English 081/091 Fall 2009 Ted Uhlman Tuesday, Thursday tuhlman@ccp.edu 9 – 10 10 – 10:50 11 – 1:50 Rm BR-23-J Learning Lab Rm S-2-7 Course Description and Goals The first in a series of integrated courses that develop reading and writing skills in English. Development of vocabulary, study, life and cultural skills; critical thinking; reading comprehension; basic grammar; and sentence structure. Writing of narrative, descriptive and simple expository paragraphs and short essays, letters and simple response to reading. Required Materials You are required to purchase the following materials for this course: 1. Catalyst 1 (Jones & Kalback) 2. Grammar In Context 1 (Elbaum) 3. Longman Dictionary of American English (4th Edition) (Pearson Longman) 4. A spiral notebook for class notes 5. STANDARD WHITE THEME PAPER 6. A folder for all your completed papers Learning Lab Class An added two-hour per week Learning Lab class is an important part of English 081/091. In lab class, you get more reading and writing practice. Students must attend Learning Lab class. Your schedule tells you the time/place for lab class. To Pass This Course In order to pass this course and move up to English 082/092: 1. COME TO CLASS. You are permitted two weeks (four classes) of absences (excused or unexcused). 2. TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONE BEFORE YOU ENTER CLASS. 3. DO THE WORK. You must complete all your assignments. If you are absent, you need to find out what you missed. 4. ASK QUESTIONS. Be responsible for your learning. If you don’t understand something, ask me in class or see me during my office hours (see top of the page). 5. DEMONSTRATE SUFFICIENT PROGRESS IN READING EXAMINATIONS AND IN FIRST DRAFTS OF YOUR WRITING to enable you to succeed in English 082/092. YouThe most important thing is the FIRST DRAFT of your in-class writings, but other tests will also let you know how well you are doing. There will be Reading tests, and Grammar tests as well as Writing tests. To succeed in English 082/092, you should receive passing grades on reading exams and first drafts of writing by the end of this semester. To pass the course, you should maintain an overall passing average in all of this work. At the beginning of the semester, you will also write a Diagnostic Composition (which will NOT be graded). 6. Absence is not an excuse for not completing assignments. If you are absent, call another student to find out what was done in class and assigned for homework. 7. Do not eat, drink, or chew gum in class. I can’t do it, so neither can you. Water only is allowed. Special Needs Community College of Philadelphia wants to meet the special needs of any students. If you have a handicap or disability of any kind, please let me know during the first week so that I can help you succeed in this class. Grading writing ability is highly subjective. Grades will be based upon the in-class paragraphs. Homework completion and appropriate class participation are important and will help you succeed, but the most important criterion for passing the class is the teacher’s subjective judgment about your ability to write at the next level. Page 1 of 3 Schedule Date Sept. 8, 10 Sept. 15, 17 Sept. 22, 24 S 29, Oct 1 Oct. 6, 8 Oct. 13, 15 Oct. 20, 22 Oct. 27, 29 Nov. 3, 5 Nov. 10, 12 Nov. 17, 19 Nov. 24 Dec. 1, 3 Dec. 8, 9 Dec. 15, 16-22 Essays Catalyst – Chapter 1 Part 1 Grammar - Lesson 4 – Singular and Plural; Articles and Quantity Words; There Is, There Are Catalyst – Chapter 1 Part 2 Grammar –Lesson 1 - Present Tense BE; Prepositions of Place; This, That, These, Those Longman - A1 - Finding words, Red Key Words Catalyst – Chapter 2 Part 1 Grammar – Lesson 2 - Simple Present Tense Longman - A2 - Checking Spelling, Finding Meanings Catalyst – Chapter 2 Part 2 Grammar – Lesson 3 - Frequency words; Prepositions of Time Longman - A3, A4 - More Than One Meaning Catalyst – Chapter 3 Part 1 Grammar – Lesson 5 - Possession; Object Pronouns; SUBJECT Questions Longman - A4, A5 - Thesaurus Boxes Catalyst – Chapter 3 Part 2 Grammar – Lesson 6 - Present Continuous Tense Longman - A5, A6 - Collocations Catalyst – Chapter 4 Part 1 Grammar – Lesson 8 - Simple PAST Tense Longman - A6, A7 - Prepositions, Idioms Catalyst – Chapter 4 Part 2 Grammar – Lesson 7 - FUTURE Tense Longman - A7, A8 – Etymology, Parts of Speech Catalyst – Chapter 5 Part 1 Grammar – Lesson 9 – Infinitives, Modals, Imperatives Longman - A9 - Word Families; Count & Non-Count Nouns Catalyst – Chapter 5 Part 2 Grammar – Lesson 10 - Count and Non-count Nouns; Quantity Words Longman - A10 - Irregular Plurals, Compound Nouns Catalyst – Chapter 6 Part 1 Grammar – Lesson 11 – Adjectives; Noun Modifiers; Adverbs Longman - A11 - (In)transitive Verbs Irregular Verbs Catalyst – Chapter 6 Part 2 Grammar – Lesson 12 – Comparatives; Superlatives Longman - A12 - Phrasal Verbs, Modals, (No Class on Thursday) Catalyst – Chapter 7 Part 1 Grammar – Lesson 13 - Too and Either; Tag Questions Longman - A13, A14 - Pronunciation Catalyst – Chapter 7 Part 2 Grammar – Lesson 14 - Verb Review Longman - A14 – Stress, Syllables and Hyphens 1 (in Class) 2 (at home) 3 (in Class) 4 (at home) 5 (in Class) 6 (at home) Page 2 of 3 Grammar Test Lessons 1 –5 7 (in Class) Reading Mid-Term Exam 8 (at home) 9 (in Class) 10 (at home) 11 (in Class) Grammar Test Lessons 6 – 10 12 (at home) 13 (in Class) 14 (at home) 15 (in Class) Study Day and Final Exams First Day Test, Review Syllabus, Buy Books Grammar Test Lessons 11 – 15 Reading Final Exam Writing Correction Sheet These are the codes that will be used to correct your papers. If you have any questions, please ask. Hopefully, you will see something like this on the other side, as time goes by…. Don’t count more than ten ( //// kind on the same essay. 1 CAP ART SP //// //// //// //// //// //// 2 3 4 5 6 7 //// // //// // //// /// / //// //// //// //// //// // //// / //// /// // //// //// //// //// //// //// / X or --WR + ? NOT WRONG ADD MEANING NOT CLEAR AJ ART AV CAP CON COND FRAG MOD AUX MOAX NO NUM PAR POSS PREP PRO PU REF REL RO RP SP SVA THS TST VB VC VT WC WF WO ADJECTIVE ARTICLE ADVERB CAPITALIZE CONJUNCTION / CONNECTOR CONDITIONAL SENTENCE FRAGMENT MODAL / AUXILLIARY NOUN NUMBER PARALLELISM POSSESSIVE PREPOSITION PRONOUN PUNCTUATION PRONOUN REFERENCE NOT RELEVANT RUN-ON SENTENCE RELATIVE PRONOUN SPELLING SUBJECT - VERB AGREEMENT THESIS TOPIC SENTENCE VERB VOICE (ACTIVE OR PASSIVE) VERB TENSE WORD CHOICE WORD FORM WORD ORDER Page 3 of 3 ////) of one