A list of literature and reading instructions is found as a word

Institutionen för informatik
februari 17, 2016
Course literature and reading instructions
Please note that each reference has been provided with a link that takes you to the
specific paper. Please let me know if some link is broken.
Introduction (Nov 7)
- Hughes, J., King, V., Rodden, T., Andersen. H. The role of ethnography in
interactive systems design. interactions, 2 (2), 1995 >>>
Holzblatt, K., Beyer, H. Making customer-centered design work for teams.
Communications of the ACM, 36 (10), 1993 >>>
- Beyer, H., Holtzblatt, K. Contextual design. interactions, January-February, 1999
Scenarios and personas (Nov 9)
- Potts, C. Using schematic scenarios to understand user needs. Proceedings of the
DIS 95 Conference, 1995 >>>
- Pruitt, J., Grudin, J. Personas: Theory and practice. Proc. DUX 2003 ,CD ROM.
2003 >>>
Presentation of pilot studies (course examination) (Nov 21)
Presentation of the Personas groupwork assignment (27/11)
Mobility (Dec 4)
- Iacucci, G., Kuutti, K., Ranta, M. On the move with a magic thing: role playing in
concept design of mobile services and devices. DIS 2000. >>>
- Isomursu, M., Kuutti, K., Väinämö, S. Experience clip: method for user participation
and evaluation of mobile concepts. Participatory Design 2004. >>>
- Svanaes, D. and Seland, G. Putting the users center stage: role playing and low-fi
prototyping enable end users to design mobile systems. CHI 04, 2004. >>>
Design for families (Dec 11)
- Neustaedter, C., and Bernheim Brush, A. J. “LINC-ing” the family: The
participatory design of an inkable family calendar. CHI 2006 >>>
- Rodden, T., et al. Between the Dazzle of a New Building and its Eventual
Applied User Research – Rikard Harr 2010
Assembling the Ubiquitous Home. DIS 04, 2004. >>>
Diary studies (Dec 18)
- Czerwinski, M., Horvitz, E., Wilhite, S. A diary study of task switching and
interruptions. Proceedings CHI 2004. ACM Press, 2004. >>>
- Carter, S., and Mankoff, J. When participants do the capturing: The role of media in
diary studies. CHI 2005 >>>
- Sohn, T., et al. A diary study of mobile information needs. CHI 08, 2008. >>>
- Hess, J. and Wulf, V. Explore social behavior around rich-media: a structured diary
study, 2009. >>>
Probes (Jan 8)
- Gaver, B., Dunne, T., Pacenti, E. Cultural probes. interactions, January-February,
1999 >>>
- Hutchinson et al. Technology probes: inspiring design for and with families. CHI
2003 >>>
- Boehner, K., et al. How HCI interprets the probes. CHI 07, 2007. >>>
- Bernhaupt et al. Trends in the living room and beyond: results from ethnographic
studies using creative and playful probing, 2008 >>>
Presentation of Contextual Design group assignment (Jan 10)
Experience, engagement, and envisioning the future (Jan 15)
- Ljungblad, S. and Holmquist, L. E. Transfer scenarios: grounding innovation with
marginal practices. CHI 07, 2007. >>>
- Crabtree, A. Design in the absence of practice: breaching experiments. DIS 04,
2004. >>>
- Oulasvirta, A. Understanding contexts by being there: case studies in
bodystorming. Personal and Uniquitous Computing. >>>
- Nieminen et al. User-centered concept development process for emerging
technologies, 2004 >>>
If you have any questions about the literature above don’t hesitate to ask