vandrish10sidescan - Computer Science

Side-scan Sonar Image Registration for AUV
P. Vandrish, A. Vardy, D. Walker, and O. A. Dobre
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
St. John’s, NL A1B 3X5 Canada
Abstract - As part of the Responsive Autonomous
Underwater Vehicle Localization and Mapping
(REALM) project at Memorial University (MUN), a
side-scan sonar based qualitative navigation system is
currently being developed for the AUV MUN Explorer.
The qualitative navigation system intricately depends on
the registration of side-scan sonar images obtained at
navigation time. Image registration is the process of
computing a transformation which maps features
observed from one perspective to the same features
observed from a second perspective. However, feature
matching in side-scan sonar images does present a
number of challenges due to the nature of acoustic
sensors, the dynamic properties of the AUV, and the
perpetually changing acoustic medium. As such, feature
extraction and matching techniques must be designed to
be robust enough to simultaneously handle a variety of
image distortions. For this paper some of the difficulties
involved in the registration of side-scan sonar images
will be discussed. Preliminary results on image
registration from side-scan images captured by a sonar
sensor affixed to a small boat executing approximately
parallel tracks will be presented.
Index Terms – AUV, Navigation, Side-scan Sonar, SIFT,
Image Registration
Today, AUVs can provide an effective alternative to
manned vessels for a variety of routine marine applications,
such as surveying and monitoring. AUVs may be deployed
for use in mine counter measures, underwater equipment
inspection, or research activities. The REALM project led
by Memorial University focuses on expanding the
capabilities of the Explorer AUV platform in particular, and
developing novel techniques for AUV navigation and
surveying capabilities in general. Navigation itself plays a
very important role in enabling the autonomous operation of
an AUV not only as a path planning subsystem, but it also
ensures the safety and recovery of the vehicle. Qualitative
navigation is a concept that has been developed for mobile
robotics. A qualitative navigation system (QNS) would
provide an AUV with the ability to find its way to a home
location without making reference to a global coordinate
system. In other words, a QNS would use uniquely
identifiable landmarks to interpret a homing direction,
without necessarily establishing an estimate of each
landmarks geographical location. This has a significant
advantage over navigation systems which attempt to keep
track of landmark and vehicle locations. Navigation systems
which try to maintain a pose vector become plagued with
drift errors over time and are not correctable in the absence
of geographical positioning feedback. Most navigation
systems in use today are of this type [1]. They obtain a
current estimate of the AUV’s location and orientation
through the use of inertial sensors and must periodically
resurface to receive Global Positioning System (GPS)
A side-scan sonar system can provide an AUV with a
framework for developing highly sophisticated navigation
systems through the use of techniques borrowed from the
area of computer vision. An AUV carrying a side-scan sonar
system within its payload can extract an enormous amount
of information about its current surroundings in the form of
sonar images. Side-scan sonar images tend to contain
features such as textures, markings, and blobs. These
features are usually unique enough that, over the course of
an operation, they can be distinctly identified and matched if
observed multiple times. If numerous matches are found
within a given frame, image registration can be performed
and the transformation matrix computed which maps the
frame feature set to a previously observed feature set. The
transformation matrix can then be used to directly infer the
homing direction for the vehicle. However, realistically, the
procedure described here is not as straightforward as it
seems. The nature of side-scan sonar sensors, the acoustic
medium, and the dynamics of the vehicle introduce a variety
of image distortions which will degrade the effectiveness of
this scheme.
Applying image processing and computer vision
techniques to side-scan sonar images is not new. Automatic
target recognition has been studied [2] for the purpose of
identifying foreign and potentially dangerous objects on the
sea floor. Texture segmentation techniques were studied in
[3]. Feature extraction techniques were also developed in [4],
and [5]. Image registration of side-scan sonar images
through phase correlation, mutual information, and the
correlation ratio is presented in [6]. Some interesting work
was undertaken in [7] on the derivation of a statistical
technique for the correction of geometric distortions in sidescan sonar images. Among all previous work, no robust and
unifying technique for feature extraction and matching
applied to side-scan sonar images has been attained.
This paper will discuss the nature of the problem in
further detail, present the Scale Invariant Feature Transform
(SIFT) as a potentially robust technique for feature
extraction and matching, and look at an image registration
technique based on RANdom SAmple Consensus
(RANSAC). A preliminary evaluation of the performance of
this combination of operations will be presented. Section I
will introduce some of the mathematics behind side-scan
sonar and associated distortions. Section II will follow with
a brief look at what makes a good image feature and the
reasons why we chose to use SIFT for our preliminary
experiments. Section III will discuss the use of RANSAC to
estimate transformation model parameters. Section IV
applies the techniques presented here to some sample sidescan sonar data obtained off the coast of Foxtrap, NL. In
conclusion, we will take a step back and review the
challenges which need to be overcome in the near future to
produce a highly robust image registration technique.
Side-scan sonar systems produce high resolution image
representations (or sonograms) of acoustic backscatter. They
operate by emitting a narrow (in the fore-aft direction)
acoustic pulse perpendicular to the along-track direction
vector and out each side of the sonar. The pulse spreads out
over a wide angle in the across-track plane to ensonify the
seabed, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. A typical side-scan sonar depiction.
The distance from the sonar to a point on the seafloor is
called the slant-range. A typical side-scan sonar image
which has not been slant-range corrected is shown in Figure
The width along the seafloor covered by the acoustic
pulse (ping) is referred to as the swath width. In the
unprocessed received signal, regions along the swath which
produce strong backscatter will show up darker within the
image scanline. Protruding objects on the seabed will
produce dark regions followed by a light shadow.
As mentioned above, there are numerous factors which
come to impact the accuracy of image interpretation. They
include changes to the velocity, orientation (roll, pitch, and
Figure 2. A side-scan sonar image which has not been corrected for slantrange distortion.
yaw) and sway of the vehicle, acoustic noise, beam pattern,
and the absorptivity and structure of the reflecting surfaces
for example.
As a ping propagates away from the sonar, the beam
width in the along-track direction expands. This in turn has
the effect of a decreased along-track image resolution at
points sufficiently far from the sonar. Multiple collinear
landmarks running parallel to the along track at a long range
from the sonar could appear merged together in the final
image. Obviously, one might think that this problem can be
sidestepped by simply accepting data from within a shorter
range. However, a similar problem exists which affects the
across-track resolution. Depending on the pulse duration,
multiple collinear landmarks along the scan-line closer to
the sonar could appear merged in the final image. This is
due to the fact that the pulse’s “footprint” on the seabed is
longer nearer to the sonar and becomes shorter as the pulse
propagates outward. Hence, there is a tradeoff between the
resolutions in the across-track versus along-track directions.
This, as will be illustrated shortly, is one challenge which
could affect the reliability of image feature descriptions.
Acoustic noise can be modeled as a random process. Some
types of noise, such as white noise, can be easily reduced
through the use of filters in a preprocessing stage. Side-scan
sonar image preprocessing is beyond the scope of this paper.
In terms of backscatter, large protruding objects will cast a
light “shadow” adjacent to the object. This occurs since no
acoustic energy is capable of reaching this region. The
horizontal length of this shadow will vary depending on
where the object is in the across-track direction relative to
the sonar. The shadow may also appear differently
depending on the vantage point of the sonar. Thus, the
shadow may be a misleading indication of the height and
shape of the object. In addition, areas of seabed which
produce a very high specular reflection could also be
mistakenly interpreted as a shadow. Thus, it is necessary to
attempt to avoid deriving features from an image which may
potentially have arisen on account of these shadow regions
as they may be unstable. However, the protruding object
itself may provide a very useful feature on account of its
Another aspect which influences the amount of
backscatter seen at the sonar is the structure and absorptivity
of the seabed. Regions which are coarse will tend to reflect
more energy back to the acoustic sensor and they will
therefore show up darker. Areas which absorb much of the
energy will show up lighter in intensity. These effects
depend on the seabed material, the measure of coarseness,
the frequency of the transmitted pulse, and the angle of
incidence for instance. One consequence of this is that these
regions show up as texture-like features in the resulting
image. It will be further investigated as to whether textures
can provide highly stable features.
