Trash 3 - Terre Hill Borough

Table of Contents
Note to Residents ..................................... 1
Introduction ............................................... 2
Trash ........................................................ 3
Recycling .................................................. 4
Yard Waste ............................................... 5
Large Appliances, Tires ............................ 6
Construction/Demolition Waste ................. 6
Household Batteries.................................. 6
Household Hazardous Waste ................... 7
Computer Recycling Program ................... 8
Mercury Thermometer Program ................ 8
In-Home Medical Waste ............................ 9
Auto and Utility Vehicle Batteries .............. 9
Cell Phones ............................................ 10
Fluorescent Bulbs ................................... 10
Propane Tanks ....................................... 10
Asbestos ................................................. 10
Recycling of Miscellaneous Materials ..... 11
Textile Recycling ..................................... 12
Contact Information................................. 13
Updated April 2005
Note to Residents
This brochure outlines the Terre Hill Borough’s Trash Collection and Recycling Program. Please
review the information contained within and retain for future reference.
The Borough strives to provide residents with a comprehensive and quality trash collection program
while keeping costs low. Special features include our biannual Clean Up Days and our Yard Waste
Recycling Center located at the Borough Garage on Willow Street.
Lancaster County has an Integrated Waste Disposal System. The Lancaster County Solid Waste
Management Authority, referred to as LCSWMA or the Authority, manages a system which employs
multiple methods of trash disposal and processing such as recycling programs which includes a
Household Hazardous Waste facility; incineration of the County’s municipal waste in a Resource
Recovery Facility (which creates electricity) and disposal of waste; that cannot be incinerated, in a
One key to success of this Integrated Waste Disposal System is managing certain materials called
“Special Wastes”, in ways that will not harm disposal facilities or the environment. LCSWMA needs
the help of all county residents to continue proper disposal of “Special Wastes”. If everyone
understands what special wastes are and how they should be handled then we can all do our part to
help protect the county’s integrated system and the environment.
Please pay special attention to the Recycling section on page 4, which outlines what materials are
acceptable recyclable materials. It is important that only recyclable items be placed in the recycle
Effective January 1, 2005, Trash and Recycling Collection Fees are $45.00 per quarter per unit.
If you have any questions, call the Borough Office at 445-4581. Office Hours are Monday - Friday,
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, we are closed for lunch from 12:00-1:00.
The trash collection and recycling program includes a number of services under one contract with the
Borough’s trash hauler, Waste Management of Pennsylvania, Inc.
The collection day for both trash and recycling for all of Terre Hill Borough will be Thursday.
On regular collection days, trash and recyclables must be on the curb by 5 AM. Trash bag(s),
container(s) and your recycling bin must be placed no more than 5 feet from the curb and should be
clearly visible to the collector. No alley or back door service will be provided, except by prior
arrangement with the hauler for individuals with physical handicaps. Trash may not be placed on the
curb earlier than the evening before collection day.
It is important that you place your trash on the curb prior to the trash truck coming into town. Due to
safety concerns and insurance company requirements, trash collectors are not permitted to cross the
street. Therefore, if you place your trash on the curb after they have collected your side of the street,
your trash will NOT be picked up.
The following holidays will affect the day the hauler collects the trash within the Borough: New Year’s
Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. If one of these
holidays falls on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, our collection day will be delayed until
Extra trash containers and oversized refuse items MUST be marked with Extra Service Tags. Extra
Service Tags can be purchased at the Borough Office. Bags, containers and other items not clearly
tagged when appropriate will not be collected.
Contact the Borough Office, 300 Broad Street, (717) 445-4581, if your trash and/or recycling
collection is missed or if you have any questions about the program.
You are allowed three (3) 32-gallon trash bags or containers each week under the basic fee for
collection. Do not overstuff trash bags or cans; they may not weigh more than 30 pounds. Due to safety
concerns and insurance company requirements, trash collectors are not permitted to pick up heavy cans.
Each container exceeding the weekly limit of three must be marked with a yellow extra service tag.
