to apply.
Motion: 15 – 2004 Rev. Wes Mullins moved to accept all reports
Second: Gerry Humphreys
Passed unanimously
Membership Report
None of the 22 people we sent a letter on August 5, informing them of their inactive status responded. The letter stated
that they were being moved to the inactive list. Per the By-Laws, Article IV, D (Membership Review) members become
inactive at the time of notification, and have 2 months after the notification to be restored to active membership. It further
states in D 5: "The inactive Member who is not restored during the period of two (2) months immediately following
notification shall be considered a former Member."
Since the notices went out on August 5th, all 22 are being moved to former member status. That puts our current
membership at 246
Treasurer’s report (See Financials)
Senior Pastor Report
Rev. Wes Mullins handed out the job descriptions for business manager and youth director and asked the board to
review them for approval for next month.
 Lay Delegates
Ticket sales for the Vicki Shaw performance: 92 tickets sold so far38 general admission 54 VIP.
 Counting Team
Linda is continuing to talk to a couple of folks to fill in vacant spots on counting teams. If you can think of someone to ask,
please let her know.
 Stewardship / Generous Expressions Ministry
The Generous Expressions Ministry team did not meet this month. It was expected that there would be less for them to
do this year as the focus was on the Seeds to Branches campaign.
 Building Maintenance Team
The numbers over the awning have been painted.
Hail guards and dampers have been installed over the air conditioner units on the roof.
Nominations Panel Report
The nominations panel is Jen Elam-Harthcock, Frieda Smith and Deb Bush. They have asked lots of people but have not
yet received any firm commitment. If you think of any possible candidates, please let Jen know.
Open prior action items
o Pat Yates is looking at exit lights
o Brooke is working with Tommy, Jenifer, Sandy on a Business Interruption Plan
o Tommy is going check with Katie Hotze-Wilton on the leaky door (on hold due to lack of rain).
 Tommy and Sandy will be working on getting the awning painted - completed
 Bruce is going to contact Frieda Smith concerning the Emergency Action Plan – received and forwarded
IX. Review Action Items from this meeting
a. Rev. Wes Mullins to talk with Rev. Katie Hotze-Wilton about posting the Board Agenda.
b. Rev. Wes Mullins to work with Lay Delegates for staffing the Vicki Shaw event.
c. Rev. Wes Mullins, Katie Hotze-Wilton and intern Brian Sieve will be working with the Lay Delegates for
Vicki Shaw set-up.
d. Board members are to think of criteria for MCCGSL sponsored events to be included in the SOPP’s and
addressed at the November Board Meeting.
e. Sandy Smiljanich is to inform Christine White to remove 22 members to the former member list.
f. Lay Delegate Toni Smith is going to contact Marcia Dobbs about promoting the Vicki Shaw Event.
g. Linda Mudd is going to contact restaurants for possible food donations for Vicki Shaw Event.
h. Bruce Wessler is responsible to implementing the new format for Congregational Meetings.
i. Brooke Holloway is setting up a meeting to complete an Emergency Action Plan.
j. Board members are to review the job descriptions for business manager and youth director for
discussion and approval at the November Board meeting.
k. Board members are to engage individuals to apply for the Board of Directors.
X. Prayer Requests and Closing Prayer
XI. Adjourn
Motion: 15 -2005 Linda Mudd to adjourn
Second: Gerry Humphreys
Passed unanimously
FYI ONLY: List of Ongoing Board Assignments
a. Building Maintenance Team – Tommy Lawless, Tim Moffitt, Sandy Smiljanich, Gerry Humphreys
b. Clerk/Record Keeping and logistics – Sandy Smiljanich
c. Counting Team Manager – Linda Mudd
d. Finance Committee Liaison – Gerry Humphreys
e. Moderator – Rev. Wes Mullins
f. Nominating Committee Liaison – Jenifer Elam-Harthcock
g. Stewardship and Giving Team Liaison – Tommy Lawless
h. Treasurer/Financial Oversight – Gerry Humphreys
i. Vice Moderator – Bruce Wessler
XII. Upcoming important dates:
November 29th, 2015: Deadline for Board of Directors Applications
December 6, 2015: Board Candidate Interviews
January 3, 2016: Board Candidate Biographies Due
January 9th: Board work day 9 AM -2 PM
January 17th: Programming Magazine Released
January 24th: Candidate Forum
January 31st: Program Launch (Fat Sunday Brunch)
February 14th: Informational Forum
February 21th: Congregational Meeting