Fluoride recovery from spent fluoride etching solution through crystallization of Na3AlF6 (synthetic cryolite) Chih-Wei Lin1 and Chi-Wang Li2* 1 Master student and 2 Professor Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Tamkang University 151 Yingzhuan Road, Tamsui district, New Taipei City 25137, Taiwan Corresponding author: Email: chiwang@mail.tku.edu.tw, (O) +886-2-26239343 (FAX) +886-2-26209651 ABSTRACT: CaF2 precipitation through addition of calcium chloride or lime is the most frequent applied method in Taiwan to remove fluoride from fluoride-containing wastewater of semiconductor or optoelectronic industries. Due to very fine CaF2 precipitates (~0.1m), coagulants/flocculants are needed to facilitate sedimentation of CaF2. In turn, large amount of sludge is produced by CaF2 precipitation/sedimentation process. In this study, removal of fluoride from spent fluoride etching solution by cryolite synthesis was investigated. Experimental results showed that good control of reaction pH and Al:F molar ratio is the key to form cryolite successfully. The cryolite precipitates have particle size in the range of 3µm ~15µm and are much larger than CaF2 precipitates of 0.1 µm, resulting in rapid sedimentation. Meanwhile, cryolite crystallization process produces much less sludge volume than does by CaF2 precipitation/sedimentation process. The proposed process generates useful resource and produces less wasted sludge. Key Words: Cryolite, Crystallization; etching solution 1. INTRODUCTION Removal of fluoride from wastewater generated from semiconductor or optoelectronic industries through CaF2 precipitation is the most frequently applied method in Taiwan [1]. Both calcium chloride and lime have been used as the calcium sources to promote precipitation of CaF2. The former is preferred due to relatively less sludge generated [2]. However, due to the very fine CaF2 precipitates (~0.1m) [2] coagulants or flocculants are usually needed to facilitate sedimentation of CaF2 [1, 2]. In turn, treatment of fluoride-containing wastewater by CaF2 precipitation/sedimentation processes still produces large amount of sludge. Cryolite is an important ingredient for optical application and is used in aluminum production through electrolysis process [3]. The price of synthetic cryolite can be as high as US $1000 per metric ton depending on the quality of cryolite [4]. Removal and recovery of fluoride by cryolite synthesis was studied by Wang et al. [5]. In the solution containing fluoride, aluminum salt (aluminum sulfate or aluminum nitrate) was added to form aluminum/fluoride complexes, and then caustic conversion solution, i.e., NaOH, was added to bring pH up to 4.5 to 5.5 to precipitate cryolite under temperature of 95 oC [5, 6]. After precipitates was filtered and dried (at temperature of 383 K), the crystal phases of precipitates were examined using XRD analysis, and the result matches very well with commercial cryolite under optimum conditions. Using sodium carbonate as the Na source, Kumar et al. [7] studied recovery of fluoride from acid leach liquor for refining low-grade molybdenite concentrates. It was shown that recovery of cryolite was maximized at temperature of 50 oC, and decreased with further increases in temperature. Although data not shown, the authors indicated that addition of ‘seed’, i.e., cryolite, is beneficial for recovery of fluoride. No recovery of fluoride by cryolite crystallization from spent fluoride etching solution has been reported so far. In this study, effects of Al/F ratio, reaction pH and temperature on recovery of fluoride by cryolite crystallization from spent fluoride etching solution were investigated. 2. CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM MODELING Commercial chemical equilibrium software, Mineql+ [8], was used to model chemical equilibrium of cryolite formation. Effects of pH and Al/F molar ratio on cryolite formation were modeled at fixed concentrations of F- and Na+ at 0.06 and 0.03 M, respectively. As indicated in Figure 1, pHs of between 3 and 7 are the optimal range for the formation of cryolite under molar ratio of Al/F being less than theoretic Al/F molar ratio of 1/6 for cryolite (Na3AlF6). Meanwhile, formation of Al(OH)3 is dominated with Al/F molar ratio of higher than 1/6, Figure 2 shows the percentage of fluoride in the form of cryolite as function of pH and Al/F molar ratio, indicating that Al/F molar ratio of higher than 1/6 decrease the formation of cryolite due to domination of AlF3 and Al F4 species with increasing Al concentration. In this study, experiments will be conducted with Al/F molar ratio of 1/6 to avoid the formation of Al(OH)3 over cryolite. 