Project Administrator HAITI Project: Inclusion économique et sociale des personnes marginalisées, vulnérables et dépendant de l’économie informelle en particulier les femmes des zones d’échanges transfrontalières en Haïti COUNTRY: DUTY STATION: NGO: DEPARTMENT: POSITION: STARTING DATE: DURATION: SALARY: HAITI Port au Prince with frequent travel within the country Oxfam Italia (OIT) Cooperation to Development and Humanitarian Aid Project administrator by June 2015 12 months (renewable) minimum 2,500.00 Euro - maximum 2,900.00 Euro, (gross per month), according to candidate’s previous experience EXPIRING DATE: MARCH 29TH 2015 Interested candidates should send their CV, the details of 3 people who will serve as professional references, a self-presentation letter explaining how the candidate’s qualifications and previous experiences are in line with this job description. Applications must be sent before March 29th to, specifying in the subject: “Selection_IIP_Administrator_Haiti_Name-Surname” INTRODUCTION Oxfam Italia is an independent NGO established in Italy (Arezzo) at the beginning of the ‘70s and now working in several countries. Oxfam Italia was born from the experience of Ucodep, an Italian NGO committed for over 30 years in the struggle against poverty and injustice. Oxfam Italia is the Italian member within the Oxfam Confederation, the fourth international coalition in the world, specialized in humanitarian aid and development programs. OUR VALUES Economic justice, access to basic services, active citizenship, governance and humanitarian aid are the axes that guide Oxfam Italia’s intervention, coherently with the values of justice, human dignity, democracy, solidarity, engagement and simplicity. CONTEXT Oxfam started working in Haiti in 1978, and the five affiliates were involved at different times. The first affiliates that started working in Haiti were OGB in1978, Oxfam Quebec in 1989 and Oxfam Intermon in 1997, followed by Oxfam Italia in 2009 and Oxfam America just after the earthquake. Moreover, Oxfam America maintained a presence in Haiti between 1993-1998, through joint programming and representation with Oxfam Quebec. Oxfam-in-Belgium also had a presence in Haiti for twenty years before the facing out in 2011, and keeps providing support and guidance as an affiliate contributor. The first phase of Oxfam presence in Haiti coincides with the fall of dictatorship and the great challenges associated with a democratic construction. During this period Oxfam maintained the logic of aiming at sustainable development through the development of a strong civil society and state. The second phase of Oxfam presence in Haiti is characterized by the implementation of integrated development projects while maintaining support to civil society and social movement platforms with advocacy capacity. Oxfam Italia nasce dall’esperienza di Ucodep, organizzazione non governativa italiana da oltre 30 anni impegnata nella lotta alla povertà e all’ingiustizia. Oxfam Italia è il membro osservatore italiano della confederazione internazionale Oxfam. Oxfam Italia: trasparenza, responsabilità, qualità certificate The border area is one of the poorest on the entire island of Hispaniola. It is characterized by unequal and informal trade, poor infrastructure and precarious living conditions. Trade between the 2 countries reached US$ 4.2 billion dollars between 2004 and 2011. Nonetheless this had not an impact on poverty reduction in the area. While trade agreements do exist, they are not implemented while the rights of target groups are systematically violated. Informal work abounds, but the conditions are insecure due to a lack of services, information and regulation. In 2011, the UNDP’s Human Development Index placed Haiti 158th out of 187 countries. In the LAC region, Haiti has the highest level of inequality with 76% of the population living on less than US$2 per day. Nearly 80% of the population works informally with 78% of women and 46% of young people (25 to 36 years of age) operating in the sectors with the least added value, without any form of social protection and with no opportunity for growth. This situation drives migration, particularly to the Dominican Republic where labour (mostly informal) is available in agriculture, in constructions or as street market vendors. The border population is not exempt from this situation despite their involvement is mainly in agriculture and trade. Discrimination and unequal trade between the 2 countries negatively impacts on communities, on both sides of the border. For example, revenue generation and increasing trade volumes don’t necessarily improve living conditions due to the poor infrastructure, insecurity and instability that characterize the markets. Complexity y of access to social and financial services compounds the difficulties of economic actors with no recourse in terms of improved productivity. The unregulated nature of border transactions creates a dangerous void with implications on the economic and trade relations between the 2 countries. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Project “Inclusion économique et sociale des personnes marginalisées, vulnérables et dépendant de l’économie informelle en particulier les femmes des zones d’échanges transfrontalières en Haïti” will be carried out in the border area between Haiti and Dominican Republic (Ouanaminthe-Dajabon; BalladèreComendador; Malpasse-Jimani) and is aimed at ensuring the organizational strengthening of marginalized groups, the ownership of their rights and the extension of basic service, supporting the entrepreneurship and the creation of productive employment around the bi-national markets in the border areas. The project was identified and will be coordinated in collaboration between Oxfam Italia, Oxfam Grate Britain, Oxfam Quebec, the Chambre de Métiers et d’Artisanat d’Haïti, the GARR - Groupe d'Appui aux Rapatriés et Réfugiés, ASOMURE - Asociación de los Municipios de la Región Enriquillo and Microfinanza SRL. The project will be implemented in 4 field offices by a team of 30 people. The project’s budget is approximately 5 million Euros and it is funded by various donors. MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES The following tasks will be carried out under the Project Manager supervision and with a functional relationship with the Bi-national administrator and Asia – Latin America Head of office, based in Italy. The Project Administrator will be based in Port au Prince at OXFAM office where representatives of the five implementing Oxfams are sitting. His/her main responsibilities, implemented in coordination with other Oxfams in the country, will be: - Project’s Financial & administrative management, according to Oxfam fin-admin tools and procedures, to Donors guidelines and to Haitian laws. Closing of accounting periods Monthly financial & administrative follow-up Cash flow forecasts and follow-ups Bank accounts and cash control Payment of suppliers’ invoices Administrative coordination of Project’s partners Local staff contracts’ management, according to Haitian labor law Coordination of financial audits of Project Elaboration of financial reports required by Oxfam and by Project’s Donors Control of the implementation of donors and Oxfam procurement procedures Management of relationships with Project’s Donors about financial and administrative issues Project logistic coordination Management, supervision and training of local fin-admin staff of the Project QUALIFICATIONS AND BEHAVIOURAL COMPETENCIES - University degree , preferably in Finance & Administration - At least 5 years working experience in finance and administration - At least 3 years working experience as development projects administrator (experience in Haiti will be an asset) - At least 2 years working experience in financial and administrative management of EU funded projects - Strong knowledge of double entry accounting - Practical knowledge of accounting packages and software. - Strong computer literacy with a full knowledge of Ms Office (specially Excel and Word) - Fluency in French and Italian (essential). Knowledge of Creole, English, and/or Spanish will be an asset - Relevant experience in policies and procedures of main international and national donors (specially EU, UN and Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation) - Target oriented and problem solving aptitude. - Good inter-personal and communication skills; - Willing and able to travel frequently within the country and readiness to adapt and work in difficult situations. SELECTION CRITERIA CVs will be pre-selected according to their coherence with the required profile. Oxfam Italia reserves the right to call candidates for interviews and selection tests before the deadline of the submission of applications. Interviews will be held in Florence and/or Arezzo (Italy). Travel costs will not be reimbursed to candidates. For candidates who are not in Italy the interview will be first by Skype. We thank all the applicants for their interest in our organization but we inform that only those pre-selected for an interview will be contacted. Note: for more information about the organization, please consult our webpage: