Material Safety Data Sheet OSHA 174 Material Safety Data Sheet U.S Department of Labor May be used to comply with OSHA’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Non-Mandatory Form Form Approved OMB No. 1218-0072) Hazard Communication standard 29 CFR 1910.1200. Standard must be consulted for specific requirements. IDENTITY (As Used on Label and List) Micro-Gro Plus Note: Blank spaces are not permitted. If any item is not applicable, or no information is available, the space must be marked to indicate that. Section I Manufacturer’s Name Emergency Telephone Number Soil Technologies Corp. 641-472-3963 Address (Number, City, Sate, and ZIP Code) Telephone Number for Information 2103 185th St. Fairfield. Iowa 52556 641-472-3963 Date Prepared 12/15/01 Signature of Preparer (optional) Section II – Hazard Ingredients/ Identity Information / Components Hazardous Components (Specific Chemical OSHA Identity; Common Name(s)) PEL None None ACGIH TLV Other Limits Recommended % (optional) None None Components: Water, Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium Oxide, Ferrous Sulfate, Borax, Manganese Sulfate, Leonardite extract, Dried Sea Plants, volcanic rock powder, fermentation products. Section III – Physical/Chemical Characteristics NA Boiling Point Melting Point Specific Gravity (H2O)=1 NA Vapor Density (AIR=1) NA Solubility in Water 10% by weight Vapor Pressure (mm Hg) NA Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate =1) NA NA Suspendabilty in water Appearance and Odor 90% by weight Slight odor Section IV – Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Flash Point (Method Used) Does not flash Flammable Limits Extinguish Media Determined by surrounding fire. N/A LEL N/A UEL N/A Use water, fog, foam, CO2, or dry chemical. Special Fire Fighting Procedures None Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazard None. OSHA 174, Sept. 1985 Section V – Reactivity Data Stability Conditions to Avoid Stable None Acids At high temperatures sulfur oxides Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts Hazardous Polymerization Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid) May Occur Will Not Occur Conditions to Avoid X None Section VI – Health Hazard Data Route(s) of Entry: Inhalation? Carcinogenicity: NTP? No data No data No Skin? Ingestion? Yes Yes Health Hazard (Acute and Chronic) None IARC Monographs OSHA Regulated? No data Signs and Symptoms of Exposure No Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure Minor skin irritation, watery eyes, stomach ache, sour taste No data Emergency and First Aid Procedures Ingestion –No harmful effect. Assist digestion passage by drinking milk. Inhalation – NA. Skin contact –wash thoroughly with mild soap. Eye contact –flush with water or eyewash, for 10-15 minutes. Remove to physicians care if needed Section VII – Precaution for Safe Handling and Use Steps to Be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled Flush into drain. Waste Disposal Method Remove to properly designated landfill. Precaution to Be Taken in Handling and Storage Store in dry area and avoid extremes of heat and cold. Other Precautions None Section VIII – Control Measures Respiratory Protection (Specify Type) Standard Ventilation Local Exhaust Special Mechanical (General) Other None None None None None Protective Gloves Water proof Work Hygienic Practices Eye Protection Other Protective Clothing or Equipment Standard Standard Shower and eye flush availability *U.S.G.P.O.: 1986 – 491 – 529/45775 The above provided information is based upon data available to us and is believed to be correct. However, no warranty of merchantability or fitness for use or any other warranty is expressed or to be implied regarding the accuracy of these data, the results to be obtained from the use thereof, the hazards connected with the use of the material, or that any such use will not infringe upon any patent. Since the information contained herein may be applied under conditions beyond our control and with which we may be unfamiliar, we do not assume any responsibility for the results of its use. This information is furnished upon the conditon that the person receiving it shall make his own determination of the suitability of the material for his particular purpose.