Service tags can be purchased at the Borough Office. The hauler will not pick up trash in excess of the 3bag limit without an Extra Service Tag.
Brush and tree limbs may be disposed of as regular trash items. Bundles are included in your weekly
three-bag limit. For example, you may put out (2) containers of trash and one bundle of limbs without
using an Extra Service Tag. Those materials must be tied in bundles no longer than four (4) feet and no
heavier than (30) thirty pounds. Yard waste generated between April 1 and October 15 may be put out
with your trash.
Although the hauler accepts brush and tree limbs, please help protect the environment by keeping yard
waste materials out of the waste stream. The Borough strongly encourages you to take your brush and
tree limbs to the Yard Waste Recycling Facility located at the Borough Garage to be recycled. Please see
the see the section entitled “Yard Waste” on Page 5.
Oversized items, defined as those that weigh more than (50) fifty pounds and cannot fit in a 32-gallon
container, will be collected each week during regular trash collections. Such items must be marked with
three (3) Extra Service Tags securely fastened to the item and clearly visible to the hauler. No more than
two (2) oversized items will be picked up at any one residence each week.
Large appliances and tires are not considered oversized items and may not be left for
collection on a weekly basis. Please see page 6 for information regarding “Large
Appliances, Tire”.
Keep our town beautiful by putting trash in its place!
Recyclable materials are collected each week on the same day that trash is collected. You are
encouraged to place your recycling bin at the curb only when it is full. Recycling trucks will make
fewer stops and collection will be faster.
This is a Commingled Recycling Program; cans, glass and plastics may be stored together in your
recycling bin. RECYCLING IS MANDATORY. You are required by Terre Hill Borough Ordinance to
separate those materials for special collection as described below. No recyclable materials are
allowed in refuse containers.
Recycle Bins are provided by the Borough and are available at the Borough Office. Bring broken bins
to the office for exchange.
What goes into my recycling bin?
Glass food and beverage containers should be rinsed and the lids removed and thrown in the
trash. It is not necessary to remove labels. Items such as light bulbs; window and auto glass;
drinking glasses and cookware are NOT recyclable.
Aluminum and all other food and beverage cans that are made of steel, tin or a combination of
metals are recyclable. All cans should be rinsed and lids removed and discarded. Do not crush
cans. Aluminum products such as foil and pie plates are NOT recyclable. Aerosol cans are NOT
Plastic bottles identified as PETE (1) and HDPE (2) should be rinsed and the caps discarded.
Bottles may be crushed to save space. Only plastic containers with a ‘neck’ are recyclable in this
program. Stamped plastic such as plastic tubs, cups or other plastic items are not recyclable and
should NOT be placed in the recycling bin. Please check the number located in the recycling symbol
on the product, only plastics marked 1 or 2 are recyclable.
Newspapers should be put into paper grocery bags or tied into bundles with string or twine. Please
do not use plastic grocery bags. Place newspapers on top of or next to your recycling bin when
put on the curb for collection. Catalogs and Telephone books will NOT be accepted. On rainy
days, please refrain from putting newspapers out for collection. Wet paper is more difficult to recycle.
Save it until the next weekly pickup.
Cardboard and Styrofoam are considered regular trash and not recyclable under the Borough’s Trash
and Recycling Program.
Yard Waste – Leaves, Brush and Clippings
We encourage you to utilize the Yard Waste Recycling Center for the “natural” disposal of Yard
Waste. Leaves, grass, garden residue and sod are considered yard waste. Yard Waste may be
delivered to the Yard Waste Recycling Center located behind the Borough Garage free of charge.
Woody materials, such as shrubbery pruning and tree branches, are also accepted free of charge
throughout the year. These materials will be chipped at the Yard Waste Recycling Facility then
further processed into mulch by local mulch companies.
Please Empty Yard Waste From Bags And Containers. Plastic bags should be emptied and
discarded in the trash. Plastic bags and containers contaminate the recycling process of yard waste.
Do not throw trash or other debris in the yard waste pile. Dumping anything other than yard waste is
strictly prohibited.
