Latin 1a PRACTICE Final Exam 2006 NAME: Directions: Give one English meaning and nothing more. 1. vulnerō: 21. sum: 2. gravis: 22. volvō: 3. fīlia: 23. flūctus: 4. pūniō: 24. factum: 5. meus: 25. ūtilis: 6. doceō: 26. parvus: 7. malus: 27. rogō: 8. tēlum: 28. veniō: 9. soror: 29. accipiō: 10. vir: 30. teneō: 11. proximus: 31. annus: 12. vester: 32. iter: 13. dēleō: 33. dē: 14. ad: 34. somnus: 15. epistula: 35. scrība: 16. ōra: 36. poēta: 17. mittō: 37. sedeō: 18. nāvis: 38. opus: 19. fēlīx: 39. umbra: 20. videō: 40. fugiō: The Episcopal Academy 1 esse quam videri Latin 1a Final PROPOSED Exam 2006 NAME: Directions: Fill in the following synopses. Principal Parts: audi, audīre, audīv, audītum Person: 2nd Number: singular Gender: feminine ACTIVE PASSIVE present imperfect future perfect pluperfect fut. perfect Principal Parts: mitt, mittere, mīs, missum Person: 3rd Number: plural Gender: neuter ACTIVE PASSIVE present imperfect future perfect pluperfect fut. perfect Directions: Identify the person, number, tense, and voice of the following forms. Please abbreviate as demonstrated. Then translate and give the first principal part of the verb. [1/2 pt each] The Episcopal Academy 2 esse quam videri Latin 1a Final PROPOSED Exam 2006 person number ex. amat 3rd sing. NAME: tense voice translation 1st prinicipal part pres. act. she loves amō 1. scrīpta sunt 2. dedistī 3. amābis 4. movētur 5. mūniēbant 6. fuerant 7. fēcerit Directions: Give the following verb forms and translate them. EX: 1st singular, present active of AMŌ AMO 1. 1st plural pluperfect active of SEDE: 2. 3rd singular present active of SURG: 3. 2nd plural imperfect passive of ROG: 4. 3rd plural future passive of PŪNI 5. 2nd singular perfect passive of DŌ: The Episcopal Academy 3 esse quam videri Latin 1a Final PROPOSED Exam 2006 NAME: Directions: Identify the following nouns in case, number and gender. Give only one identification even if there are several possibilities. ex. puellīs case number gender dative plural feminine 1. aquae 2. campum 3. bella 4. cīvibus 5. gradū 6. corpus 7. gradū 8. corpus Directions: Decline the following NOUN – ADJECTIVE combination. huge waves – ingentes fluctūs the unhappy citizen -- miser civis singular plural nom. ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ gen. ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ dat. ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ acc. ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ abl. ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ The Episcopal Academy 4 esse quam videri Latin 1a Final PROPOSED Exam 2006 NAME: Directions: Translate the sentences into English and identify the case, number and gender of the underlined nouns or adjectives. Please abbreviate as per example. EX: Mātrēs fīliōs amant. Transl: filios: ACC PL MASC Mothers love their sons 1. Dōna amīcīs dant. dōna: _______ _________ ________ Transl: 2. Omnēs urbēs in terrā ā pīrātīs dēlēbuntur. pīrāts: _______ _________ ________ Transl: 3. Māter rēgis ā cīvibus amāta est. rēgis: _______ _________ ________ Transl: 4. Mults dis cum cārō fīliō mānsērunt. dis: _______ _________ ________ Transl: 5. Epistulam brevem fliae tuae ded. tuae: _______ _________ ________ Transl: 6. Multī in exercitū capita tegēbant. multī : _______ _________ ________ Transl: 7. Īrātī deī maris magnōs flūctūs in lītora volvent. fluctūs: _______ _________ ________ Transl: 8. Carmina dulcia ā nostrīs poētīs scrīpta sunt. nostrīs : _______ _________ ________ Transl: The Episcopal Academy 5 esse quam videri Latin 1a Final PROPOSED Exam 2006 NAME: Directions: Translate the following sentences into English and give the tense and voice of the underlined verbs. EX: Mātrēs fīliōs amant. Transl: amant: present active . Mothers love their sons 1. Mea īra surrēxit quod frātrem meum interfēcerant surrēxit: _________ _________ Transl: 2. Nomina mīlitum proximō annō nuntiābuntur. nuntiābuntur: _________ _________ Transl: 3. Parātī estis, quod exercitum vīderāmus. vīderāmus: _________ _________ Transl: 4. Lgs bonae nōn ducibus factae sunt, sed cvibus. factae sunt: _________ _________ Transl: 5. Cum sorore meā in lītore sedēs. sedēs: _________ _________ Transl: 6. Bellum grave cum gentibus geritur. geritur: _________ _________ Transl: The Episcopal Academy 6 esse quam videri Latin 1a Final PROPOSED Exam 2006 NAME: Directions: Fill in the blank with the missing single noun or adjective. 1. Scrībae ūtilēs ___________________ erant. Scribes were useful to poets. 2. ___________________ multōrum amīcōrum in urbe audiet. He will hear the words of many friends in the city. 3. Prm ______________________________mlits forts rēgem malum interficient. At dawn the brave soldiers will kill the wicked king. 4. ___________________ tristis amīcī meam sorōrem terruit. The sad appearance of (her) friend terrified my sister. 5. Mūrī _____________________ urbis mūniēbantur.. The walls of the huge city were being fortified. Directions: Translate the following sentences into Latin. 1. You are speaking sweet words to my sister, but bad (ones) to my brother. 2. For many hours he was making the difficult journey into the high mountains. 3. The winds from the sea were heard by the inhabitants of the plains. 4. The weapons of the king of the tribes will be received by our leader. The Episcopal Academy 7 esse quam videri Latin 1a Final PROPOSED Exam 2006 NAME: Directions: Read, but do not translate, the following passage and answer in English the questions that follow. From Monarchy to Republic Post septem rēgēs et cāsum Tarquiniī Superbī, rēgis ultimī, Rōmānī cīvēs rem pūblicam constituērunt. Duo consulēs quōtannīs ā cīvibus facti sunt; libertātem cīvium et lēgēs Rōmānōrum servāvērunt. Aeduī olim, gens Gallica, contrā Rōmānōs surrēxērunt. Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus consensū omnium dictātor dictus est. Nuntiī ā senātū ad Cincinnatum in agrōs vēnērunt et in urbem vocāvērunt. Cincinnatus pius exercitum Rōmānum contrā Aeduōs dūxit. Quam celerrimē Aeduōs sub iugum mīsit. Sextō decimō diē dictātūram deposuit et cīvis privātus in agrōs revēnit. septem – seven rem pūblicam – republic constituērunt - set up consulēs – consuls quotannīs – every year libertātem – freedom Aeduī – the Aeduans contrā – against consensū – with the consent quam celerrimē – as quickly as possible sub iugum – under the yoke (an act of submission) sextō decimō 16th dictātūram – dictatorship 1. What was the name of the last king of Rome? [1] 2. Who set up a republic? [1] 3. How often were the consuls chosen? [1] 4. Who chose the consuls? [1] 5. What two things did the consuls protect? [2] 6. What case, number, and gender is legēs? [3] 7. Who were the Aeduans? [1] 8. What are the principal parts of vēnērunt? [4] Avoid memorization questions 9. Who was made dictator? [1] 10. How long did this dictatorship last? [1] The Episcopal Academy 8 esse quam videri