Co-Curricular Efforts to Enhance Second Year Student Success Reported by CLAS Academic Units October-November, 2008 Information Submitted from: Art & Design, Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Chemistry, Classics, English, History, Movement Science, Mathematics, Music, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Statistics) Welcoming Communication to New Majors: (same as noted for First Year students) - E-mail of welcome to newly-declared majors, w/ advisor information (Chemistry, English, Music, Political Science, Physics) - Welcoming letter signed by chair mailed to each incoming student (Biology) - Departmental “Student Handbook” sent to new majors (Chemistry, Art & Design, Movement Science) Making the Transition (same as noted for First Year students) - In some areas, new freshman/transfer students are assigned to experienced/continuing students . . . new students are contacted before school starts and welcomed to GVSU and, specifically, the ensemble in which they will participate (Music) Engagement with Life as a Major: - Departmental stewardship of discipline-based student clubs (Biology; Philosophy) - Invitations to regular departmental seminars, and to guest presentations organized through the department or student clubs (Art & Design; Biology; Music; Philosophy, Political Science, Physics) - Weekly film series w/ discussion panel (Psychology) - Social get-togethers, usually through departmental student clubs (Biology; Physics) - Outreach: - participation with faculty in Science Olympiad (Biology; Biomedical Sciences, Chemistry, Geology, Movement Science, Physics, Statistics) - participation with faculty in various clean-ups (stream, ravine, highway), stream bank stabilization, etc. (Biology) - tutoring (Physics) - outreach for participation in National History Day (History) - Departmental newsletter (Biology) - Field trips (Art & Design, Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Physics) - Student involvement in faculty interview process (a small group of students going to lunch w/ the faculty candidate and then providing input to the search committee) (Chemistry, Mathematics) - Movie series and play reading (Theatre) Engagement with Scholarship: - Student Scholarship Day (virtually all CLAS units participate) - Music student SSD participation is declining because of April scheduling . . . conflicts w/ student final performance preparations, recitals, etc. - Capstone courses - 4xx courses - “Fall Research Night” (Biomedical Sciences) - Concurrent sessions for student research poster presentations - Faculty research paper presentations - One-page summaries of each faculty member’s research projects distributed to students; also posted on the departmental web site (Biomedical Sciences) - Summer Student Scholarship Program (virtually all CLAS units participate) - Annual writing competition (Music); essay contest (Philosophy) - Student involvement with faculty in conferences and field trips (Biology; Physics) - Summer Reading Program (Classics) Assisting Academic Success: (some of these are the same as noted for First Year students) - Faculty conduct content review sessions for students in their courses (Biology; Biomedical Sciences) - Department chair conducts content review sessions for poorly-performing students (Psychology) - Reviews of portfolios (Art & Design) - Departmental scholarships (Biology) - Flexible approach to course substitution for “roadblock” courses (Political Science) - Advising forms, major/minor checklists, and sample curriculum plans available on web site . . . very helpful for students thinking about switching majors or emphases (Biology; Chemistry; Physics; Political Science) - Faculty e-mail their advisees encouraging a meeting before registration begins in the spring (Biology; Chemistry, Writing) - Faculty advisors who care! (Political Science) - “Early Alert System” . . . specific outreach to “at risk” students identified by midterm grades . . . individualized e-communication . . . extended CLAS Advising Center hours . . . extended faculty advising hours (CLAS Academic Advising Center; CLAS departments) Award Recognitions and Celebrations: - Awards/celebrations acknowledging academic achievement as well as service appreciation (Biology) - Annual spring picnic and awards ceremony (Physics) Preparing for Life After Graduation: - Seminar series to help students plan for the future . . . giving them a positive goal toward completing their studies within a 4-year period . . . seminars are focused on helping them prepare for and apply to graduate programs, write a personal statement, and explore other career options (English) - MCAT and GRE prep courses (CLAS Academic Advising Center)