Nothing But the Truth Study Guide: Analysis & Questions

Nothing But the Truth by Avi *Answer all parts of each question on notebook paper. Answer
in paragraph form. Use textual evidence to substantiate your claims.
Chapters 1-10
1. Think about the advice that various characters have given Philip so far. What advice would you
give him and why?
2. Is Philip lying when he doesn’t tell his father about the policy of “respectful silence”? Explain
your answer. Why do people act as Philip does in such circumstances?
3. Write a character sketch about Philip as if he were one of your classmates. Use details from the
novel, plus your own inferences and imagination, for ideas. Describe his appearance, if you wish, but
focus on his personality. (one paragraph min.)
Chapters 11-12
4. Think about Miss Narwin’s actions, her words, and what other people say about her. What are you
finding out about her character?
5. Are Philip’s rights being taken away (the right to sing the National Anthem)? Explain your
answer. Are there limits to Freedom of Speech (First Amendment)? Explain.
Chapters 13-15
Interpret and explain the following quotes. Be sure to connect these quotes back to the text.
6. “Public opinion in this country is everything.” –Abraham Lincoln
7. “When a dog bites a man, that is not news, because it happens so often. But if a man bites a dog,
that is news.” –John B. Bogart
8. If this storyline took place in your community, how do you think the story would be treated by the
newspapers and the local radio and TV shows? Explain.
9. “Gert, you know as well as I, it doesn’t matter if it’s true of not true. It’s what people are saying
that’s important.”
Think about Dr. Seymour’s statement. Decide whether you agree with this statement. Write 1-2
paragraphs supporting your opinion.
Chapters 16-19
10. “Listen and watch the world around you. Try to understand why things happen. Don’t be
satisfied with answers others give you. Don’t assume that because everyone believes a thing it is
right or wrong. Reason things out for yourself. Work to get answers on your own. Understand why
you believe things.” -Avi
Do you share the same philosophy as Avi? Explain your thinking.
11. Do you feel that the school is being supportive of Miss Narwin? Explain.
12. Why is Philip’s story more interesting, therefore more newsworthy, than Miss Narwin’s?
13. Would you sign a petition calling for Philip’s apology? Why or why not?
14. Explain the irony at the end of the novel
15. Critique the novel’s ending. What is your reaction? How would you improve it?