Grass clippings: It is not necessary to remove grass clippings from lawns. Grass clippings filter down
into the soil where they reduce water evaporation and encourage growth by keeping the soil
temperature cooler. As they decompose, the grass clippings act as a natural fertilizer. Also, grass
clippings do not create thatch, the overgrowth of the root and stem caused by over watering and over
fertilization. Leaving your grass clippings on the lawn will also save you a trip to the Borough Garage.
Helpful hints for good lawn care: Cut grass often enough so that the
clippings do not clump together on top of the lawn. Ideal lawn height is
about 3 inches; the general rule is to remove no more than 1/3 of the
grass blade when you cut. Invest in a mulching mower or blade, which
chops up clippings.
The Borough provides this service to residents free of charge. It is very
important that Yard Waste ONLY be disposed of at the Yard Waste
Recycling Center. Disposal of Trash or debris at the facility may result
in future fees. Please report anyone dumping anything other than yard
waste to the Borough Office at (717) 445-4581.
Large Appliances, Tires
Large appliances (white goods) - clothes washers and dryers, dishwashers,
refrigerators, freezers, stoves, hot water heaters, air conditioners, dehumidifiers,
furnaces, etc. – and tires will be collected each year by the Borough on special
collection days. These special collection days are typically the first Saturday in May and
the first Saturday in November. Scheduled Clean-Up Days are subject to change as
necessary. Residents will be notified of Clean-Up dates in the quarterly newsletter.
All white goods and tires put out for collection must be paid at the Borough Office prior
to Clean-Up Day. If fees are not paid, items will not be collected. The cost for removal
of appliances is $15.00 per appliance. The cost for tire disposal is $2.00 per tire for
regular tires, $5.00 per tire for large tires. These fees are non-refundable and subject to
change as necessary to cover cost of disposal.
White goods containing CFC gasses will be delivered to a facility where these gasses are recovered and
recycled. Gas lines should not be broken or damaged.
Throughout the year, Large Appliance (white goods) may be taken to LCSWMA Transfer Station or
Ephrata Recycling for disposal. These entities also access a fee for disposal.
Construction/Demolition Waste
You may include one 32-gallon, 30-pound container of waste from construction or demolition activities at
your home in your regular trash per week. If you have more than one container, or the waste will not fit
into a 32-gallon bag or can, you can deliver those materials to the Authority’s transfer station, 1299
Harrisburg Pike. Call the Authority for further information.
Household Batteries
Household batteries – the kind used in toys, radios, watches, hearing aids, etc.
may be harmful to disposal facilities and should not be thrown away in your
trash. The Borough provides orange plastic bags for battery collection. Place all
household batteries in the collection bag, when the bag is full, put it NEXT to
your trash container(s). The Borough’s trash hauler will collect the bag during
regular trash pickup.
Special Wastes
Several wastes in addition to those already mentioned in this packet must be handled separately from
regular trash.
Household Hazardous Waste
Many materials used in the home, garage and garden are considered household hazardous waste
and unused portions of these wastes must not be thrown in your trash. They can cause serious
safety and health problems in transportation or disposal facilities.
Household hazardous wastes that should not be thrown in your trash are:
 Computers
 Cell Phones
 Auto products (antifreeze, transmission and brake fluids, batteries, used oil)
 Fire Extinguishers
 Cleansers (oven cleaners, toilet cleaners, disinfectants, drain cleaners, rug and upholstery
cleaners, bleach, ammonia-based cleaners, abrasive cleaners and powders)
 Floor and furniture polish
 Gasoline, kerosene
 Household batteries
 Old chemistry sets
 Paints and paint-related products (stains, turpentine, thinner, rust inhibitors)
 Pesticides, herbicides, insecticides
 Adhesives
 Photographic chemicals
 Pool chemicals
 Mercury containing devices (thermometers, thermostats, fluorescent bulbs)
 Other materials – call the Authority at 397-9968 or visit
Computer Recycling Program
Computers and associated items such as monitors, printers and keyboards
will be accepted for recycling at the Lancaster County Solid Waste
Management Authority’s Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Facility.
