Ethical Nanotechnology in Solar Power

Robinson 4:00
Alexander Marshall (
Furthermore, fossil fuels are finite resources and are being
depleted at an alarming rate in relation to the growing
population’s constant need for energy.
On February 15, 2008, the U.S. National Academy of
Engineering met together in Boston in order to announce
their “Grand Challenges for Engineering” in regards to the
growing needs of a 21st century society. Due to the
exponential growth of a human population, estimated to be 7
billion by the end of October 2011, today’s engineers are
faced with the responsibility of “sustaining civilization’s
continuing advancement, while still improving the quality of
life”[nae]. Along with the increase in people comes an ever
greater need for a reliable source of fuel to maintain the
energy demands of a progressively more modern world. The
solution to this issue is to incorporate a sustainable and
renewable energy source that eliminates harm to the
environment as well as the dependence on earth’s already
strained finite resources. Solar energy has the potential to
accomplish this problem. In fact, in just one day, enough
power from the sun reaches the earth’s surface to meet the
planet’s energy needs for one year [1].
However, today’s current methods of collecting and
storing the sun’s energy are both inefficient and expensive
resulting in only a small contribution to the world’s energy
use. In order to address these issues, engineers must look at
the challenge of “Making Solar Energy Economical” in
order to provide society with a cheap, infinite energy source.
The recent development of nanoparticles printed onto thinfilm with carbon nanotube solar funnels will help improve
the efficiency as well as reduce the cost of photovoltaic
devices. With the development of such innovations,
however, the ethics must also be considered in order that
society benefits as a whole as well as ensuring that any
potential environmental or biological risks are entirely
eliminated. Such ethical issues that must be considered in
regards to nanotechnology in solar power are caution when
using harmful materials, ensuring the availability of this
technology to all members of society, and honesty
concerning its capabilities and performance. By studying
and researching this code of ethics students will learn about
their responsibility to the modern world and understand the
consequences of their actions.
Solar energy, on the other hand, has the potential to
solve all of these problems. This is due to its indefinite
lifetime (the sun will never go away), little to no negative
environmental impact, and free transmission from the sun.
“Only a small fraction of the sun’s power output strikes the
Earth, but even that provides 10,000 times as much as all the
commercial energy that humans use on the planet” [3].
In spite of this, only 1% of the global energy consumed
is produced by solar power [3]. Using current technology,
solar power cannot yet compete on a large scale with fossil
fuels due to its high production costs. The present-day
method of making solar panels out of silicon crystals is timeconsuming and expensive, creating products that are heavy
and difficult to make readily available to a remote areas of
the world [4]. Today’s common solar sources produce
electricity at a cost of about $0.30 per kilowatt hour (kWh),
while electricity from wind costs about $0.05 per kWh and
from natural gas about $0.03 per kWh [1]. In order for solar
power to be feasible on a large-scale as well as in remote
areas, this price must fall. In order for this to be done several
important components must be altered. First, the process of
manufacturing the panels has to become faster, cheaper, and
easier. This will directly lower the prices of panels.
Secondly, the method by which the panels collect and
convert sunlight into electricity must be improved in order to
raise the energy efficiency and thus increase output and
The current global dependence on fossil fuels has led to
serious environmental and health consequences which can
no longer be ignored. The huge carbon footprint which is
being emitted from our current energy grid has led to an
alarming increase in global temperatures as well as a serious
pollution crisis which afflicts many dense population areas.
University of Pittsburgh
Swanson School of Engineering
Alexander Marshall
In today’s modern world society has become increasingly
dependent on technology and the energy that powers such
innovations. This dependence has advanced to the degree
where the slightest error on the part of the engineers trusted
to do their jobs would be grave if not catastrophic. This
requires the engineer to be aware of the many principles of
ethical conduct that are entailed by such a profession with a
tremendous amount of responsibility. The National Society
of Professional Engineers (NSPE) Code of Ethics provides a
template that engineers can follow so that they can perform
their profession for society’s upmost benefit. Solar energy
does not have many directly unethical features arising from
its use since its very purpose is to eliminate those issues
posed by fossil fuels. However, there are still principles to
be considered when dealing with solar innovations. For
example, one of the canons from NSPE code of ethics states
“Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health, and
welfare of the public”[3]. This is perhaps the most serious of
the canons as the ramifications for negligence are huge. For
example, the use of cadmium, an extremely toxic metal used
in the manufacturing of photovoltaic devices must be
cautiously handled. If taken in large quantities, cadmium can
cause kidney damage, respiratory problems, cancer, and
even bone damage to humans [10]. Due to these high risks,
the workers coming into contact with dangerous components
such as this must be protected. Also, engineers must be
completely honest about the potential risks of such
substances since the need for truthfulness in solar power is
stated by the California Solar Energy Industries (CSEI)
Code of Ethics as “Members shall avoid deceptive acts in
the solicitation of solar work” [11]. The ramifications of
dishonesty can also extend to falsification of the potential
output and efficiency. This could lead to great deal of harm
as a solar panel’s expected energy output would not meet the
demands, causing a serious dilemma.
Another issue towards which little thought has been
directed is making nanotechnology available to the entire
world. The current front-runners in the development of
nanotechnology are all affluent nations with many resources.
