Guide for authors

1. “Marine Ecological Journal” seeks to publish reviews and original articles, brief
reports and notes including new data of theoretical and experimental researches in the
field of marine ecology, materials concerning distribution of the animal and plant
organisms in the World Ocean, results of complex studying the marine and oceanic
ecosystems, works in the field of the World Ocean hydrology, hydrochemistry etc.
Methodical developments, discussions materials, reviews, scientific meetings reports etc
can be published as well.
2. Articles in Russian, Ukrainian and English, which neither were published before nor
submitted for publication to other journals and proceedings (excluding the thesis
reports and materials of conferences, symposiums, meetings etc.) are accepted for
3. Articles should contain succinct and clear summary of the problem contemporary state,
investigation methods description, exposition and discussion of the data obtained by
author. The article should be named in compliance with its content.
4. Our preferred format for text is Microsoft Word for Windows, the latest releases, if
We prefer the use of a A4 format, portrait orientation, upper and left fields of 3,3 cm
each, Times new Roman as a ‘standard’ font, abstract indent of 1,25 cm, interval between
lines of the main text of 1.12. See the example.
5. Volume of the review article, submitted to the editorial stuff should not exceed 20
pages, 15 pages for the original article, 4 pages for the brief report and 1 page for the
6. The relative volume of illustrations should not normally exceed 1/3 of the total article
volume. List of the quoted literature, as a rule, should not exceed 30 sources for the
review articles and 15 for the articles with own investigations results.
7. Publication of the made to order articles which volume is to be specified by the
editorial board, in the research area, coordinated with the authors beforehand is supposed
to be done for purposes of the integral editorial politics.
8. All tables and illustrations should be printed at the end of the copy. The many-pages
tables should be avoided; their optimal size is no more than 1 page. Place, where tables
and illustrations should be inserted, are to be marked in pencil at the manuscript’s
9. The printed manuscript exemplar (in two copies) should be attached by the electronic
version in two files in *.doc or *.rtf format (e-mail is possible). The text in file should be
absolutely identical to the carefully checked printed original, submitted to the journal
edition stuff.
10. The first manuscript exemplar should be subscribed by all authors.
11. The post address, the e-mail (is possible) and the telephone number should be given at
the separate page for the edition stuff could get in touch with the author if there is such a
12. All articles undergo independent double reviewing.
13. When manuscript is accepted for publication, it means that rights of property transfer
to the edition stuff automatically; it can’t be published somewhere else without
Journal edition stuff agreement.
14. The Journal edition stuff reserves the right to abridge the manuscript texts on the
author’s consent.
15. If the article is retuned as requiring improvement, so author has the four-month-term,
after which the returned by the author article is considered as the anew submitted.
Elements of the text should be placed as following:
an indent of 3 cm are to be made from the upper top of the printed page and than the
UTC is typed
UTC is 10 pt, with the capitalized letters, left justification, 1 space
Author’s initials and surnames
12 pt, extra bold, center justification
Attention! Scientific degree and position (8 pt., common type) should be typed after
every author’s surname (in short)
1 space
Name of the organization, which is represented by the author, city, country (9 pt, center
justification) is typed
(if there are several authors and they work in the different organizations, it is necessary
to type (with the figures in the upper case) place of work of each author.
Double space
Is typed in 11 pt, extra bold, capitalized letters, center justification
Double space
Annotation is to be written in the article original language (10 pt, single space; no
paragraph indention, full justification).
Phrase: “Key words:” is typed at the end of the annotation: new line, no paragraph
indention, extra bold (10 pt, single interval), the key words are typed after the colon in
common type
Double space
The text itself begins without paragraph indent, full justification. It can not be
divided into to columns!
The article begins with the Introduction (10 pt, interval 1.12, the word
“Introduction” shall not be typed!).
The following paragraphs (highlighted in bold, 11pt) are recommended to be
introduced into the text and typed for the text:
Materials and methods (10 pt., interval 1.12),
Results, articles (11 pt, interval 1.12).
