Wissahickon Follow Up Name _________________________ Date _________ Directions: Read the information and answer the questions Part 1. General Background Information: The Wissahickon rock formation is quite different from that of the rest of Pennsylvania. The Wissahickon Creek is sort of a backward creek. We usually think of a creek as starting in a mountainous gorge and dropping quickly as it reaches flatter land. The Wissahickon starts in gently rolling farmland and ends in a mountainous gorge. How can you explain that? The explanation has to do with plate tectonics. There are some places where there are rifts, where new oceans form, and some places where the continents collide, where new mountains form. This is an ongoing process, but each cycle of mountain building and rifting/ocean formation is called an orogeny. One orogeny includes a period of mountain building and a period of rifting of the continent to form an ocean. The last Orogeny that formed Pangaea, the Appalachian Mountains and the Atlantic Ocean was called the Allegheny Orogeny. There were three orogenies before that. Between each orogeny there is a period of time where erosion and weathering wear down the mountains. 1. 1. What is an Orogeny? 2. 2. What two things form in one Orogeny? 3. 3. What geological feature is the Wissahickon and where did it come from? 4. 4. Why wasn’t the Wissahickon rock formation created at the same time as the Appalachian Mountains were forming in the last orogeny? 5. 5. Why are the rocks of the Wissahickon so different from the rest of the rocks in Pennsylvania? During an earlier Orogeny, the ocean located where the Atlantic Ocean is now, was called the Lapetus Ocean . As the rifting occurred and the Lapetus Ocean opened up, small fragments of one plate sometimes were torn away from their continents and traveled separately until they got attached to a different continent. These little pieces are called terranes. When the Lapetus Ocean closed up and continents collided to form Pangaea, a terrane called Avalonia collided with the east coast of North America. Since it is a piece of another plate, it’s rock formations are different from those of the North American Plate. It is also made of much older rocks. As the Avalonia terrane collided with the North American Plate parts of it were shoved deep underground. Eventually the new ocean-the Atlantic-opened up but the Terrane is still attached here. Over the last two hundred million years, erosion has leveled most of the land of the region and rivers have cut down through the layers exposing them so they are no longer ten miles underground. The Wissahickon formation is part of this terrane. Stop 1: From Mud to Morphism A long time ago when the rocks of the Wissahickon were still part of another plate that was far away, the layers of sediments that formed these rocks were deposited. The Quartzite was once sandstone, a sedimentary rock made of sand. The Schist was once shale, a sedimentary rock made of clay mud. Sand particles are larger and heavier sediments than mud particles so they tend settle out quickly when water slows down its motion. However, clay mud will only settle out in very still water. Since layers of sand and mud form under different conditions the problem is how they could be interlayered with each other in the same place. There must have been some special environment with changing conditions that would cause the clay to mix with the sand 1. Which type of rocks were the layers made of before they were changed to quartzite and schist? 2. Which sediments were deposited to form the layers before they turned into sedimentary rock? 3. Which type of rock-quartzite or schist was harder? In other words, which type of rock was more resistant to weathering and how could you tell? 4. Which type of rock-quartzite or schist-was foliated and therefore looked like the pages of a book? 5. Notice that the layers appeared to be vertical rather than horizontal to the surface of the ground. What could have happened to cause that? repeatedly. It is believe that the Wissahickon was on the edge of the continent-the part that is underwater called the continental shelf. Whenever there was an earthquake (occurring often during episodes of plate tectonics) , there would be an underwater landslide down the continental slope that would cause a layer of sand to slide over the clay and this is how the alternating layers of sandstone and shale formed. So, then how did they change into quartzite and schist? Metamorphism must have occurred from plate tectonic collisions. As the sedimentary rock layers were put under intense heat and pressure, they deformed and changed into what we now see-the layers of quartzite and schist. Stop 2: Gems of Pennsylvania If you brushed away the fallen leaves and looked a little closer, you might have found beautiful gems and minerals in Pennsylvania. Some of the best places to look are road cuts, stream cuts, or old mines and quarries. The Wissahickon formation is part of the Piedmont Province which has some of the best gem minerals of Pennsylvania. Some of the minerals that can be found here are muscovite micas, garnets, and tourmaline. Intense heat, intense pressure and super-heated mineralized water cause the molecules in the rocks to rearrange and form new minerals. In shales this caused silvery mica (muscovite) crystals to grow in a foliated pattern like the page of a book. Geologists use the minerals found in rocks to estimate the temperatures and pressures that affected the rock during metamorphism. The Wissahickon schist is a type of schist known as Garnet Schist because it formed under high temperatures of at least 550 degrees Fahrenheit and with pressures equal to 20-25 kilometers beneath the earth’s surface. At this particular temperature and pressure garnet crystals formed in the schist. Garnets are deep red crystals that look like soccer 1. What are two ways gemstones are formed? 2. What helpful information do certain minerals give geologists? 