07/14/06 DRAFT MTS GOVERNMENT RELATIONS ACTION PLAN 2007-2008 Purpose: Identify and prioritize MTS government relations actions from 2007 to 2008. Background: Consistent with the MTS Objective to “Elevate the MTS presence and engagement in the public dialogue in marine technology affairs,” MTS will establish government relationships that serve to advocate a robust marine technology capability for the Nation. MTS Policy 6020 calls for the development and execution of a biennial action plan to accomplish this. This plan will be in effect until election of the next VP of Government and Public Affairs in 2008. Contents: The action plan consists of prioritized theme areas, with a stated message, target audience, and actions for each theme. The plan is supported by four appendices (I: Customers, II: Issues, III: Venues, IV: Resources) which capture the full range of potential government relations partnerships, and can be used as a reference for development of future action plans. Themes: The MTS Government Relations Action Plan for 2007/2008 consists of three themes: Federal Ocean Policy, American Competitiveness Initiative, and Cultural Marine Heritage, as described below: 1) Federal Ocean Policy: The Ocean Act of 1998 began an upsurge of national ocean policy initiatives that continues today. The Ocean Action Plan created a new hierarchy of multi-agency ocean policy organizations, including the Joint Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology (JSOST). The Ocean Commission and the Pew Commission have joined to become the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative (JOCI), and continue to provide independent advice to policymakers. Congress has increased its emphasis on ocean related legislation. The importance of and need for a robust national capability in marine technology is often lacking in these documents and efforts. MTS, in fulfilling its mission to “promote awareness, understanding, advancement and application of marine technology,” will develop a strategy to engage the stakeholders and policymakers in this arena to ensure they are informed of the value of marine technology to society. Message: So What? Showcase the value marine technology has brought to society. Target Audience: JSOST, JOCI, Congressional Ocean Caucus Actions: 1. Develop a product a. MTS Journal issue, Spring 2007, “Economic and Social Benefits of Marine Technology.” Action: Co-guest editors Karen Kohanowich and Craig Mclean b. Web information: Action: MTS staff and VP/GPA once website is updated. c. Review and consolidate agency strategic plans as the relate to undersea technology 2. Present product 07/14/06 DRAFT a. Capitol Hill Oceans Week June 2007 b. Other federal and Congressional venues tbd Primary poc: Karen Kohanowich, MTS VP/GPA 2) American Competitive Initiative: The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee’s American Innovation and Competitiveness Act of 2006 (S.2802) would establish a President’s Council on Innovation and Competitiveness that would develop a comprehensive agenda for strengthen the innovation and competitiveness capabilities of the U.S. public, private and academic sectors. The bill authorizes increases in the budget for the National Science Foundation and contains provisions supporting basic research and innovation activities at NASA and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). An amendment was adopted that directs NOAA, NASA and NSF to establish a coordinated program of ocean and atmospheric research and development. This program is intended to develop advanced technologies and analytical methods to promote U.S. leadership in ocean and atmospheric science. The amended bill also directs NOAA to conduct, develop, support, promote, and coordinate formal and informal educational activities to enhance public awareness and understanding of ocean, coastal and atmospheric science and stewardship. Furthermore, the bill would direct NOAA to develop a science education plan setting forth education goals and strategies for the next 20 years. Message: Marine technology is an important and vital component of American innovation and competitiveness. Target Audience: Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, agency representatives Actions: 1) Monitor progress of bill 2) Evaluate the potential ramifications and opportunities if the Competitiveness Act is made into law Primary POC: Paula Keener-Chavis, Chair of Ocean Exploration Committee 3) Underwater Cultural Heritage: On March 3, 2003, President Bush signed Executive Order 13287 establishing the Preserve America Initiative. The Order calls on federal agencies to inventory, preserve, and showcase federally-managed historic and cultural resources. The Order also calls on the Secretary of Commerce to assist states and local communities foster tourism to these "heritage" sites. A significant portion of these heritage sites are located underwater. Message: Marine technology is essential to the discovery, preservation, and showcasing of underwater cultural heritage sites. Without technology, humans would be unable to access all but the shallowest shipwreck sites. Cutting-edge marine technology is needed to access and preserve shipwreck and other historic sites and facilitate remote access to support educational and outreach programs. Target Audience: NOAA Maritime Heritage Program, National Marine Sanctuary staff, Department of State Actions: 1) Develop a product 07/14/06 DRAFT a) Consolidate information on available technology from preservation and exploration of underwater heritage. b) Determine federal agency technology needs c) Organize an event to highlight technology 2) Present Product a) MTS Journal Issue Primary POC: Stephanie Showalter, Vice Chair of Marine Law and Policy Committee APPENDIX 1 CUSTOMERS Government Federal ocean agencies NOAA (Id specific offices) Navy (ID specific offices: ONR, Oceanographer, NAVSEA, etc) USCG Homeland Security DOI (MMS, USGS, FWS) CEQ OSTP Multi-agency JSOST, SIMOR Congress House: Representatives and Committees Senate: Representatives and Committees State and local agencies Other National Governor’s Association US Conference of Mayors Public Industry (Companies - ) Academia (Universities) Non Governmental Organizations Associations CORE NAML IEEE NOIA AAES TOS 07/14/06 DRAFT AGU AMS (Meteorology Society) Issue-based advocacy groups APPENDIX II ISSUES OF INTEREST Legislation: NOAA Organic Act Competitive Act Policy Documents: JSOST ORPP JOCI Top Ten Priorities Technologies: Ocean Observations AUVs Homeland Security Alternative Fuel Biotechnology Ocean Exploration Other: Overall Ocean Technology funding 07/14/06 DRAFT APPENDIX III VENUES Conferences Capitol Hill Oceans Week Hill visits (Types: Ocean Caucus members, Committees, Bill-specific…) Web information Washington Section activities Local Section activities (e.g., Congressional Site visits) APPENDIX IV RESOURCES Board Staff Committees Speakers Bureau Expert List Resources