Nomination_Form. - The Association of Former Students

Texas A&M University Distinguished Alumnus Award
2011 Nomination Form
The Distinguished Alumnus Award is the highest honor Texas A&M University can bestow upon a Former
Student. It is given to those alumni and alumnae who, through their distinction in their chosen field of
endeavor, selfless service to society, and dedication and loyalty to the University, exemplify the core values
of Excellence, Integrity, Leadership, Loyalty, Respect and Selfless Service.
This nomination form may be submitted electronically together with scanned copies of supporting materials
to Alternatively, this nomination form and accompanying materials may be
postmarked and mailed to:
The Association of Former Students
505 George Bush Drive
College Station, TX 77040-2918
Attn: Ms. Brenda Lessor
Section A: Personal Data for Nominee
Class Year:
Principal Business & Position:
City & State of Residence:
Place of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Spouse’s Name:
Class Year:
Children (indicate Class Year if graduate of Texas A&M University):
Section B: Supporting Documents
Include scanned copies or attach for paper nomination:
1. Current biography or curriculum vitae for nominee
2. Up to three letters of support from non-family members that specifically address the criteria.
3. List of awards, certificates of achievement, honors
4. Newspaper and magazine articles
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Section C: Education
1. Undergraduate degree
Granting Institution: _____________________________________________________________
Degree: _____________________________________________
Year awarded: ____________
Discipline: _____________________________________________________________________
Honors (if applicable) ____________________________________________________________
2. Advanced degrees
Granting Institution: _____________________________________________________________
Degree: _____________________________________________
Year awarded: ____________
Discipline: _____________________________________________________________________
3. Military or civilian schools
Include those of three months or longer where certificates or degrees were granted.
School: _____________________________________________
Year awarded: ____________
School: _____________________________________________
Year awarded: ____________
4. Honorary degrees
Granting institution: _____________________________________ Year awarded: ____________
Granting institution: _____________________________________ Year awarded: ____________
5. Executive training: ______________________________________________________________
Section D: Career Distinction
In reverse chronological order (i.e., present position first) dating back to when nominee first graduated, list
position (scope of job responsibilities may be included for the top three positions), name of
company/institution, location and date of professional practice and military service.
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Section E: Professional Achievement
Please list proof points on how nominee has achieved distinction or prominence in academia, the
professions, the arts, education, government, industry, business, consulting or other noteworthy endeavors.
Section F: Service to Society
Indicate how nominee, either through philanthropy or service, has contributed to the betterment of society.
Section G: Service and Support to Texas A&M University
Indicate how nominee has demonstrated service and support to Texas A&M University.
Section H: Distinction as a Student at Texas A&M University
List nominee’s participation in leadership activities as a student while attending Texas A&M University.
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Nominator’s Contact Information: (will be kept confidential)
Name: _____________________________________________________________Class Year: ________
Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________
State: ___________
Zip Code: __________
Home Phone: (___) _____________ Work Phone: (____) ___________ Cell Phone: (____) ___________
E-Mail Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Recipients of the Distinguished Alumnus Award will be selected by a committee appointed by the Chair
Elect of The Association of Former Students. To preserve the confidentiality of the process, identity of the
Selection Committee members will not be revealed. Each year’s recipients will be notified in due course
typically in February or March. Up to six living and three posthumous recipients may be selected in one
year. If a candidate is not selected in a particular year, he/she may be re-nominated in succeeding years.
Helpful Reminders:
1. Submit nomination form electronically to by November 1, 2010 or in
hard copy to address shown on page one.
2. Include scanned or PDF copies or hard copies of all supporting documents.
3. All information requested in the nomination form must be filled out. Incomplete or missing
information will invalidate the nomination from further consideration.
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