Professional Resume

Aaron Arvey
Motivated student with
research experience in
computer science and
mathematics. Excellent
work ethic, seeking
challenging research position.
Department of Computer Science
University of California at San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
Mail Code 0404
La Jolla, CA 92093
Toyon Research – Mark Meloon
Phone: (858) 534-5617
Santa Barbara, CA
Summer 2005
Research Intern – Algorithm Development
Researched methods for inference in temporal domains and implemented (C++) the Boyen-Koller
algorithm to perform approximate online inference for hierarchical dynamic Bayesian networks.
Implemented system integration using dynamic Bayesian networks to infer intent of a group. This is also
known as level 2 fusion within the context of the Joint Directorate Laboratories (JDL).
Reed Inst. & MARC Math – Janet Myhre
Claremont, CA
Senior Research Fellow & Consultant – Computational Statistics
Performed research into numerical methods for statistical computing, specifically Bayesian data
adjustment, and contractive map methods.
Implemented numerical algorithm for Lockheed Martin and the Navy which computes statistical lower
bounds of reliability on complex (e.g. non-series) systems, such as missiles.
Sandia National Labs – Steve Hurd
Livermore, CA
Summer 2004
Research Intern
Researched methods for unsupervised machine learning – specifically statistical clustering algorithms for
outlier detection.
Performed red team exercise to enhance security practices.
Programmed IXA2400 network card for accelerated specialized processing of network packets. This
ability was then used to perform outlier detection.
SOS Mellon Grant – Janice Marino
Claremont, CA
Fall 2002-Present
Database and Web Programmer
Configured Linux server, installed database operations, and migrated data from old infrastructure.
Created MySQL databases and PHP-driven web user-interfaces relating to job monitoring, productivity,
workshop registration, inventory, and finances.
Worked with another programmer under a manager as a team to design the databases and front ends.
University of California – Yoav Freund
Assistantships Machine Learning
San Diego, CA
Developed new boosting algorithm based on non-convex loss.
Implemented the new boosting algorithm and created a SourceForge open source repository.
Performed several applications of new boosting algorithm.
Keck Graduate Institute – Alpan Raval
Claremont, CA
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Extended results of previous study to include higher order Markov assumptions for the Jensen Shannon
divergence method.
Implemented Monte Carlo simulation across a commodity cluster of computers to determine significance
of coding signal in DNA based on higher order Jensen Shannon divergence.
Implemented recursive segmentation algorithms to detect coding vs. non-coding regions in DNA.
Reed Institute – Janet Myhre
Claremont, CA
Senior Research Fellow - Statistical Algorithm Development
Performed statistical analysis of reliability data using multiple measures such as fault trees, approximation
methods using empirical Bayesian data adjustment, and classical frequentist methods.
Assisted in designing efficient numerical algorithms for analyzing Trident II missile reliability lower
confidence bounds.
Mathematics Dept – Asuman Aksoy
Claremont, CA
Problem and Solution Editor
Professor Aksoy is writing a book for undergraduates taking an introductory analysis class. I am helping
develop the problem and solution portions.
Responsibilities include first-round editing and typesetting the book using LaTeX.
Harvey Mudd College – Belinda Thom
Claremont, CA
Spring 2005
Machine Learning
Helped teach an upper division course in Machine Learning.
Assisted in lecture ideas, designed homework describing algorithms and implementations.
Presented lectures on information theory and its applications in machine learning.
Claremont McKenna College - Greg Stein
Claremont, CA
“Grutor” for Discrete Math
Graded homework and tutored students
Assisted in determining questions for exams and homework problems.
Self Supervised
Seattle, WA
Teacher of Computer Skills in Spanish
Created a course intended to teach basic computer skills.
Taught a diverse group from South and Central America in colloquial Spanish.
Communicated on different levels to accommodate different learning speeds and styles.
University of California
San Diego, CA
Graduating 2006
PhD in Computer Science
Publishing work in bioinformatics and boosting.
Claremont McKenna College
Claremont, CA
Graduated 2006
BA Degree in Computer Science and BA Degree in Mathematics
Research interests include computational biology, probabilistic inference, and general machine learning.
Double major in mathematics at Claremont McKenna and computer science at Harvey Mudd.
North Seattle Community College
Seattle, WA
Graduated 2002
Associate of Arts Degree
Vice President of the Associated Student Body
NSF Honorable Mention
Research grant and fellowship from Reed Institute for Decision Science to research computational
methods in reliability theory. Presenting results to Lockheed Martin.
Awarded the Janet Myhre Merit Scholarship for excellence in applied statistics
Travel grants from Claremont McKenna College
Full papers:
Ron Alterovitz, Sriram Sankararaman, Aaron Arvey, Yoav Freund, and Kimmen
Sjolander. Predicting Catalytic Residues Using Protein Sequence and Structure Features.
Journal submission in progress.
Aaron Arvey, Alpan Raval, Rajeev Azad, and Jeffrey Lawrence. Generalized JensenShannon divergence measure for sequence analysis. Submitted to The Journal of
Theoretical Biology.
Aaron Arvey and Eric Aaron. Online Markov Decision Processes For Learning
Movement. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Games:
Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Simulation, pg 48-53, 2005.
Technical Reports
Mike Reine, Aaron.Arvey, Janet Myhre. DFR Lower Confidence Bounds for LE Subpopulations.
Submitted to Lockheed Martin. November 2005.
Aaron Arvey. Hierarchical Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Level 3 Fusion. Submitted to Toyon
Research Corporation. September 2005.
Aaron Arvey, Cal Pierog, Ed Kim, Evan Parry, Elizabeth Sweedyk, and Dan Kegel. Differential
Code Coverage in the Context of the Wine Project. Submitted to Google and Computer
Science Department of Harvey Mudd College. May 2005.
Posters (Abstracts):
Aaron Arvey. Markovian Change Point Analysis to Detect Coding Regions in DNA. Joint MAA
and AMS Meeting Undergraduate Research Poster Session. San Antonio, Texas. Janurary
2006. (Excellent Poster Award)
Aaron Arvey. Empirical Bayesian Data Adjustment and Subpopulations. Southern California
Meeting of the American Statistics Association. November 2005. (Best Undergraduate Poster)
Aaron Arvey and David Nichols. Asymptotically Periodic Solutions of Linear ODE’s. Joint MAA
and AMS Meeting Undergraduate Research Poster Session. Phoenix, Arizona. Janurary 2004.
(Excellent Poster Award). Also presented extensions at other poster sessions.Posters
Fluent in C, C++, PHP, Python, Java, and
Able to learn new languages and concepts
extremely quickly
Comfortable with Perl, SML, Bash, Visual
Studio IDE, and low level techniques in
assembly (x86/mips)
Able to contribute and create open source projects.
Excellent communication
Entrepreneurship and initiative
Customer service
Ability to adapt and adjust to situational needs
Quick and independent learning
Integrate mathematics and computer science