Considering slant-range distortion aside, geometric image
distortions can arise on account of the dynamics of the
vehicle. Most sonar transducers, whether contained within
an AUV’s payload or part of a towfish construction, will
usually undergo changes in orientation, velocity, and sway.
Some of these dynamics are more present in a towfish
configuration since surge and heave in the towing ship will
have a large impact on the towfish. For simplification, in
this work we consider the AUV to be constrained by 3
degrees of freedom. They include the freedom of translatory
motion in the x-y directions and the freedom to rotate within
a 2D plane parallel to the surface at a constant depth (i.e
yaw). It is important for the vehicle to maintain a constant
forward velocity since changes in velocity can make a target
on the seabed appear differently with multiple passes. If
changes do occur, it is reasonable to assume that the alongtrack image lines can be easily resampled and interpolated
using information from an onboard inertial navigation
Changes in the direction of the vehicle can also impact
the ability of a qualitative navigation system to correctly
extract and match observed features. An example image, as
a result of orientation changes to a towfish, is shown in
Figure 3. In order to compensate for this effect, the
scanlines must be reoriented within the resulting image. The
method to accomplish this accurately will continue to be
explored as part of this project.
using a current reference image and a previously observed
image alone. That is, without making reference to a global
A good feature is regarded as being robust to image or scene
object affine or homographic transformations. Although, it
is in part the description of the feature which must also be
invariant to these transformations, if the feature is to be
considered stable. In general, a good feature within an
image is a point which is at the center of an area of high
spatial information. There are many different methods for
obtaining these image keypoints. Some classical methods
include the Moravec corner detector [9], Harris corner
detector [10], the Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi interest point
detector [11], and the Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) feature
detector. The LoG will be discussed in more detail as it is
used by SIFT.
SIFT is a widely used computer vision algorithm
developed by David Lowe at the University of British
Columbia [12]. It was initially chosen for this work because
it has a proven track record for image stitching applications.
Also, many efficient implementations of this algorithm have
been developed. SIFT is an algorithm that is capable of
extracting image keypoints which are rotation, scale
invariant, and robust to a range of affine transformations.
SIFT consists of the following processing stages: scalespace extrema detection, keypoint localization, orientation
assignment, and keypoint description. In this stage of the
project the performance of SIFT applied to side-scan sonar
images is being investigated. Some preliminary results will
be presented in this paper.
The scale-space functional is defined by
where G is a Gaussian kernel of standard deviation σ
I is the original image, and (x, y) mark the coordinates of an
image point. The Difference of Gaussian (DoG) function
closely approximates the scale-normalized LoG function,
and as such, can be used to identify interest points within
the image.
The DoG function can be written as
Figure 3. A side-scan sonar image exhibiting geometric distortion due to
orientation changes.
Robust image features have been a study of ongoing
computer vision research for decades. Image feature
extraction and matching has applications in camera motion
estimation, 3D scene reconstruction, image mosaicing, and
optic flow calculations for example. In particular, visual
homing algorithms have been developed [8] to enable
autonomous robots to find their way to a home location
where k is some empirically determined constant.
It has been shown [13] that the maxima and minima of
the LoG provide highly stable image features when
compared to other keypoint extraction methods. A search is
performed over the image at multiple scales to identify these
extrema. Lowe has also empirically determined the best
choices for σ to produce the most reliable keypoints. Once a
keypoint is identified, its location is refined by fitting a 3D
quadratic to the DoG in the neighbourhood of the keypoint
using a Taylor expansion. The assignment of an orientation
to the keypoint is necessary to ensure rotation invariance.
This is accomplished by measuring the magnitude and
orientation of the intensity gradient at the keypoint location.
Using the scale, location, and orientation information for the
keypoint a description is then produced. The orientation is
used to assign a local coordinate system to the keypoint. The
gradients at points within a region surrounding the origin of
this coordinate system are sampled, weighted, and stored in
a 128 element descriptor vector.
