NAME__________________________PER____Mr. Lua U.S. History Y-4 NO # 17 Spanish-American War & The Aftermath I. Spanish-American War (1898)—Overview A) Nicknamed “Splendid Little War” (U.S. defeated Spain in only 4 months) B) 3 major reasons why U.S. got involved (explained further below) 1. Free Cuba from Spanish oppression 2. To protect American-owned property & businesses in Cuba 3. It was partly the result of an imperialist mood that most Americans were in during the late 1890's II. Background: Spain's Relationship With Cuba Checkpoint II. List 3-4 ways that Spain oppressed the Cuban people BEFORE the Spanish-American War. A) For centuries Spain was one of the world’s greatest imperialistic countries. 1. By late 1800’s, most of Spain's former colonies had gained independence Mexico, for example, successfully gained independence from Spain in 1821. 2. Only Cuba, Philippine Islands, Guam, and Puerto Rico remained of the once giant Spanish empire. B) Two men fueled independence movements to free their counties from Spanish imperialism 1. Jose Marti of Cuba & Emilio Aguinaldo of Philippine Islands 2. Both men were supported by thousands of ordinary Cubans & Filipinos, especially because they protested against Spanish mistreatment. Spain charged high taxes, which ordinary people often struggled to pay. Spain did not allow its colonists to have much decision-making power 3. Marti & Aguinaldo both formed "rebel armies" to engage in battle and force the Spanish to grant their independence. C) Spain used brutal tactics to crush both independence movements. 1. In Cuba--300,000 people were forced into concentration camps. People accused of helping Jose Marti were often tortured or starved. Sometimes innocent people were put in camps (just to separate them from the rebels). III. Reasons That Led To The Spanish-American War of 1898 Checkpoint IIIa. BRIEFLY list 4 reasons that led up to the Spanish-American War of 1898. Checkpoint IIIb. How did Yellow Journalism contribute to the Spanish-American War? Checkpoint IVa. What POSSIBLE events in YOUR lifetime have had the same effect on American public opinion as the Maine Incident had on Americans? A) 1st Reason: an increasing amount of Americans became concerned about events in Cuba. Why? 1. Americans had invested over $50 million in Cuba’s mines, railroads, sugar plantations Naturally, they were worried that a rebellion might threaten such investments. 2. Other Americans simply felt sympathy & compassion for the Cuban people After all, weren’t the Cuban rebels simply attempting to win independence from a bully, just like the Americans had shaken off the British bully in 1776? 3. Some government officials began calling for war, out of a desire to test the U.S. military strength. Theodore Roosevelt (before being President) & others called for war against Spain. B) 2nd Reason: “Yellow Journalism” 1. Many newspapers “sensationalized” (used false facts or exaggerated) events in Cuba 2. William Randolph Hearst & Joseph Pulitzer (Newspaper tycoons) were two competing owners that encouraged “yellow journalism” in order to increase sales. Both instructed newspapers to: Report Spain’s horrible treatment. Build support for the Cuban independence movement 3. Importance of "yellow journalism" Each newspaper greatly shaped American public opinion toward Spain For many, it led to an outright hatred of Spain & a desire for war. C) 3rd Reason: The de Lome letter (written by a Spanish official) 1. A Spanish official in Cuba had intended for the letter to reach the King of Spain. 2. The letter called for stronger oppression of Cuban rebels AND claimed that American public was too 'nitwitted" to care and President McKinley was too weak and "spineless" to speak up against Spain. 3. A Cuban rebel had stolen the letter before it reached Spain. 4. The letter was then sold to William Randolph Hearst, who then published it for all to see. Once published, the letter generated a massive backlash among Americans, who became insulted and more inclined to want war with Spain. D) 4th Reason: U.S.S. Maine Incident 1. Background: U.S.S. Maine = a warship sent by the U.S. govt. to simply "park" off the coast of Cuba It was simply meant to help evacuate U.S. citizens living in Cuba or protect U.S. property IF the fighting in Cuba threatened either. 2. One day, the U.S.S. Maine mysteriously exploded, killing 266 U.S. sailors 3. Importance of the U.S.S. Maine Incident “Yellow journalism” newspaper reports and certain govt. officials immediately accused Spain. It seemed clear proof that Spain was a threat, & therefore a good reason for war--"Remember the Maine, To Hell With Spain" became the battle cry of most Americans. IV. Spanish-American War Began! Checkpoint IVa. What deal was made by the U.S. government TO Filipino leader Emilio Aguinaldo? A) U.S. declared war on Spain in 1898 1. It was only the third time that Congress had ever done so. 2. Although the actual fighting is not as important as the CAUSES & EFFECTS of the war, most of the war took place in two regions of the world: Asia & the Caribbean B) War in the Philippines 1. Superior U.S. Navy quickly defeated Spain at sea. 2. Battle of Manila Bay—entire Spanish fleet was destroyed (no U.S. deaths)! 