Acknowledges (at the wish of the author) (10 pt, single space).
double space
The literature list is to be given after the article text (10 pt, single space, no
indention). The Phrase “Literature list” is not typed!
double space
Annotations (150 – 200 words) in two languages different from the language of
the article (Russian\Ukrainian\English) are placed after the literature list. Than goes Title
of the article (10 pt, bold, no indention), initials and surname of the author(s) (10 pt,
bold) and than goes the annotation text (10 pt, single space, ordinary type).
The phrase Key words: is in the end of the annotation text (new line, no
indention, bold type) and list of the key words in ordinary type is after the colon.
Please, abide the following rules, when the article text typing and making the
1. Tables should be in Word only.
2. Use the type codes and abbreviations, accepted in the International system of weights
and measures (SM)
3. Do not hyphenate words manually.
4. Text shall not be hyphenated to the new line by “Enter”, use the automatical
indention Word function.
5. Do not put the point after: UDC, article title, authors’ surnames, institutions’ titles,
heading, figure captions, table headings, notices and footnotes for tables, dimensions (h
– hour, s – second, g – gram, min – minute, d – day, gr – grade, m – meter) as well as in
the underline indices (Sorg).
Point is put after the abbreviations (mon. – month, w. – week, y – year, mln. – million)
6. Type decimal numbers with the point: 0.1 or 2.005.
7. Formulas and mathematical symbols.
Equations and formulas should be separated from the text by spaces. If equation can’t be
written in one line, so it should be hyphenated after the equal mark (=) or sign of
addition (+), sign of subtraction (-), sign of multiplication () or division (:).
8. The figure caption is of 10 pt type and placed under it (Fig. 1 – the point is not placed
after the number; new line: Fig. 1 – English heading of the figure).
9. The table text is typed in 10 pt, one space. The heading and lower boundary is framed
in the table. Headings of the table columns are to be capitalized, subheadings are to be
with the lower-case letters, if they and the heading compose one sentence and with the
capital letters, if they are separate. Units of measure are specified after the comma.
Text, repeated in the table column can be replaced by the quotation marks (« »). One should not place quotation marks instead the repeated numbers, notes, signs,
mathematical and chemical symbols. If number or other data are not specified in the table
line, one should put the blank there.
10. The table titles are typed in 10 pt and placed above it. (Tab. 1 – there is no
point after the number; new line: Table 1 – English title of the table).
11. Bibliographical references in the article texts and brief notes are to be given
in the square brackets, several sources are comma separated as they are listed in the
The literature list is to be made alphabetically (not as they were quoted), works,
written in Cyrillic alphabet are to be listed first, than one should list the works, written in
roman type. Bibliographical descriptions of works, published in languages, which uses
other alphabet types (Arabic, Chinese etc), should be giben in English translation
mentioning the original language (in brackets, after the pages number).
The quoted literature sources are to be in the round brackets, mentioning the
author’s surname without initials and, comma separated, year of publishing in the notes
text. For example: (Holmes, 1974) or (Ivanov, Petrov, 1992). If there are three or even
more authors, thus, only two first surnames are given: (Holmes et al., 1987), (Ivanov,
Petrov et al., 1990). The list of quoted literature is not to be given in the brief notes.
Examples of the bibliographical descriptions in the literature list:
Author(s)’s surname and initials. The full title. – Place of publishing: The publishing
house, year. – Pages number. – (Additional information, for instance, publishing series
or language of the work).
Zenkevich L.A. USSR seas biology. – M.: AN SSSR, 1963. – 739 p.
Schwarti S. S. Ecological regularities of evolution. – Moscow: Nauka, 1982. – 278 p. (in
Periodical and continued editions:
Author(s)’s surname and initials. The article title// the journal title (in full or
succinct form, accepted in the “World List…”). – year. – Volume, number or issue. – P.
00 – 00.
