Inquiry Course TEMPLATE PROPOSAL FORM – Cover Page Instructions: Departments and course designers submitting courses for inclusion within the CUE Inquiry sequence must complete three files: 1 The special CUE Inquiry course request (blue sheet cover) form 2 The course change request form (located on the Provost website: 3 This CUE Inquiry course proposal template form (copies located on the CUE website: ). Submit these completed files to your department & College curriculum committees. Please use the imbedded links to the accompanying Inquiry sequence course “toolkit” to complete this template form. The BG Perspective general education office welcomes your requests for assistance or questions ( or or 22623). We are here to help! PART I GENERAL INQUIRY COURSE INFORMATION Inquiry course domain (choose 1) (Drop down menu box here…) Inquiry course number & title (add drop down box) Inquiry course prefix Department/School/Program Semester hours of credit Frequency of offering (spring, summer, fall, annually or other) Maximum number students per section Name, email, and telephone contact information for course designer completing this form PART II INQUIRY SEQUENCE COURSES INTELLECTUAL SKILLS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Each INQUIRY course is primarily responsible for facilitating student achievement of inquiry skills and learning outcomes through active learning pedagogies that explore disciplinary course content unique to the course. Secondarily, each course must help students become critical and constructive thinkers and effective communicators who are actively engaged with others in their learning that directly relates to achieving BGSU’s University Learning Outcomes (ULOs). See “Coverage” of a predetermined amount of disciplinary content should not be the primary purpose of an Inquiry course, although some disciplines may need to include more disciplinary content to lay the groundwork for the cultivation of inquiry skills. INQUIRY LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR INQUIRY COURSES Inquiry Course Proposal Template – Cover Page Inquiry Course TEMPLATE PROPOSAL FORM Please complete the following table, indicating how achievement of each inquiry learning outcome is directly assessed using the domain-specific inquiry learning outcomes as identified in the Toolkit. Please be clear and specific about the direct assessments, including the type of electronic portfolio artifact that the student will produce. Inquiry Learning Outcomes (or insert domain-specific outcomes) Explain examples of direct assessments + portfolio artifacts to be used (expand cell to describe completely) Apply appropriate methods of inquiry to question Employ and synthesize background information from relevant sources Analyze discipline-appropriate evidence and synthesize competing evidence-based interpretations Draw logical conclusions from inquiry findings If the course proposes to achieve cultural diversity in the U.S. learning outcomes, please explain the degree to which students will achieve at least one of the following learning outcomes and how learning outcome(s) will be directly assessed. Cultural Diversity Learning Outcomes Explain examples of direct assessments + proposed artifacts to be used (expand cell to describe completely) Understand social, historical, and economic processes that shape cultural diversity in U.S. including social construction of race, gender, and other differences Analyze how individuals represent cultural identities and respond to diverse environments through written, visual, and performative expression Interrogate how knowledge about diversity and differences is produced in disciplinary contexts Reflect upon places in society and engage in contemporary debates about the nature of multicultural societies 1 Inquiry Course Proposal Template Inquiry Course TEMPLATE PROPOSAL FORM PART III UNIVERSITY LEARNING OUTCOMES ACHIEVED THROUGH INQUIRY COURSE Complete the tables below to identify the degree to which the proposed Inquiry course achieves one or more of the intellectual skills (a.k.a. student learning outcomes) within each of the three major University Learning Outcome categories. If the course does not address a specific intellectual skill, simply write N/A or Not Applicable in the Explain Examples of Direct Assessment right hand column of that table. For approval, it is necessary for an inquiry course to achieve only one intellectual skill in each learning outcome category. Any learning outcome that is achieved in a course should be identified along with its assessment plan. CRITICAL and CONSTRUCTIVE THINKING Refer to the University Learning Outcomes for additional information on addressing at least one of these outcomes. University Learning Outcome/ Intellectual Skill Explain examples of direct assessments + proposed artifacts to be used (expand cell to describe completely) Creative Problem Solving Thinking Critically and Examining Values EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION through Writing, Presenting, and Reading (describe at least one) Refer to the University Learning Outcomes for additional information on addressing these outcomes. University Learning Outcome/ Intellectual Skill Explain examples of direct assessments + proposed artifacts to be used (expand cell to describe completely) Writing Presenting Reading ENGAGING OTHERS IN ACTION through Participation and Leadership Refer to the University Learning Outcomes for additional information on addressing at least one of these two outcomes. University Learning Outcome/ 2 Explain examples of direct assessments + proposed artifacts to Inquiry Course Proposal Template Inquiry Course TEMPLATE PROPOSAL FORM Intellectual Skill be used (expand cell to describe completely) Participation Leadership Other Direct Assessment Activities If you choose to employ other valid assessments to assess the learning outcomes, use the following expandable textbox to provide additional evidence describing types of direct assessment employed to measure achievement of the Inquiry and University learning outcomes. Describe explicitly how one knows the degree to which successful students achieve student learning outcomes. PART IV Exemplar Active Teaching-Learning Activities/Pedagogies All C.U.E. courses must employ learner-centered pedagogies to ensure the active engagement of students with the student learning outcomes and course content. Use the following expandable textbox to describe in detail the active teaching-learning activities and learner-centered pedagogies this proposed inquiry course uses to achieve the Inquiry and University student learning outcomes as mapped previously. To complete the Inquiry Course Template, please attach an accompanying CUE Inquiry course request (blue cover sheet) plus a course change request form to this template that will include a master course syllabus. Forms can be downloaded from the Provost website ( ). Upon completion, please route these forms through your appropriate department and College curriculum committees who, upon approval, will forward to the Provost Office and BG Perspective Committee for review. 3 Inquiry Course Proposal Template