Temperate Asia Sub-regional Pasture and Fodder Working Group Review of Working Group Activities. John Morrison FAO Consultant Background. The Working Group is concerned with the great sweep of temperate farming of the upper hills and the sub-alpine and alpine range areas of the Himalaya stretching in a crescent of some 3000 km from the Karakorum in west in Pakistan, the western and central Himalaya of India and Nepal and the eastern Himalaya of Sikkim and Bhutan. So far the Group has not included Tibet with its extensive alpine steppes or the mountains of western China, which form an eastern extension of the Himalaya proper. These areas are at the limit of human settlement and characterised by difficult environments, remoteness and low income. Livestock are a primary component of the farming systems and the fundamental component of the transhumance pastoral systems. The primary purpose of the Working Group, one of several supported by the Crops and Grassland Division of FAO, is as a focus for research and development of pasture and fodder in the temperate and alpine areas, through the exchange of ideas and discussion between professionals of the four countries, Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bhutan at biennial meetings, this is the third (there are similar working groups in South America, South East Asia and East Africa). FAO has provided some pump priming support to a range systems study in each of the countries, upon which we centre our discussion here. In 1997 IGFRI, with the support of FAO and as a Working Group activity, organised a successful Himalayan fodder tree-training course at Jhansi and Palampur, which was attended by young professionals from India, Nepal and Bhutan. My initial involvement was with two FAO/ UNDP projects the Nepal High Altitude Pasture Project and the Himalayan Pasture and Fodder Research Network [RAS/79/121]. AGPC set up the Working Group in 1995 as a successor of the Network. Although one of the main objectives of the Network was the “management of existing pasture and range” little was achieved in this area; I recall only two range studies, herbage production of sub-alpine range at Kund in Pakistan by Rafique and hay production from alpine range at Syanboche in Nepal by Pariyar. The main thrust of the work was the introduction and testing of temperate grasses and legume for possible use in the high altitude zone with the philosophy that range could be ‘improved’ by oversowing, which has had little success or impact, although such intervention is of potential value if it can be integrated with a system, perceived to be of benefit and is managed properly. There has been scant progress in improving the management of alpine range. There are three main reasons for this: first the logistic difficulties of working in these inaccessible areas and limited resources; second the understandable conservatism of pastoralists using a common range resource; and thirdly inadequate knowledge of the dynamics of the pastoral and crop-livestock systems utilising the range. Meanwhile by many accounts much of the sub-alpine and alpine range is deteriorating through overuse jeopardising the livelihoods of poor farmers and pastoralists. 139 There is a bewildering and complex range of Himalayan pastoral systems, which have developed over centuries in response to variation in topography, climate, vegetation and culture. There is good information on the botany and vegetation. There are many descriptions of migration routes. But the systems themselves are not fully understood and there is a dearth of quantitative data although there much is unreported local knowledge. There appear to be two broad transhumance pastoral systems. In the western Himalaya, India and Pakistan, there are entirely pastoral goat/sheep systems where the herders winter on the plains and migrate through the river valleys and forest to summer on alpine pastures, migration routes as long as 500km. In the eastern Himalaya, Nepal, Sikkim Bhutan and, possibly in India, yak and Chauri systems (with some sheep and goats) where the livestock winter at c 3000m and migrate to alpine pastures, up to c 5000m, in summer; this system is associated with cultures of Tibetan origin. In addition there are crop-livestock systems (cattle, sheep and goats) utilising sub-alpine and alpine range, often overlapping with other pastoralists, where crops are grown below c. 3000m, livestock are maintained on crop residues and the lower pasture during the winter and move to alpine pasture in the summer. A common characteristic is that household groups have traditional grazing rights or right through ownership on particular range: they may lease this to others or as in parts of India pay a headage grazing fee to the Forest Department. There is no control of the number of livestock using the range, although the date of the start of grazing alpine and sub-alpine range may be controlled e.g. by the Village Development Committee in Nepal or the Forest Department in India. Working Group activities. An understanding of dynamics of Himalayan pastoral systems is basic if research is to be focused and any improvement is to be effected. What is the condition of the range? What is its biological potential? Who uses it? How is it used? How does the community, timing, movement and livestock density control grazing? What is the biological and economic output? What other fodder, crop residues, lower pasture and tree fodder is used? What are the farmers’ perceptions of problems? Are there opportunities for improvements in management, fodder production on cropland, hay production and pasture improvement? Possibly stimulated by the pioneering investigation of a pastoral system in Rauswa District in Nepal. A significant decision was made by the Working Group at the Second Meeting in Dehra Dun in 1996 to undertake a systems study of a transhumance farming or pastoral system in each of the four countries represented and agreement on a pro-forma for the assessment of crop and rangeland systems which includes physical, biological and socio-economic aspects. This provides a common purpose for the Working Group will provide a better understanding of these systems and the methodology of undertaking such studies and gives a focus for research and improvement. The plans were ambitious for studies over two years and it is unlikely that the objectives have been met fully. I do not intend this as a criticism but simply realism. I have seen each of the studies briefly and appreciate the formidable difficulties. But four studies have or are being undertaken, two in Nepal, one in Pakistan and one in India. The studies embrace the three broad systems I mentioned. In Rauswa District Nepal at Chandanbari, the Tamang people farm in the valleys and migrate with chauris (yak x cattle) to subalpine well-defined sub-alpine pastures in forest glades/clearings; cheese making and sales are a 140 stimulus to development. The second study of the Sailung pasture area of Ramechap District is a similar though distinct system practised by Sherpa people. Some of the range is open grassland but much of it is grassland derived from forest clearing and the range area is increasing as a result of tree cutting and grazing. In winter families and livestock winter in areas below 3000m and move to summer camps c 3000m where they produce churpi cheese for sale. The Sherpas here are entirely pastoral. Stimulated by the income from cheese, Tamang people who crop in lower land are purchasing chauris and moving into the upper range. In Pakistan the study was based on Saif-ulmaluk range in the upper Kaghan Valley near Naran, a well defined grazing area enclosed in a hanging glacial valley at elevations of 3000 - c 5000 m. Two groups of people share this range, migratory goat/sheep pastoralists who winter on the plains around Rawlpindi and migrate 250 km spending about 3-4 months in the summer on alpine pasture and farmers from the Kaghan Valley, who own the grazing land and utilise the range during the summer with cattle and buffalo which graze the lower areas of the range. The traditional Gaddi system being studied in India is a goat/sheep system. The flock winter on the plains of Punjab, funnel through the Kangra Valley towards Palampur and Dharmsala, some move to funnel through the Kulu Valley, eventually fanning out to defined traditional alpine grazing areas above in Lahul Spiti. Traditionally whole Gaddi families migrated: now many flock owners have become sedentary and hire Gaddi shepherds to care for their flocks. Three studies are being reported at this meeting. No study has been initiated so far in Bhutan but we will hear something of pastoral systems there. Additionally we will be discussing the methodology used in the various studies - success, failures and lessons learnt. It is the intention of FAO to publish reports on the range systems studies, with a chapter describing the background to Himalayan pastoral system, detailed reports on the individual studies and a final chapter reviewing findings, lessons learnt and foci for further research and development. 141