Lancaster County residents can take their computers to the HHW Facility free
of charge. Each computer monitor can contain 5-7 lbs of lead and other
metals that are better recycled than put in the landfill.
Mercury Thermometer Exchange Program
In an effort to safely remove toxic mercury from the home and to properly recycle this
material, the Authority has established a thermometer exchange program for County
residents. Lancaster County residents may take mercury-containing items to the
Household Hazardous Waste Facility and drop them off free of charge.
Each participating household that brings in an item which contains mercury, such as
thermometers, old thermostats, fluorescent bulbs, button batteries, old chemistry sets, etc., will
receive one digital thermometer free of charge. Mercury is a toxic gray liquid metal. Old-fashioned
thermometers contain between one-half and one gram of mercury which is enough mercury to
contaminate a 20 acre lake.
In the case of glass thermometers, it is recommended that residents wrap them in an old towel or
similar item to ensure they do not break in transit. Items containing mercury are picked up at the
HHW by a company licensed to haul hazardous materials and are taken where the mercury will be
removed and recycled.
*Please see page 13 for Household Hazardous Waste Facility address, directions and hours of
In-Home Medical Waste
Medical wastes generated in the home may be infectious. When thrown in the
trash, they pose a risk at curbside where bags are accessible before pickup.
They may also put at risk waste haulers and waste facility operators who must
handle the materials and be potentially harmful to the facilities themselves.
Potentially hazardous items are: sharp objects (needles, syringes and lancets),
soiled bandages, disposal sheets, medical gloves, etc.
If you have a substantial quantity of medical waste to dispose of, the safest
disposal option may be to hire one of the several companies that collect such materials in Lancaster
County. You may want to take advantage of The Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority’s
program for handling medical waste. The Authority will provide homeowners with red medical buckets
(free of charge) that should be used for the safe disposal of medical wastes. When the bucket is full and
ready for disposal simply return them to the Household Hazardous Waste Facility free of charge.
For the safe management of “sharps”, the Authority will provide residents with a complimentary ‘Safe
Clip’, a device that clips the needle off and automatically and safely stores it in an attached receptacle.
The Safe Clip holds up to 1,000 needles and can be mailed to you or picked up at the main office of the
Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Facility located at 1299 Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster. Once
the Safe Clip is full, it should be returned to the Household Hazardous Waste Facility when ready for
Auto and Utility Vehicle Batteries
These batteries cannot be thrown away with your regular trash. They contain several
toxic chemicals. Take these batteries to the Household Hazardous Waste Facility or try
to trade in your old battery when you buy a new one.
Cell Phones
The Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority has expanded its electronic
recycling program. The Authority now accepts cell phones at its Household Hazardous
Waste Facility which can be dropped off free of charge. The cell phones the Authority
collects will be sent to a company that refurbishes a large percentage of the cell phones they
receive for reuse; a portion of their proceeds often goes to a charity. The cell phones that can’t be
salvaged for reuse are then sent to recycling companies.
Fluorescent Bulbs
The Authority accepts fluorescent lamps and ballast for recycling to remove mercury from the
county’s waste stream and from the Resource Recovery Facility. The Facility will accept bulbs from
Lancaster County residents and businesses free of charge that generate less than 30 bulbs per
month. The following lamps and ballasts will be accepted: standard 4’ and 8’ fluorescent bulbs,
circular, U-tube, and compact fluorescents, high-intensity discharge lamps and PCB ballasts. The
spent lamps will be sent to a lamp recycling company for further processing. This type of bulb
contains mercury which the Authority wants to remove from the waste stream. Bulbs also contain
phosphor powder, aluminum and glass which can all be recycled.
Propane Tanks
Propane Tanks are accepted at the Transfer Station located at 1299 Harrisburg
Pike. They must be separate from other trash.
Friable asbestos (the kind that crumbles) must be wetted, double-bagged and delivered to the Frey
Farm Landfill. The rigid kind, found in flooring, siding and roofing materials, can be treated as
construction/demolition material.
