How to Conduct the Coaching Session

How to Conduct the Coaching Session
What and Why of Coaching Sessions
“Coaching Sessions” are mandatory discussions held twice a year that help the employee
and manager communicate about performance, employee development and the work
environment. Coaching sessions can be done face-to-face or by telephone.
Research on performance management consistently shows that carefully done coaching
sessions can have the greatest impact on performance and employee satisfaction.
Coaching sessions are opportunities to monitor employee development plans and
performance plans. They are also opportunities to affirm good performance and to
identify potential performance problems. Moreover, coaching sessions can examine how
learning is being applied to work, and if a mentoring relationship would be helpful.
The date of the coaching session must be written on the CRS Performance
Plan/Assessment Form. A formal write-up of the coaching session is not required. If
employees and supervisors believe written documentation of the coaching session would
be helpful, they may choose to write a follow-up note after a coaching session.
Managers are reminded of the importance of affirming good performance and
addressing inadequate performance on an ongoing basis. Don’t wait for coaching
session to tell someone he is doing a good job, or that he needs to improve his work.
When to Conduct the Coaching Session
Coaching sessions should occur twice each year: four months into the year and eight
months into the year. A typical coaching session may last from 30 to 60 minutes.
How to Conduct the Coaching Meeting every Four Months
1. The employee should propose a date and time for the coaching session.
2. The manager and employee prepare individually for the coaching session by
reviewing actions taken over the past four months on the employee development plan and
employee performance plan. The manager and employee should also review the List of
CRS Values-based Behaviors.
3. The employee and manager review, individually, the techniques for giving and
receiving feedback (see page three).
CRS Performance Management System
How to do ‘Coaching’
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4. At the coaching meeting, the manager asks the employee the following questions:
1. What actions have you taken over the past four months to achieve the
objectives listed on your performance plan? This should be the detail of what the
employee has done at work. What has the employee been working on? What has
been accomplished?
2. What have you learned over the past four months? This can be learning from
day-to-day work, a special assignment, a field trip, a meeting on a new topic, or a
training event. There should be a specific review of the development plan.
3. What work relationships or partnerships have you built? These can be
partnerships with co-workers in your unit (or department or region or country
program), with partner organizations, or with a consultant, etc.
4. What part of your current job are you enjoying the most? This question helps
the employee and manager to monitor job satisfaction, explore the strengths of the
employees (people tend to enjoy what they think they do best), and check that the
skills, knowledge and behaviors required by the job match the skills and talents of
the employee.
5. What are you struggling with? What can we do about this? This question gives
the opportunity to address issues that may be preventing achievement of
performance objectives and behaviors. This is an opportunity to examine the
work environment, and decide if a mentoring relationship, or special assignment
or training opportunity might be required.
6. What will be your main focus for the next four months? Drawing on the
performance objectives and current situation in the employee’s respective unit,
identify actions that will be taken over the next four months.
7. Do we need to make changes to your performance objectives?
8. What can I do to support achievement of your objectives and reflecting CRS
job-related values in your work? While employees must be accountable for
meeting their performance objectives, managers must identify appropriate ways to
support their employees. Managers have a large role in creating the work
environment that helps an employee succeed.
5. The manager writes down on the CRS Planning and Assessment Form the date of the
coaching session.
6. The manager reports to his/her manager that coaching session took place.
7. The employee and manager act on any decisions made at the coaching session.
CRS Performance Management System
How to do ‘Coaching’
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Techniques for Giving and Receiving Feedback
When conducting the performance review sessions, it is helpful to review what a CRS
management consultant, Robert Jud, teaches us about feedback.
Feedback is:
Descriptive rather than judgmental
Directed at behavior, not the person
Alternately affirming and critical
Always done with respect
Feedback is not:
Put-downs and condescension
Moral judgments
Ridicule, embarrassment or humiliation.
How to receive feedback
Listen patiently. Don’t interrupt.
Ask good questions of clarification.
Acknowledge the feedback by summarizing what the person told you.
Acknowledge the valid points.
Managers are reminded of the importance of affirming good performance and
addressing inadequate performance on an ongoing basis.
CRS Performance Management System
How to do ‘Coaching’
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