100 100 Al/F = 0.8:6 Al/F = 1:6 80 60 % F- in cryolite Al/F = 6:6 % Al3+ in solids 80 40 20 Al/F = 2:6 Al/F = 6:6 60 40 0 100 20 Al(OH)3 cryolite Al/F = 2:6 % Al3+ in solids 80 0 60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 pH 40 Figure 2. Effect of pH and Al/F molar ratio on cryolite formation. Chemical equilibrium analysis using Mineql+. Conditions: Temperature of 25℃, and fixed concentrations of F- and Na+ at 0.06 and 0.03 M, respectively. 20 0 100 Al/F = 1:6 %Al3+ in solids 80 60 40 20 0 100 Al/F = 0.8:6 % Al3+ in solids 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 pH Figure 1. Effects of pH and Al/F molar ratio on formation of aluminum-containing solid through chemical equilibrium analysis using Mineql+. Conditions: Temperature of 25 ℃ , and fixed concentrations of F- and Na+ at 0.06 and 0.03 M, respectively. Figure 3. Effect of temperature on cryolite formation. Chemical equilibrium analysis using Mineql+. Initial conditions: Concentration of Na+, Al3+, F- are all 0.03, 0.01, and 0.06 M, respectively. Previous studies [5-7] on removal and recovery of fluoride by cryolite synthesis were conducted at elevated temperature (95 and 50 oC). It will make economic sense to operate cryolite formation process under ambient temperature. According to thermodynamic data obtained from Mineql+, as shown in Eq (1), formation of cryolite is exothermic reaction and equilibrium toward formation of cryolite is less favor under elevated temperature. 3Na Al 3 6F Cr yol i t e Ksp 1033. 84, H 9. 802 KJ mol (1) Figure 3 shows the effect of temperature on the formation of cryolite under different pHs. The percentage of fluoride in the form of cryolite increases rapidly with increasing pH from 2 to 4, and then increases gradually for pH from 4 to 7 to 8 depending on temperature which is followed by rapid decreases with further increasing pHs. Meanwhile, the maximum amount of cryolite formed increases with decreasing temperature. The simulation result is different from those reported by others [5-7]. In this study, effect of temperature (20, 55, and 90℃) on the formation of cryolite and fluoride removal will be investigated. 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS Synthetic fluoride solution was prepared by adding 1.26 g of reagent grade sodium fluoride to 0.25 L of DI water, corresponding to 120 mM of fluoride, and wasted hydrofluoric acid etching solution containing 22% of fluoride was obtained from an optoelectronic manufacturer. Different aluminum salts could be used for cryolite precipitation, including aluminum sulfate, aluminum chloride, and aluminum nitrate. The price obtained from website is listed in Table 1, and it should be noted that the price will be different with different quality of chemicals and the amount of orders. The prices in terms of kg of Al ions for aluminum sulfate and aluminum chloride are more of less the same and are much cheaper than aluminum nitrate. The price for removing one kg of fluoride based on theoretic Al/F and Ca/F molar ratios for formation cryolite and calcium fluoride, respectively, is also listed in the table, indicating that the cost of aluminum using aluminum sulfate or aluminum chloride for cryolite formation is comparable to the chemical cost of calcium for formation of calcium fluoride. In this study, aluminum sulfate is used to provide aluminum ions needed for cryolite formation. Due to quite acidic nature of hydrofluoric acid etching solution (pH of less than 1.0), sodium hydroxide is added to bring reaction pH to the optimum range of 3-7 for formation of cryolite. Concentration of sodium ions from caustic soda addition is more than stoichiometric ratio needed for formation of cryolite and therefore, no additional Na+ is required. Table 1. Price of aluminum salts and calcium chloride Types Price ($/kg) Price ($/kg-Al or Ca) Price ($/kg-F) Aluminum sulfate (Al2(SO4)3 ·13~14H2O) 0.2~0.4 [9] Aluminum chloride (AlCl3·6H2O) Aluminum nitrate (Al(NO3)3·9H2O) Calcium chloride (CaCl2) 0.3~0.46 [10] 0.3~0.5 [11] 0.13~0.2 [12] 1.27~2.54 1.48~2.27 2.37~3.95 0.36~0.55 0.3~0.6 0.35~0.54 0.56~0.93 0.38~0.58 Experiments to study the effects of pH and Al/F ratio were carried by mixing 250 mL of fluoride solution with 250 mL of pre-determined concentration of aluminum sulfate to make up various Al/F molar ratios. During rapid mixing at 90 rpm for 3 min, desired solution pH was adjusted using NaOH or HCl. Solution was then slow mixing (30 rpm) for 20 min, followed by settling under quiescent condition for 10 min. Sample for fluoride analysis was taken and filtered (0.45 m). Solid retained on the filter was scrapped and stored in glass vial. After being dried at oven (103~105℃) for 2 hrs, solid was grinded and sieved through ASTM#200 sieve. The resulted powder was fixed at a glass slide using Vaseline for XRD analysis, and was gold plated and fixed onto SEM holder using copper foil tape for SEM analysis. Fluoride concentration analyzed by EPA method 340.1 with addition of SPADNS reagent to generate color for absorbance at 580 nm is not suitable due to the interference of aluminum ions. Therefore, ion chromatography (ICS-1000, Dionex, USA) is employed for fluoride concentration analysis. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM, HITACHI S-3000N) with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (EDX, Horiba EMAX550) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis (Bruker AXSD8 ADVANCEX-ray diffraction system) are employed for solid analysis. Particle size is analyzed with a laser particle size analyzer (LA-300, Horiba). 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Effect of reaction pH and Al/F molar ratio Effects of reaction pH on the fluoride removal are shown in Figure 4 along with the equilibrium concentration of fluoride modeled by Mineql+. The experimental data follows the modeling result quite well. The optimum pH region for fluoride removal is around 3-7, corresponding to the formation of cryolite as indicated in Figure 1. XRD analysis of solid produced at various pHs along with commercial available synthetic cryolite is shown in Figure 5. Apparently, cryolite was formed with addition of aluminum sulfate at pH ranging from 3 to 7. At reaction pH of 9, some of refraction peaks match those of commercial available synthetic cryolite. However, the intensity of refraction peaks is much less. As indicated in Figure 1, at pH 9.0 around 60% of aluminum added is precipitated in the form of Al(OH)3. Consequently, the peak intensity might qualitatively reflect the purity of sample. pH=9 ★★ Intensity pH=6 ★★ pH=5.5 ★★ pH=5 ★★ pH=4 ★★ pH=3 ★★ cryolite 0 Figure 4. Effects of pH on fluoride removal. Experimental conditions: F- concentration = 0.06 M. Al/F molar ratio =1/6. Chemical equilibrium analysis using Mineql+. Initial conditions: F- concentration = 0.06 M. Al/F molar ratio =1/6. Na+=0.03 M. Sulfate concentrations = 0.015 M. ★ Na5Al3F14 ★ pH=7 10 ★ 20 30 ★ 40 50 2θ 60 70 80 90 100 Figure 5. XRD analysis of solid produced at various pHs. Experimental condition is the same as that shown in Figure 4. Figure 6 shows the XRD analysis of solid produced at various Al/F ratios. XRD of particles produced at Al/F molar ratios of less than 1/6 match quite well with those of the commercial synthetic cryolite. On the other hand, no distinguishable patter of peaks could be found in those particles produced at Al/F molar ratios of higher than 1/6 (d and e). The result is consistent with that shown in Figure 1, indicating that the domination of amorphous Al(OH)3 precipitates forming at Al/F molar ratios of higher than 1/6. Figure 6. XRD analysis of solid produced at various Al/F ratios. (a) Al:F = 0.25 : 6, (b) Al: F = 0.5:6, (c) Al:F = 1:6, (d) Al:F = 1.5: 6, (e) Al : F = 2 : 6, and (f) commercial available synthetic cryolite. Experimental condition: pH = 5.5. Fluoride concentration = 160 mM. 4.2 Effect of temperature Formation of cryolite has been shown to be more efficient at higher temperature [5-7]. However, these results are inconsistent with that predicted by chemical equilibrium modeling which shows the maximum amount of cryolite formed increases with decreasing temperature. In this study, effect of temperature (20, 55, and 90 ℃) on the formation of cryolite and fluoride removal was investigated. As indicated in Figure 7, the highest residual fluoride concentration is found at reaction temperature of 90 ℃. The residual fluoride concentration at 20 and 55℃are similar. Meanwhile, XRD analysis of particles produced in three temperature conditions all matches the XRD pattern of commercial synthetic cryolite (data not shown). The result indicates that no extra heat energy is required for obtaining higher removal of fluoride and formation of cryolite. 180 F- removal (%) F- concentration (mg/L) 170 F- concentration F- removal 160 Figure 7. Effect of temperature on the removal of fluoride. Experimental conditions: Initial fluoride concentration = 60 mM, Al/F molar ratio =1/6, pH5.5 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 20 55 Temperature (℃) 90 4.3 Comparison of fluoride removal by cryolite and calcium fluoride precipitation Removal of fluoride by cryolite and calcium fluoride precipitation were compared using spent hydrofluoric acid etching solution containing 40 to 43 g/L of fluoride. The formation of cryolite was done by adding aluminum ions three times at Al to initial F (Al/Fint) molar ratio of 0.25:6 for each addition and fixed pH of 5.5. Figure 8 shows the pictures taken during fluoride removal by cryolite precipitation. After solution being mixed for 10 min, the solution was allowed to settle at quiescent conditions. A clear sludge interface could be seen within 2 min, and after 10 min all particles are settled down. For the second addition of aluminum ions, the liquid above sludge interface is a bit cloudy after 10 min, and the sludge volume is large than those of first Al addition. After the third Al addition, the sludge volume almost occupied the whole solution. As indicated