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Recycling of Miscellaneous Materials:
Materials such as telephone directories, magazines, cardboard, steel drums, power tools, VCR’s, stereos
CAN be recycled – you just have to know where to go! For information on how to recycle these materials
(and MANY more) go to and check out the recycling page! If you do not have Internet
access contact the Authority at (717) 397-9988.
LCSWMA’s HHW Facility and Recycling
The Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority’s Household Hazardous Waste Facility is a
permanent collection facility and is the only of its kind in Pennsylvania. Residents can take materials as
outlined in this brochure to the HHW facility free of charge.
The more items that we recycle the less trash there is in the waste stream, and the better we can protect
the environment from harmful contaminants.
This chart shows the distribution of municipal waste in 2004.
Thank you for doing your part to keep America clean!
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Textile Recycling
National studies have determined that up to 5% of the residential solid waste stream is comprised of
textiles. In a typical Lancaster County household, up to 100 pounds can be generated annually.
Despite the role of charitable organizations, businesses and personal efforts, a significant volume of
textiles is not recovered for reuse or recycling. On the demand side, increasing world populations
require constant supply of textiles. Please keep textiles out of the waste stream by recycling.
Textile recovery reduces the amount of waste which must be disposed while reclaiming valuable
The following textiles can be collected for reuse: Clothing and Outerwear; Clothing Accessories
(gloves, hats, ties, scarves, shoes, belts, purses, etc); Linens/Bedding (sheets, blankets, pillow cases,
towels, tablecloths, cloth napkins).
Preparation requirements for textiles: Textiles must be clean reusable and dry (free of moisture and
mildew); Clothing must be in wearable condition (no tears, missing zippers, buttons, etc.); Shoes
must be tied in pairs; Textiles should be placed in plastic trash bags and secured.
The following items are not acceptable: dirty diapers, oily rags, pillows, stuffed toys, rugs, carpet
remnants, sleeping bags, mattresses, cosmetics, and hangers.
Charitable Organizations in our area accepting donations of Textiles:
Goodwill Industries, Rt 625 & Weaverland Road, East Earl, PA
(717) 445-6016
Re-Uzit Shop, 148 East Main Street, New Holland, PA
(717) 354-8355
Mennonite Central Committee, 21 South 12th Street, Akron, PA
(717) 859-3889
Salvation Army, 1244 Manheim Pike, Lancaster, PA
(717) 290-1605
Water Street Rescue Mission, 210 South Prince Street, Lancaster, PA
(717) 393-7709
These charitable organizations accept other clean, reusable items. Please contact the organization
of your choice to determine what items are needed.
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Contact Information
Terre Hill Borough Office
300 Broad Street, PO Box 250
Terre Hill, PA 17581-0250
(717) 445-4581
Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority (LCSWMA)
1299 Harrisburg Pike, PO Box 4425
Lancaster, Pa 17604
(717) 397-9968
LCSWMA Facilities Hours of Operation:
Transfer Station (1299 Harrisburg Pike)
Monday – Friday: 6:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Household Hazardous Waste Facility (1299 Harrisburg Pike)
Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
2nd & 4th Saturday of each month: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Directions: Route 30 to the Park City (Harrisburg Pike) Exit; Take Harrisburg Pike toward Lancaster City;
Facility is located at LARA Drive; Turn left at the traffic signal and proceed straight to the Scale house. For the
Household Hazardous Waste Facility turn left at the traffic station and make an immediate left into the parking
lot; follow the signs for the HHW.
Frey Farm Landfill (Manor Township)
Monday – Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Saturday: 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Directions: Route 30 to the Columbia Exit (Rt. 441); Route 441 South; 7 miles to the Turkey Hill Dairy; Right
on the first road after Turkey Hill Dairy; Landfill entrance is located 1/4 mile on the right.
Resource Recovery Facility (Route 441, Bainbridge)
Monday – Friday: 6:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Saturday: 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Directions: Route 30 to the Columbia (Rt. 441) Exit, Route 441 North; Facility is approximately 7 miles on the
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