Yarvekulg A.A. Concerning the Arctic fauna and its history in the Baltic Sea//
Oceanology. – 1962. – 2, iss. 2. – P. 327 – 333.
Theses autoabstract:
The author(s)’s surname and initials. The work title: theses autoabstract ………..
of the doctor of the biological sciences. – City, year. – 0 p.
Sidorov A.I. Peculiarities of the Echinococcus granulosus distribution in the
Ukraine southern regions: theses autoabstract ……….. of the candidate of the biological
sciences. – K., 2000. – 23 p.
The reports theses:
The author(s)’s surname and initials. The full title of the message/ Initials and surnames
of the editors. The title of the collection in full (Place and date of the symposium
carrying out). – Place of issue: The publishing house, year. – P. 00 – 00. (Additional
Gaevskaya A.V., Machkevsky V.K. Parasitological survey of the marine fish and
seafood in the Ukraine// Problemy ihtiologii: Materials of the First all-Ukraine
conference (Kiev, 23 – 27 of November 2001). – Kiev, 2001. – P. 36 – 39.
Koike I., Hara S., Terauchi K. et al. Marine viruses - their role in upper ocean DOM
dynamics // 8th Int. Congr. Immunol. (Budapest, Aug. 23 - 28, 1992): Abstr. - Budapest,
1992 – P. 72 – 73.
Paragraph in the collective monograph:
Author(s)’s surname and initials. Title of the paragraph in full / Surnames and
initials of the authors (editors). Title of the book in full. – Place of publishing: The
publishing house, year. – P. 00 – 00. (Additional information).
Fiedler K. Associations of lycaenid butterflies with ants in Turkey / Hesselbarth G., van
Oorschot H., Wagener S. Die Tagfalter der Türkei. – Bocholt: Wagwnwe, 1996. – P. 437
– 450.
Multivolume edition:
History of Russian literature: 4 vol. / AN SSSR. Ins. of rush. lit. (Pushkin house).
– M., 1982. – V. 3: The realism explosion. – 876 p.
If the literature source has four or even more authors, only first three surnames
are to be listed.
The authors’ surnames as well as Latin titles of species and geneses should be
typed in italics, the volume numbers – with the Roman numerals, in the bold type,
without “T” letter or “Vol”, the reference iss., № or No should be placed in front of the
issue number in the list of literature. The space are to be after each point as well as after
the hyphern.
The drawings in lines, maps, graphs and photos are defined as “fig.” and
numbered with Roman numbers, and shall be given in the order as they are placed in the
text. References to the figures and tables are placed in the round brackets and written in
short with the small letters: (tabl. 1, fig. 1).
The colored illustrations may be accepted as exclusion.
Figures and photos are presented as rich in contrast originals or copies as well as
separate files in gif, jpg formats. One should write the running number of the illustration,
its top and article author’s surname on the back side of the pictures and photo originals.
Author may point the figure’s approximate size, up to the whole page (including
the caption).
12. Geographical denominations and proper names, borrowed from the languages, which
do not use the Latin alphabet should be given in transliteration, accepted in "The Times
Atlas of the World" in the articles, written in Latin alphabet.
13. One should abide the nomenclature, accepted in the contemporary catalogues and
reference books, with the necessary acknowledgement. One should specify the Latin
name of the organism in full, mentioning the author and year of the description, when the
title was first mentioned. The authors surname and year are not specified and the genus
name is given is short under the further mentioning. The genus and species Latine names
should be typed in italics. Latin names of the higher taxons, authors’ surnames, species
and genuses descriptions are not typed in italics.
14. The succinct titles of organizations etc shall be written in full when first mentioning.
Articles, formated not according to the given rules will not be considered.
The correspondence address:
The publishing house of the „Marine Ecological Journal“
Institute of the biology of the southern seas of NAN of Ukraine,
Nakhimov av. 2,
99011 Sevastopol, Crimea, Ukraine
Tel: (0692) - 54-56-62