Date compile 10/05/11 Guidance on writing a Confidentiality policy Within the guidance below are headings which you need to be aware of when developing/reviewing your Confidentiality Policy. Please be aware that each setting is unique and that policies and procedures need to reflect this, and headings need to be specific to your organisation. Please note headings may need to change in relation to legislation and therefore be reviewed on a regular basis. It is good practice that all the settings policies and procedures link with each other. (Wording is for guidance only, wording in italics are ideas on what to include within the headings, underlined statements are for information only and should be removed from final confidentiality policy) This confidentiality policy forms part of a contract with parents and [ Name of setting ] Statement of intent: To protect privacy/confidentiality of children, parents/carer and staff Aim: To promote an environment of respect with reference to confidential information relating to children, families, staff, and the business of[ name of setting] business Parents - To ensure that parents/carers can share their information in confidence and it will only be used to enhance the welfare of their children. Definition of confidential information “Confidential information is information of some sensitivity, which is not already lawfully in the public domain or readily available from another public source, and which has been shared in a relationship where the person giving the information understood it would not be shared with other” (Source - Information sharing Practitioners’ Guide) How everyone is made aware of Confidentiality Policy? Parents – prospectus, policy Staff – induction procedure, (Note - Staff agreement to confidentiality policy to say they are aware of confidentiality policy, understand and agree to the policy. Responsibility if staff do not adhere to confidentiality policy – implementation of disciplinary procedure) Committee members – first committee meeting (Note – all committee members sign up to confidentiality policy see separate policy) Students and volunteers – copy of policy (Note - sign at induction to say they are aware of confidentiality policy, understand and agree to the policy) EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO ENSURE THAT THIS INFORMATION IS ACCURATE, BUT NO RESPONSIBILITY CAN BE ACCEPTED FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS Date compile 10/05/11 Sharing information Who is information shared with? Parents - (manager, staff and key person) Staff – (Line manager, committee outside agencies if applicable i.e. insurance companies, County Council (support staff, EYSO, BCSO, LSCB re safeguarding etc. Parents relating to their child re information) Students and Volunteers (relevant information i.e. setting’s policies, children’s records if applicable i.e. child’s allergies) Committee (awareness that the committee must not discuss any information about setting with parents or any other individual not connected to organisation) Other settings (include procedure for, parental permission to share information verbal and written) Outside agencies (link to safeguarding policy, Inclusion policy, statement re setting’s legal responsibility on sharing information and who would they share with i.e. Somerset Direct, transfer forms (setting to school) etc) How can information be shared with: Parents/Carers to: Staff (verbally with key person, staff, manager and committee. In writing re complaints) Committee (verbally or in writing i.e. complaints, fee invoices etc) Parents - Responsibility of parents sharing information with other parents (Setting cannot be held responsible if information is shared beyond those parents whom the person has ‘confided’ in) Staff to: Parents – (verbally children’s progress and development. Written information i.e. personal pathways. Documentation i.e. accident, incident, existing injury form, safeguarding records. Newsletters, parents evenings, notice board, website etc) Staff – Personal information received from parents (is this applicable for all staff?) , line management meetings, staff meetings etc Committee – (committee meetings, line management, employment issues etc.) Committee to: Parents (newsletter, minutes of meeting, policies) Staff (operational plan, policies and procedures, minutes of meetings, induction procedure etc) Committee – (committee meetings, agenda, minutes of, e-mails etc) Outside agencies (reports to meetings in reference to specific child/ren, forms i.e. transfer forms to school, communication book re other settings etc) EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO ENSURE THAT THIS INFORMATION IS ACCURATE, BUT NO RESPONSIBILITY CAN BE ACCEPTED FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS Date compile 10/05/11 Social Networking sites (Staff, parents and committee) Statement re use of – (No information about the setting this includes working of the organisation, confidential business matters or discussion around children, families, staff and committee. No children’s or staff photographs are to be put onto a social networking site ) Online friends – (staff do not make or accept invitation to become online friends with parents or other family carers on any social networking sites) Monitoring – (History of websites will be monitored on a regular basis by manager and chair of committee, unauthorised access to non work related websites will be investigated and setting will follow disciplinary procedure if applicable) Confidential Records Children’s records Types of records kept on children (Developmental records – observations, developmental reports, samples of work, records of achievement i.e. personal pathways. Personal records – registration, admission, consent, safeguarding forms, minutes of meetings with family, other agencies etc) Safeguarding information (where it is stored, who has access and who is it shared with) Where are records stored (secure, locked cabinet) Who has access (staff to complete, parents have access to records on the settings premises of their own children not to any other child, see settings procedure on access to children’s records). Staff records Types of records for staff, students and volunteers Recruitment (application forms, references – successful applicants in personnel file, unsuccessful kept for max 6 months and shredded) Personnel file (application