Minutes of Essex Biodiversity Project Steering Group 82nd meeting 10 am Thursday 5 June 2014 Joan Elliot Meeting Rooms, Essex Wildlife Trust, Great Wigborough, Colchester CO5 7RZ Present: Steve Plumb (Chair) (SP), Tony Morton (EBP website) (TM), Andy May (Essex Wildlife Trust) (AM), Mark Iley (Essex Biodiversity Project) (MI), Emma Simmonds (Essex County Council) (ES), Dave Hedges (RSPB) (DH), Darren Fazackerley (Harlow District Council) (DF), Helen Jacobs (Essex and Suffolk Water) (HJ), Charlie Williams (Natural England) (CW) Minutes: Debra Howard Action 82.00 Apologies for absence: Peter Harvey, Steve Prewer, Matt Butcher 82.01 Minutes of the 81st meeting held on 20th October 2013 The minutes were agreed as correct. 82.02 Coordinator and Project Officer report MI went through a list of Essex Biodiversity Project (EBP) highlights (attached for information) MI informed that Steering Group that the Combined Essex Catchment Partnership is progressing well, the next meeting is planned for 6 June with future workshops and signing of a memorandum of understanding with the following partners: Chelmer and Blackwater Partnership, Chelmsford City Council, Chelmsford Biodiversity Forum, Dedham Vale AONB and Stour Valley Project, Environment Agency (EA), Essex and Suffolk Rivers Trust, Essex and Suffolk Water Company, Essex Waterways Ltd, Essex Wildlife Trust, Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group, Rochford District Council, Uttlesford District Council, Essex County Council and National Trust. This is a long term initiative. Funding of £25,000 has been received from DEFRA and EA to host the project and progress the project. EBP has been involved in the minerals consultation with Essex County Council and commented on Colemans Farm and Birch. TM thanked MI for putting him in contact with Tim Ruggles Brise to carry out oxlip surveys in woodlands in North West Essex. The woods are well managed with oxlips present. Update on new Biodiversity Project Officer Kieren Alexander started as the new Biodiversity Project Officer on 25 March, he is currently going through the induction process. He has started work on Catchment Restoration Fund (CRF) projects liaising with landowners and submitting planning applications. He joins us from the RSPB and has a broad range of experience and is already very active and busy. Kieren will arrange personal visits to Steering Group members if required. Kieren sent an introduction to the Steering Group and hopes to attend the next steering group meeting. TM to update the project officer details on the website. Concerns were expressed that Kieren was purely focussing on the CRF work, MI pointed out that due to the March 2015 deadline for completion of the work, delays due to the weather and delays with having a project officer in post, the CRF work is currently a priority but Kieren will be working on wider project work in the future Anchor Field management The site is in West Thurrock with invertebrate and reptile interest and has not been managed for years. It is a Local Wildlife site, is a potential bio offsetting KA TM site and Thurrock have £50,000 from the 106 money to contribute to management. Essex County Council consulted EBP on the management plan and this has been produced. EBP would be happy to take on the management of the site for the next 25 years if it gets the go ahead. Essex County Council as currently in discussions with Natural England and are expecting a decision soon, work will start next year if all approved. 82.03 East of England Biodiversity Forum (EEBF) update MI circulated the most up to date minutes to the steering group and reported that currently the East of England is experiencing a quiet period. The Local Nature partnerships have not really got off the ground and nothing is happening with Thames Local Nature partnership. It was agreed that the minutes are helpful to the steering group for updates on regional issues. MI is happy to pass them on. 82.04 Discussion on role of EBP, Steering Group and future funding The steering group agreed that meetings are beneficial and are keen to continue, as they are a good sounding base where information is shared. Concerns were expressed about EBP moving more to catchment based projects rather than the traditional terrestrial work carried out. MI explained that the funding has supported staff costs and due to delays in progressing the projects Kieren is spending more time on catchment based work at this current time but will be moving back to wider projects when the deadline is over in March 2015. It was agreed that the Lower Raypits project was a good example of success. Core funding for staff is a problem as Local Authorities and Essex County Council are no longer able to fund EBP EBP has a good reputation, have been successful and have a good name, it was agreed that EBP need to continue to promote their brand and keep at the forefront of biodiversity. Projects can always be found but funding is the problem, the EBP is also about offering advice and support. A discussion took place with differing opinions on charging for projects, advice and support. Some local authorities are involved in the project on an in kind