3. Were you able to find any minerals on the hike? Explain. balls due to their dodecahedral geometrical shapes. During heavy rains hundreds of garnet crystals are washed out of the schist and these range in size from ½ inch to microscopic in diameter. Since they weather out of the schist good places to look for them in the sand of the path on top of the bluff, and in the gravel bars of small streams that feed the Wissahickon Creek. Another mineral to keep your eye out for is tourmaline embedded in the igneous rock called pegmatite. Mineral-laden water was heated by the very high temperatures within magma still in the process of crystallizing. The superheated fluids then worked through the surrounding rock, changing its structure and mineral composition by adding or removing minerals. Tourmaline looks like black, shiny needle shaped crystals. Gemstones are minerals prized for their beauty, durability, and rarity. Their worth depends on their scarcity, color, purity, brilliance, hardness and demand. Most stones are cut and polished so they glow and sparkle. Diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, and opal are all transparent gemstones that are called precious stones. Semiprecious stones include agate, amethyst, garnet and peridot. Stop 3: A Semi-Recumbent Fold Notice the layer of quartzite on the outcrop above. It bends up and then back on itself. This type of deformation is called a recumbent fold and provides more clues about history. To visualize this, imagine holding two ends of a sheet of paper and move them together to make a fold and then tip it over on one side. Rock layers are being pushed together on either side (compression), but not with the same exact amount of force on each side. The reason the fold is a Semi-recumbent fold is that it is not completely turned over. Did you notice that the layers of schist do not appear to be folded in the same way as the quartzite. This may seem puzzling as the rocks were all together when they were folded. The reason for the difference is that schist with its foliated mica grains tends to dissolve and recrystalize under this kind of stress. This causes them to re-position and to lose the folded shape. Whereas quartzite is not foliated so tends to bend or break when it is under uneven compression. 1. What is a recumbent fold? 2. How do quartz-rich layers and micarich layers respond differently to uneven compression? Stop 4 Tributary to the Wissahickon Creek At the bridge you are standing at a small tributary (feeder stream) into the Wissahickon Creek. If you look uphill, you will see the creek forms a Vshaped valley with the sides of the valley sloping to the edges of the stream. Since this part of the stream is sloping, it runs quickly and erodes away sediments especially during times of high flow after a rain, it picks up larger rocks and logs. Now look the other way, toward the Wissahickon Creek. Notice how the V-shaped valley disappears, and instead you can see rocks, dirt, leaves, and tree trunks spread over a broad fan-shaped area called an alluvial fan. Here the slope has changed from a steep slope to a flat area and so the stream is now depositing the materials it was carrying. When you Took a look around the Wissahickon watershed how clean did the land area look? How would you classify this watershed: highly developed and paved, somewhat developed with trails, or undeveloped. Did you notice any erosion along the trails? What was the quality of the river water? What is your assessment of the health of this watershed and Creek? 1. Name one erosional feature and one depositional feature of the tributary feeding into the creak? Which one was erosional and which was depositional? 2. How would you classify this watershed in terms of its development? 3. Did you notice any erosion along the trails? 4. When you looked into the water, did it look clear or was brown and filled with sediment (turbid)? 5. What was your assessment of the health of this watershed and Creek? Stop 5 Four Different Rocks in a Fold Did you notice the alternating layers of Wissahickon schist and quartzite at this stop. Because they don’t fold exactly the same , when they fold, they tend to separate and form cracks. In these cracks, pressure is released and this melts some of the rock into magma, that flows between the layers of the schist and quartzite. Did you notice the light-colored rock between the layers. That rock is a type of granite called pegmatite that is an intrusive igneous rock. Did you notice that the minerals in that rock are not aligned in any one direction, but are randomly oriented. The Pegmatite must have formed from magma oozing (intruding) into the weak areas between the other layers after they formed. There is evidence that the pegmatite is younger than the schist. Did you also see the dark rock at the very edges of the pegmatite. This rock formed when the schist was baked by the high temperatures of the magma. This rock is called gneiss. It is harder and more highly metamorphosed than the schist. Remember the very small micro-folds called crenulations. These occur when folding of the same rock takes place more than once from multiple orogenies. 1. How does pegmatite form? 2. What observable evidence was there that the pegamatite is felsic and intrusive? 3. List the four rocks in the order that they formed. Stop 6. A Sill and a dike Did you look up at the outcrop above see the sill and a dike. Remember that a sill is made of igneous rock that has oozed into separations between rock layers. A dike would form when a crack opens up either across rock layers or within one particular layer. 1. What type of rock is in the sill and dike? 2. Explain how you figured out the location of the sill and dike? Analysis: What geological event or events occur to form the following geological features at the Wissahickon? a. The alternating layers of schist and quartzite. b. The garnets in the Wissahickon Schist. c. The recumbent fold d. The V-shaped valley and the alluvial fan. e. The pegmatite.