3. A deal was made to Emilio Aguinaldo (Filipino rebel leader): help the U.S. defeat Spain’s ground soldiers, and the Philippine Islands would be granted independence after the war. Aguinaldo accepted & Spanish ground forces were quickly defeated. C) War in Cuba 1. Battle of San Juan Hill Famous for heroic actions of Buffalo Soldiers & Rough Riders Rough Riders (all-volunteer army commanded by Theodore Roosevelt) fought heroically and received widespread attention by most U.S. newspapers Theodore Roosevelt was awarded a Medal of Honor & gained massive fame among U.S. public. Buffalo Soldiers (all-Black units) LED the charge, yet received little mention in newspapers V. Effects (Aftermath) Of The War Checkpoint Va. Explain the importance of the Treaty of Paris A) Treaty of Paris ended war as Spain surrendered. 1. Spain agreed to: Hand over control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Pacific island of Guam Sell the Philippine Islands for $20 million B) Victory gave the U.S. a “World Power” status 1. The quick victory seemed proof that the U.S. was in a position to join the ranks of Europe’s imperialist countries. 2. It was one of the few times that we had proven ourselves capable of defeating other powerful countries 3. It sent a signal to the world--the U.S. is capable of shaping events in the western hemisphere C) Victory presented new issues/problems: what should be done with Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines? 1. As you read the info below, keep in mind that the U.S. used different kinds of imperialism toward each. VI. Cuba Under U.S. Imperialism Checkpoint VI. Of the 5 requirements in the Platt Amendment, which one do you think was the biggest way that the U.S. controlled Cuba's affairs? Checkpoint VII. In one sentence, how was the Foraker Act different from the Platt Amendment? A) Cuba was granted independence, but with strings attached: 1. They were allowed to create their own constitution & government 2. However, they were REQUIRED to add the Platt Amendment to it B) Platt Amendment, which said: 1. U.S. could intervene in Cuba’s decisions at any time in the future. 2. Cuba had to avoid falling into debt to other countries 3. U.S. could buy or lease Cuban land (for navy stations/refueling stations) 4. Cuba couldn’t make treaties that might limit its independence or allow other countries to control any part of its territory 5. Forced to allow U.S. use of Guantanamo Bay C) Importance of the Platt Amendment: A perfect example of U.S. imperialism toward Cuba VII. Puerto Rico Under U.S. Imperialism A) Was NOT granted independence--U.S. maintained control with the Foraker Act B) Foraker Act 1. A law of the U.S. Congress that created Puerto Rico’s govt. 2. Gave U.S. President power to chose Puerto Rico’s governor & lawmakers 3. Ordinary Puerto Ricans were left with very little decision-making power or control of their government. C) Puerto Rico today: all U.S. citizens, subject to military draft, can travel freely to and from U.S., can’t vote for President, continually reject offers of statehood. VIII. Philippines Under U.S. Imperialism Checkpoint VIII. List at least 3 ways that the U.S. committed vicious acts against Filipinos A) U.S. attempted to control Philippines in the same way as Puerto Rico, but Filipinos resisted. 1. Aguinaldo became upset that the U.S. broke its promise to Filipino people. 2. Why should they accept U.S. domination? They had spent years trying to get rid of Spain. B) Philippine-American War (or Insurrection) (1899-1902) 1. Aguinaldo led Filipinos to fight for freedom against U.S. 2. His guerilla tactics caused U.S. to create its own concentration camps (the same kind that the U.S. had condemned Spain for using earlier!) C) Took U.S. 3 years to put down rebellion 1. 4,000 U.S. deaths, 220,000 Filipino deaths 2. Cost $400 million (20 times the price the U.S. had paid to purchase the islands!) D) U.S. eventually used a plan similar to the Foraker Act in Puerto Rico. VI. Americans Disagreed Over U.S. Imperialism A) Treaty of Paris sparked a major debate among America’s leaders & influential people. 1. Debate focused on the Philippine Islands, since Americans were unsure what to do there. 2. Although the Anti-Imperialism point of view “lost” and was not supported as much, it did tame American aggression and exploitation of all places taken over. B) Anti-Imperialism Americans opposed imperialism with arguments such as: 1. It would cost the federal govt. too much $$$ to maintain an army there, help Filipinos, etc. 2. Jobs for ordinary Americans would be reduced (since Filipinos) since U.S. businesses might hire them for less. 3. Would violate our commitment to “American Ideals” of freedom, self-government, democracy, “consent by the governed,” use of elections, etc. C) Pro-Imperialism Americans supported Imperialism with: 1. Alfred Mahan’s book On Sea Power, which said U.S. needed to: Build a modern navy (since all great nations have one) Takeover places (especially islands) in various parts of the world, then use them as strategic navy bases 2. Ideas of Global Social Darwinism Only strong countries survive competition with others. U.S. needs to strengthen itself to compete with Europe. 3. Ideas of Global Manifest Destiny Americans have a duty to spread & share the good things about U.S. society. Advanced technology, better science, Christianity, better forms of govt., etc. Therefore taking over “inferior” peoples is benefiting them. D) President McKinley took the side of the Pro-Imperialists & chose to “annex” Philippines.