form, references, crb number recorded, health forms, line management, appraisals, disciplinary records, qualifications, continual professional development record, sickness records including return to work interviews and sick notes, and holiday record sheet etc) Where are they stored? (secure, locked cabinet) Who has access (Line manager, chairperson – committee etc) Time span (applies to during and after staff’s employment) Off site – (Procedure relating to staff taking children’s records off site to complete (if applicable), where will they be stored when off site and who will have access to). Note – children’s records should not be removed from safe secure location within the setting to protect both staff and children. Committee (if applicable) Types of records committee have access to (children, family, staff, groups financial business) EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO ENSURE THAT THIS INFORMATION IS ACCURATE, BUT NO RESPONSIBILITY CAN BE ACCEPTED FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS Date compile 10/05/11 Where are they stored (staff records, children records on premises in a secure locked cabinet, financial records – treasurer, admin safe, secure and not accessible by non committee members) Who has access (Within [ name of setting ], trustees and committee members will have designated roles which will allow them access to confidential records. Within the trustees/ committee members specific responsibilities will be: Staffing – Line management, allowing access to staff files, including sick, holiday and pay records. Financial - allowing access to all the setting financial records, including fees which will include monitoring the debts within the nursery Time span (applies to during and after their term of office) Off site – (Procedure relating to staff records being kept off site or taken off site. Where will they be stored off site, is this secure? and who will have access to). Note - Only committee directly involved with the relevant information i.e. chairperson and line management notes, treasure and chair re bank statements etc) Photographs Permission (consent forms from all parents and included in settings records) Who is responsible for taking (staff, keyworkers) What is used to take photographs (setting camera only) Where are the photographs stored (settings’ own computer, how are they stored? who has access?) Length of time re storage (photo’s not stored on computer, printed out and deleted. No photographs of children are stored on computer after child has left the setting) Use of photographs (used only within the setting and printed out for children’s records) Parents use of cameras at events (nativity, sport day etc) Mobile phones Personal mobile phones (staff – where are they stored, when they can be used, emergency contact number. Explanation re parents usage) Data Protection (DPA) Act 1998 What DPA applies to (personal data, staffing, children, volunteers, parents etc computerised or manual) Breach of Data Protection Act (Owners, managers, staff, committee members must ensure that they do not breach the Data Protection Act 1998, which provides strict rules in this area). Statement defining Data Protection - In essence, data protection means that organisations that process personal data, must comply with certain data protection principles and the rights of the person about whom data is EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO ENSURE THAT THIS INFORMATION IS ACCURATE, BUT NO RESPONSIBILITY CAN BE ACCEPTED FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS Date compile 10/05/11 processed (e.g. children, staff and volunteers). There are eight principles put in place by the Data Protection Act (DPA) which specify that data must be: fairly and lawfully processed; processed for limited purposes; adequate, relevant and not excessive; accurate; not kept for longer than is necessary; processed in line with your rights; secure; not transferred to countries outside the EU without adequate protection: It is against the law if any organisation does not keep to these principles. Informing parents of changes to policy (How do you inform parents of any changes made to policy? Notice period for change i.e. 1 month. How do you record parents are made aware and agree to the changes? I.e. returns slip on information letter/invoice detailing the changes). Note If changes are made to any policies which impact on parents, then notice needs to be given, for example a month. All parents need to sign to agree the changes (Parents could be made aware of the changes with a returns slip on the bottom of an invoice, or a separate letter with returns slip) By keeping the returns slip and original amended/updated documentation, this safeguards the setting. Links to other policies and legislation Legislation – Children Act 2004, Childcare Act 2006, Data Protection Act 1998 etc. Nurseries/pre-school prospectus, safeguarding policy parent’s contract or parent partnership, Staffing policy, staff handbook, committee confidentiality policy, records off site procedure, mobile phone (if applicable), keyperson information, staffing guidance on use of computer and internet sites etc Documentation – Information sharing Guidance for Practitioners and Managers, Somerset Local Safeguarding Children Board Booklet Every Child Matters Outcome: Keeping Safe, Economic Wellbeing General Welfare Requirement: Safeguarding, Documentation EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO ENSURE THAT THIS INFORMATION IS ACCURATE, BUT NO RESPONSIBILITY CAN BE ACCEPTED FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS A unique Child Positive Relationships 1.3 Keeping 2.2 Parents as safe Partners 2.4 Key person Enabling environments 3.4 The Wider Context Date compile 10/05/11 Learning and development Note – Information below only needs to be included on the main confidentiality policy which has been adopted and not on parents copy, This policy was adopted at a meeting of (name of setting) Held on ________________________ Signed on behalf of management committee ________________________ Name of signatory____________ Role of signatory __________________________ Date to be reviewed _________________________________________________ EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO ENSURE THAT THIS INFORMATION IS ACCURATE, BUT NO RESPONSIBILITY CAN BE ACCEPTED FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS