沈雅敬 國 立 中 山 大 學 海 洋 資 源 系 Ya-Ching Shen, Department of Marine Resources, National Sun Yat-sen University Kaohsiung, Taiwan Tel: 7-5252000 轉 5058 Refered papers (2004; SCI *, Fax: 7-5255020 Corresponding Author #) *# 1) Ya-Ching Shen, Chung-Ling Lin, Shih-Chao Chien, Ashraf Taha Khalil, Chin-Lien Ko and Chih-Hsin Wang, 2004, "New Vibsane Diterpenoids from Viburnum odoratissimum", J. Nat. Prod., 67, 74-77. *# 2) Ya-Ching Shen, Li-Tang Wang and Ching-Yu Chen, 2004, "Chemical Transformation of Inocalophyllins, Preparation of Novel Pyranocoumarines Inocalocyclides", Tetrahedron Lett., 45, 187-189. *# 3) Ya-Ching Shen, Chih-Hsin Wang, Yuan-Bin Cheng, Li-Tung Wang, Jih-Hwa Guh, Ching-Te Chien, and Ashraf Taha Khalil, 2004,"New Cytotoxic Clerodane Diterpenoids from the Leaves and Twigs of Casearia membranacea", J. Nat. Prod., 67 (3), 316-321. *# 4) Ya-Ching Shen, Li-Tung Wang, Ashraf Taha Khalil, and Yao-Haur Kuo , 2004, "Chromanones and Dihydrocoumarins from Calophyllum blancoi", Chem. Pharm. Bull., 52 (4), 402-405. *# 5) Ya-Ching Shen, Li-Tung Wang, Chih-Hsin Wang, Ashraf Taha Khalil, and Jih-Hwa Guh, 2004,"Two New Cytotoxic Clerodane Diterpenoids from Casearia membranacea",Chem. Pharm. Bull., 52 (1), 108-110. *# 6) Hung-Chuan Cheng, Li-Tang Wang, Ashraf Taha Khalil, Yao-To Chang, Yu-Chi Lin and Ya-Ching Shen, 2004, "Pyranoxanthones from Calophyllum inophyllum", J. Chin. Chem. Soc. 51, 431-435. *# 7) Ya-Ching Shen, Chung-Ling Lin, Shih-Chao Chien, Ashraf Taha Khalil, Chin-Lien Ko and Chih-Hsin Wang, 2004, "New VibsaneDiterpenoids from Viburnum odoratissimum ", J. Nat. Prod., 67 (1), 74-79. *# 8) Ya-Ching Shen, Chaturvedula V. Sai Prakash and Jih Hwa Guh, 2004," New Pentacyclic Polyketide Dimeric Peroxides from A Taiwanese Marine Sponge Petrosia elastica ", Tetrahedron Lett., 45, 2463-2466. *# 9) Ya-Ching Shen, Yuan-Bin Cheng, Yu-Chi Lin, Jih-Hwa Guh, Che-Ming Teng, 2004, " New Prostanoids with Cytotoxic Activity from Taiwanese Octocoral Clavularia viridis" J. Nat. Prod., 67 (4), 542-546. *# 10) Ya-Ching Shen, Yuan-Bin Cheng, A. T. Khalil, Meng-Hsien Chen and Yu-Chi Lin, 2004,”Clavulazols A and B, Two New Pyrazine Derivatives from Clavularia viridis”, J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 51, 1421-1424. *#11) Ya-Ching Shen, Chin-Lien Ko, Yuan-bin Cheng, Michael Y. Chiang and Ashraf Taha Khalil , 2004, New Regio- and Stereoselective O-Deacetylated and Epoxy Products of Taxanes Isolated from Taxus mairei”, J. Nat. Prod., 67, 2136-2140. A. REFERRED PAPER C.H. Chen and Y. C. Shen, (1980), “New Germacradienolides from Eupatoprium formosanum.” FAPA Proceeding, pp.178-184. Y.C. Shen and C.H. Chen, (1986), “Allaneroside and Bioactive Irodoid Glycosides from Allamanda neriifolia.” J. Taiwan Pharm. Assoc., 38(4):203-213. Y.C. Shen and C.H. Chen, (1989), “Novel Secoiridoid Lactones from Jasminum multiflorum.” J. Nat. Prod., 52(5):1060-1070.(SCI) Y.C. Shen, C.Y. Lin and C.H. Chen, (1990), "Secoiridoid Glycosides from Jasminum Multiflorum." Phytochemistry, 29 (9):2905-2912.(SCI) H.Y. Chen, Y.C. Shen and C.H. Chen, (1991), "Jasmultiside, a New Secoiridoid Glucoside from Jasminum multiflorum." J. Nat. Prod., 54(4):1087-1091.(SCI) Anne A. Grippo, Irin H. Hall, Hiroshi Kiyokawa, Y.C. Shen and K.H. Lee, (1992), "The Cytotoxicity of Helenalin, Its Mono and Difunctional Ester, and Related Sesquiterpene Lactones in Murine and Human Tumor Cells," Drug Design and Discovery, 8:191-206. Y.L. Zhang, Y.C. Shen, Z.O. Wang, H.X. Chen, X. Guo,Y.C. Cheng and K.H. Lee, (1992), "Antitumor Agents, 130. Novel 4β-Arylamino Derivatives of 3',4'-Dioxo-4-Deoxypodophyllotoxin as Potent Inhibitors of Human DNA Topoisomerase Ⅱ." J. Nat. Prod., 55(8):1100-1111.(SCI) Y.C. Shen and C.H. Chen, (1993), "New Secoiridoid Dilactones from Fraxinus uhdei." J. Nat. Pord., 56(11):1905-1911.(SCI) Y.C. Shen, Peter I. Tsai, William Fenical and Mark E. Hay, (1993), "Secondary Metabolite Chemistry of The Caribbean Alga Sporochnus Bolleanus: A Basis for Herbivore Chemical Defense," Phytochem., 32(1):71-75.(SCI) Z.Q. Wang, Y.C. Shen, H.X. Chen, J.Y. Chang, X. Guo, Y.C. Cheng and K.H. Lee, (1993), "Antitumor Agents 126. Novel 4β-Substituted Anilino Derivatives of 3',4'-O,O-Didemethylpodophyllotoxin as Potent Inhibitors of Human DNA Topoisomerase Ⅱ," Pharmaceut. Res., 10(3):343-350.(SCI) Y.C. Shen and C.H. Chen, (1993), "Enzymatic Transformation of 10-Hydroxyoleside Type Secoiridoid Glucosides to Jasmolactones," Tetrahedron Letters, 34(12):1949-1950.(SCI) Y.C. Shen, C.H. Chen and K.H. Lee, (1993), "Secoiridoid Dilactones from Fraxinus uhdei." Phytochem., l33(6):1531-1533.(SCI) C.H. Chen, L.M. Yang, T.Y. Thomas, Y.C. Shen, D.C. Zhang, D.J. Pan, A.T. Mcphail, D.R. Mcphail, S.Y. Liu, D.H. Li, Y.C. Cheng and K.H. Lee, (1994), "Antitumor Agents 151. Bis (helenalinyl)-glutarate and Bis (isoalantodiol-B) glutarate, Potent Inhibitors of Human DNA Topoisomerase Ⅱ," Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2(2):137-145. Y.C. Shen and C.H. Chen, (1994), "Multiflorin, A New Secoiridoid Lactone from Jasminum Multiflorum," J. Chinese Chemical Society, 41:473-476. (SCI) Y.C. Shen and C.H. Chen, (1994), "Alkaloids from Lycopodium Casurinoides." J. Nat. Prod., 57(6):824-826.(SCI) Y.C. Shen and C.Y. Chen, (1995), "Additional Secoiridoid Glucosides from Fraxinus uhdei." Planta Medica, 61:281-283.(SCI) Y.C. Shen, C.Y. Duh, H.R. Tai, S.L. Lin and T.H. Huang, (1995), “Isolation and Characterization of Antitumor Substances from Formosan Marine Sponges.”Proceedings of the International Symposium on Biote, J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan, 22(4):365-374. C.H. Chen, S.W. Yang and Y.C. Shen, (1995), “New Steroidal Acids from Antrodia cinnamomea-A Fungus Parasite of Cinnamomum micranthum.” J. Nat. Prod., 58(11):1655-1661.(SCI) Y.C. Shen, H.R. Tai and C.Y. Chen, (1996), “New Taxane Diterpenoids from the Roots of Taxus Marie.” J. Nat. Prod., 59(2):173-176.(SCI) Y.C. Shen, H.R. Tai and C.Y. Duh, (1996), “Bioactive Conaituents from Haliclona sp., A Formosan Marine Sponge.” Chin. J. Pharm., 48(1):1-10. Y.C. Shen, S.L. Lin, P.W. Hsieh and C.C. Chein, (1996), “Secoiridoid Glycosides from Jasminum polyanthum.” J. Chinese Chemical Society, 43(2):171-176.(SCI) Y.C. Shen, S.L. Lin and C.C. Chein, (1996), “Jaspolyside, a New Secoiridoid Glycoside from Jasminum Polyanthum.”, Phytochem., 42:1629-1631.(SCI) S.W. Yang, Y.C. Shen and C.H. chen, (1996), “Chemical Constituents of Antrodia cinnamomea-A Fungus Parasitic on Cinnamomum micranthum.” Phytochemistry., 41(5):1389-1392. (SCI) Y.C. Shen, H.R. Tai, P.W. Hsieh and C.Y. Chen, (1996), “Bioactive Taxanes from the Roots of Taxus mairei.” Chin. Pharm. J., 48(3):207-217. Y.C. Shen, S.W. Yang, C.S. Lin, C.H. Chen, Y.H. Kuo and C.F. Chen, (1996), “Zhankuic Acid F, A New Metabolite from A Formosan Fungus Antrodia cinnamomea.” Plant Medica., 63:86-88.(SCI) Y.C. Shen and S.L. Lin, (1996), “New Secoiridoid Glucosides from Jasminum lanceolarium.” Plant Medica, 62:515-518.(SCI) Y.C. Shen, S.L. Lin and C.C. Chein, (1997), “Tree New Secoiridoid Glucosides from Jasminum lanceolarium.” Phytochemistry., 44:891-895.(SCI) Y.C. Shen, and P.W. Hsieh, (1997), “New Sesquiterpene Hydroauinones from a Taiwanese Marine Sponge Polyfibrospongia australis.” J. Nat. Prod., 60:93-97.(SCI)*** Y.C. Shen and C.Y. Chen, (1997), “New Taxanes from the Roots of Taxus mairei .” Phytochemistry., 44(8):1527-1533.(SCI) Y.C. Shen and P.W. Hsieh, (1997), “Four New Secoiridoid Glucosides from Jasminum urophyllum.” J. Nat. Prod., 60:453-457.(SCI)*** Y.C. Shen, C.Y. Chen, Y.M. Lin and Y.H. Kuo, (1997), “A Lignan from Roots of Taxus Mairei.” Phytochemistry., 46(6):111-1113.(SCI)*** Y.C. Shen and C.Y. Chen, (1997), “Taxane Diterpenes from Taxus mairei .” Planta Medica, 63:569-570.(SCI)*** Y.C. Shen and P.W. Hsieh, (1997), “Secoiridoid Glucosides from Jasminum urophyllum.” Phytochemistry., 46(7):1197-1201.(SCI)*** Y.C. Shen, C.C. Chein, P.W. Hsieh and C.Y. Duh, (1997), “Bioactive Constituents from Marine Sponge Aaptos.” J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan, 24(2):117-125.*** Y.C. Shen, C.Y. Chen, Y.J. Chen, Y.H. Kuo, C.T. Chien and Y.M. Lin, (1997), “Bioactive Lignans and Taxoids from The Roots of Formosan Taxus mairei.” Chin. Pharm. J., 49, 285-296. Y.C. Shen, Su-Wei Yang, Chan-Shing Lin, Chung-Hsiung Chen, Yao-Haur Kuo & Chieh-Fu Chen, (1997), “Zhankuic Acid F, A New Metabolite from A Formosan Fungus Antrodia cinnamomea.” Plant Medica, 63, 86-88. Y.C. Shen, P.W. Hsieh and Y.H. Kuo, (1998), “Neolignans Glucosides from Jasminum urophyllum.” Phytochemistry, 48, 719-723. Ya-Ching Shen, Ching-Yeu Chen & Yao-Haur Kuo, (1998), “A NEW Taxane Diterpenoid from Taxus mairei.” J. Nat Prod., 60, 93-97. Ya-Ching Shen & Pei-Wen Hsieh, (1999), “Sesquiterpene Ethers from a Taiwanese Marine Sponge Dysidea fragilis.” Chin. Pharm. J., 51(3), 213-218. Yin-Ju Chen, Ching-Yeu Chen and Ya-Ching Shen, (1999), “New Taxoids from the Seeds of Taxus chinenesis.” J. Nat Prod., 62 (1), 149-151. Ya-Ching Shen, Tain-Tsair Lin, Tsung-Ying Lu, Shu-Er Hung & Jyh-Horng Sheu, (1999), “Secoiridoids Glycosides from Jasminum amplexicaule.” J. Chinese Chemical Society,46 (2), 197-200. Jh-Horng Sheu, K.C. Chang, P.J. Sung, C. Y. Duh & Ya-Ching Shen, (1999), “Chemical Constituents of a Formosan Soft Coral Sinularia sp.” J. Chinese Chemical Society, 46 (2), 253-257. Ya-Ching Shen, Chin-Yeu Chen & Chang-Yih Duh, (1999), “New Sesquiterpenes from a Taiwanese Marine Sponge of the Genus Parahigginsia.” J. Chinese Chemical Society, 46 (2), 201-204. Ya-Ching Shen, Ching-Yeu Chen and Yin-Ju Chen, (1999), “Taxumairol M, A New Bicyclic Taxoid from Seeds of Taxus mairei.” Planta Medica, 65, 582-584. Chin-Yeu Chen, Ya-Ching Shen, Yin-Ju Chen & Chang-Yih Duh, (1999), “Bioactive Sesquiterpenes from A Taiwanese Marine Sponge Parahigginsia.” J. Nat. Prod., 62 (4), 573-576. Ya-Ching Shen, Yin-Ju Chen & Ching-Yeu Chen, (1999), “Taxane Diterpenoids from The Seeds of Chinese Yew Taxus chinensis.” Phytochemistry, 52, 1565-1569. Ya-Ching Shen, Tain-Tsair Lin Jyh-Horng Sheu & Chang-Yih Duh, (1999), “Structures and Cytotoxicity Relationship of Isoaaptamine and Aaptamine Derivatives.” J. Nat. Prod., 62 (9), 1264-1267. Jyh-Horng Sheu, P.J. Sung, J.H. Su, G. H. Wang, C.Y. Duh, Ya-Ching Sheu, M.Y. Chiang, I.T. Chen, (1999), “ Excavatolides U-Z, New Briarane Diterpenes from the Gorgonian Briareum excavatum.” J. Nat. Prod., 62 (10), 1415-1420. M.K. Renner, Ya-Ching Shen, X.-C. Cheng, P. R. Jensen, W. Frankmoelle, C. A. Kauffman, W. Fenical, E. Lobkovsky & J. Clardy, (1999), “Cyclomarins A-c, New Antiinflammatory Cyclic Peptides Produced by A Marine Bacterium (Streptomyces sp.)” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 121 , 11273-11276. D. G. I. Kingston, M. D. Chordia, P. G. Jagtap, J. Y. Ling, Ya-Ching Shen, B. H. Long, C. R. Fairchild & K. A. Johnston, (1999), “Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of1-Deoxypaclitaxel Analogues.” J. Org. Chem., 64, 1814-1822. Yao-Haur Kuo, Chin-Hou Lin, Shy-Yuan Hwang, Ya-Ching Shen, Yi-Ling Lee & Shyh-Yuan Li, (2000), “A Novel Cytotoxic C-Methylated Biflavone from the Stem of Cephalotaxus wilsoniana.” Chem. Pharm. Bull. 48 (3), 440-441. Ya-Ching Shen, Chin-Fan Chen, Jianjun Gao, Changqi Zhao & Ching-Yeu Chen, (2000), “Secoiridoids Glycosides from Some Selected Jasminum spp.” J. Chinese Chemical Society, 47 (2), 367-372. Ya-Ching Shen, Meng-Chieh Hung, C. V. S. Prakash & Jeh-Jeng Wang, (2000), “New Meroditerpenoids from a Taiwanese Marine Sponge Strongylophora durissima.” J. Chinese Chemical Society, 47 (3), 567-570. Ya-Ching Shen, Kuang-Liang Lo, Ching-Yeu Chen, Yao-Haur Kuo, Meng-Chieh Hung, (2000), “New Taxanes with an Opened Oxetane Ring from the Roots of Taxus mairei.” J. Nat Prod., 63 (5), 720-722. Ya-Ching Shen, Chaturvedula V. S. Prakash and Yao-To Chang, (2001), “Two new polyhydroxysteroids from the gorgonian Isis hippuris.” Steroids., 66, 721-725. Ya-Ching Shen, Chaturvedula V. S. Prakash and Yao-Haur Kuo, (2001), “Three New Furan Derivatives and A New Fatty Acid From A Taiwanese Marine Sponge Plakortis simplex Schulze.” J. Nat. Prod., 64, 324-327. Ya-Ching Shen, Ching-Yeu Chen, and Yao-Haur Kuo, (2001), “New Sesquiterpene Hydroquinones from a Taiwanese Marine Sponge, Hippospongia metachromia.” J. Nat. Prod., 64 (6), 801-803. Ya-Ching Shen, Chaturvedula V. S. Prakash, Yin-Ju Chen, Jeng-Fen Hwang, Yao-Haur Kuo, and Ching-Yeu Chen, (2001), “Taxane Diterpenoids from the Stem Bark of Taxus mairei.” J. Nat. Prod., 64 (7), 950-952. Yao-Haur Kuo, Shyh-Yuan Li, Ya-Ching Shen, Hui-Chi Hung, Ya-Wen Hsu, Rong-Jeng Tseng, Jun-Chih Ou and Chieh-Fu Chen, (2001), “Sesquiterpene Polyol Esters and Triterpenes from Celastrus punctatus.” Chin. Pharm. J., 53, 257-268. Ya-Ching Shen, Yu-Chi Lin and Michael Y. Chiang, (2001), “Juncenolide A, a New Briarane from a Taiwanese Gorgonian Junceella juncea.” J. Nat. Prod., 65 (1), 54-56. B.CONFERENCE PAPER Y.C. Shen, P. Jensen and W. Fenical, (1992), "Novel Cyclic Heptapeptide from Marine Microorganism," International Symposium on Natural Medicinal Products," November 25-26, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Y.C. Shen and William Fenical, (1993), "Bioactive Natural Products from Marine Resources-Secondary Netabolites of Sporochnus Bolleanus and Streptomyces spp.," 8th Symposium on Natural Products, August 13-14, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. Y.C. Shen and C.H. Chen, (1993), "Novel Secoiridoid Dilactones from Fraxinus uhdei," 8th Symposium on Natural Products, Aug.13-14, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (P-01) Y.C. Shen, C.Y. Duh, H.R. Tai, S.L. Lin and T.H. Huang, (1994), "Isolation and Characterization of Antitumor Substances from Selected Marine Sponges," International Symposium on Biotechnology Application in Aquaculture, December 5-10, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Y.C. Shen, (1994), "Bioactive Natural Products from Marine Organisms," 2 nd Symposium on Biology of Coral Reef, February 19-20, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Y.C. Shen, (1994), "Marine Natural Product Chemistry and Antitumor Agents from the Sea." Symposium on Technology of Marine Resources, May 26-27, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. Y.C. Shen, (1994), "Isolation and Structural Elucidation of Novel Secoiridoid Glycosides from Fraxinus Uhdei." International Congress on Natural Products Research-35th Annual meeting of American Society of Pharmacognosy, July 31-August 4, Halifax, Canada. Y.C. Shen, and C.H. Chen, (1994), "Isolation and Characterization of Alkaloids from Lycopodium Casuarinoides." The 4th Tohwa University International Symposium-Chemistry on the Biologically and Physiologically Active Natural Products, November 19-22, Fukuoka, Japan. W. Fenical, R.S. Jacobs, P.R. Jansen, Z.D. Jiang, Y.C. Shen, C.Kauffman, J. Trischman and D. Tapiolas, (1994), "Marine Bacteria as a Novel Source of New Antiinflammatory Agents.” The 4th Tohwa University International Symposium-Chemistry on the Biologically and Physiologically Active Natural Products, November 19-22, Fukuoka, Japan. Y.C. Shen, C.Y. Duh, Hung. R. Tai and S.L. Lin, (1994), "Isolation and Characterization of Antitumor Substances from Formosan Marine Sponges.” Symposium of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, December 17, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. Y.C. Shen, H.R. Tai, C.Y. Chen and Y.H. Kuo, (1995), “New Taxane Diterpenoids from the Roots of Taxus Mairei.” 10th Symposium on Natural Products, August 5, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. Y.C. Shen, C.Y. Duh, H.R. Tai, S.L.Lin and T.H. Huang, (1995), “Isolation and Characterization of Antitumor Substances from Formosan Marine Sponges.” Proceedings of the International Symposium on Biotechnology Applications in Aquaculture, Asian Fiseries Society Publication, No.10, pp.217-230. Y.C. Shen, S.L. Lin and C.C. Chein, (1995), “New Secoiridoid Glycosides from Jasminum Lanceolarium.” Symposium of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, December 10, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Y.C. Shen, C.Y. Chen and H.R. Tai, (1996), “Discovery of Bioactive Taxanes from the Roots of Taxus mairei.” 37th Annual Meeting of American Society of Pharmacognosy, July 27-31, Santa Cruz, U.S.A. Y.C. Shen and H.R. Tai, (1996), “Bioactive Taxanes Diterpenes from Taxus mairei .” PSCT Medicinal Chemistry Symposium, March 8-10, Tainan county, Taiwan, R.O.C. Y.C. Shen, C.Y. Chen and H.R. Tai, (1996), “Discovery of New Taxoids from Taiwan Yew Taxus mairei.” 11th Symposium on Natural Products, September 7, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Y.C. Shen, and P.W. Hsieh, (1996), “New Sesquiterpene Hydroquinones from Polyfibrospongia australis.” Symposium of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, December 22, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C. Y.C. Shen and C.Y. Chen, (1997), “Structures and Bioactivity of Taxoids from Taiwan Yew Taxus mairei.” International Symposium on Chinese Herbs, June 7-8, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Y.C. Shen, C.Y. Chen, Y.H. Kuo and Y.M. Lin, (1997), “Lignans from the Roots of Taxus mairei.” International Symposium on Chinese Herbs, June 7-8, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. C.Y. Chen, Y.H. Kuo and Y.C. Shen, (1997), “A New Abeo-Taxane Diterpenoid from Taxus mairei.” 12th Symposium on Natural Products, September 13, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. Y.C. Shen and P.W. Hsieh, (1997), “Secoiridoid Glucosides from Jasminum urophyllum.” 12th Symposium on Natural Products, September 13, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. Y.C. Shen, (1997), “Bioactive Constituents from Taiwanese Marine Sponges.” The 9th Naito Conference on Bioactive Products and Their Modes of Action [I]: Chemical and Biological Basis for the Diversity of Marine Life, October 15-18, Kangawa, Japan. Y.C. Shen, C.Y. Chen, P.W. Hsieh, C.Y. Duh and Y.M. Lin, (1997), “The Preparation and Evaluation of 1-Substituted 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-b-Carboline and 3,4-Dihydro- - Carboline Derivatives as Potential Antitumor Agents.” International Chemical Conference, Taipei-Chemical Synthesis 97, December 11-14, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Y.C. Shen, P.W. Hsieh and Y.H. Kuo, (1997), “Novel Neolignans from Jasminum urophyllum.” The Pharmaceutical Society of R.O.C., December 21, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Ya-Ching Shen, “Research of Natural Tumorcidal Substances from Marine and Terrestrial Resources.” First Symposium on Marine Natural Products, March 14, 1998, Kaohsiung. (invited lecture) Ching-Yeu Chen, Chang-Yih Duh and Ya-ching Shen, “Bioactive Sesquiterpenes from A Taiwanese Marine Sponge Parahigginsia sp.” First Symposium on Marine Natural Products, March 14, 1998, Kaohsiung. Yin-Ju Chen, Ching-Yeu Chen, Tsung-Ying Lu & Ya-ching Shen, “Taxoids from The Seeds of Taxus chinensis.” First Symposium on Marine Natural Products, March 14, 1998, Kaohiung. Yin-Ju Chen, Ching-Yeu Chen & Ya-ching Shen, “Taxoids from The Seeds of Taxus chinensis.” 1998 Annual Meeting of Pharmacognosy Section, Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, Symposium on New Drug Discovery from Chinese Medicine, April 9-11, 1998, Nan-tou County. Ya-Ching Shen, Tain-Tsair lin & Tsung-Ying Lu, “Secoiridoid Glucosides from Jasminum amplexicaule.” 13th Symposium on Natural Products, July 5, 1998, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Ya-Ching Shen, “Tumorcidal Substances Derived from Taiwanese Marine Marine Sponges.” ROC-PRC Symposium on Natural Product Chemistry, August 11, 1998, Beijing, P.R.C. (invited lecture) Ya-Ching Shen, “Bioactive Taxoids and Lignans from Taxus mairei.” 4 th ROC-PRC-HK Symposium on Chinese Medicine, August 18-21, 1998, Chengdu, P.R.C. Ya-ching Shen, Ching-Yeu Chen & Chang-Yih Duh, “Bioactive Taxoids from the Seeds of Taxus mairei.” Symposium of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, December 19, 1998, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Ya-Ching Shen, Meng-Chieh Hung and Chang-Yih Duh, “Meroditerpenoids from a Taiwanese Marine Sponge Strongylophora durissima.” Symposium of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, December 19, 1998, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Ching-Yeu Chen, Kuang-Liang Lo & Ya-ching Shen, “Recent Study on Taxoids of Taxus mairei.” Annual Meeting of Pharmacognosy Section, Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, April 15-17, 1999, Tainan County. Ya-ching Shen, Tain-Tsair Lin, Chang-Yih Duh &Jyh-Horng Sheu, “Preparation, Structures and Cytotoxicity Relationship of Isoaaptamine and Aaptamine Derivatives.” Proceedings of 1999 International Chemical Conference, taipei, May 12-15, 1999. Ya-Ching Shen, Ching-Yeu Chen, Kuang-Liang Lo & Meng-Chieh Hung, “Novel Taxane Diterpenoids from Taxus mairei.” The 5th Symposium on Research in Chinese Medicine and The 14th Symposium on Natural Products, Oct. 31-Nov.1, 1999, Taipei. Ya-Ching Shen, Chaturvedula Prakashs, “Heterocycles and Furan Dericatives from A Taiwanese Marine Sponge Xestospongia sp.” The 5th Symposium on Research in Chinese Medicine and The 14th Symposium on Natural Products, Oct. 31-Nov.1, 1999, Taipei. Ya-ching Shen, “Research and Development of Antitumor Agents from Taiwanese Marine Organisms.” Symposium on Development and Protection of Marine Resources, Nov. 6, 1999, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. (Invited lecture) Ching-Yeu Chen & Ya-ching Shen, “Sesquiterpene Hydroquinones from a Taiwanese Marine Sponge.” Symposium on Development and Protection of Marine Resouces, Nov. 6, 1999, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. Ya-ching Shen, & Chaturvedula Prakash, “Three New Furan Derivatives and a New Fatty Acid from a Taiwanese Marine Sponge Xestospongia sp.” Symposium on Development and Protection of Marine Resouces, Nov. 6, 1999, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. S.L. Lin, L. T. Wang, C. Y. Chen & Ya-ching Shen, “Marine Chinese Medicine-The Structure of Ambrein from Ambra Grisea.” Symposium on Development and Protection of Marine Resources, Nov. 6, 1999, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. Chaturvedula V. S. Prakash & Ya-ching Shen, “Pentacyclic polyketides From A Taiwanese Marine Sponge.” Symosium of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, December 18, 1999, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. Ya-ching Shen, Meng-chieh Hung and Chang-yih Duh, “New Taxoids from Seeds of Taxus mairei.” Symosium of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, December 18, 1999, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. Ya-ching Shen, Meng-chieh Hung, C. V. S. Prakash and Jeh-Jeng Wang, “New Constituents from Strongylophora durissima.” The 1999 Annual meeting of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, December 18-19, 1999, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. Ya-Ching Shen, Ching-Yeu Chen and Meng-Chieh Hung, “New Diterpenoids from Seeds of Taxus mairei.” The 41st Annual meeting of American Society of Pharmacognosy, July 22-26, 2000, Seattle, U.S.A. Ya-Ching Shen*, Chaturvedula. V. S. Prakash and Yao-Haur Kuo, “Three New Furan Derivatives and Anew Fatty Acid from A Taiwanese Marine Sponge Plakortis simplex Schulze.” The 41st Annual meeting of American Society of Pharmacognosy, July 22-26, 2000, Seattle, U.S.A. Ya-Ching Shen, Ching-Yeu Chen, Chaturvedula. V. S. Prakash, Jeh-Jeng Wang and Meng-Chieh Hung, “Strongdurin, A Novel Meroditerpenoid from Taiwanese Marine sponge Strongylophora durissima.” 10 th International Symposium on Marine Natural Products, June 24-29, 2001, Nago, Okinawa, Japan. Ya-Ching Shen, Meng-Chieh Hung, Ching-Yeu Chen and Le-Tung Wang, “Novel Pyranocoumarins from Calophyllum inophyllum.” The 16th Symposium on Natural Products, August 5, 2001, Kaohsiung. Ya-Ching Shen, Yu-Chi Lina and Michael Y. Chiang, “Juncenolide A, a New Briarane from a Taiwanese Gorgonian Junceella Juncea.” The 16th Symposium on Natural Products, August 5, 2001, Kaohsiung. Ya-Ching Shen, Yu-Chi Lin, Shih-Sheng Wang, Chung-Ling Lin, Yao-To Chang, Yao-haur Kuo, and Ching-Yeu Chen, “New Taxane Diterpenoids from Taiwanese Taxus mairei.” The 16th Symposium on Natural Products, August 5, 2001, Kaohsiung. Ya-Ching Shen, “Studies on Bioactive Taxoids from Taiwan Yew.” Proceedings of International Symposium on Plant Biodiversity and Development of Bioactive Natural Products, Nov. 18-20, 2001, Taichung. (Invited lecture) Ya-Ching Shen, Yao-To Chang, Yu-Chi Lin, Chung-Ling Lin, Yao-Haur Kuo, and Ching-Yeu Chen, “Novel Taxane Diterpenoids from Taiwanese Taxus mairei.” Proceedings of International Symposium on Plant Biodiversity and Development of Bioactive Natural Products, Nov. 18-20, 2001, Kaohsiung. Ya-Ching Shen, and Ching-Yeu Chen, “New Sesquiterpene Hydroquinones From A Taiwanese Marine Sponge Hippospongia metachromia.” Proceedings of International Symposium on Plant Biodiversity and Development of Bioactive Natural Products, Nov. 18-20, 2001, Kaohsiung.