Once a keypoint descriptor is produced, it can then be
used to match the keypoint to a previously observed
keypoint which was stored in a database. A common way to
do this is to perform a nearest-neighbour search over the set
of keypoint descriptors in the database. Various heuristics
can be used to improve matching effectiveness.
5) If the ratio from step 4 is below threshold, then steps 1-4
should be repeated.
6) The algorithm should be reiterated up to a maximum
number of times chosen to ensure a specified probability of
correctly identifying the model parameters.
The final parameters tell us how to transform our
currently observed image to the same image section we had
observed previously. They can be used to infer the direction
and magnitude of a homing vector for the AUV. Thus, it has
been shown that navigation may be possible without
mapping the observed features and localizing the AUV
relative to global coordinate system.
Image registration is a procedure which transforms
images viewed from different perspectives into a single
coordinate system. In our case we wish to obtain the
transformation matrix which maps a currently viewed sidescan sonar image to one which was previously seen and
stored in a database. Since we are assuming that the AUV is
constrained to undergo transformations in 3 degrees of
freedom the image transformation model is kept simple.
Using keypoint matches our objective is to compute a
transformation consisting of 2 translation and a single
rotation component which maps a currently observed feature
set to a subset of the feature database. Two correctly
matched keypoint pairs are required to completely resolve
the transformation parameters.
The RANSAC algorithm was first proposed by Fischler
and Bolles [14]. It is a parameter estimation algorithm that
is capable of handling a large proportion of outliers. The
RANSAC algorithm proceeds as follows:
The results presented here are preliminary. They will be
used to illustrate the potential of these techniques when
applied to AUV navigation. Figure 5 shows two
independent images stacked vertically for illustrative
purposes. These images were obtained during field work in
Foxtrap, NL using a side-scan towfish. They correspond to
two independent passes over the same region of seabed.
RANSAC Algorithm
1) Among all matches randomly select the minimum
number of matched pairs required to compute the
transformation model.
2) Compute the transformation model using these matched
3) Count the number of matched pairs other than those
selected for the model which agree with the model to within
a certain tolerance ε.
4) If the ratio of correctly matched pairs (according to the
previously computed model) to the total number of matched
pairs exceeds a certain threshold τ, then the model should be
recomputed considering all correctly matched pairs and the
algorithm terminated.
Figure 5. Feature matching of images from two independent passes over a
region of seabed in Foxtrap, NL.
It appears, in the lower image of Figure 5, that the
predominant structural features have been compressed along
the vertical axis. This may be due to velocity or pitch
changes experienced by the towfish. Due to the robustness
of the SIFT descriptor a few matches were identified
regardless of the distortions present. Using RANSAC to
compute the transformation parameters has indicated that
the two images are roughly 180 degrees apart and separated
by a displacement of magnitude 60.5 (pixels). For
comparison, Figure 6 shows the result of the upper image in
Figure 5 transformed according to the computed parameters.
It can be observed that the two images appear quite similar
in orientation, considering displacement aside.
RANSAC has been presented. Challenges faced by the
system are introduced as geometric distortions within the
images. These distortions mainly occur on account of the
dynamics of the vehicle. Preliminary results obtained by
applying this registration technique to various side-scan
sonar image sets appear positive. However, in future work,
methods to improve this technique will be investigated.
Some indicators for the future direction of this project have
been emphasized throughout this paper. In general, they are
concerned with identifying characteristics of stable sidescan sonar image features. In turn, the image registration of
these images can be improved by carefully taking these
characteristics into account.
Figure 6. Resulting image (right) after applying transformation.
Numerous other sets of images from the same field data
have been tested against the SIFT based image registration
technique presented here. The results appear promising for
image sets exhibiting a tolerable level of distortion. The
future objectives of this project involve improving the
robustness of this method to handle a wider variety of image
AUVs are now being deployed more frequently for
research, monitoring, and surveying applications. A
qualitative navigation system based on the registration of
side-scan sonar images from a sensor affixed to the AUV
may provide a failsafe homing system for the vehicle. In this
paper, a registration technique based on the SIFT and
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