Once these technologies are developed they will reduce cost
as well as increase efficiency and output. These benefits
would be best enjoyed by underprivileged nations, especially
those with high populations, making energy available to a
great deal more people. However, no one likes to give away
newly developed technology. It is this selfishness that has
caused AID’s medications to just begin arriving to
impoverished countries, even though they were developed
years ago. Engineers need to overcome this tendency and
make cheap solar power available to all of society [12].
lower the price of electricity. Thirdly, the solar panels have
to be a more convenient weight and size, increasing the
number of locations where they can be installed. If these
components can be achieved and effectively combined, the
future of energy production could be dramatically altered
In order to surmount these challenges against solar
power, today’s engineers and scientists have explored,
tested, and utilized innovative new ideas from the field of
nanotechnology. One of the areas which holds the most
promise is printable nanoparticles. Several companies have
developed nanoparticle inks made from copper, indium,
gallium, and selenide (CIGS) that can be sprayed onto
flexible substrates to form layers of semiconductor raising
panel efficiency up to 20% [6]. Although these surfaces are
limited now to aluminum foil, research is being done to print
these nanoparticle films directly onto clothes and buildings,
thus reducing installation prices and eliminating the need for
mounting steel, currently used to hold silicon panels. In
these non-silicon film-panels the nanoparticles of CIGS selfassemble in a uniform distribution, ensuring that the atomic
ratio of the elements is always correct [7]. The CIGS-onglass cell requires a layer of molybdenum to create an
effective electrode. This extra layer isn't necessary in the
CIGS-on-foil cell because the metal foil acts as the
electrode[8]. A layer of zinc oxide (ZnO) plays the role of
the other electrode in the CIGS cell. Sandwiched in between
are two more layers -- the semiconductor material and
cadmium sulfide (CdS). These two layers act as the n-type
and p-type materials, which are necessary to create a current
of electrons [6]. In order to increase the efficiency of the
panel, carbon nanorods can be applied to this dye. Singlewalled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) have long been regarded
as promising components of nanocomposite photoanodes in
photovoltaic devices because of their excellent electron
mobility and one-dimensional shape [9]. Unlike normal
panels, which act at optimum efficiency when hit directly by
bright sunlight, the nanorods form a multi-layer coating that
works like a series of light funnels. The top layer of
nanorods takes the light hitting the panel at wide angles and
bends it to a slightly narrower angle. Successive layers
narrow the angle even further, funneling the light so it hits
the active region of the panel at a ninety-degree angle,
eliminating the need to rotate the panel with the sun [9].
Once this technology is made readily available to the
public on a large, affordable scale, its use will increase
dramatically, decreasing carbon emissions as well as energy
prices. However, due to this increased, widespread usage
engineers must think of the ethics behind their actions and
the consequences that straying for such a code would have.
As a current student studying engineering, I am currently in
the process of developing the skills necessary to be
successful in the working world. While I still have much to
Alexander Marshall
collection in photovoltaic devices. ” Nature Nanotechnology. [Online
[9]E. Ortlip.(January, 2009). “Nanotechnology Makes Solar Power More
[10]Godt, J. (September 2006) “The Toxicity of Cadmium and Resulting
Hazards for Human Health.” PubMed Central. [Online Article]. Availible:
[11] (July 2007). “NSPE Code of ethics for Engineers.” National Society of
[12] Grossman. J “Nanotechnology’s Role in Making Cheap Solar Power.”
Small Talk Podcasts. 14 Oct. 2006. Exploratorium. 16 Apr. 2007.
learn, I strive for the goals and expectations that are required
of me. I am aware of the tremendous accountability and that
I have towards a society that is so reliant on my abilities.
This is due to the research, evaluation, and writing on the
subject of the code of engineering ethics. After doing
extensive reading on this code I am now aware what I must
do to serve humanity to my fullest capabilities. I believe that
the best method for learning these fundamentals to an
engineering education are through an analytical research
paper that allows students to examine the significance of
ethics on their own. Even though a Code of Ethics exists, I
would never have taken the time to study it in depth. To
ensure that future engineers are prepared for what is
anticipated of them and to avoid disasters or tragedies, this
research paper should be incorporated into all Engineering
(2008). “The Nanotech Revolution in Solar Power.” Lightbucket. [Online
Blog Post].Availible:
As the earth’s population continues to increase so will its
energy needs. Nanotechnology incorporated into solar power
solves this crisis while also leaving no impact on the
environment and expanding the energy grid to those unable
to obtain power. In doing so, one of the 14 Grand Challenges
is solved and humanity can breathe a little easier. However,
in doing so the ethics governing the actions of engineers
must consider the consequences of their actions. In order to
ingrain the weight of these responsibilities, engineers must
be taught from their earlier years that their profession has the
potential to change lives. Looking forward it can be hoped
that all the Grand Challenges are solved, uniting this
expanding world with links of technology.
I would like to thank my roommate Mustafa for helping me
edit this paper. I would also like to thank my ten, working
fingers, working human brain, and ability to write in a
comprehensible language for helping me finish this.
[1] Johnson D. (2008, April). “Nanotechnology and Solar Power” Ieee
[2] (2010) “Make Solar Energy Economical.” National Academy of
Engineering Grand Challenges For Engineering. [Online]. Available:
[4] Lovegren S. (2005, June). “Spray On Solar Cells Are True
Breakthrough.” The National Geographic Magazine. [Online Article].
[5] Woody T. (April, 2010). “A Novel Way to thin-Film Solar Cell?.” The
[6] Harris W. “How Thin-film Solar Cells Work.” How Stuff Works: A
[7] Chandler, D. L. (May, 2011). “Solar Power Goes Viral.” MIT News.
[Online Article]. Avalible:
[8] Hammond P. T.. A. M. Belcher.(April, 2011). “Virus-templated selfassembled single-walled carbon nanotubes for highly efficient electron