Nursing Program Policy on Academic Integrity

Nursing Program
Nursing Program Policy on Academic Integrity
Ethics and Academic Integrity
Individuals educated in the nursing profession are expected to develop a strong personal code of ethics that is congruent
with the American Nurses’ Association Code of Ethics. Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with the dynamics
of decision-making concerning what is right and wrong. A professional code of ethics provides a framework for making
ethical decisions and sets forth professional expectations. Nursing codes of ethics inform both nurses and society of the
primary goals and values of the profession. Reflected in the codes are universal moral principles such as: respect for
persons; autonomy (self-determination); beneficence (doing good); nonmaleficence (avoiding harm); veracity (truth
telling); confidentiality (respecting privileged information); fidelity (keeping promises) and justice (treating people
fairly). These principles should be compatible with the nurse's personal value system and moral code.
A primary goal in the education of nurses is to instill in students a full appreciation and acceptance of the need for
ethical behavior in all aspects of nursing. Professional integrity is the basis for full accountability in the practice as
registered nurses. The Suffolk County Community College nursing program has established a “Code of Honor” that
identifies the behaviors congruent with academic and professional integrity.
The Suffolk County Community College Nursing Program Code of Honor is established to promote academic
integrity in all phases of the program: classroom, college laboratory and all clinical settings. Professional and
Academic integrity requires individuals to:
Tell the truth,
Be accountable for one’s actions,
Do one’s own work,
Refuse to collude in lying or cheating behaviors of others,
Contribute equally in collaborative assignments,
Be accountable for the known misconduct of others (duty to report),
Consistently abide by the code of honor in all circumstances, no exceptions.
Each nursing student declares an intent to abide by the code of honor by signing a statement affirming this code
at the start of each semester. The signed statement is placed in the student’s file that is maintained by the
nursing program.
Academic misconduct/dishonesty is defined as engaging in the following behaviors In the classroom:
Lying, cheating, helping another student to cheat, using crib notes during an exam, turning in someone else’s work as
your own, collaborating on assignments that required individual work and plagiarizing.
In the clinical area:
Falsifying documents, documenting care that was not given such as faked home visits, charting vital signs that were not
taken, or using data from another’s documentation to record an assessment, etc.
Penalty for Academic Dishonesty
Should evidence prove that a student has violated the code of honor, a failing grade in the course will be assigned and
access to the class will be denied.
Nursing Program
I have received a copy of the Suffolk County Community College Nursing Program Policy on Academic
Integrity, included in the 2005 - 2006 Nursing Student Handbook. I am aware that I am responsible for
reviewing the policy. I understand that I will be held accountable for complying with the requirements
outlined in the policy.
My signature on this verification form indicates that I have completed my review of the policy as
requested and that I understand my responsibilities as outline in the policy. I understand that if I am
not clear about any aspect of the policies and procedures I am to seek answers for my questions from
nursing faculty prior to signing the verification form.