CM 40 Days of Purpose Week 2 Booklet

Sunday, April 22, 2012
A. Bug Byte: These are Coccinella septempunctata.
What?! That’s right! But, we commonly call them
ladybugs. Do you think God take pleasure in them?
B. Bible Byte: For the LORD takes pleasure in His
people. (Psalm 149:4a)
C. How do you feel to know that God takes pleasure in
you? He loves you so much that He cares for every
detail of your life. You are created to bring delight
to Him. How special that is!
D. Dear Jesus, I want to bring pleasure to You. Please
help me to know what to do.
E. Copy verse of the week:
F. What common daily things that you can do to bring
pleasure to God? Ask your parents what things that
they do to bring pleasure to God.
Friday, April 27, 2012
A. Bug Byte: Though most ladybugs eat insects, a few
species eat plants and are considered pests. Bad
B. Bible Byte: Love the Lord your God with all your
heart and with all your soul. Love him with all your
mind and with all your strength. (Mark 12:30)
C. You are friend with God, and you love Him with all
your heart, soul, mind, and strength. That is your
real worship. And when you speak and sing about
God, others can see your love for God. Ready to sing
at praise and worship at church?
D. Dear Jesus, I will sing praises to You my Lord and
my friend.
E. Copy verse of the week
F. God enjoys your praise and worship. God wants all of
you at all time. He is just crazy about you. Talk to
your parents about what you can do as a family this
weekend that will praise and worship God.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
A. Bug Byte: Ladybugs eat aphids and other planteating pests. One ladybug can eat up to 5,000
insects in its lifetime! To have many ladybugs in your
garden is a helpful thing 
B. Bible Byte: So whether you eat or drink or whatever
you do, do it all for the glory of God.
(1 Corinthians 10:31)
C. In whatever we do, even when we eat or drink, we
are to bring glory to God. We are also to be like a
mirror: to reflect God’s glory for others to see.
Others will know that God is love through what they
see in us.
D. Dear Jesus, I want to bring glory unto you with my
life. I want others to see through me that You are a
great God and You are Love.
E. Copy verse of the week
F. What were you thinking and doing when you were
eating and drinking yesterday or today? Were they
glorifying God? Ask your parents what they were
thinking when they had their meals. Share with them
the verse you learned today.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
A. Bug Byte: In 1999, NASA sent ladybugs and aphids
up in the space shuttle to test their movements in
zero gravity. Lucky bugs!
B. Bible Byte: The Lord shares His plans with those
who have respect for Him. (Psalm 25:14a)
C. That’s right! God shares His plans with those who
respect Him, and that is called FRIENDSHIP. God
wants to have friendship with you! What kind of
things that you can do with God when you have
friendship with Him?
D. Dear Jesus, I feel special that you want to be my
friend. I look forward to doing a lot of stuffs with
You and for You.
E. Copy verse of the week
F. What can you do to remind yourself to always think
about God and talk to Him more often throughout
the day? How about tying a string to your finger?
Just kidding  Discuss your ideas with your parents.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
A. Bug Byte: A ladybug in flight beats its wings up to
85 times per second. Try flapping your arms as fast
as you can. Can you beat the ladybugs’ record?
B. Bible Byte: Come near to God, and he will come near
to you. (James 4:8a)
C. God just simply loves you. He does not expect you to
be perfect. He just wants you to come nearer and
closer to Him. The more you become God’s friend,
the more you will care about the things He cares for
D. Dear Jesus, please help me come nearer and closer
to you. I want to be Your very close friend.
E. Copy verse of the week
F. You make choices everyday: to do and to say. What
choices can you make now that will help you grow
nearer and closer to God? Ask your parents of their
choices that make them grow nearer and closer to
Monday, April 23, 2012
A. Bug Byte: In many places, ladybugs are considered
good luck, but most people like them because they
are pretty. Do you know that they are also very
B. Bible Byte: The Lord takes pleasure in those who
have respect for him. (Psalm 147:11a)
C. Do you respect God? To respect God means to
worship God. God takes pleasure with those who
worship Him. Anything that you do that brings
pleasure to God is part of worship. We also worship
God through our actions. Singing, praying, and making
right choices are all acts of worship!
D. Dear Jesus, please help me to remember that
everything I do should be my worship unto You.
E. Copy verse of the week
F. Talk to your parents about worshiping God together
as a family at home. How about singing one song,
read a passage from the Bible, and pray for each
Saturday, April 28, 2012
A. Bug Byte: Can you guess what this is?
It’s a ladybug larva! I wonder why God started a
ladybug with this look. Hhmm…
B. Bible Byte: I will never leave you; I will never
abandon you. (Hebrews 13:5)
C. God is a one true friend. He is real no matter how
you feel. He will stay with you forever through thick
and thin! And that’s truer than true 
D. Dear Jesus, thank You that You will never leave me.
I know I can trust You.
E. Copy verse of the week
F. You always have to remember that God will never
change His love for you. When you feel like God is
far away from you, think of His promise: “I will
never leave you; I will never abandon you”. Ask your
parents for times that they felt far away from God.
What did they do to stay focus?
Week 2
April 22 -28, 2012
“You were planned for God’s pleasure”
*Verse of the week*
Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your mind
and with all your strength.
Mark 12:30