in Table 2, 84.5% of initial fluoride is removed after the first Al addition, and fluoride concentration in the solution is 6714 mg/L. The fluoride concentrations are 4937 and 231 mg/L, respectively, after the second and third Al addition. The dosage of Al for each addition is calculated based on Al to initial F (43332 mg/L) molar ratio of 0.25:6. Howevre, after fluoride was removed by the first Al addition, the actual Al to residual F molar ratio (Al/Fresidual) is much higher during the second and third Al addition. As indicated in Table 2, the actual Al/Fresidual molar ratios are 1.49:6 and 34:6 for the second and third Al additions. As the consequence, Al(OH)3 solids are the dominant solids in the solution in the second and third Al addition, resulting in slow settling solids. Table 2. Fluoride concentration and removal efficiecny with sequential addition of aluminum on formation of cryolite. Experimental condition: Initial fluoride concentration (Fint) = 2.28 M (43332 mg/L), Al3+ added each step equals to Al/Fint molar ratio of 0.25:6, pH5.5. Fluoride concn. (mg/L) Fluoride removal rate (%) Cumulative Al/Fint molar 43332 0.25:6 6714 84.5 0.5:6 4937 88.6 0.75:6 231 99.5 - Al/Fresidual molar ratio 0.25:6 1.49:6 34:6 - ratio The dosing strategy was then changed by adding aluminum ions in the concentration equal to Al to residual F (Al/Fresidual) molar ratio of 0.25:6 for each Al addition. As indicated in Figure 9, clear liquid above sludge interface could be seen even after the 10th Al addition (corresponding to Al/Fint molar ratio of 0.59:6). The overall fluoride removal efficiency is 93.6% and the residual fluoride concentration is 2570 mg/L. Figure 8. Sequential addition of aluminum on formation of cryolite. Experimental condition: Initial fluoride concentration (Fint) = 2.28 M (43332 mg/L), Al3+ added each step equals to Al/Fint molar ratio of 0.25:6, pH5.5. Removal of fluoride by calcium fluoride precipitation was conducted by mixing calcium chloride at Ca/F molar ratio of 1:1 and fixed pH of 6.5. However, no clear sludge interface could be seen even after more than 5 hrs settling. Therefore, polyaluminum chloride (PAC) coagulant and organic polymer flocculant were added to facilitate particles settling. After coagulant/flocculant added, solution is allowed to settle for 3 hrs and result solution is shown in Figure 10. The reason that CaF2 is very difficult to settle could be explained by the fine particle size of CaF2 precipitates. As indicated in Figure 11, the size of CaF2 is around 0.1 m while the size of cryolite is about 100 times bigger than that of CaF2. Figure 9. Sequential addition of aluminum on formation of cryolite. Experimental condition: Initial fluoride concentration = 2.11 M (40000 mg/L), Al3+ added each step equals to Al/Fresidual molar ratio of 0.25:6, pH5.5. Figure 10. Fluoride removal by addition of calcium chloride to form calcium fluoride precipitates. Initial conditions: Initial fluoride concentration = 2.11 M (4000 mg/L), Ca/F molar ratio of 1:1, pH 6.5. (polyaluminum chloride (PAC) coagulant and organic polymer flocculant were added to facilitate particles settling) 4. Figure 11. Particle size distribution of cryolite and calcium fluoride produced in this study. SUMMARY Control of pHs in the optimal range of 3 to 7 while keeping Al/F molar ratio of less than theoretic Al/F molar ratio of 1/6 is for cryolite (Na3AlF6) is the key to successfully produce cryolite. In contradiction to others’ study, equilibrium toward formation of cryolite is less favor under elevated temperature which is consistent with the exothermic reaction of cryolite formation. The highest residual fluoride concentration is found at reaction temperature of 90℃ while those at 20 and 55℃are similar. Although, XRD analysis of particles produced in three temperature conditions all matches the XRD pattern of commercial synthetic cryolite. The result indicates that no extra heat energy is required for obtaining higher removal of fluoride and formation of cryolite. With good control of Al/F molar ratio, less sludge is produced in the cryolite formation than that produced in calcium fluoride precipitation. The reason that CaF2 is very difficult to settle could be explained by the fine particle size of CaF2 precipitates which is around 0.1 m and is about 100 times smaller than that of cryolite. 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The study has been supported by the National Science Council of Taiwan under Grant Numbers 100-2628-E-032-002-MY3 and 99-2622-E-032-002-CC3. REFERENCES [1] T.C. Chuang, C.J. Huang, J.C. Liu, Treatment of semiconductor wastewater by dissolved air flotation, J. Environ. Eng., 128 (2002) 974-980. [2] M.F. Chang, J.C. Liu, Precipitation removal of fluoride from semiconductor wastewater, J. Environ. Eng., 133 (2007) 419-425. [3] G. Scholz, O. 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