basis. The possibility of managing sites in the future could be a stream of funding. EWT are fully committed to EBP and sees it as a viable concern. Kieren has a 2 year contract; MI has been given a permanent contract. If EBP ceases to exist MI would be an EWT member of staff, would work on reserves and there would be no more outreach work. The success of the project with such a small group of people should not be forgotten. John Hall CEO of Essex Wildlife Trust has recently thanked Mark for all his hard work. It was agreed that good communication and keeping an active profile to attract new interest is important for the project. The steering group felt that it was more of a networking group and that it is important to have outside involvement in the project and it has worked well to date, with a good chair for advice and guidance. The steering group were encouraged to put joint projects forward. 82.05 Update on Water Framework Directive work CRF Healthy Headwaters Essex Rivers Hub (Combined Essex Catchment partnership) These items had mostly been covered under previous agenda items. 2 payments have been made to host the combined Essex Catchment partnership an initial payment of £11,000 and a further £18,000 until March MI 2015. £25685 remainin in the budget to deliver all the work in the work plan, this will involve hosting the project and pulling in all stakeholders throughout combined Essex via workshops and putting together a catchment action plan from all partners on the issues and how they are addressed. Please let MI know if you anyone from the steering group would like to get involved. 82.06 EBP Celebration Event Format, content, venue and dates in 2015 Quality of Life Award nominations It was felt that EBP would benefit from a relaunch to revive profile with a celebration and showcase of Lower Raypits and CRF work. Please email MI with any ideas. At date in September 2015 was agreed following elections capturing a wider audience. Send out invitations with information to re interest partners. ALL ALL 82.07 Matters arising Essex Biodiversity Project Officer post is a 2 year post not 3 year post as previously recorded in minutes. Harlow Biodiversity Officer has moved to Parks Officer position and Harlow DC will be re recruiting. Any other business CW informed the steering group of recent Natural England changes. Natural England now has 14 areas across the country with a local delivery team for Essex which has specialist marine people. The regional teams are Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Essex. Sarah Brockless has taken voluntary 82.08 redundancy. David Overton is the new team leader for Essex. Matt Searle from Essex County Council has taken voluntary redundancy. Debra Fox is the new commissioner for sustainable Essex, it was felt that it would be good for Mark to meet Debra Fox before Matt leaves. TM will investigate the possibility of web hosting with an alternative company. MI to contact Popcorn about switching. DF asked about £500 given to the best kept churchyard competition. This is an RCCE competition which emphasises on biodiversity and a driver for nature conservation. Emma Brogden from EWT will be part of the judging panel this year. This is the 3rd year EBP has given funding to the competition. TM to put this on the website. ECC have a new member of staff called Gemma Holmes and the grazing officer has left to be replaced with an apprentice member of staff, Epping Forest grazier is currently managing the herd. If anyone is interested in learning more about grazing contact Luke Bristow at ECC. Essex and Suffolk Water Company (ESW) have managed to hold on to grant money for landowner projects for biodiversity work focus spending. ESW also have KPI indicators, one of which is focussing on Local Wildlife Sites owned by ESW, looking at the status of the site and reporting on the positive conservation management of the site and involving universities to fund a student. AM suggested HJ speaks to John More Essex Wildlife Trust Local Wildlife Sites Officer and also to Les Cousins at Essex University as he is just completing a PHd on eco systems services and bio offsetting. He also informed the group that Durham University has designed a GIS system to assess sites. DF spoke to the steering group about Green Flag sites and a discussion took place regarding the difficulty Nature Reserves have to get Green Flag status. Every local authority should have Green Flag initiative, the original idea was to MI/MS TM/MI TM HJ improve civic pride and get recognition. DH informed the group about the Magnox £500,000 social and economic regeneration at Maldon. The RSPB have put forward the idea of a ferry crossing to Burnham. There will be workshops in July, MI to attend the workshop. SP told the group of a Chelmsford partnership project in the Danbury Ridge Living Landscape involving Emma Brogden and Adam Rochester of EWT, community engagement, Parish councils and National Trust as well as landowners and Chelmsford navigation setting up projects and gaining funding. Meeting closed at 12.35 Date of next meeting Thursday 23 October 2014 at Essex Wildlife Trust Abbotts Hall Farm Gt Wigborough CO5 7RZ MI