Exploring Pond Habitats

Exploring Pond Habitats:
Five Mini-Habitats in a Typical Pond
Pond Bottom: Habitat Conditions
Oxygen. There is little oxygen at the bottom of the pond because dead
animals rot and decompose, using up the oxygen. Plants also find it hard to
grow here because of the lack of light and this reduces the oxygen levels in
the water.
Light. The level of light here is low because the water depth and plants that
grow above shade the pond bottom.
Shelter. There is plenty of shelter and hiding places in decaying plant
matter, stones, mud and sometimes rubbish!
Food. Food is available in the mud and debris; it may be dead or decaying
plant or animal material (detritus.).
Predators: are fish and insects that can dive down to search for food and
lurk in the mud waiting to pounce!
Pond Margin: Habitat Conditions
Oxygen. The air is full of oxygen which is produced by all the plants and
trees surrounding the pond.
Light. There is plenty of light although some areas may be shaded by reeds
and overhanging trees.
Shelter. There is plenty of shelter from plants, shrubs and trees.
Food. Lots of food can be found here as there are many insects and small
animals living in the reed area, and also on and just below the surface of the
Predators. The main predators are birds, mammals and larger insects.
Midwater: Habitat Conditions
Oxygen. There is enough oxygen in this area because all the underwater
plants produce oxygen. The animals living here breathe through their gills, or
skin. Some even take an air bubble with them down from the surface
Light. Some light reaches this habitat through the water but the further
down the animal goes, the darker it gets!
Shelter. There is less shelter here, unless lots of floating plants are growing.
Food. Food is difficult to find and most animals have to either hunt at the
surface, margin or scavenge the bottom.
Predators: The main predators are fish that dart into the other habitats in
the pond.
Surface: Habitat Conditions
Oxygen. There is plenty of oxygen here, which dissolves in the water from
the air above. The animals here breathe through their gills, lungs or skin.
Light. There is plenty of light here!
Shelter. The only shelter is among the surface plants like water lilies.
Food. Many small animals live here.
Predators. Birds, fish, some mammals and the larger insects.
Above Water: Habitat Conditions
Oxygen. The air is full of oxygen which is produced by all the plants and
trees surrounding the pond. Creatures in this area breathe the oxygen.
Light. There is a good amount of light found here.
Shelter. There is little shelter above the pond.
Food. There is little food in this area, so the birds and insects have to hunt
at the surface, margin or even dive in to the water to find food.
Predators. The few main predators include larger birds and dragonflies that
catch their smaller prey while flying over the pond.