School of Arts and Humanities ETHICS CHECKLIST FOR UNDERGRADUATE and TAUGHT POSTGRADUATE DISSERTATIONS 1. Does the research involve live human informants through e.g. interviews, focus groups, questionnaires, observation? Please tick the relevant box below. Yes No If yes, please complete the attached research ethics declaration form (p.3) 2. Does the research involve any use of copyright material that does not come under fair dealing? Yes No 3. Does the research involve the use of material which is not in the public domain (e.g. documents from private/family collections) Yes No 4. Does the research pose any risk or danger to you as a researcher? Yes No If any of the questions 2-4 are answered ‘yes’, then a proposal (see p.2) needs to be forwarded to the ethics committee. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If the student has answered ‘no’ to all questions, the student and supervisor should sign the form which should then be retained on file in the Divisional Office. Student’s Signature …………………………………………………………….. Supervisor Approved (please tick the relevant box) Referred Supervisor’s Signature…………………………………………………………… Note for Supervisors: The checklist can be approved if the student has answered ‘no’ to all questions, or if, in answering ‘yes’ to question 1, they have also signed the research declaration form. Otherwise, please refer the proposal (p.2) to the School Ethics Committee. 1 DISSERTATION PROPOSAL Please outline the details of your research which raise ethical issues relating to questions 2-4 above or which are not covered by the declaration form overleaf relating to question 1. Submit the whole form to Andrew Miller ( who will forward to the Ethics committee. Title: COMMITTEE DECISION Approve Approve subject to amendment (noted below) Not Approved Committee chair’s signature: ………………………………………...................………...............………… Date: ………………………………………………………………………...................................................... 2 RESEARCH ETHICS DECLARATION This declaration must be completed by all undergraduate and taught postgraduate students whose research involves conducting interviews, surveys, focus groups, or other research involving human participants. The use of the words ‘interview’ and ‘interviewee’ below should be taken to include focus groups, surveys and observation. I will obtain informed consent from all interviewees before interviewing them — this means that I will explain to my interviewees exactly what my project is about and exactly what I will do with their contributions before they decide to take part. I will obtain this consent in writing (this can be in the form of an email or a signature on a release form, for example). If I plan to publish, broadcast or post online any work using interview material, I will make this clear to interviewees before the interview. I will not deceive any interviewees about the nature or intended outcomes of the project. I will not attempt to interview anyone under the age of 18. I will not attempt to interview anyone who is unable to give informed consent and/or is a member of a vulnerable group. (To be discussed with supervisor if further clarification is required). I will not interview anyone about their own illegal behaviour (e.g. illegal drug use). I will not interview anyone if their participation in my project could expose them, me or the University of Stirling to significant risk (other than the risk normally encountered in day to day life). In my project, I will render my interviewees anonymous (by excluding any information that might identify them) unless their specific identity is important and relevant to the reader’s, viewer’s or listener’s understanding of the project, in which case I will obtain their written permission to name them in my work. I will keep copies of any recordings and transcripts securely, and will keep these separate from any information that might personally identify my interviewees. All material will be kept for a period of five years. I will seek advice from my supervisor if, at any time, I become unsure whether my research might be in breach of these rules. If you have good reason not to agree to all of these conditions, you should not sign this form, but should submit a proposal to the School Ethics committee (see previous page). Student name: Student number: Signature: Date: Supervisor’s Signature …………………………………………………………… 3