Metamorphic Rocks Worksheet: Identification & Interpretation

Name ________________________________
Chapter 8 Investigation Worksheet
To complete this worksheet, see the instructions in the textbook (Chapter 8 Investigation).
Table 1. Descriptions and Identification of Metamorphic Rocks
Use the photographs below and accompanying descriptions to assign a name to each rock type.
Rock 1
Rock 2
Black and white banded rock with coarse
crystals of biotite, quartz, and garnet.
Foliation is associated with folds.
Shiny rock with cleavage, but very small crystals,
which were identified as biotite and muscovite
Name of rock (circle one): (a) slate,
(b) gneiss, (c) marble, (d) greenstone.
Rock 3
Name of rock (circle one): (a) marble, (b) quartzite,
(c) phyllite, (d) gneiss.
Rock 4
Hard rock with sand-sized grains of quartz.
Fractures cut across, not around, the sand
Light-colored rock composed of finely crystalline
calcite. Contains metamorphosed fossils and
Name of rock (circle one): (a) schist, (b)
marble, (c) gneiss, (d) quartzite.
Name of rock (circle one): (a) greenstone, (b)
quartzite, (c) marble, (d) deformed granite.
Chapter 8 Investigation Worksheet; page 2
Table 2. Structural Interpretations
What type of fold is exposed in the area (circle one):
(a) anticline, (b) syncline, (c) monocline
Which rocks are higher in metamorphic grade (circle one):
(a) the banded rocks to the east, or (b) the rocks in the grassy area and southern hill
What observations support this conclusion?
What type of feature is located near the main stream (circle one)? Note how this feature is shown in
the cross section on the front of the block.
(a) anticline, (b) syncline, (c) normal fault, (d) reverse fault, (e) unconformity
If the view is looking north, in what direction were the rocks shortened to form the fold and the
(a) approximately north-south, (b) approximately east-west, (c) vertically
Table 3. Location of Fold
Draw a dashed line where the hinge of the
fold traces across the surface. To do this,
examine the larger figure in the textbook
to determine the orientations of bedding as
reflected by the dip slopes and the
bedding-cleavage relationships exposed on
the fronts of the blocks.