MURRAY CHILDREN’S CENTRE ASTHMA MEDICATION AUTHORITY FORM I _______________ (Parent/Guardian) authorise staff at Murray Children’s Centre to administer the following Asthma medication to my child __________________ (Child). I understand the potential risks and side effects of this medication for my child. Child’s name: ____________________________________________ Name of Medication: ______________________________________ Dosage of each administration: _______________________________ What symptoms does your child usually display before a dosage is to be administered: (please circle) Wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, all three. Special instructions: ______________________________________ Expiry Date of Medication: _______________ Has this child been given this or any other medication, including prescribed, pharmacy bought or alternative or complementary medicine in the previous 24 hours? Date and Time of last dose: __________________________________________ Other Medication: _________________________________________________ Time of other medication: ____________________________________________ When to seek help from the Doctor/ Hospital _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Doctor’s name, address and phone number: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name: _______________________Date: _________ Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________ Staff Name: ______________________________ Date: ______ Staff Signature: _______________________________ RECORD OF ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION Signature of Date Medication Dose Time Given Given Person administering medication Signature of person checking medication Parent Signature verifying that medication was given Medication can only be given to a child if the medication is in its original packaging. In the case of prescription medication, this can only be administered to the child for whom it has been prescribed, from a container bearing a pharmacy label showing the child’s name and a current use by date, and in accordance with the doctor’s instructions or the instructions. For any Asthma medication, the parent or guardian must provide an Asthma Plan from their doctor which outlines the symptoms of asthma, medication prescribed, instructions on its administration, side effects to monitor for, and an emergency or first aid care plan.