Sept. 22, 2015 Meeting Minutes - Edwardsburgh Cardinal Public

Edwardsburgh Cardinal Public Library Board Minutes
Held in Cardinal September 22, 2015
J. McGuire called the meeting to order at 7:00
Present: J. McGuire, D. Robertson, G. Morrell, R. Hoover, J. Roy, H. Pettinger, E. Farrell, M.A.
Disclosure of interest: none
Additions to Agenda: none
Minutes of the previous meeting: H. Pettinger moved to accept the minutes of the previous
meeting as presented, seconded by J. Roy, carried.
Business arising from the minutes: none
Correspondence: none
Treasurer’s report: D. Robertson reported that our documents are waiting to be updated by
township staff. He also reported that with half of the year complete, we have used 62% of the
budget for staff and salaries. R. Hoover moved to receive the report, seconded by G. Morrell.
Branch Supervisor Report: M.A. Gaylord reported that there has been some vandalism over
the summer months. It has been noted that people tend to gather near the Cardinal library in the
evenings. A window had been broken a few years ago, but the most recent problem was that 3
slushies were found in the book drop box. Many books were ruined. The police have been
notified and they will increase their “drive-by” trips.
The Board accepted the report.
CEO Report: Emily Farrell’s report follows:
Summer reading club: -We ran 28 in branch (up from 14 last year) and 6 outreach programs.
-361 children attended (similar to last year 360) note many of these are repeat visits.
-2,048 books read by kids over summer (up from 1,691 last year).
-Summer reading registration was 47 (last year was 52)
New library hours: generally favourable responses. The board agreed to keep these hours year round.
Cracked foundation at Spencerville, Mike Spencer has been advised.
Trillium Grant: it appears that we need to go through the township for the grant, but we can still make
it in for the winter intake.
Library use of space policy: Spencerville Needlework group deferred to New Business.
Cardinal branch is experiencing problems with their computers and the cost for monthly support from
Joe Computer is $150/ yr per computer. We are hoping that local companies will “adopt-a-computer”
and pay for this service. Emily has sent out one letter so far to Cardinal Power and they’ve given us
$200. We will continue to approach local businesses.
A possible solution to vandalism at the Cardinal Library may be to turn off free WiFi through the night.
We are looking at the costs that will be incurred to change the service ($130.00-$278.00) as well as
possible timers or assistance from SOLS. We will know more at the next meeting.
Staff training: The staff members have been trained on weeding procedures as well as vandalism/
damage/ theft procedures that have been developed by Emily.
E-resources: Government funding for our e-resources will run out on Dec. 31/15, then we have to pay
for our own. Approximately $1,500 from our book budget will now need to go to e-resources as many
are well used.
We will need to look at increasing some library fees, a discussion is deferred to New Business.
-Community/outreach activities. We attended:
 OEYC Teddy Bear picnic
 Johnstown Day camp as part of SRC
 Spencerville fair: with help from Augusta P.L. At the fair 614 people stopped in
and talked to us/ tried out the “banana piano”
o Upcoming:
 Doors Open Spencerville: September 26th
Staff salaries: Emily will meet with Joanne at the township office to review how much CPP and EI etc is
costing us. This issue has been tabled to next month’s meeting.
Staff evaluations& job descriptions: Completed, job descriptions have been reviewed by employees and
they are in agreement. The criterion for staff evaluations are being given out at September staff
meeting. Staff evaluations will take place in November.
Changes of job titles -Head Librarian becomes Branch Supervisor, Assistant Librarian become Library
Assistant, CEO stays the same .
Library events:
o Banned books week: Sept. 27 – Oct.3
o Movies at the library:
 Oct. 3: Family movie – Cinderella
 Oct. 9: Friday movie – Ghostbusters
o Ontario Public Library Week: Oct. 18 – 24. Co, tea and treats at the library.
The board accepted the report.
Board Development: Key Relationships were discussed as outlined in the Library Board
Development Kit. Generally the Board is responsible for organization, decisions on library
policy, missions and values, to advocate for the library, and to hire the CEO. The CEO is
responsible for day to day operations. The CEO must keep the board and council informed of
issues, as well is expected have input regarding the budget together with the board and council.
Policy Review:
Policy Review: HR-10. Staff use if technology- R. Hoover moved to approve the policy as presented,
seconded by D. Robertson, carried.
-A policy on use of space is being developed. The board agreed to give temporary permission to the
existing Spencerville Needlework group to continue to meet in the library until the policy is revised.
New Business- There was a discussion about present fee structures. The new proposed fees are:
- Non-residents $15/person, $30/family (up from $10 and $20 respectively)
-Printing : $0.10/ page black and white, $0.25/page colour
-Faxing: $0.25/page within province, $1.00 for first page & $0,50/page after for out of province.
-Scanning: free
-replacement cards: $2.00
The board voted for and agreed to this fee structure.
Closed session: none
Date of next meeting: October 27 in Spencerville, 7:00 at the library.
H. Pettinger moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:58